Tuesday, April 2, 2024

LCG: Do you forgive as your church leaders forgive you?

More enlightenment from Doug Winnail...remember boys and girls, learn to forgive people as your church leaders forgive you!

Please discard all memories and emotions from how you have been treated over the decades by church leaders. If you do not, then you are NOT a real Christian. Above all, never say negative things about your church leaders! Again, if you do, then you are NOT a real Christian. They would NEVER talk about you that way, would they?

The Importance of Forgiveness: A vital key for working together with others is the willingness and ability to forgive someone. The Scriptures tell us that we have all sinned, but if we repent, we can be forgiven because Jesus died for our sins (John 3:16; Romans 3:23–26). However, Jesus taught that we must be ready and willing to forgive others who offend us—or God will not forgive us (Matthew 6:12–15). Forgiving others involves not holding grudges or harboring bitterness, not seeking to get even, and not gossiping or saying negative things about others who have hurt us in some way. This is not easy, especially when memories, emotions, and personal pride are involved, but that is what we are admonished to do if we want to be real Christians—because real Christians are people who have learned to forgive. Forgiveness is a vital key that makes working in harmony with others possible, productive, and enjoyable.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Gayle Markley - Former Member - WWCG - Still Has Good Memories but Struggling

Gayle shares her struggle with balancing the fact that she grew in a cult and the fact that her parents were good people who were just doing the best they could and not wanting to give them a bad name in any way. A real struggle inside to not be in denial and give credit where credit is due. Website: https://www.AngelasInspirations.com Facebook Page: Ex-Worldwide Truth Seekers (WWCG) Group: Ex-Worldwide Truth Seekers and Off-Shoots Email: exworldwidetruthseekers@gmail.com Dan's Website: https://www.ProdigalJourneys.com Facebook: Life After Religion

Monday, April 1, 2024

Tough Times Ahead As European Conquerors Will Soon Seize Assets Of All COG Splinter Groups

Tough times are ahead for all of these rebellious Church of God splinter groups who have incorporated themselves through legal paperwork with the state and national government. When the European invaders conquer the United States and start auditing the financial books of the Churches of God through audits, they will transfer all assets and money to European banks. Sadly, when this happens the various COG groups will not have the money to go to Petra where Bob Theil will be preaching for 3 1/2 years.

When this crap hits the fan, these pathetic COG groups will be really angry and then will lash out at the ONE TRUE Church of God, the Worldwide Church of God that is led by Samuel Kitchen. The persecution will be intense. Added to that persecution will be even more persecution because of climate change. Apparently, climate change is a Gentile construct and the Kitchen family wants all of the heretical heathens left in the COG's who really are nothing but Gentiles to LEAVE and join up with the Gentiles of the world.

What Christ through Mr. Armstrong in 1979 did, was establish the Worldwide Church of God as an unincorporated spiritual organism, showing evidence clear back to 1934, and on back to 31 A.D.
When these men went to the State to file for 501(c)(3) status, they placed "the Church of God" which follows them under CAESAR'S HEADSHIP.
Europe is going to AUDIT the assets they can SEIZE and TRANSFER from the United States and British nations. When you are registered with the STATE and FEDERAL agencies as a 501(c)(3) entity, you are placing yourself on their MANIFEST of Assets.
And so when a lockdown on the assets occur, when this nation falls, you won't be able to escape or travel.
But as people want to be more like the world around them, they will fight the truth.
Mr. Armstrong did not place the Worldwide Church of God, under the headship of Caesar. That is what the PUBLICATIONS and teaching materials of Herbert W Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God declare.
Those losing their identity, and who are moving into these COG groups, are doing so through compromise of the truth, and sin.
So when these groups run into financial trouble, they like the world around them, will stand up and ACCUSE those of the true Church among them, of not DOING THEIR PART TO CHANGE THE CLIMATE FOR THEIR BETTER!
So they rob God's Tithes while pushing that ideology.
CLIMATE CHANGE- It's GENTILE. And if you want to be gentile, go and be gentile. But if you serve God, repent, and come away from all of that.
Hitler saw the tribe of Judah, the Jews, coming into prominence among industry, finance, banking, and politics among the nations of Europe and Germany. He looked at that as a DESTRUCTIVE against the Gentile nation Germany, who he believed SHOULD BE IN CHARGE. So he went to WAGE WAR on the children of Israel.
Today, EUROPEAN POWERS are looking to control the ISRAELITE NATIONS. This United States of Europe will do to all the nations of Israel, (USA, British nations and Western Europe)what Hitler did to the tribe of Judah.
And since the Worldwide Church of God was SO INFLUENTIAL when Mr. Armstrong was alive, in order to GAIN INFLUENCE over ISRAEL, the Worldwide Church of God had to be brought down.
But God says of His Church, they have been faithful, and so THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DESTROYED. They have not been killed off!
But the scramble is now to CONTROL the Worldwide Church of God through LEGAL instrument and CORPORATE LAW.
That's why those of God's people need to separate from these COG GROUPS, and repent. The Worldwide Church of God will not be controlled by CAESAR! Jesus Christ is our HEAD.