Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Feast of Tabernacles Fun...

Thank goodness for the nonconformists!

graphic courtesy of SHT


James said...

Good god, is that me???

nck said...

It is either a girl or Mick Jagger "Undercover".


Anonymous said...

With HWA eyesight he might have thought it was a woman.

Anonymous said...

I never kept the F.O.T. To much of a heavy burden on my pocket book.

Anonymous said...

And he had the AUDACITY to sit in front! Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Could've been a brand new guy. Just give him some time. He'll fall right in and cut his hair like he should.

Unknown said...

Its a girl, ... BUT... are her bony knees being held close together in "discretion"??

Anonymous said...

You would have to be a minister's kid to sit in a spot like that, and probably the son of a very senior one. Could that be Phillip Apartian three years before his suicide?

Anonymous said...

He was the guy who could think for himself. The rest were just mindless drones.

Anonymous said...

Guess #1: Photoshopped. (Poorly) The height is way out of proportion compared to the people to his right.

Guess # 2: Family member of some international dignitary whom HWA was trying to mine.

Guess #3: A young Aron Ra?

Guess #4: Gung ho Ambassador student who had taken a Nazirite vow prior to enrollment.

Guess #5: Had to be somebody important! Not just anyone was permitted to sit in the front row.

Guess #6: Demon-possesed person who shape-shifted for the camera.

Guess #7: (Since I’m no longer an Armstrongite, sevens are no longer required.)

NO2HWA said...

That is not Philip Apartian. He had dark hair.

SHT said...

Not photo-shopped. This was part of a video. HWA's wildest gyrations and hand-thrashing and jowel-jeburbaling are in this video.

SHT said...

Check the video.... if it's a girl, she's got quite the mustache going on.

If that wouldn't flip out the festival deacons..........

SHT said...

Would help if I posted the video so you all can judge a little better. Someone posted this online on YouTube. Scroll to 5:18 (and mute, if you can't stand HWA's voice, or it triggers you horribly.)


Anonymous said...

What’s the source of the photo? eg where, when, etc. Then we might be able to find out who it might be . . .

Anonymous said...

This is a bit off topic, but I remember a new couple and their newborn baby attended Sabbath service for the first time and they sat in the very front row and during the sermon the child began to cry and before anyone knew it the piece of shut minister got on to the mother and told her to take the kid outside so people could hear his sermon. The couple got up, left, and never came back.

SHT said...

Strangely, someone contacted me and said the video is coming up strangely. Anyway: Here's what to look for on YouTube.

When Will God Save Mankind with Herbert W Armstrong .
A Voice Cries Out - Herbert W Armstrong
One comment.
4,933 views since 2016.

I'll post the links again:


Anonymous said...

Nope, it's a he. I wish I could put the screenshot I took of the video in this comment.

nck said...

two rows behind I also spotted a tieless man. And many more with "abberant clothing."

The crowd will say "the exception doesn't make the rule" or whatever.
My thesis all along is that wcg is largely misunderstood by the legalists, like many of the "rebels" on this board but even more by the likes of Dennis Leap.

(although on the surface Leap is just repeating the christian dogma, One is either with or seperated from God, it is the practical implementation that is perverted from normalcy.)


nck said...


Just minutes from the 5:18 HWA is answering that "baptism question" posed. It seems according to HWA "the initiative to draw is with the Father." The blog question is legalist focussing on ritual. I also hear the word "Jesus" quite more than expected from the regular comments.


nck said...

At 13:14 the "anti nck crowd might expect me to comment on the tieless man, the attentive black people enjoying themselves, looking forward to the chicken barbeque. BIAS. BIAS.

I just would like to point out that cute little girl "stenotyping the entire service and ordering her notes". Oh man that could have been me sitting next to Martha from the Bereans.


Anonymous said...

That's just proof that he is very cunnning in how he delivers his deceit. Picking, twisting, ignoring, emphasizing certain scriptures to make it say what HE wants it to say. Yes, he spoke of Jesus, in passing, but then went on to something completely different. How can you defend this man, nck? As Jesus would say, "...are you so dull?"

SHT said...

The dress was in the process of being cleaned up at the time.

Recall that a few months earlier (May, 79), This - one of the most judgemental WN articles of pure theological stupidity - was published. Don't think for a second HWA and Co. didn't notice. I'm surprised he didn't address this right there, with so much emphasis he span himself off the chair.(That's why there's a rug under him, don't you know? So he doesn't spin himself right off the stage!)


This is just a guess. But they were probably already planning the very video message you see here. They knew they were going to use it in a World Tomorrow broadcast. They were concerned about appearance. They wanted the crowd to look as "dignified" and "World-Tomorrowish" as possible. They knew how severe the issue was in years past, of people who just didn't get it. To "help out the appearances", this article was published, I guess, to manipulate people into looking like the perfect Christian Crown. As I have said - it's all about appearance. If anything, this proves how they'd use eternal salvation as a tool to conform and wash people into the image they attempted to show.

Yet, yes - as you can see here - there are some non-conformers who dared not agree with the letter in the WN, or with the man. I can be bold and state it was probably FAR improved from the previous year.

This one guy gave HWA the biggest "Oh, yeah, whatcha gonna do about it" (Actually, the two words I'm not saying here - you know what I mean) that anyone could give. Right there, in a front row, typically reserved for The Important People.

DavidRickman4201@Yahoo.Com said...

I seen some of the video. I couldn't stomach HWA's bull shit.

Anonymous said...

In the world of tomorrow, we’ll all be wearing Star Trek clothes! Not European-styled suits!

Anonymous said...

This isn't about dress but I remember in Des Moines, IA when I was 6 or 7 I think, the minister at the time, during a sermon, called out a teenager for chewing gum and told his parents and him to leave and that they could not come back to church until the kid learned respect. I have never forgotten that. I don't remember seeing the family much after that.

nck said...


I m not defending any man. I am defending conmon principles regarding walking with god or not.

To give a simple example. The use of and posession of nuclear weapons is irreconcilable with a christian nation, individual christianity or christian principles and lifestyle. Regardless of how one tries to spin it. I like HWA s philosophy rhat some 330 million people will get some kind of redeeming chance different from their current understanding of shouting Jesus and elect the greatest a hole ever to represent them as the ahole bullies of the world.

HWA s philosophy was a merciful philosophy unlike the hypocrysy of most so called christianity exploiting the world under the cloak of "pursuit of happiness."
Ponder your moral injury.


nck said...


It s not that I want to abolish nuclear weapons. I m just not hypocritical about it like the so called christian hypocrites. Although the Lebanese christian UN official (malik) thought highly of HWA since wcg philosophy was very clear and precise on the existenxe and source of evil. One cannot fully understand the true Jesus without some idea of true evil. In my opinion HWA did a good job in defining evil. Thats why the Lebanese secretary of state called him "a navigator" for world leaders. These people don t heap praise like tgat easily. Whatever bad personality you msy deem hwa, his philosophy was very understandable for people with real responsibility for nations. If hwa dis that by muxing scripture, than so be it. I am not a christian scholar.


SHT said...

"I m not defending any man. I am defending conmon principles regarding walking with god or not. "

You inadvertently, and unintentionally, misspelled what you are actually defending. The second "o" in conmon should be an "a". ;)

Hoss said...

An old WCG friend told the story of his first meeting with WCG ministers. It was in a small room, in sweltering summer heat, which apparently greatly bothered one of the ministers.
Well, he was invited to a church service, and was asked if he had a tie. No, he didn't. One minister told him, "Well, God will understand". How about, "I'll loan you one", "You could buy one", or, better yet, "It doesn't matter, it's too hot to wear a suit and tie".

nck said...

SHT 2:15

No my response was to 6:03.

People may read whatever they want in my postings. I am not here to convince. I'm just transferring data. People are free to interpret, as my own brain apparently did in responding to 6:03.
I am not an authority on scripture what 6:03 apparently is.
