Monday, December 11, 2017

COG Numerologist Still Claiming HWA and GTA to Rise Again To Prophesy To The Nations and Kings

The world reacts to Herbert Armstrong's second coming.

For the people who think the Church of God produced sound theology and theologically educated members, this is for you:

Divine Arithmetic

If Herbert W Armstrong is who he said he is:
the endtime Elijah who restores all things;
the Zerubbabel who finishes what he starts;
the Philadelphia apostle sent to the 6th Church Era
--since there are only 7 such messengers,
and the last two are the Two Witnesses--
then HWA must "rise" to again prophesy,
to many nations and kings.
And surely be aided to garner many disciples, 
with revived 'Joshua' GTA, 
mercifully granted the opportunity
to set an example of repentance to all Laodiceans.

Only God can predict and bring about such an outcome.
All self-proclaimed 'Elijahs' and psudeo-'Two-Witnesses' are in for a shock.

Geoff Neilson
Cape Town
Dec 2017
This is just as stupid as Dave Pack saying that the first person to be resurrected by Jesus Christ will be Herbert Armstrong:
Mr. Armstrong literally will have the honor of being the first human being, at the end of the age, to be resurrected from the dead. Now, there have been other people resurrected in different ages, but I’m talking about resurrected from the dead to go on within Christ’s government to a position of enormous authority. I just find that easy to understand. 

Why Does Living Church of God Prefer Harshness Over Gentleness?

A reader here wrote:

Anon 620 "Did you notice that in Gerald Weston's December 7 update, he announces that Jonathan McNair will be moving to Charlotte to coordinate the new educational initiative?"

This made my jaw drop.

It is EXTREMELY telling of the direction in which Gerald Weston in going to take LCG. Jonathan McNair is as harsh, unloving, tyrannical, merciless, ego-centric and maniacal as his wicked little brother Rod.

Weston obviously prefers this brand of harshness to Doug Winnail's "softness". I've been waiting to see in which direction LCG would go after RCM's death.

I predict that this is the beginning of a further decline into the right ditch for LCG. I further predict that the Winnails (Doug Winnail - LCG Head of Church Admin and Scott Winnail - LU) will be "transferred" (aka demoted) from LCG headquarters.

When the Winnails fall from grace, it will be interesting to see if they wake up and make a move (likely to COGWA).

Doug and Scott are super indoctrinated but they are also intelligent (actually smart, not just in their own site like Wyatt Ceiseilka and Rod McNair who have a combined IQ of 150).

They have been making excuses to themselves for years to dismiss the wickedness they see at LCG headquarters. They tell themselves, "be patient, God will work it out in time".

When the machine turns against them, it will be interesting to see if Scott and Doug are able to maintain their cognitive dissonance!