Tuesday, October 17, 2023

We Would Rather Be Offended By A Picture of Jesus Than Ever Actually Following Him

This was on a Sabbatarian Facebook group the other day. Armstrongism has had a long record of mocking Christians and others who figuratively portray Jesus in art.

The following person took all the junk we were ever spoon-fed and wrapped it all up into one statement:

Never ceases to amaze me when I tell and (show Proof), that the depictions (Images) people see on the internet, art, photos, in church buildings, synagogues, temples, etc., drawings, etc. of a Jesus Christ looking like a hippy, wearing a dress, drunkard, a dope-head, uncouth, unshaven, feminine looking, looking like a drag queen (without the makeup), a transgender, etc., people seem to get somewhat hostile, arrogant, judgmental(condemning), They don't seem to realize such images of Christ originates (starting about 300 years), "after" the apostles and started in Rome, and Jesus Christ looked nothing like those images that have depicted Him as what I have listed herein. But people have been sooo ingrained with those images for "soooo long", that to the general public violating the second Commandment means nothing and is a normal way of seeing Christ......They don't care that it is blasphemoussooooo sad.....I tell those who get angry to read Romans chapter 1 and then 1 Corinthains chapter 1:14. I tell them God The Father taught Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ taught the Apostles....They in turn taught the brethren.....But like sooo many before them, they "Tune" all of it "Out"....

He even produced a video (sound only) of him speaking on the subject. If you thought Bouncing Bob Thiel was a poor speaker, wait till you hear this good old boy. 

If these Armstrognites took the amount of energy they expended on getting all pissy over some pictures, imagine what would happen if they rechanneled that energy into actually following that Jesus they ridicule yet know so little about.

Restored Church of God: Godfrey Denhere Exit Letter


Restored Church of God

Godfrey Denhere Exit Letter


October 10, 2023


Dear Mr. Louis Grey,


I trust this email finds you well.


First of all, l want to take this opportunity to thank you for your guidance since you took over the reins after the demise of Mr. Lomas. You resuscitated the church from spiritual lethargy, and l was personally inspired by your approach to guiding God's flock. It was a breath of fresh air and inspiring to witness the growth and fruit that came with the blessings as everything was restored in place.


However, over the years since the advent of the prophecy series, things have taken a dramatic shift, and the simplicity of Christ is no more. The teachings from David Pack are nothing short of blasphemous. The man has taken all the titles that belong to Christ, and here is a short list of the ones that come to mind:


Joshua the High Priest

Elijah the Prophet

The Branch

Messenger of the Covenant 


Many times this year, l have beseeched God to show me the simplicity in Christ, and God has been faithful to show me even more than l asked. Time and space do not allow me to delve into the many details, but l have shared with you one aspect relating to Christ's ministry, which l proved in various ways that it began in 30 AD. Many other details about prophecy are now clear, but it is pointless to share them with you because you will not believe them.


I will mention one prophecy that God opened my mind to clearly understand. It is unmistakable that David Pack is fulfilling the prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. I have shared this information with you in the past, but you probably didn't read it. I talked to almost all brethren at the Feast, and no one understands the “present truth” of the prophecy series. They are all confused except for a few blue-eyed followers who can't even explain the “present truth” from the Bible. They must first read their notes, which they don't even understand. I have much to say, but it is pointless. 


The time has come for me to flee from the jaws of the man of sin. I will not sit by and be spiritually tortured by lies and deception as the ministry justifies and protects this great fraud. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 is instructive to “....not be afraid of him.” Check the meaning of “afraid” in the Strong’s Concordance.


Luke 21:8 is even more specific. In the temple, Christ gave a warning meant for the last era: "Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying I am [Christ]; and the time draws near, go ye not therefore after them.”


Who has come in this present age in the Churches of God saying, “I am Elijah the Prophet / The Branch / Messenger of Covenant” (and more)? Who has predicted many times that the time draws near? Mr. Grey, I leave you to fill in the gaps…



God has a sense of irony that is unparalleled. Below are the words of David C. Pack from his book, “The Government of God—Understanding Offices and Duties.”


The Government of God—Understanding Offices and Duties

David C. Pack

Chapter 13 – False Apostles

pp. 241-242


     False leaders are always known by the FALSE TEACHINGS they bring, which they invariably seem to bring “privately,” until their victims have been conditioned to believe something they had not recognized as new. By then it is often too late to recover. The key for the brethren is to stay alert and to act before it is too late.

     But the warning applies to the ministry as well. In Acts 20, Paul was speaking to the assembled Ephesian elders for the final time before his life was to end in Rome. He told them to “Take heed…unto yourselves, and to all the flock…For I know this, that after my departing [his death] shall grievous wolves enter in among you [there it is, again], not sparing the flock” (vs. 28-29). Many believe this only occurred in the first century, or in the WCG. They could not be more wrong. In fact, the widespread blindness of the Laodicean age ensures the problem will be more subtle, with more kinds of less obvious heresies brought in “privately,” and probably more than at any other time in Church history.

     Paul’s warning continued to the elders: “Also of your own selves shall men arise…” (vs. 30). The ministry is warned here—and this must have been a very sobering statement when heard!—that some right there in the group would turn doctrinally corrupt. Therefore, the danger for the ministers was the same as the brethren. It would be their associates within the ministry standing up “speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them” (same verse).

     Of course, it would generally be the TOP LEADERS who were in a position to “draw away after them(selves)” more than could any pastor or elder within a larger organization. The ministry is to be watching among themselves for such “top” wolves.

     Paul’s warning in Acts 20 to the assembled Ephesian elders carries this very warning, when speaking of “grievous wolves.” The Greek word translated “grievous” is most correctly translated “heavy” or “weighty” (but also “grave” or “burdensome”). We might then best describe what God had in mind through Paul as HEAVYWEIGHT WOLVES. Pause to consider until the meaning intended sinks in!’’


The bolded emphasis is mine. Pages 243-244 continue another warning from Paul to the Corinthians.


     Paul warned the Corinthians: “For such are FALSE APOSTLES, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” (II Cor. 11:13-15).

     Let me repeat: False apostles—deceitful workers—in the world are no threat to God’s people. It is in the Church where these men present danger to the flock. Therefore, Paul’s reference to Satan and “his ministers” means ministers he controls “among” God’s flock.

     Do not miss this!

     Grasp this most stunning reality. The archenemy, Satan the devil, has ministers whom he directly controls within the Church of God. Some claim high office. This is the message of II Corinthians 11:13-15. We are specifically told—warned!—that these men among God’s people are hard to discern—they appear as angels of light—and can even look like APOSTLES!’’



Finally, Mr. Grey, here is a warning from Mr. Hebert W. Armstrong.


“Did Christ Reorganize the Church?”

Herbert W. Armstrong

The Good News

February 1939


     It is US Satan is seeking to deceive. He will deceive even the very elect IF POSSIBLE. And it is possible if we are careless, and assume things without careful study of all sides, and ample PROOF from the Scripture. We must be continually ON OUR GUARD never trusting any man, or even a board or group of men, but God alone, through His holy word!

     The scriptures speak of FALSE apostles, and of “them which SAY they are apostles, and are not, but hast found them LIARS.” (II Cor. 11:13; Rev. 2:2). Let us beware being deceived. It is the COMMANDMENT KEEPERS whom the Devil seeks, in these latter days, to deceive!


For some time, it has become a burden for me to sacrifice to support a work led by the man of sin, and I withdraw from being a member of RCG. I will not sit and wait for the miracles to start happening. God will lead me to the next step of my calling.


Thank you once again for everything while I was a member.


I do not wish to be contacted to discuss anything.


Kind regards,

Godfrey Denhere

(Courtesy of Marc Cebrian)

Monday, October 16, 2023

Fun Facts You Never Knew: Aaron Dean Started The Laodicean Era Of God's Church!


From Samuel Kitchen. No commentary is needed, though highlights are mine:

On January 16, 1986, a patriarch, a father figure to the Worldwide Church of God died.
Herbert W. Armstrong had spoken many times to the Church congregations prior to his death, about what he was doing in the case of his death.
In one sermon, he stated to the Church that he did not have any authority to choose someone to be his successor. God would have to choose that someone. What he did have authority to do, is set up an Advisory Council of Elders to take lead in the meantime if he was to die and God did not yet raise up a successor.
That might surprise a great deal of you reading. He stated that rather strongly and he stated it in official capacity as Apostle of Jesus Christ to the Worldwide Church of God!
He was serious.
Just prior to his death, the membership of the Church received a January 10th letter authored by Mr. Aaron Dean, Mr. Armstrong's assistant, who sent it out under Mr. Armstrong's signature. Mr. Dean said, all that Mr. Armstrong could do is squeeze his hand in acknowledgment. Mr. Armstrong did not personally type or speak that letter.
Now the condition of Mr. Armstrong's health is deeply concerning. If he wasn't able to speak on January 10, then how could he speak later to the Advisory Council of Elders about choosing Joseph W Tkach Sr as a successor? Why would he choose a successor if he himself said God did not give him the authority to?
Mr. Aaron Dean, has spoken many times on the events surrounding the death of Mr. Armstrong. He described what Mr. Armstrong was doing prior to “picking Tkach”. He spoke of Mr. Armstrong doing something similar to what God had the prophet Samuel do to the sons of Jesse, when choosing a successor. He said Mr. Armstrong would examine the various men on the Advisory Council of Elders, and something would pop up or the minister would say something and God showed Mr. Armstrong that “it cant be him”. So Mr. Armstrong would move on to another man and go through the same process of examination.
When it came to Mr. Aaron Dean, Mr. Armstrong stopped and told him “I want you to be Pastor General”. Mr. Dean refused and claims he “talked Mr. Armstrong out of it”, of making him the next Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God.
Mr. Armstrong was in a sense was casting lots, and he looked to Jesus Christ to show him the man Christ Himself chose. Mr. Armstrong COULD NOT CHOOSE A SUCCESSOR! He himself said so!
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse, an evangelist of the Worldwide Church of God, gave a sermon (Available on wwcg-archives.com) saying Mr. Armstrong had placed Joseph W Tkach Sr into the role of “Deputy Pastor General”. So if Mr. Armstrong was to die, Mr. Tkach would AUTOMATICALLY become by default the next Pastor General.
Mr. Armstrong died while evaluating Mr. Joseph W Tkach Sr. The last two men to see Mr. Armstrong was Joseph W Tkach Sr and Aaron Dean. They knew the exact time of his death and where he died.
Witnesses claim Two men fled the campus that day, claiming “they killed Mr. Armstrong, and we are next”. I don't know exactly what that implicates. Who are “they”? And was Mr. Armstrong really murdered?
So Joseph Tkach Sr became the next Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God legally by default. The rest of the men of the ministry rose up to the occasion and supported him.
Looking at the fruits of what happened afterwards, did Christ really want the Church and work to be dismantled and led into perverse doctrines and apostasy?
Was it God's Will that it head that way? Or was it men's choice?
Why would Jesus Christ who had raised up the Worldwide Church of God, lead it into apostasy. He wouldn't.
So the fruits of what happened is evidence that Joseph Tkach was not God's pick. But like a King Saul, God allowed it. We all are given freedom of Choice to walk God's Way or not. Men chose to walk away from God and His Truth and the fruits are plainly evident here.
But whom did God show Mr. Armstrong the man who was to be the next Pastor General of “GOD'S CHURCH”? Not man's church, a physical organization called a Church. Mr. Armstrong wrote and spoke PLENTY about this subject and How to Identify God's Church and what the Church REALLY is!
The man is still around. Mr. Aaron Dean. Christ's Apostle's assistant. A man chosen by God's Apostle and trained to do the duties from the lowest of positions to the highest. Trained to be a Servant to all. And that training was not in vain. But while one is working in another house, God's House lies in ruins so to speak.
Now for all intensive purposes, he is the ONLY man left who had been apart of the choosing of a successor. Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong gave him the mantle of spiritual leadership over the ministry, to JUDGE THE HOUSE. Mr. Dean was made to promise that he would STAND UP and condemn sin, and to warn the Church and ministry of departures from Jesus Christ! To KEEP the Church ON GOD'S TRACK! He has said this himself MANY OF TIMES.
That is a spiritual role.
If Tkach was ever to depart from Christ, HE WAS TO SPIRITUALLY LEAD THE CHURCH (under Jesus Christ) INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
That is astounding.
Satan got ahold of Mr. Tkach and the leading men and changed track and direction. Because of this departures God removed Mr. Dean where he was fired and ostracized from Mr. Tkach's team. In the wake of Satan's heat upon those placed by Christ to stand for God and His Truth, Mr. Dean turned his focus on his own house, He wanted a wife, and a family, and 20 years. God answered that prayer. Because it wasn't God's time yet. But in the meantime, the Church slipped into a laodicean condition! Read Haggai 1:4 and surrounding verses. They focused on their own houses instead of Standing up for God's House, God's Church which was being ravaged by those who hated us!
Satan had raised up organizations which are tied to civil governments around the world, and those previously of the Worldwide Church of God went to those organizations to do a work.
Now, they ALL BASE their purpose and WORK, UPON THE JANUARY 10TH LETTER, which AARON DEAN WROTE! Which is the FOUNDATIONAL DOCUMENT of this LAODICEAN CONDITION! In that letter, he wrote “the greatest work lies ahead”. That was from Aaron Dean! Mr. Herbert W Armstrong did not write it.
So for 20 years he helped where he could with God's people among the various COG GROUPS. Like Aaron with the Children of Israel, when Moses was on the Mount Sinai.
At the end of the 20 years, in 2010, Aaron Dean was hired by the United Church of God.
In 2010, our family began to warn the various COG GROUPS of the departures from Jesus Christ!
Aaron Dean's job could no longer be done, because he had JOINED one of the groups that was drastically different than The Worldwide Church of God as it were under Christ's Apostle Mr. Herbert W Armstrong! He married a “strange woman”, a different identity, no longer with those calling themselves “The Worldwide Church of God”, but with an organization called by a different name, with different doctrines and beliefs, yet somewhat appearing like the old church. One may have 99% of what was previously taught, but until one is 100% like the one before, they're not the same at all! That is why God calls the Laodiceans to REPENTANCE! To become God's Church! Although they believe they are God's Church, 100% right.
In Zechariah we read about a Joshua the High Priest, who was UNABLE TO PERFORM HIS PRIESTLY DUTIES in God's Church. In Ezra 10:18, we see that Joshua the High Priest, the PASTOR GENERAL OF THE PRIESTHOOD, married to a strange wife. He was UNABLE TO PERFORM his ministerial and priestly duties in the Temple of God until he put away that strange wife!
So, our family was led to STAND UP and condemn the sin and warn the scattered Church membership of the Worldwide Church of God of the departures from Jesus Christ!
Notice Zechariah 3, and what God does. Joshua the High Priest has Satan standing there ready to resist him. Now Satan wasn't resisting him while being in this condition while married to a “strange wife”. He was READY TO RESIST HIM. Satan was going to resist him if he began to obey God! Mr. Armstrong protested to Mr. Dean that “It comes with the job” regarding the SATANIC attacks and persecutions. One reason WHY Mr. Dean refused to stand up and take the position God was offering him THEN! He told Mr. Armstrong that the One in the leadership role is the one who gets the most attacks and flak. Mr. Armstrong said it comes with the job!
And so the Lord, Jesus Christ Himself rebukes Satan! Satan flees. And that may come only by Prayer and Fasting. If certain demons require Prayer and Fasting to leave, as Jesus Christ says, How much is required for Satan himself?? So this man NEEDS our prayers!
Then Christ tells those that STOOD BEFORE HIM, to remove the filthy garments of this man. Their job was to expose the sin which was keeping this man from performing his temple and priestly duties!
My family has been involved with this, concerning Aaron Dean.
Christ tells this Joshua that Christ himself had CAUSED his iniquity to pass from him. He was behind the work of exposing the sins! Christ tells him that “I will clothe thee with change in raiment”.
Notice Zechariah 3:5, “And I said,(the prophet Zechariah) Let THEM...(Now who are THEM? Those who had been commanded to TAKE AWAY THE FILTHY GARMENTS! Those who stood before Joshua!)...Let THEM set a fair mitre(or crown) upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and CLOTHED HIM WITH GARMENTS.
And the angel of the Lord, or God's messenger, stood by overseeing this task! Going back to what God says in Zechariah 4:9-11. God's Messenger and End Time Elijah is overseeing the crown making, because it is through his hands, the cleansing that was first produced and started. It will be FINISHED by his hands! You cannot REMOVE HERBERT W ARMSTRONG AT ALL!! And it is done by God's Holy Spirit! And God is going to FINISH the CLEANSING OF HIS CHURCH!
Then God's servant begins the task of WARNING this man who has been cleaned up.
Now turn to Zechariah 6, and see more on those who STOOD BEFORE this Joshua, who was given the job of removing the filthy garments using what Christ's Apostle prepared and built and instructed and taught, the instrument and know how, God's WAY of doing things, in this clothing and cleansing of Joshua.
Many of these COG GROUPS will teach that those who stood before Joshua were EVIL PEOPLE. But it is clear Christ was leading them, it was the work of JESUS CHRIST! When God said DO THIS, THEY DID IT!
Zechariah 6:10 & 14, we find a mention of the “house of Josiah, and the house of Hen, the son of Zephaniah”. Commentators will say that this is speaking of one HOUSEHOLD. The complete name would be “Josiah-Hen”. Josiah means “supporter of Yah, or Yah supports”. Hen means “grace”.
God is saying here that ONLY through the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD and what God gave them, will work! He means what He said! AMEN!
Their job was to receive the materials and the know how to MAKE CROWNS and place them on the head of Joshua. The Blueprint of God's MASTER PLAN. The Way God restored through His Apostle and End Time Elijah Mr. Herbert W Armstrong.
Since 2010, my family has been standing up and condemning sin and warning the Church of departures of what has been taught through Mr. Armstrong, the apostle of Jesus Christ!
That job was first given to Mr. Aaron Dean! But when he joined one of the COG organizations, he could no longer perform that role! He tried to one time, address questions members brought to him in another organization and he was muzzled by the UCG. He could not do it any longer!
So unable to perform his duties, God brought a household, to MAKE CROWNS, to do a work where they end up GIVING TO HIM A CROWN OR POSITION OVER THE HOUSE. The house discussed in the books of Haggai and Zechariah is the Temple of God! Mr. Armstrong said the Worldwide Church of God is the spiritual FULFILLMENT OF THAT TEMPLE!
What have we been fighting for and preserving since 2010 brethren? THE IDENTITY AND EXISTANCE OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD!
No one wants it, and Satan has a great deal of people trying to DESTROY that identity, in order to gain the membership of the Worldwide Church of God as members of one of these COG GROUPS.
Christ led this work through my father, until his untimely death in the beginning of this year. In Zechariah 6:11, the household being used by Christ, was to be the instrument God uses to SET UPON the head of the next PASTOR GENERAL the CROWNS which picture authority and leadership! Also it is God's acknowledgment of the Man He Chose! My father died when the job Christ gave to him was FINISHED!!! And his last act was to submit to the man God chose for anointing. That showed us whom God has chosen!
That job will be SET UPON THE HEAD OF A CLEANED UP MAN, who was already chosen to be the Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God! And very soon this will happen! And the only man God has shown us is Mr. Aaron Dean. But there are things yet to happen before this happens.
Notice what is spoken about NEXT in Zechariah 6.
And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord: (The BRANCH is Jesus Christ, and no man)
Even he(Christ, The Branch) shall build the temple of the Lord; and he(Christ) shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his(Christ's) throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. (between Christ and this man)
God's Church is pictured BACK ON THE TRACK here!
This pictures God once again RULING His CHURCH through ONE MAN AT A TIME (an absolute truth), but this only happens when this man is cleaned up and placed once again over The Worldwide Church of God membership at this time.
Zechariah 6:14 And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the Lord.
And they that are far off SHALL COME and build in the temple of the Lord, and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. AND this shall come to pass, if you will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.
So the finishing of the Temple, or the CHURCH AGE, will end with this man (pictured by Joshua the High Priest) leading the Church! The last era of the Church is LADICEA! The Philadelphia Church, aka the Worldwide Church of God which Mr. Armstrong was called to raise up and very much involved with, will go into a place of safety and will continue until Christ's return! A remnant of the Worldwide Church of God, will go through the Great Tribulation, and will come out of it, and be GRAFTED BACK IN WITH PHILADELPHIA! Pictured by Romans 11.
Notice Zechariah 6:10!
This happens in the near future!
God's Philadelphia Era of His Church, The Worldwide Church of God will be TAKEN to a Place of Protection. Shown here by “Take”. God uses what the Philadelphia Era of His Church had to pass on to the NEXT ERA, led by this Joshua The High Priest. It is what Christ gave us through His Apostle which is going to put the next era on track! Like Christ says in Revelation 3 concerning Laodicea. God says AMEN first, meaning God meant what He said! They must REPENT and get right with God in ORDER to be God's Church! These verses describe that event. And God has already chosen the leader to lead the rest of them back to God and God's Church!
God says further in verse 6, they need to BECOME God's CHURCH! To be one of those INSIDE God's CHURCH! To Repent and as verse 15 says, “...if ye will diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.” Repentance THEN Obedience. Stop doing what you were doing and start doing what God says to do. Just like God says in Revelation 3!
God has been thoroughly involved in preserving THE SPIRITUAL HOUSE which was raised up by God's servant, and end time Zerubbabel, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. It has not been destroyed as Satan would like you to believe! The Worldwide Church of God STILL EXISTS AND WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED!