Saturday, July 6, 2019

Meet Your Prophetess to the Church of God!
Google keeps stripping video away.

If the video doesn't work, check it out on Youtube at the 9:03 mark as the Prophetess makes an appearance for opening prayer.

 We are pleased to introduce to you the Prophetess of the Church of God.  Through her, God speaks.

She is not the High Prophetess and Second Witless Witness though, that is her mother, the looney Laura Weinland.  Can the Church of God have a family that is crazier people than this family?
They are all certified nuthouse candidates.

Please give money at the offering today as Audra needs a new BMW and a case of erasers so she can correct all of those "mistakes" in the financial books that got Big Daddy into trouble previously.


Ronco said...

Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

Her prayer was very robotic and the wording was so predictable. Makes me feel like I was back in the WCG, 1973.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:18am - her snakeskin dress was certainly appropriate attire.

Tonto said...

Her dress (appropriately enough) looked like a RATTLESNAKE SKIN!

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

I couldn't stomach too much of Tax Cheat Ron Weinland. But I did notice in the video how callously and briefly he refers to the death of someone named Gary Kidd (10:38 mark). "For those who knew Gary Kidd in the Lima Ohio area, he died last week. I thought I would pass that along".

Wasn't there another HWA wannabe clown Weinland end time date that has come and gone? I thought I read on Banned a few months back that Weinland's latest prediction was Pentecost, 2019. False Prophet Weinland has had so many false predictions and false dates that it is hard to keep up with them all.


DennisCDiehl said...

Tonto said: " But I did notice in the video how callously and briefly he refers to the death of someone named Gary Kidd (10:38 mark). "For those who knew Gary Kidd in the Lima Ohio area, he died last week. I thought I would pass that along".

Yes, rather callous. I knew Gary and baptized him back in the 70's when pastoring in Findlay/Mansfield and Lima area. Appreciate knowing at least

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous said...
Her prayer was very robotic and the wording was so predictable. Makes me feel like I was back in the WCG, 1973.

You mean..."Our dear loving and gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for allowing us to gather here together today on your holy Sabbath Day. Please be with all those who could not be here today. (we know who you are:). We ask that you please inspire all that is said here and put into the mouth of our minister the words that you would have us to hear today. Please help us to take these words and inculcate it into our minds and hearts. Please bless and protect all you ministers around the world as they feed your people. Bless the work and we pray you bless and inspire Mr Armstrong in bringing the Gospel to the world. We humble ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ...amen"

You mean that one? :)

Anonymous said...

Got home from my Presbyterian Church service today, and clicked on to listen to just what this “minister” had to say.

Spent 13 exceptionally fruitless and fearful years in the Worldwide Church of God; was so glad to return to authentic, Biblically-based New Covenant Christianity. Listened to a wonderful, dense, encouraging, informative sermon at church today. About 22 minutes.

Then, tried to listened to Weinland’s sermon. How can anyone sit through nearly two hours of his simple reading of an Old Testament scripture, telling time and again, “Isn’t that awesome?”

No, awesome is absence of inspiration and direction of Weinland’s sermon. From time to time I’m asked to write and deliver a sermon for my congregation. I can construct an interesting, informative, inspiring sermon about as well as most first-year seminary students. I’ve taken a course in hermeneutics, the theory and methodology of interpretation of biblical texts. I’m not as good as most ordained ministers; but I’m much better than Weinland. Standing there for an hour and 45 minutes and reading a single Old Testament scripture, and periodically claiming that it’s “awesome,” is just dumb. So, too, must be those who think the man’s church deserves a tithe or two.

Done; won’t click on to anymore Weinland “sermons.” Nothing there. Nothing.

TLA said...

Did she say "Joshua Christ"?
If you are going to use Hebrew words, then use Hebrew words (Yeshua) and not the KJV version of it.
Of course you could avoid being pretentious and use the KJV "Jesus" like you use the KJV "Christ".
Or she could be honest and leave God and Jesus out of her prayer completely.

Mike A said...

That's one of Weinland's newest "truths", that Jesus' name is really Joshua.

Anonymous said...

@Mike A

The weinlands are liars about many things but are partly right about Jesus/Joshua.

The name Jesus is Joshua. In the Greek and Hebrew they are identical. Only in the English are the translated different.

We all have to choose what to do with this information, but it is a fact.

TLA said...

If you want to go by Hebrew names then start calling all the James Jacob and all the Mary Miriam.
And then all the names like John that have hard for us English speakers to remember like Yochanan.
Maybe we should forsake English and all speak Hebrew and Greek, but then what about Aramaic and Latin?
I think I will stick to American English.

Anonymous said...


Yep. I agree stick to one language but don't be a freaking big giant hypocrite about it.

Joshua and Jesus are different spellings for the same name. Its dishonest to state otherwise.

If the other names are the same also, so be it. What is the point of the truth if you compromise on it? What value does it have then?