The Church of God has had over 8 decades filled with self-righteous, self-appointed malevolent men who have set themselves up as the know-it-alls of the Bible and truth. They foolishly believe they are the final men to get the end time message of their god out to the world and particularly to the Church of God. Some of them, like Bob Thiel and James Malm, believe they and they alone are the Elijah's to the Church of God.
Bob Thiel believes that the Living Church of God is jealous of him and his so-called ministry. After being profoundly and painfully rejected by his spiritual "daddy" for his aberrant beliefs, Thiel set off on his own doing everything he could to denigrate the Living Church of God for his dismissal.
James Malm, the official Chief Pharisee of the Church of God has sunk to the bottom depths of legalism after his wife and the rest of the Church of God's rejected his bastardized version of law keeping.
Malm has announced today that Doug Winnail has reacted to a series of articles Malm has done on "personal salvation" and "ecclesiastical authority." Malm believes that Winnail and the LCG are UNABLE to refute any of his hysterical teachings.
Malm is reacting to Doug Winnail's post that I put on this blog the other day:LCG- Doug Winnail is reacting to our serialized weekly posts on “Personal Salvation” and “Ecclesiastical Authority” by promoting organizational idolatry!Because they cannot refute the facts and doctrines presented on this site and at TheShiningLight; they are demanding that the brethren just follow them in whatever they do or teach, and refrain from asking questions: thereby setting themselves up as corporate idols and idols of men! Thus fulfilling the Matthew 24 prophecy of Jesus Christ and the warning of Jude.
LCG: Prideful Members, But Not The Prideful Ministry, Are Causing Issues In The Church
If you want to take Doug Winnail's entry above at face value, then it is quite obvious that Malm has ZERO humility and has absolutely NO DESIRE for unity.Humility—Key to Unity
King David wrote, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). The Apostle Paul urged Christians to “walk worthy” of your calling “with all lowliness and gentleness… endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1–3
). He stated that the work of the ministry is to edify (build up) the body (the Church) “till we all come to the unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:12–13
). Paul also told the contentious Corinthians that they should be “perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10
). In order to grow together in unity, we need to understand what causes contentions that disrupt unity. The Scriptures reveal that pride is an underlying cause of contentions (Proverbs 13:10
), and that pride will contribute to a person’s downfall and destruction (Proverbs 16:18
). Insisting on our own way also causes dissentions and strife (James 4:1
). However, humility will eventually bring a person honor (Proverbs 15:33
; 29:23
), and true humility will promote peace and unity (James 3:13–18
). Just as Jesus Christ humbled Himself and followed His Father’s instructions (Philippians 2:5–9
), as Christians we must be subject to government (within and without the Church) and not resist authority (Romans 13:1–2
). As we learn to exercise true Godly humility and treat each other with love and respect (Romans 12:10–18
), we will promote unity within the body of Christ.
Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail
Both Malm and Thiel do all they can to divide people and confuse COG members with their so-called Christian beliefs.
Plus, in their arrogance and narcissistic superiority, they both believe that LCG reacts to every single thing they write. Really? As if Winnal or LCG cares what either of them thinks! LCG is no more worried about the rantings of these two self-righteous fools than LCG is with this blog. Though it is well known that LCG closely monitors what LCG members write here, they do not care in the long run. LCG's own self-righteous superiority is on par with James Malm's and Bob Thiel's. After all, they all come from the same abominable source that worships the law more than it ever has with Jesus.
So no, Chief Pharisee Malm and no, Elijah Bob Thiel, Living Church of God is not jealous of you nor does it care what either of you two thinks!
For Bob Abbott Thiel and James Costello Malm to run around thinking everyone is paying attention to their word is absolutely crazy. NO2HWA is right. They don't care about this blog, Bob OR James. They pay them little to no attention.
Those two are in their own "Who's on First" sketch, without realizing they were "out" the minute they "walked off the base".
For those who get the reference, congratulations. Most here should.
I used to love the Abbott and Costello show with Sidney Fields and Mike the cop. Oh, we're showing our age.
It wouldn’t matter anyway. Two barely visible “leaders” make the leaders of a barely visible dying organization tremble? Who would even care beyond a small circle of people?
There used to be an old saying ... "Love me or Hate me, but whatever you do , dont IGNORE me!"
Thiel and Malm are indeed ignored, and that likely bothers them more than anything!
But Malm does make the legitimate complaint that ACOG ministers expect members to put their words before the bible or God Himself. It's church/minister worship. That is the church culture instituted by Herb. I among others, have experienced a minister by means of body language and tone of voice, demand that I turn off my mind and blindly believe what he says. It's an abomination. One result is Daves common doctrine that has robbed blind most of his members. Many have been left destitute in their old age. This is serious stuff.
I find some of Malms posts on technical issues worthwhile.
They all seem to be trying to pick a fight with each other over scripture which I thought was condemned by God. Agitating and nit picking. Malm has gone extremely lax on UCG whilst badgering old man Winnail.
Malm is nothing but a dirty old lying snake deliberately trying to confuse people by trying to make them believe all of his law keeping rules are required by God. I got snookered into his stuff for a while. When I stopped following him life became far more enjoyable.
Abbott and Costello
Bud Abbott's timing was genius, Bob's isn't.
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