"When my interest was first turned on to religious subjects....I knew that such unattractive, cheap looking, carelessly-designed literature never would sell goods, if used to carry the message of a selfish-motivated BUSINESS [and] cheapened the whole message by the psychological effect I knew....it inevitably had on those who saw it.....was less convincing......"
"When I found how religion could profit, I knew that such cheap literature never would sell the message of a religious business by the psychological effect I knew it inevitably had on those who saw it."
contributed by SHT
Yes, and he found the "perfect" illustrator for his "elete" religious...er...business literature in Basil Wolverton to put fear into the minds of those who read it, including children. It's all there, people.
I wonder what HWA would've thought if he'd have seen a real prophet like Elijah (eg A hairy man dressed with a leather girdle 2 Ki 1:8
) or John the Baptist (eg Had long hair as he was a Nazarite Lk 1:15
and clothed in camel's hair, with a leather skin about his loins Mk 1:6
) or dare I say it, even Jesus the Messiah Himself (eg Ate and drank alcohol, mixed with poor, prostitutes and other "sinners" Mt 11:19
; Lk 7:34
)?! He'd no doubt have been just like the religious leaders of our Saviour's day who focused on superficial appearances over substantial actions of note.
Because of the internet the high quality print media is becoming less and less relevant. People are getting their information by ever increasing numbers from the internet, cable news, and other sources rather then the printed media. The internet has opened the door for more critical analysis of traditional religious beliefs resulting in many abandoning much of what they thought was sound religious doctrine.
The print media that HWA relied on so much to get his message out is quickly becoming obsolete. Those leaders of the splinter groups who still pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the printed media simply because it worked for HWA are making a big mistake. This is the 21st century folks!
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Quotes from the post of HWA , with the rest of the story added in (parenthesis)...
"In my early 20s, I was in charge of the make-up"... ( and I will be in charge of the make up until the day I die!)
It was 17 or 18 years ago, not more than a year after I was (supposedly) converted and began to realize... (that my daughter appeared different to me than before. )
Anon:9/23-3:5AM Ditto.....those glossy, glitzy (P's o BS) were impressive way "back when" but as you say different world, different "species" of "sheeples" with shorter attention spans now. etc The day now is the SLAM, BANG 30 second infomercials in your face ads.And more EXPOSE
articles to rock anyone's boat. We couldn't do it back then because of lack of material, means
of really checking stuff out & so on. So we were EASY PREY. And we just didn't KNOW HOW to
refute their claims. Again scripturally ignorant & UNchurched. What say you?
OH and BTW those BW illustrations WERE scary, dramatic, doing exactly what they were designed
to do..."scare the pants" off the reader, make them easier to manipulate & control. Fear
mongering. the whole "shmeer". :-I
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