Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Message from Herbert Armstrong to Bob Thiel

Submitted by SHT


Anonymous said...

Much too wordy. Here's HWA's statement, condensed for accuracy:

"Do as I say, not as I do!"

Unknown said...

But wasn't HWA guilty of all those things back in the COG7th day? Cocky enough to start his own church after just 5 years of attendance, and as a basic theological "green horn" ???

tla said...

club was a good experience for me and enjoyable.
My second speech was a disaster. My first speech was the icebreaker and talking about yourself is easy - I had no notes. My 2nd speech was at a ladies night - no notes again - and I was tongue-tied. One of the young women said it was the first time she had ever seen me lost for words. (I guess I talked a lot.) A good dose of humility for a young man.
After that I was always prepared with outline notes.

I would not dream of giving a sermon - short speeches with one or two points is not hard. Being interesting for 60 to 80 minutes - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

NonameAnonymous said...

Poor Bob. He is such a mess. Herbert's words will surely grate upon his self-righteous doubly blessed narcissism, but not enough so that he will stop his charade.

Anonymous said...

What is the source inc page no. for the quote from HWA please?

SHT said...

The source is the Spokesman Club Manual, older version.


Anonymous said...

Club was a pleasant interlude each week if you could reject and forget the whole idea that you were on review to determine whether you were ministerial material. Some of the students knew it all too well, and actually played to that. Some were a bundle of nerves. Others just relaxed and had a good time. It might have been more fun if the Herbal influence wasn't part of the general vibe!


Anonymous said...

Anon 12:13AM, to the extent that Spokesman's Club was positive and beneficial, don't forget that it was basically a rip-off (in some detail) of Toastmasters. More Herbal plagiarism. Unfortunately, Spokesman Club was often what Toastmasters Club would have been if run by Hitler's Gestapo.

Anonymous said...

Yes, unfortunately, there is very little original thought. Most of the things which are familiar to us, and in which we participate have been ripped off, borrowed, passed to us through antiquity, co-opted, plagiarized, adapted, and reverse engineered, or re-engineered. There is nothing new under the sun (to borrow a quotation).

We must judge HWA by the standards whichnhe set. He taught us that it wasn't the thing which was good or bad, but the use of the thing. And unfortunately, the man and his lackeys used most of the things available to them in questionable or bad ways.


nck said...

Oh man. Who in his right mind chooses a moniker STD?


Dumbhead said...

The problems I have with Spokesman Club...
Heart to heart speech. Why does one have to tell his personal things to other people. Its none of their business.
Attack speech. What does it prove that someone is angry and mad about something? Blah blah. Sit down and lighten up.
Spokesman Club. If one doesn't join he feels inferior to those that do. Too much like a clique.

nck said...


No crowd of a hundred thousand people ever raised their hands when you spoke and screamed in ecstacy, I can feel it bro??


Hoss said...

But wasn't HWA guilty of all those things back in the COG7th day?

Yes, and this he showed by his own words: in his original Autobiography. y his account he appeared to be downright rude, arrogant, and mocked a CG7 leader who had to okay his receiving ministerial credentials in order to take part in a campaign meeting. He made the leader know he would adhere to CG7 teachings, but only on his own terms.

Anonymous said...

I never wanted to speak to a crowd of 100,000 people to scare them into Armstrongism, Nickey. I wanted to play my guitar and watch everyone get high and dance, forget their problems for a while and have a good time. Unfortunately, my handlers guided me away from what I really wanted to do with my life.