Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Apostle David C Pack Delusion : "I"m important. I"m Somebody...I'm the real deal..."

“How people themselves perceive what they are doing is not a question that interests me. I mean, there are very few people who are going to look into the mirror and say, 'That person I see is a savage monster'; instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do.

 If you ask the CEO of some major corporation what he does he will say, in all honesty, that he is slaving 20 hours a day to provide his customers with the best goods or services he can and creating the best possible working conditions for his employees. But then you take a look at what the corporation does, the effect of its legal structure, the vast inequalities in pay and conditions, and you see the reality is something far different.”

― Noam Chomsky 

Pastor Standridge-Dave Pack's Brother from Another Mother

“People reject what they do not understand because it makes them feel small. They would rather believe in some other reality, even if it is only an illusion, so long as it makes them feel bigger.”

― Suzy Kassem,

“I'm not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers.
I'm scared of the thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be "authority", and so do their bidding, and pay for their empires, and carry out their orders.
I don't care if there's one looney with a stupid moustache. He's not a threat if the people do not believe in "authority".”

― Larken Rose

“He wanted to live in a house built on delusion, would rather believe in a million lies than face one truth."

― Marie Lu, 

“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence.”

― Larken Rose

“When enough insane people scream in harmony that they really are healthy, they can actually start to believe themselves. Or put even more simply: people with overlapping delusions get along wonderfully.”

― Daniel Mackler, 

Dave Pack finds it hard to pastor people who ignore his sermons after finding out 10-20% routinely ignore him.


The Jolt


“The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 430)” on March 18, 2023, should be remembered as “that sermon” given by David C. Pack. His greatest hissy fit ever told exemplifies what is wrong in The Restored Church of God and reveals the plight the members suffer. Fear tactics, manipulation, and coercion is RCG’s version of Christianity.


Ironically, Dave and I were on the same team when he urged everyone to hear it. Yet, we are in Opposite Land as to the reasons.


Dave believes his tough-love approach will stir people to action by inspiring them to listen to his Series again and send in their funds.


I believe his tough-love approach will stir people to action by leaving RCG and taking their money with them.


Which is more accurate? Time will tell.


The days that should weigh heavily on the minds at Headquarters this week is not Abib 1 on Wednesday but the Sunday and Monday after. Those are prime days for sending in resignation letters.


In Part 414, David C. Pack declared Abib 1 was the Day of the Lord. All the precursor events since then have been fluid, so count those as Mini-Failures:


January 23, 24, 25, 26 — February 7, 10, 22 — March 6, 7, 10, 17


Abib 1 has experienced an impressive shelf-life, having been the cornerstone for 16 Parts. Bookies in Las Vegas say the odds are favorable for Dave to "re-clarify" Abib 1 just before it happens. Waiting for him to watch it slide past without a word is the 20-to-1 longshot. Dave proclaiming, "I knew by XYZ that it was not going to happen,” is even money.


Abib 1 begins at sunset in Jerusalem at 5:51 PM on March 22, 2023. That is 11:51 AM ET. Sunrise the next day is also an option at 5:39 AM in Jerusalem, which is 11:39 PM in Wadsworth.


When the sun sets in Ohio on Thursday night at 7:42 PM, all possible options are officially off the table. The foundation of everything that everyone in RCG has been force-fed for two long months will come crashing down.



Dave began the sermon under the guise of wanting to help people. By the end, it was apparent some hides needed to be adequately tanned, and only he had the paddle large enough to do it.


Part 430 – March 18, 2023

@ 02:13 I thought things were over yesterday on Thursday. And I came to be (I’m gonna just be very heart-to-heart with you.) I got a report, and it made me desperately sorry I did not have one more message that I could give.


@ 02:45 But I wanted to talk about the things that I woke up yesterday morning, and suddenly some things occurred to me that quickly led to this graph, and I knew we were right on time.


This condescending PDF graph grossly misrepresents the past two months and is a visual form of gaslighting. This is NOT a real snapshot of the last few months.

The blank space over-simplification of the Kingdom to Israel is not only a flat lie, but this graph contradicts Dave later on. He claims that if brethren do not understand his teaching, they cannot receive the Kingdom, and God is not working with them.


But, if this graph accurately represents what he is teaching and they can understand it, then God IS working with them, they are NOT confused, they WILL receive the Kingdom, they are NOT crippled with pride, and they WILL get salvation.


You cannot fully appreciate how a simple graph defuses most of Part 430 until you hear the whole thing and look at it again. But, all that hinges upon the information on this graph being factual.


Is the graph true and accurate? If it is, then everyone in RCG is off the hook. Well, except for the money aspect that Dave claims will keep you out of the Kingdom.


Some foolish will cut a check this morning. But the wise will consider. Friday failed. So will Wednesday.


@ 02:56 And I did have one more sermon that is the single most important sermon in the Series, and, yet, it doesn’t have anything really to do with prophecy.


In a way, I also agree. I do believe everyone should hear this and listen carefully before Abib 1. Prophecy did occupy the last 30 minutes, but the intent is noted.



Part 430 was sparked by a field minister's letter to Headquarters informing Dave that some in his congregation were so confused they no longer listened to the Series or took notes.


Boy. Nothing strikes a narcissist’s core quite like hearing that some do not care what he says.


@ 04:50 So, today you’re gonna get a jolt.


God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. David C. Pack gave this message as a “jolt” for the brethren, but the letter he will read was a “jolt” for him. Part 430 is reactionary. The men at Headquarters have experienced Dave flying off the handle because a comment or question “jolted” him.


In this particular case, the entire church gets to partake.



Many facts about the state of The Restored Church of God come to light in this letter. Readers of this blog will find the themes familiar. The field minister and Dave both said more than they probably intended.


1) The field minister wrote Headquarters multiple times over two years but got either no or inadequate Church Administration support.


2) This is a church-wide issue not isolated to a single congregation.


3) More than 10%-20% of RCG are doing this.



Some of the filler comments have been removed. The letter content is in italics.


Part 430 – March 18, 2023

@ 10:59 Now here's a long letter that starts out wonderfully but does not end that way. And it's from one of our ministers, a very faithful minister…It's really a wonderful letter, and I'm so deeply thankful that he sent it. And he writes one of our ministers at Headquarters, “I thought to just quickly express gratitude and appreciation for the prophecy sermon you gave last week.” So, it was written to Mr. Habboush.


@ 11:28 “I already know it has helped many brethren understand things better and easier, especially new folks. Many have forgotten some of the new truths and new elements we learned over the last seven years. And many new brethren have never heard some of the things you explained.”


@ 11:51 And here's where the email gets to be tough to hear. And I hope it deeply sobers every person in the room. “I had four members in a PM tell me just last week how confused they are about prophecy. I directly asked brethren if they were keeping up and understanding what is being taught in the Series. Their frank responses are sometimes sobering. Many brethren are excited about the Series. But I would not be surprised if at least 10 to 20 percent of brethren in my area are confused to the point where they do not even listen to the Series anymore.They just blow it off.” Astounding. And then he talks about a recent trip to a place that he visited, and that confirmed it.


@ 13:26 I very much appreciate this letter. “The reasons they are confused may be many, but I think there are three common issues. Number One: They don't have literature and reference points they access to review, which outline the basic elements of prophecy. Think of all the charts and booklets we had to explain the Big T.” You know, the Millennium and the Seven Seals we thought preceded it. “And when I was a new member, I thought it was rather complex. Many changes in our understanding is Number Two. This caused many to stop taking notes to prevent the current understanding to get ingrained into their thinking because it will change again.”So they just stop taking notes.


When Dave spends three hours selling his latest impossible-to-argue-with prophetic construct one day and argues against himself within 48 hours, how is it not reasonable, natural, and rational to expect listeners to lose interest after seven years and 430 Parts?


Only a willfully blind, unthinking drone would strive to remember what Dave says each time. RCG members have been trained to know each Part is a brief biblical flash in the pan. How valuable are those Purim notes today? To even the All-Believing Zealots?


This does not describe a group of rebels, and this did not start at Part 5. As of March 2023, we are at Part 430. The brethren of The Restored Church of God have books of notes going back ten years that are of no value today. Zero value.


They SHOULD stop taking notes.


While at Headquarters, I changed the kinds of notes I was taking. Instead of trying to understand Dave, I began to note his goofy, stupid comments. I noted when he mentioned he was Elijah and where Elijah was in the Bible. I noted each time he praised himself. I noted each time how “inarguable” this new thing was. I noted when his piss-poor reading comprehension would butcher a verse and when the translators tied his shoelaces together.


This made sitting in that Main Hall Meat Locker somewhat tolerable. I was still taking notes, but nobody knew what KIND of notes I wrote.


@ 14:14 “Some have even said that it helped them.” Not taking notes anymore. Depends on how you mean that. They could listen better, or they could just tune it out better. I don't know, maybe both. "The effect is that when an easy part or basic truth is explained, unrelated to prophecy, they don't take notes, causing the understanding to slip easier. New brethren have zero background and have to,” so this is Number Three. “You have to sorta just figure out how to learn on the fly unless someone takes several hours to bring them up to speed. And in this context, I think sometimes the sermons come so thick and fast that it sometimes just goes over the head of not only new brethren, but also some existing members.”


I feel for the new people today. A U-turn would be a blessing for them.


I would never have left California if I had heard this in 2012. But even if the Series were at Part 420 back then, I would not have known it.


This is the deceitful bait-and-switch nature of The Restored Church of God. None of this “current understanding" is in the literature, website, or World to Come videos. People do not discover “what Mr. Pack really teaches” until they sit down in the room.


Dave’s god is perfectly comfortable tricking people to get fresh bodies through the door. As long as that “first love” money still keeps rolling in, why change the system?


@ 15:21 “Now, I referred all brethren to the ‘How God's Kingdom Will Come—Not What You Think!’ World to Come video to help them solidify the different comings of Christ. I have and will refer them to your recent sermon if they've not studied it yet. If you know of other material we can refer them to, please let me know. I've mentioned this to the Headquarters Ministry in the past, but I find brethren who struggle with the Series difficult to pastor. Several refuse to talk about the Series and will even walk away from a conversation or fellowship containing it.” Astonishing. But there are such people.


This happens at Headquarters and has for a while.


The people that walk away have a firm grasp on reality. They rightly avoid the wide-eyed All-Believing Zealots who get ramped up after every part as if it was the first time. A rational person would NOT want to be talking to those Blind Faith Zombies who get excited about Monday. But, then, Monday fails. So, they get excited about Tuesday. Tuesday fails. They get excited about Wednesday. Wednesday fails.


The failures never end. Their excitement never ends. That is the most visibly "culty" behavior in RCG. The false prophecy cordyceps have infected their brains, and there may be no cure.


@ 16:25 “I started to mention the issues in pastorate reports from more than two years ago, and sometimes I feel like it's getting worse. Sometimes not.”


Dave and his ever-changing theories are what have gotten worse, not the brethren. The 400s are a clear acceleration of desperation and incoherency. Instability has never been so prevalent inside RCG, and the brethren are reacting to it.


@ 16:35 “We all have found some elements of the Series hard to follow, too. But I never want to give brethren the impression that I am in any way undermining the Series or our father in the gospel. Yet at the same time, I fully appreciate the obligation I have towards the sheep God has put in my care. I just try my best to communicate what I see on the ground back to Headquarters. It's been a challenging task to keep many of the sheep glued to it and excited. It remains awkward to balance. If Friday comes and goes,” Well, it did, fortunately. And it went. It came and went, and I get to give this sermon. “I look forward to exploring (rather urgently) ways to help those who are not actively following the Series anymore. Any ideas will be welcomed. Recently, I mentioned to the Headquarters Ministry how I may want to give a sermon on the Series one day. Maybe two parts just to help their understanding of basic elements. The three iterations, the Seventh and Eighth Head, timing of resurrections, et cetera. You already covered several parts of it. Thanks again.” And how I love reading the last part of that. That's a proactive pastor. 


I recommend this field minister holds off on putting his sermon notes together until after this weekend. As of Thursday, Dave will have to burn the last two months to the ground and start over on top of the ashes. The next focus will be on Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. Again.


That letter was the catalyst for Part 430.



@ 18:11 My last sermon was always intended by God to keep RCG and its individual houses intact so the church would not be broken up.


@ 18:36 Because this minister cannot possibly be the only one experiencing this.


This long-reported result of the Series is getting so visible they were forced to address it. Like when Dave finally admitted after six months that RCG paid a half-million dollars for a new house connected to the Campus.


My great hope is that Part 430, combined with the Abib 1, will create a “call to action” for the brethren of The Restored Church of God. By Friday morning, more people will be seriously considering their ways.


The letter jolted Dave, and he jolted the brethren. Let God's will in this matter be done in all haste.

Marc Cebrian
See: The Jolt

Dave Pack Reading Letter About Members Who Refuse To Listen To His Madness Anymore


From COG Critic

Video of Pack reading the letter he received detailing how the members are confused with many now refusing to listen to him.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Dave Pack: If you do not listen me, pay me, and believe me…you will NOT receive the kingdom


The Greatest Hissy Fit


David C. Pack chastised The Restored Church of God for 97 minutes by disguising it as a Christian-living sermon titled, “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 430)” on March 18, 2023.


This is more accurate:


The Greatest Hissy Fit Ever Told!”


Part 430 is THE quintessential David C. Pack.


To fully appreciate the scope, everyone should listen to the entire tirade. Those in RCG, those who left, and even people who never attended but are curious as to what is being taught behind the locked gates in Wadsworth, Ohio. It is THAT kind of sermon.


Dave caresses your cheek, saying he is trying to help while tossing you into the Lake of Fire and pointing out it is your fault.


The skimmers will NOT want to skim this.


Friday failed. But Wednesday, March 22, is sure.

Do not listen to Dave? You will NOT get salvation.

Do not pay Dave? You will NOT get salvation.

Do not believe Dave? You will NOT receive the Kingdom.

Confused? God is NOT working with you.

“Seek Ye First” IS Prophecy



This week, David C. Pack was informed by a field minister that “at least 10%-20%” of his congregation do not listen to the Series anymore.


Dave blew a gasket, and this is why we have Part 430. The less-significant reason never fully addressed is that God the Father did not come to earth Friday to start the First Kingdom to Israel. That will happen on Wednesday, March 22, but first things first.


Finding out a significant portion of the RCG membership stopped listening to Dave must have pierced into the depths of his soul. His arrogant, narcissistic, self-important ego was cut in a way nothing else on the face of the earth could.


He addresses it Big Time.


Part 430 – March 18, 2023

@ 01:44 If you know some who’ve stopped listening to or hearing the Series, tell them to hear this. ASAP. You might save their life.


Did you hear that, brethren? Listening to Dave might save your life.


Part 430, combined with Abib 1 on Wednesday Jerusalem time, is a significant line-in-the-sand for everyone attending The Restored Church of God. This week should be a massive one-two punch to the gut for those paying any attention.


May God help every one of them HEAR the words of David C. Pack. Listen to the man closely. Take it to heart. Consider his warnings. Do not blow him off. That is a sincere plea. Everyone should hear Part 430.


The next 25 minutes begin with Dave reading and commenting on the letter sent in by a field minister. That alone is worth its own article. Then, Dave reminds people about the attitudes in The Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong.


All that is set up for Dave to lay into his audience because he wants to "jolt" them into action. The brethren of The Restored Church of God should all take serious action after hearing this message and after Abib 1 fails this week. It will surely fail.


@ 27:53 I mean, you blowing off I just I’m astonished that people could I’m amazed they didn’t quit. They don’t even bother to listen? What in the world are they thinking? If they’re thinking at all. They certainly couldn’t possibly get salvation. God is not gonna force on them something they’re not interested in hearing about. That would make God a fool. He'd be a fool. Do these people connect that? "I believe God is a fool. He'll give me salvation whenever He wants to. I don't believe any of this." But they don't leave. You hope that some of them haven't gone to the point where they're about to leave if time went on and God says they’re unbelieving hypocrites. Why? They get an appointment with the unbelievers and the hypocrites.


Did you hear that, brethren? If you ignore Dave, you will not get salvation.


@ 31:40 So, people looking for absolute simplicity (‘cause they’re confused over the Series) looking for absolute simplicity should become Methodists. They’re the church for those people unless they wanna change. Unless they wanna change. Better yet, be atheists. Believe nothing. Don’t believe anything.


Like many things, Dave does not get it.


Brethren in RCG do not want simple. They want accuracy. The Series is not true.


Friday was yet another proof of that.



@ 36:41 Now, think, brethren: When you say you're going to "seek the Kingdom of God first" and eternal life, that is intrinsically a statement about prophecy. The first thing you’re to seek is something that is prophesied. It’s not here.


Did you hear that, brethren? Seek Ye First is about prophecy.


Since RCG was founded in 1999, “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” has always been about “building God’s holy, righteous character to qualify to enter.” In the past, Dave said understanding how prophecy worked was not a qualifier for salvation. But it is now.


@ 36:58 You can get baptized here. You can avoid a ham sandwich here. You can keep the Sabbath here or the Feast here. Or tithe here. You can do all those things here. You cannot have the Kingdom of God yet. It involves looking into the future at what's still coming. That's called prophecy. You cannot seek the Kingdom of God first, never mind if you wanna really understand what's coming, unless you're willing to get into certain verses. What turned out to be like almost, I mean, really, silly simple was a hard journey.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God have been “willing to get into certain verses” for over seven years. Repeating those same verses a dozen times with a new meaning each time does not build faith. Talk about “wearing out the saints.”


One uncomfortable fact is that listening to the entire Series gets nobody closer to the Kingdom of God. In reality, it pushes them further away because David C. Pack is not preaching the truths of God.


Friday was yet another proof of that.



@ 38:55 But some don't want the truth of prophecy either. Because if prophecy, if they understand they really understand the Gospel and the Kingdom, they've gotta do it and obey it, and there's verses that say both, and they don't wanna do that. So, they don’t have a problem with prophecy. They’re confused because they're not close to God, and He's not working with them. And then, eventually, they tune it out. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. “I don’t need to be told anything.” And because God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble, they resist the truth. There’s a verse about that, too. So, if God is resisting you because of your pride, then you're gonna resist the truth, and no wonder you'll be confused. Because God isn’t working with you. It’s that simple. Now, the people who are holding these attitudes today have not left. So, I am hopeful. I wanna see the house not broken up. I wanna see us stay together.


Did you hear that, brethren? If you are confused, God is not working with you.


If you are confused, it is because you resist the truth.


If you are confused, it is because of your pride.


You do not want to obey the Gospel.


David C. Pack has not talked to a solitary soul about why they stopped listening to him, yet he completely understands their hearts and perceives their innermost motivations. He can judge from the lectern who God is or is not working with in RCG and the reasons why.


The brethren WANT to obey God. The brethren WANT to live God's way. The brethren WANT to build their character, befitting of salvation. But they are torn because they do not believe David C. Pack.


Friday was another proof their doubts were manifested in reality.



Ultimately, it is always about the money. There is no point in whipping the church if Dave cannot add juice to fatten the RCG wallet.

@ 39:57 It's your Father's good pleasure (not just His pleasure) to give you the kingdom. But then it lists some things to do. And the first one it says is, "Sell all that you have." Now, I'm gonna be very blunt. We have brethren in this church who are sitting on a tremendous amount of money, and they will not do that. Now, why they didn't leave, I don't know. They must think, “I guess that's for the people dumb enough to have faith and do it.” But they won't do it. If all the people with the money (even in our size church) had sent it in, we could rock the planet (just with our size). Or maybe pay off the buildings or whatever we’d do.




Dave admits he would spend the money on preaching the Gospel to the world. But maybe just spent it on the Campus. Or "whatever we do" is open to interpretation, like buying the $500,000 house in July.


He sometimes says things he does not realize he is saying. Where does all that money go that they have now? The pattern of RCG for seven years running is the Campus—first, the Gospel—eventually. There are new trees and gardens each year, but no new literature. The last World to Come was produced five years ago. AYC 2020 did not happen, but the parents and teens were not refunded.


One crazy question is: If the Father is set to arrive on Wednesday, why does he care about funds for work that will not happen? Why is he pressuring for money when he will not have time to cash the checks?


It is because he knows it will be regular office hours on Thursday. And they NEED the money.


@ 40:42 I know individuals with hundreds of thousands. You couldn't possibly tell me they either believe God when He says that (and there's 4-5-6-8 places where it talks about “sell all”). They couldn't possibly believe that Christ is coming.


Maybe they did on Thursday. But Friday was another proof David C. Pack has no idea what God is doing and when things will occur. Those holding back funds are wise to do so.


@ 40:57 And I know that I either just helped some people out there because I jolted them or I offended them because I tried to save their life. I don't know. Now if they said they believe God and they don't, they're liars. If they don't pay Common, they're thieves. That makes them lying thieves. And I think you pretty much know they're not gonna be saved.


Did you hear that, brethren? Pay Common, or you are lying thieves.


If you do not pay Common, you will not be saved.


This is David C. Pack trying to save your life.



The money grab turns darker. Since Dave is all about death, anyhow, the cash angle is an easy dot to connect.


@ 41:47 So, if you don't sell all and you're part of the little flock, you should fear. “Fear not” is not for you. It's for the people that are doing it. You’re not getting the kingdom. You're gonna enter (at best) raging hell and face death. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You're not you have no chance. Not only for salvation but to avoid the Great Tribulation. You won't be pampered anywhere in the prison you go to, where you'll be tortured and killed. Wow, that's called a jolt. Then you should ask yourself, “What did my funds and savings do for me now that I'm here? And I'm being beaten to death before I actually am put to death?” It says they're gonna be beaten with many stripes.


Did you hear that, brethren? Pay Common or be tortured and killed.


This is David C. Pack trying to save your life.


Says the man who proclaimed the Father would arrive on Friday morning and then spends all of Part 430 not explaining what happened.



@ 1:02:30 Three things will result from today. Some now on fire will become more so. That's good…Others who are not will repent. That's good, too. The third one, hopefully, none, but a few may get offended because they’re told to change at the last minute and get angry at somebody trying to save their life. I’ve seen it happen.


By "change," Dave means to listen to his Series and write him a check.


@ 1:04:23 Don’t be surprised if some destroy themselves.


@ 1:04:36 If you know people who aren't listening, try to get them at least to listen to this message. I hope 10 to 20 percent is not typical of every congregation. And he said, “at least.”


I agree. Please get anyone you can to listen to this message. The 97 minutes is worth your time.



Dave breaks his non-prophecy theme in the last 30 minutes and explains the new picture. It boils down to Abib 1 being the day the Kingdom to Israel is established. It is sure and perfect.


But he is still able to get defensive about it.


@ 1:31:33 If God had picked somebody else, then maybe we’da done it faster. But, in the end, it became terribly simple.


David C. Pack does not understand one bit about the people he rules. He plums the depths of their being and can draw out the essence of what they think and why. So he assumes.


The brethren care about accuracy, not speed. We all wanted that. I would still be working across the street if Dave had stopped setting dates and highlighting where he is all over my Bible.


He had one shot to be legitimate and blew it in 2013. He has spent the last 10 years over-explaining what a hack he really is.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God long for Jesus Christ to return and bring His Kingdom. David C. Pack is just not the guy who will carry that ball across the goal line. 


What is “terribly simple” is that David C. Pack is a false apostle and false prophet. He cannot entertain the idea that he is to blame for brethren tuning him out. It is solely their fault. He gave not one inch to the notion he had anything to do with people giving up or leaving. He washed his hands of that blood and found himself guiltless.


That is the kind of man he is.


Hopefully, Part 430 showed everyone who and what David C. Pack is. He is an Angel of Light pretending to be from God. He is a biblical fraud. A charlatan. A magician perverting the scriptures with his verbal magic. He is a blaspheming liar, and nothing he says should be believed.


Did you hear Part 430, brethren?


His Greatest Hissy Fit was all for you.

Marc Cebrian

See: Hissy Fit

Aleksandar Sasha Veljic "We who are his friends tried to rescue CCOG by telling him things he did not believe and presenting him arguments and proofs he simply dismissed. "


You posed a question: can Bob Thiel get any crazier? Well, perhaps he can. Prior to his sermon on government and gossip, I got an email in which he asked if Terry Nelson has lost it for posting on this site. I replied to him that I am not a dictator, so Terry Nelson is a free moral agent who makes his own decisions, and God is judge of him, as He is of all of us. Then I reminded him of various comments I receive from his followers, one of which was a detestable email from African CCOG "evangelist" Evans, who wrote that I am capable of only one thing: to sow discord among the brethren. Then, I reminded Bob of his own words to Terry Nelson`s son whom Bob accussed of being blind and put a reference to Christ`s letter to Laodiceans. So, then, I told Bob that it is really a good question who lost it and what has been lost!? In the meantime, friends informed me that his message had gone up. Regardless of my total dislike of his approach, while he ignores the factual evidence of awful corruption and misdeeds, I will not make any response to that. In my email to him, I asked him to please remind his followers that pride comes before destruction, and I pointed out that I have asked all those associated with me not to attack him and his CCOG. I also reminded Bob of the men who have created all the mess in CCOG in Africa and I also cautioned him that his CCOG may soon be faced directly with Romans 13. Because some of now former CCOG members in Malawi decided to appeal to their government over the various abuses they received from CCOG representative there. So, the evidence of various - as I call them - crimes against humanity is at the Malawian government. Let it also be known that Malawian government kindly registered Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God, being thankful to us who have stood up for the oppressed Malawian believers. It is the first country where we were registered and it is symbolic because that the country where the worst abuses have happened against members in the name of "government of God".  

And one more comment about calling into account that always comes from the TOP, not from the basest bottom. From which top it can come? CCOG has only one person at the top. And the closest person to Bob in the rank is "evangelist" who has created his own evil personal church empire, yet has audacity to write a detestable letter to me in which he puts me down with his pride and disgusting comments. Surely, he could only insult me and praise himself that he is the one in Africa, he does a mighty work, etc. So, no, nobody could hold Bob Thiel accountable from the top, for no one than him is on the top. We who are his friends tried to rescue CCOG by telling him things he did not believe and presenting him arguments and proofs he simply dismissed. We have done our duty before God and Christ for we have to submit to God rather than to any man. Terry Nelson has even gone that far to inform the widest audience about all those things by posting it here.  

To anonymous comment from LCG: there is no reason for you in LCG to laugh about this tragedy because for many years you enjoyed the fellowship and blogs from Bob Thiel. Also, remember what the Bible says about rejoicing over somebody`s fall. There are some things laughable about LCG, but I don`t feel like laughing. It hurts me that the Body of Christ has been fragmented by various leaders who were driven by their vanity, egoism and pride. Rod Meredith and other COG leaders today are not innocent of that either. 

To those who made reference to Joyce and David, can you have mercy and refrain from such comments?! Would Christ have that kind of attitude in this or any other situation for that matter?