The Philadelphia Church of God's NO CONTACT POLICY has just pushed over the edge a young member after having cast him out of the fellowship and mandatorily shunned by his own family for around 5 years.
Errol Concepcion, the firstborn son of Mrs. Lai Cruz and stepson of PCG Deacon Alvin Cruz of Tandang Sora, Quezon City hanged himself to death in his grandparents' home in Harvard Street, University Village, Lucena City, Quezon Province. The incident happened on May 29, 2018 and his remains were laid to rest in Lucena last Friday, June 1, 2018.
Errol has been feeling the pain of being cut off from his own family as mandated and continually perpetrated by the Ministry of the church (PCG) where he was raised by his grandparents (guardian), Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Concepcion. Since then, he has been living a life of constant struggle with emotional distress and with the difficulty of living alone. He wasn't really ready yet to face that kind of life at a very tender age when the PCG ordered his family to cast him out of their home and to let him fend for himself and to deprive him of any kind of support. The NO CONTACT mandate is absolute and a clear indication of tyrannical rule in the cult. Outrageously, the ministry of the PCG considers it an ACT OF LOVE!
Mr. Pedrito Cara is the Associate Pastor of the PCG in the Philippines with office in Cutcut, Angeles City, Pampanga. He is the man responsible for perpetrating the continuing ordeal of Errol which finally pushed him over the edge. He gave no room for mercy and compassion to the young man despite having been informed that Errol was already suffering from Dementia and could no longer live on his own. He did not agree that Mr. and Mrs. Concepcion should take him back and provide him the love and attention he needs. He has not relented in continuing the immoral and abusive implementation of the vile NO CONTACT POLICY which has wrecked many lives, split up marriages and destroyed families in the Philadelphia Church of God not only in the Philippines but in many other countries around the world where they have congregations.
Thank you,
“Suffering from dementia....”
It would seem that the PCG doesn’t have globally uniform policies. Had Errol lived in the mainland USA, he is one of those who would have been left at the mall. Wait a minute! Amazon has pretty much annihilated the mall as a business model. Maybe this is what PCG does in areas where the malls have failed!
I took care of my mother for a number of years. She had dementia. It was either me taking care of her or she would have maybe had to go into a nursing home. Does anyone know the polices of some of these splinter groups on this matter? Would some of them have told me I had to put my mother in a nursing home because of something like demons being around her? Sorry if this is off subject
Christ called his religious leaders vipers. This is also true of secular organizations such as street gangs. As 'The subtle power of spiritual abuse' points out (page 34), vipers look like sticks, so their danger is initially unnoticed. Once they attack a host, their venom weakens or kills the host. And it doesn't let go. Likewise these organizations weaken their members (eg 'beware the evils of self esteem') and don't let go, using shunning or similar ploys. With street gangs, members who want to leave have to endure beatings that often require hospitalisation, and with Hells Angels type gangs, members who want to leave are asked what nationality flag they want on their casket. Nice.
It's so easy to be enslaved by a organization.
It made me sad to hear about this suicide. When I was attending WCG I would often hear about suicides but it would always be "played down" as though the person who offed their selves had selfish motives and was no fault of the church.
I'd bet that what really happened will never be spoken of in the PCG. They will have a cover story that makes the ministers look good.
If the secret of his family had never been spread all over the internet, then this man may have not committed suicide. Anyone who professes to be a Christian should understand Proverbs 11:13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. Capitalizing on gossip. Gossip is also a contributing factor of this young man's suicide. The group who spread his family's secret should have asked this young man if He would allow it. I bet he wouldn't.
People who commit suicide are selfish and I have no sympathy for them. In any case, no atheist would ever kill themselves.
Yes, it will be "played down" or "never spoken of". What really blows these cult martinets away is the threat of a law suit. Money doesn't "talk" for them, it screams. You threaten their bank roll and you threaten the only thing that means anything to them. Suddenly, the silly Millerite fantasyland gets very real and grim.
When the lawyers show up, you will then see the technique of the Artful Dodger. Nobody will know anything about what happened and how. The fear-ridden base will fall in line. There will be no audit trails. Only the sad observation that he was mentally unstable and killed himself. Such an unexpected tragedy. The authorities will look for evidence or testimony and will find nothing but the sardonic grin of a Cheshire cat.
Can anyone possibly think that these people have any constructive connection with God or the Bible?
Starting Now-- Have a NO CONTACT RULE with Flurry and his family!
Be smart and run for your life!
Any reports of suicides in the other ACOG cults?
On my planets in the minellium, I’m going to afflict any ministers who mistreat their members like this with terminal flatulence. The odors will be so extreme that they will prevent them from any sort of close contact with other humans, or relationships. It will resolve this problem! If I were able to do this today, all of the PCG ministers would have T.F. starting in three, two, one, right now!
Claire says that atheists don't commit suicide, of course they do just like everyone else. In fact an atheist has less to fear because they know where they are going next -- nowhere, which is a lot less scarey than some of the scenarios that religious people think is in store for them.
I used to think that committing suicide was selfish, but it is not, often it is done by people who don't have anyone else who cares about them anyway - like it seems this young man. Plus those with mental disorders are sometimes not able to continue with life, especially when they feel totally alienated from family etc. And aren't religious people supposed to help people in trouble?
7:37, you are a cold heartless b**ch.
The flatulence that comes from PCG minister's mouths already prevents members from any sort of close normal contact with other humans. PCG is a completely insane experiment on cultic group control gone bezerk. It's mind control program is 100 percent and it is only because of sheer professional inexperience in how such experiments are to be conducted that they fail in its implementation. It is a mental concentration camp of "happy people."
And after taking advantage of his sad life, they would take advantage of spreading graphic
pictures of him hanging. How tasteless can that be. Jesus did not convert anyone by destroying people's reputations and gossipping. This group also have to answer their making things worse for this man's life. And how they flagrantly call themselves holier than any one else. You know who you are! Shame on you! You took advantage of this man's private affairs without
minding the consequence and the pain this man had to bear. You should have asked him, he
was 27 and an adult! yet you also rendered him incompetent by your LUST to win people off
from the PCG!
Gossip is not in any way a contributing factor to the suicide of this young man. The real reason why he committed suicide was due to the fact that his own family had totally cut him off as if he was already dead in their own eyes, and he did not receive any affection or love from his own family for so many years. If you would be in his shoes as being neglected/ignored by the whole family for so many years because of the implementation of the No Contact Policy of the PCG, what would you feel??? Would you feel very happy? Would you not consider the No Contact Policy instead as the main contributing factor?
How about Mrs. Janet Privratsky, a former PCG member? Can you explain the reason why she committed suicide? Was it because she had a mental illness as the PCG ministers have made the members to believe? Or, was it because of the separation of the couple that resulted in her great depression due to the No Contact Policy?
Please read http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/mike_ep/story/devast.htm
First and foremost, it should have been "the mother", who must be blamed here. Why has she deserted her own son? Why did she not acknowledge him? Was it because this young man was the fruit of a previous relationship? Why??? Is this how she express her love towards her own flesh and blood?
Isaiah 49:15
Titus 2:4-5 (ISV)
THEY SHOULD ENCOURAGE THE YOUNGER WOMEN to love their husbands, TO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN, to be sensible and pure, to manage their households, to be kind, and to submit themselves to their husbands. Otherwise, the word of God may be discredited.
Why did you make a comment here as if you are greatly affected? Are you one of the relatives of Errol Concepcion who is an active member of the PCG? This issue is like a wildfire which you nor any of your PCG ministers can extinguish.
Anonymous wrote:
"I'd bet that what really happened will never be spoken of in the PCG. They will have a cover story that makes the ministers look good."
June 6, 2018 at 6:34 PM
You're right. Nobody came to the wake. Nobody talked about it in the services. Just complete silence.
“The NO CONTACT mandate is absolute and a clear indication of tyrannical rule in the cult. Outrageously, the ministry of the PCG considers it an ACT OF LOVE!”
Yes, the PCG likes to “love” people to death.
The PCG is full of mind games, word games, and card games.
The fake PCG ministers that Gerald Flurry set up when no WCG ministers wanted to go with a drunken runt like himself like to “disfellowhip in God's family love,” as Gerald taught them to do. This is PCG “love” in action.
Old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG have “done so much for” and “tried so hard to help” their intended victims, who then had to be kicked out to “make an example” of them for not going along with the unrepentant old sex perverts. This is PCG “helping” in action.
Old farting PCG deacons angrily snarl at people to sign the cards that they suddenly shove at them without even telling them who the card is for or what the occasion is. This is PCG “caring” in action.
Always remember that Satan sent false prophets like Gerald Flurry specifically to lie, steal, destroy, and kill.
Gerald Flurry is simply carrying out the great gross commission that Satan gave him, and Satan is kind of in a bit of a hurry about it now, as he is sort of running out of time.
This is why Gerald Flurry is working so hard to try to pervert and destroy everything that HWA had tried to teach.
Always remember that Satan sent false prophets like Gerald Flurry specifically to lie, steal, destroy, and kill.
Gerald Flurry is simply carrying out the great gross commission that Satan gave him, and Satan is kind of in a bit of a hurry about it now, as he is sort of running out of time.
This is why Gerald Flurry is working so hard to try to pervert and destroy everything that HWA had tried to teach.
What is written in this post about the death of Errol are facts, not rumours.
The truth is, the dark secret of PCG Deacon Alvin Cruz and his wife Lai surfaced and spread only AFTER Errol took his own life.
Bringing this news out to the public is about justice for Errol. The PCG ministry, once again, with their “No-contact” policy has caused another person to commit suicide. Their evil reputation is already known in the whole world. And this very sad event has proven that again.
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