Tomorrow's World July/August 1970
Zimmerman dares to declare Christians sanctimonious when the modern-day splinters of the COG as a whole are the most sanctimonious group of Christians who think they know everything about everything. Just look at James Malm, Bob Thiel, Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry; can the church have any more self-righteous and sanctimonious group of men than these?
Like Clint Zimmerman, these self-appointed hypocritical buffoons think they have "washed" the gospel back to its purest form.
Zimmerman continues: The "most perfectly administered government attained."
The COG movement has been corrupted by the vilest men imaginable who are presiding over their own personality groups where they destroy members lives
with legalism and outright blasphemous heresy.
The Church of God has NEVER "completed the quest for the ages" that Zimmerman describes below. How can it when it denies the very man they claim to follow.
If they knew the man they claim to pay lip service to then they would know that the
"quest" has been completed as an assurance to any follower.
The "quest" they so seriously search for is the "rest" they have never found
in the one they claim to follow.
graphics courtesy SHT, comments mine...
Zimmerman must have been a frustrated poet. That first snippet was overly variegated and magniloquent.
I would prefer to read the whole article. With these snippets we get a small glimpse of a bygone article from a bygone era.
Zimmerman??? Sounds like a name you would hear in one of those "pyramid schemes".
WWCG saying the Gospel of the Kingdom was the only "true" Gospel set the church on a course, which would then down play the Kingdom's King, Jesus Christ. It's all about focus. Since the Protestants over focused on Christ and distorted His image as an effeminate hippie, WWCG had to (in their minds) counter that by an over focus on the Kingdom. United has actually stated the they now (in most cases) preach both the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Christ, which rightly fit together as one message.
If WWCG would have preached more of Christ's examples, it would have maybe shamed some of them not to rule like the Gentiles.
Maybe Clint should have done what his cousin Bobby did, and changed his name to “Dylan”.
Unfortunately the WCG washed the gospel so clean that it was lost for what it really is. HWA correctly identified that the gospel was not just a message "about" Christ, but went completely too far the other way by proclaiming a gospel "about" the Kingdom of God. The above snippet is mostly just statements "about" the Kingdom. How did HWA and the church miss what is the true gospel? He missed it by preaching the almost complete destruction of Israel prior to the Kingdom coming. If 90%+ of all of Israel were to be destroyed before the Kingdom, and all those dead Israelites would not live again for a thousand years, what good is a Messiah King and a restored Kingdom (Acts 1:6
) for a few people (Isa. 4:1
), he didn't even come close in all aspects for after all, the gospel is Good News.
The true gospel when understood is dynamic and life changing and far from the "doom and gloom" message (we) supported financially for how many years. That message was a drug that HWA could not give up and having died thinking he fulfilled (Matt.24:14
For a long time, I could not understand why the splinters amplified HWA's error in ignoring the King of the Kingdom of God. It didn't make sense to me that you could preach all about a Kingdom while not giving all honor to its King.
Now, however, I understand, These men -- Flurry and Pack, especially -- see themselves as kings. Jesus is simply in the way.
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