Oh, oh...Look! THE Send it in Apostle, Joshua C Pack!
And over there! That Prophet Gerald Flurry himself!
Whoa!... and there... No Title Double Portioned ,You can't dream this stuff up but did, Bitter Bob!
Can it be? A Presiding Gerald too!
Oh my gosh....
An "I lie not! You'll wish you'd listened" can't recall the name but very important somebody !
...and ....and....
Where'd they go?
Never mind.....
The universe is big, but Gerald and Pack will rule it all. But the universe is too small for both their egos, so one of them will first have to eat crow and come crawling on his knees to the other. Who will it be?
One aspect of Christianity is that it teaches people to give their love and support to the least among God's creation, not just to the highest and loftiest and most boastful. The idea that I become a bigger/better person if I claim a bigger/better title goes completely counter to Christ's teachings, in which the widow giving her two mites was understood to be a more generous giver than many of the Temple's wealthiest patrons.
I fear for the eternity of any Pastor General or Presiding Evangelist or Prophet who makes sure that the tithe-slaves mow his lawn while letting a widow's lawn go un-mowed. If you want to judge a church, judge it not by the title its leader has claimed, but rather by how the least of its members are welcomed and supported and encouraged.
These guys somehow all believe that they are going to be in the new Book of Acts. At least the Boanerges brothers' mother was the one who asked Jesus for greatness on their behalf! These guys all seem to want to claim it for themselves.
If they don't listen to Jesus when He says that no man will know the time of His return, why would they listen about the greatest being the servant? Too much HWA, and not enough Jesus.
Very nicely said 4:01
Most excellent video. It really makes the bible god look as a tiny peon in the context of the universe/multiplex.
Near the end of the video just before the multiplex, the universe looks like the neurons of the human brain.
Right on BB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You nailed it!!!!!!!!
well, of course if one were to do physical comparisons we would most certainly be limited by virtue of the fact that we are little more than jackasses that can talk and reason...
, and his power far exceeds any of ur scientists; and why? cuz we live in a world controlled by spirits that are not in awe of the universe like some chimp staring at the stars above, but is more interested in misleading the minds of men, and making them blaspheme their Creator...
which is why despite scientific delusion and fantasy we dont have anything close to what that sci FICTION 2001 hoped we would have acheived 17 years ago, not to mention today...
what we do have is the vile man of Daniel 11:21
Personally, I think it would be very nice indeed if ol' Horace had used condoms. Then we could be discussing solid state physics, and Angstromism.
"If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:" Deuteronomy 30:4
yup, you can find a Scripture for anything...
Foolish man limited by the speed of light: It even takes like half a second for TV signal to bounce back from a satellite causing those annoying delays during live news interviews. And foolish man limited even more by the speed of thought: Nerve fiber/neural signalling (much, much slower than electronic computers.)
4.44 AM
Live news interviews can't truly be live. If you carefully observe the editing, it's too professional. Meaning, their must be some delay to get it just right.
I looked it up, it's a 7 second delay.
Nerve fiber/neural computer makes up for slowness with tricks like predictive algorithms and exotic quantum?-processing/memory paradigms; it is only 'thrown into tilt' when it contemplates infinity, causing the gods to chuckle.
indeed, all while rejecting and scoffing at the True and only Way to Infinity...
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