Friday, April 7, 2017

Other COG Ministers Are Incapable of Critiquing Any Of My Revelations Due To My Superior Knowledge

Dave Pack has published a timeline of events that he claims will occur in world history over the next few years.  It gets into detail about his "christ" coming for his first coming where he and the Restored Church of God members will reign supreme before he heads off to Jerusalem.  Dave is so sure of himself that no Church of God minister in any of the splinter groups can ever prove him wrong.  Pack's knowledge reigns supreme.  There is such a gap between their lowly thinking and his elevated status as God's right hand man that they can never cross that divide.

Don’t look for one minister in any of your congregations to be aware of the first 90 points. However sincere, because they were not in the only place where they were revealed, they are incapable of critiquing them with even remotely helpful comments. This is not to speak ill of them, but rather to describe the gap between those who have heard 140 hours of careful, detailed explanation and those who have not!


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it interesting to have all these splinter leaders sit down together, and try to 'discuss' their differences. You would need a round table of course. It would be like the Charlie Chapman skit of Hitler and Mussolini on their barber chairs.

DennisCDiehl said...

Dave would cut a slice off his part of the round table to place him at the head of it.

Anonymous said...

Dave would never listen to anyone else, except himself. He claims to have a council of advisors, but all they do is listen to him, nobody would dare counterdict an edict from Dave. The last time that happened, that minister got ran out of town, and the Church. And all he did was answer honestly on a 3x5 card, a question, that Dave told everyone beforehand that they would remain anonymous answers. Of course, since someone disagreed with him, he made sure to find out who it was. So much for seeking wise council, if it's not Dave's, it can't be right...

Just like his dreamed up first dominion, I still don't think half of RCG believes it, but for some reason they stay. No one can question Dave's interpretation of the Bible. After all, he has studied more prophecy than any man alive. He does everything better than any man alive. Including the fact that he was an Olympic contender for gold, except he never went to the Olympics, since God drafted him to AC. Or he could have been the greatest general ever during the Gulf War, but again, he had to turn down Annapolis.

Not much left to do, except extort as much out of the remaining RCG loyal that he can get... However, not too bad of a career choice, it has served him well!

Byker Bob said...

Dave has been proven to be a man of words rather than a man of substance time after time. It's surprising that he has any followers at all. There have alway been masochists, however, and were it not for RCG, they would be seeking out other avenues through which to damage themselves.

There are probably high school upper classmen right there in Wadsworth who could dismantle him both factually and logically.


Anonymous said...

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

Welcome to the weed patch where some horrible enemy has sown wheat among the tares -- now they've done it! It's ruining everything. Fortunately, the tares will choke out whatever good crop there is shortly.

David Pack reminds me of many of the patients in the mental institution where I visited a family member gone mental -- deja vu all over again.

What will it take for those attending sects of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia to realize that they've joined a mental hospital where the patients have taken over?

Anonymous said...

I guess at the end of the day, it's not Dave's fault. He only has as much power as gullible people give him. If everyone walked away, all he could do is stand at the door and watch, yelling hey wait, I'm Elijah, I'm Joshua, I'm an Apostle, I'm that Prophet, hey wait, I'm Christ...

Unknown said...

Pack pontificates for 140 hours about nonsense??

An entire reading of the Bible from cover to cover , can be accomplished in just 70 hours at a very moderate pace.

Pack is so full of flatulence, that he should be considered a major source for global warming!

Byker Bob said...

Aw, hasn't Dave ever submitted his writings or sermons for peer review?

That's the problem. You can't take anything any of these guys put out seriously, because they believe they have no peers, and certainly no human above them. Near as we can tell, they all use dead bogus Herbie for peer review. See also <> in your Funk & Wagnalls