For over 80 some years now the Church of God has had self-appointed prophets popping up in its midst with one miraculous revelation after another. Many of them are now dead or are sitting in their living rooms expecting a few devotees to send them money in order to keep a roof over their heads. Here we are in 2018 and not one of their prophecies has come to pass. Every single one has turned out to be a lair and a false prophet. Yet, that never seems to stop a new crop of prophets popping up year after year.
While many revealed themselves before Herbert Armstrong's death, they were nothing compared to today's crop of self-appointed prophets. Gerald Flurry claims he regularly receives divine revelations from his god. Dave Pack hit the scene running with over 130 some prophecies and a firm statement that tens of thousands of COG members would jump over to his church after his god struck down the leaders of four Churches of God. Ron Weinland has made so many failed prophecies that he now looks like a blithering idiot. All one has to do is take a look back in previous issues of The Journal and see the ads for all the other raving lunatics.
Yet, in all of this quagmire of silliness, one guy stands out in particular. For several years now he has been working overtime to remind us every other month that he IS a prophet of God. No excuse to legitimize himself is too far out to consider valid. From nightmares after a bad Mexican dinner to mentally disturbed people in other countries dreaming up dreams to legitimize our favorite prophet; the excuses are constantly flowing forth in order to impress us on how holy he really is.
Ever the constant name dropper, this prophet has to drop the names of Rod Meredith, Richard Ames, Gaylon Bomjour, Dibar Apartian and others as his "proof's."
This is what he is publishing in his booklet, "Continuing History of the Church of God: Historical Overview of the True Church of God and Some of its Main Opponents from the 1st to 21st Century."
One group that was mainly faithful for a time to the teachings and practices of the Bible and the basic doctrines of HerbertArmstrong’s old Radio/Worldwide Church of God was theGlobal, then Living Church of God. Its physical human leader has been Roderick C. Meredith, who left WCG in late 1992.
In January 1993, Dr. Meredith began a church with the name Global Church of God (GCG). About two years later, evangelist Dibar Apartian joined with him. While trying to please various ministers, Dr. Meredith made certain statements on governance and other matters that concerned many (including this author).
Then, after an unusual series of legal moves by some individuals who did not share his public vision for leading the church, Dr. Meredith decided it was necessary to leave GCG in late 1998 to form the Living Church of God (GCG in the USA shut itself down within a year). For a short time, my COGwriter.comwebsite served as LCG’s website until LCG’s website got going.
Later, Dr. Meredith made me (Bob Thiel), over my objections, promise that I needed to tell him when I thought that he was“pulling punches” doctrinally. In early 2002, after LCG came out with its first public Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs, I sent him an email where I mentioned that I felt he was pulling punches doctrinally and informed him that the Official Statementseemed Laodicean. Many, but not all, of the additions I requested were adopted by LCG officially in November 2002.308
Prophetic and Doctrinal Matters
In the Summer of 2005, Dr. Meredith appointed me to be an advisor to the evangelists on matters of doctrine and prophecy. Some of my advice was heeded, but much was agreed to, but not implemented. It was LCG’s failure to keep promises and to publish known errors that was distressing. One LCG evangelist flat-out told me that it did not matter that errors were being sent out as most of their readers would not really know the difference.
This I found to be outrageous and unacceptable (cf. Jeremiah 48:10).
Before that happened, on October 3, 2008, Dr. Meredith telephoned me and stated, “God may consider you to be aprophet.” Shortly afterwards I told that to Dibar Apartian, whotold me, “You are either ‘the one’ (‘the one’ to lead the Philadelphians at the end) or the biggest threat to the Church!” In 2010, Dibar Apartian confirmed I was not the biggest threat, but instead that God had an important end-time role for me.309
In January 2009, Dr. Meredith told me that if he raised himself to the office of apostle that he might ordain me as a prophet (which made me wonder about his view of spiritual gifts and theological authority). Although he did not raise himself up nor ordain me, in the Fall of 2011, two LCG ministers told me that I did not need to have hands laid upon me to be a prophet. I disagreed and I specifically prayed about this ‘prophet matter’ and asked God to give me insight on whether He might consider me tobe a prophet when I was to visit LCG’s offices in Charlotte, North Carolina in December 2011.
This prayer was answered when I ended up having had hands laid upon me by LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour on December 15, 2011. He laid hands upon me and anointed me with oil and unexpectedly prayed that I would be given a “double-portion” of God’s Spirit (which Gaylyn Bonjour ended up telling me was reminiscent of the mantle passing from Elijah to Elisha; cf. 2 Kings 2:9-15and what this anointing could mean).
Gaylyn Bonjour’s comments then, and in March 2012, made me wonder if the mantle had truly been passed and if the final phase of the work could begin (cf. Acts 13:41; Isaiah 22:20-23
; Romans 9:28
Earlier, back on December 16, 2011, there was a private lunch in Charlotte with me and LCG evangelists Dr. Meredith, Richard Ames, and Dr. Douglas Winnail. Richard Ames prayed, with“Amen” concurrence from Dr. Meredith and Dr. Winnail, that I would continue to do the work that God has had me to do, etc.
Richard Ames also specifically called my writings/work “an additional witness.” Hence, there was a broad top-level concurrence with the evangelical and prophetic fruits of that work. Various promises were made to me by Dr. Meredith in meetings that month concerning doctrinal corrections, some of which he specifically assigned due dates in January 2012--yet none were kept that year nor the next. Instead, LCG ‘doubleddown’ and publicly promoted positions that several of its top leaders had admitted to me were errors. The Bible shows that the Jewish religious leaders somewhat knew about Jesus (John 3:1- 2Our amazing doubly blessed prophet is so fantabulous that his prophecies go even further than Herbert Armstrong's and the heretic Rod Meredith's. In fact, Rod Meredith was such a poor prophet that even he acknowledges someone GREATER than him was to hit the scene:), yet betrayed Him (Matthew 27:18
). Sadly, though various LCG evangelists knew/suspected my role in 2012 and agreed to fix errors, in their own manners, they betrayed me and the truth.
Unlike Herbert Armstrong who restored truths to the Philadelphia era, and Bob Thiel who added many more details to those truths and restored more that was lost regarding church history, prophecy, and doctrine, Dr. Meredith has not claimed to do that. Nor has he fulfilled the prophetic office. Yet, he wrote that someone had to.Let's take a huge guess here. Just WHO could that ONE person be? This is so hard to contemplate! Never fear though, Doug Winnail knew who THAT prophet was:
Consider also, even after I left LCG, an email from LCG evangelist Douglas Winnail sent to me on January 7, 2013 stated,“we made comments to you that ‘you may be a prophet.’”317On September 27 2018, the divine one had to yet AGAIN tell us just how important he is to the Church of God. Like usual, he lashes out in bitterness at the Living Church of God because they have rejected him:
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that not all are prophets. Prophet is an office and prophets are to prophesy as God’s Spirit moves them. LCG’s position is that it has NO prophets (which is apparently the case as I stopped associating with LCG on 12/28/12). And it has had Dexter Wakefield publish that:We are aware of no prophets in the Church today (Wakefiel D. Living Church News, July-August 2015, p. 26)
But it should be noted that starting with a telephone call from its late top leader on October 3, 2008, LCG had repeatedly stated that God may consider Bob Thiel to be a prophet.
Consider also:
- On August 26, 2012, LCG Evangelist Dr. D. Winnail told Bob Thiel, “We all think that you might be a prophet.” In order to determine who “We all” was, on September 7, 2012, I asked if this was a reference to all three of the LCG Charlotte-based evangelists and Dr. Winnail concurred.
- On January 7, 2013, Dr. Douglas Winnail sent me an email, which included the statement, “we made comments to you that “you may be a prophet.””
The craziness continues:Now that I am not in LCG, it seems obvious that LCG does not have any prophets. As far as LCG and other COGs go, they have at least 38 prophetic errors, which are cited in the article The Laodicean Church Era.
Dexter Wakefield’s ‘rare prophet’ article continued with:
“Prophets” in the sense of Elijah are rare,
True. But rare does not mean that there are not and cannot be any. Now while Dexter Wakefield did not make that error, many in various COGs have concluded that rare means none. The New Testament is clear that God has prophets who prophesy (1 Corinthians 12:28-30) and will do so in the last days (Acts 2:17-18
). Those in LCG and all other COGs need to realize this.
As far as ‘Elijah,’ the position of the Church of God since the beginning is that there would be three biblical ‘Elijahs.’ The original Elijah (e.g. 1 Kings 17:1), John the Baptist (Matthew 7:12-13
), and an Elijah to come at the very end of the church age (Malachi 4:4-6
) to restore all things (Matthew 17:11
LCG’s late Roderick C. Meredith taught that Elijah would be a younger man than he (Meredith, Roderick C. The Elijah Question. VTE 131, May 19, 2001). Its Dr. Winnail has improperly taught that the Elijah is not a person but an “Elijah-type work” which fulfills the Elijah prophesies in Matthew 17:10-11and Malachi 4:4-6
(Winnail D. The Mission of the Church. Living Church News, March-April 2006, p. 7). The Bible shows that ‘Elijah’ will be a person.
As far as rarity goes, I would ask, “How many people were told by an actual top evangelist in the Church of God that God may consider him to be a prophet?” In the 20th and 21st centuries, there is only one who comes to mind. So, while prophets are “rare,” and being told one is a prophet by an ordained evangelist is also rare, rarity does not mean that there are none.
As far as “Elijah” goes, he is to “restore all things” (Matthew 17:11).
Even the Living Church of God has taught about restoration–yet LCG has NOT restored what it says should be done.There is one person, in particular, that is to blame
The truth about early and apostolic Christians is that it is PROVABLY NOT IN LCG AND IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT than Dr. Meredith realized. When I was in LCG in 2011, I was trying to help them restore much of it; Dr. Meredith agreed, but then failed to keep his word. Dr. Meredith’s failure to keep his word on that and other matters was a major reason that the Continuing Church of God had to form.Where has the historical knowledge of the early Church of God been most fully restored?
Not true at all! The improperly named "continuing" Church of God is NOT carrying on any truth. It is also a FACT that Bob Thiel is a false prophet and a liar. God no more set him up as a prophet than he has Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Ron Weinland.In the Continuing Church of God!
All one has to do is look at the biblical record of prophets. They never seek to legitimize themselves. They never lie about themselves. They speak unapologetically while never whining.
Now take a look at the myriad of COG prophets who regularly pop up like pimples on Satans butt. They constantly come and go and accomplish nothing other than whine and bellyache in between the lies they regurgitate on a regular basis.
There is not a single man in the Church of God today that is a prophet. Not a single one!
It seems the entire reason why he believes so much in what he is not is because he listened to the puff-ups of the men in the LCG who simply were ensuring that Bob stayed where he was. In short -
I believe that Bob was just being used.
But Bob, I believe, took it seriously - internally - as if it was coming from God himself.
When I was in the Church I, too, used to take the minister's words with just as much of an ability to soak them in. So it's not hard to imagine that this could be the case with Bob.
I believe Bob is - put simply - absolutely and totally and irreparably brainwashed with so many alternative facts and delusions so deeply embedded within that it is impossible for him to think differently. I believe he'll go in believing he's a prophet and trying to convince anyone he can that that's what he is. Just like Weinland and Pack and Flurry. I believe he is absolutely and completely under delusion. And if he ever gets to where he can snap into reality and see that - which I don't think he ever will - God have mercy.
Thanks, Herbert - this is one very sad and disturbing example of what has happened to one person's mind because of your greed.
What SHT describes is a "True Believer"
I witnessed first hand both my work boss and my father withdrawing into a world of make-believe when they couldn't succeed in the 'real' world. It's the same sad garbage with Bob and other ACOG leaders. They live in Alice-in-wonderland.
If Gaylon Bonjour anoints me for menstrual cramps, can I then claim to be "THE POPE" ??
11:32AM, it's more like Elijah in Wonderland.
Bob wastes a lot of time with such things, and, as has been said, majoring in the minors. In Hebrew thought, one is known by what they do, not what they claim to be.
Wannabes remind me of the old cartoon, Tooter Turtle, and the Wizard's concluding moral, "Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot."
First of all, for there to be a prophet, there has to be a legitimate all-powerful god who determines everything. There never has been any such thing and there never will be any such thing. Daniel was written centuries after the fact and seems prophetic because much of it is based on known history. It goes haywire anytime someone tries to project it into the future. Revelation is a bad nightmare that just barely got incorporated into the canon by those catholic counsels. It's a total waste of time to read and try to understand biblical prophecy and even more so anything originating in warped, narcissistic minds of today.
Just because I tell you that you might be the President of the USA, does not make you it.
I never have to tell people I’m a technician. My reputation precedes me, they call me, and I repair their equipment. Because I’m honest, competent, and fair, they not only call me themselves. They recommend me to their friends.
Now, why can’t a prophet function like that?
I think it is hard for Bob or anyone else to compete with Gerald Flurry's prayer rock that even HWA did not understand its importance.
Because he is trying to convince people. And just his trying to convince people is enough invalidation on his own.
Prophets don't run around saying, "Look! I'm a Prophet! This is why I'm a Prophet! See? BELIEVE ME, I'M A PROPHET! HERE'S WHY I'M A PROPHET! I had this and ...."
"Well, it could be that it seems that..."
See how ludicrous this is? "I'm a prophet, I'm a prophet, but I don't know what I'm prophecying about!!!" Because if he did, there wouldn't be all of this maybe and possibly and could or it seems or this or that mumbo jumbo. It would be a "thus saith the Lord" - but he can't do that because he's not getting a "thus saith the Lord". He's just reading news clips and putting his own possibilities on to it. Without conviction.
So he's got to try to convince people "I'm a prophet, I'm a prophet."
Well, a prophet prophet here and a prophet prophet there.
Here a prophet there a prophet everywhere a prophet prophet.
Old Bob Thiel had an anointing, eee -iii - eee - iii - OHHHH NO YOU'RE NOT a prophet.
If you were, the first thing and the only thing you'd be doing is concentrating on the message, and not on who you are trying to make people think you are. A prophet would be evidenced by their fruits, not their claims. No one's buying this. Except for some Africans who need some church affiliation for their own purposes. And believe me. They aren't buying it either.
The only COG prophet has me confused by his reasoning of prophetic establishment. Is he claiming that the formerly true church of God who acknowledged and rejected his truth was now qualified to ascertain and qualify himself as a prophet? So am I to believe, that according to Mr. Thiel, the LCG was in all kinds of doctrinal error while he attended there and continued in those errors after he left, always correctly identified Mr. Thiel as a prophet?
How many people with a sound mind would believe such absurdity? How many would have followed Martin Luther if after having nailed the 95 theses to the Catholic church door, he would proclaim that he was legitimate because some in the Catholic church told him he was a true reformer?
If Mr. Thiel wants to continue to dwell in absurdity, he needs to get himself to Wadsworth Ohio as fast as possible so that he can come under the authority of the man who did make himself an apostle and who by the way, is the only man qualified to train a prophet.
6:31 -
You are making me think of Good Ol' Flurry had a rock...and on that rock he had a kneel.... with a "kneel kneel" here and a "kneel kneel" there, here a "kneel", there a "kneel," here a kneel there a kneel everywhere a kneel kneel Good ol' Gerald had a rock.
With the other verses and a herb hair here and a herb hair there, here a hair there a hair...
Except we all know he didn't get the right rock in the first place!
Not only did the leadership of the LCG end up rejecting Thiel, but the members did too. He was intensely disliked by a lot of people. He came across as arrogant and superior than everyone else. No one knew more about the bible than he did. We got sick of being lectured to and constantly being "corrected". He would come back from the Feast bragging about his exploits like he does now on his blog. He was able to jet around the world pretending to be the "elite" of LCG. We got so sick of hearing his stories. Bob gained no following from LCG and that has really ticked him off. In his mind, he is so right and we are so wrong for ignoring him. LCG as a whole breathed a sigh of relief the day he left. Good riddance!
Anon 7:00 PM
What you wrote about Thiel seems to be a perfect description of HWA too.
I don’t understand how y’all got tired of Thiel and are relieved he left, but y’all never grew tired of HWA.
Yet, y’all still remain in an Armstrongist offshoot that regurgitates plenty of HWA’s misinterpretations and misunderstandings of God’s Word and was the prime cause for such a babylon of delusional personalities as Thiel, Flurry, Weinland, etc. SMH
What Bob Thiel has done is from God; look at his Fruits; with not much funds compared to the big splinter groups; he has managed to put out a magazine, numerous booklets in scores of languages; support people's physical needs in poor countries; over 100 radio interviews; many other things; all without taking a salary; you'll have to answer to God for your false accusations. You people have the spirit of bitterness; it's that simple; at least pray about it; are you Christians? You have nothing on Bob Thiel and you never will. Why did Jesus tell the leading Jews; you are of your father the Devil. They knew better!!!! You do too!!!!!!!!!!☹️☹️☹️☹️
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Very funny! Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Unknown 10:59 PM said:
"What Bob Thiel has done is from God; look at his Fruits; with not much funds compared to the big splinter groups; he has managed to put out a magazine, numerous booklets in scores of languages; support people's physical needs in poor countries; over 100 radio interviews; many other things; all without taking a salary; you'll have to answer to God for your false accusations. You people have the spirit of bitterness; it's that simple; at least pray about it; are you Christians? You have nothing on Bob Thiel and you never will. Why did Jesus tell the leading Jews; you are of your father the Devil. They knew better!!!! You do too!!!!!!!!!!☹️☹️☹️☹️"
So do you consider Bob Thiel a "prophet" just like Elijah the Tishbite or John the Baptist? Or like HWA claimed to be? Because we all know HWA was not a prophet, but a false prophet who made over 200 false predictions! He must've been seduced by a "lying spirit," just as Ahab was, when he claimed to speak "on the authority of Jesus Christ" that our Saviour would return by 1975.
And as a repentant, baptized and Holy Spirit-led Christian that no longer is affiliated with any COG group, but independent, I have been looking at the fruits of HWA and all of his splintering and schismatic groups and I am very disappointed. I don't care how much money they take in or the number of feast sites they have or the number of publications they produce or whatever list of stats they might get you to look at as "fruit." You might think "gain is godliness," but Christ wasn't talking about any of these things as "fruit." He was talking about a person's character ie words and actions. That's why He declared the religious leaders of His day as "of the devil" because they "played religion," but behind the scenes were evil intending to murder the Son of the Most High God! So you just might have to repent yourself for equating your spiritual brethren who do read this blog or contribute comments to it as "of the devil" simply because we disagree with you about your "prophet" Bob Thiel or a number of other Armstrongist leaders that you might follow just like Christ corrected the religious leaders who condemned His disciples for plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath when they were innocent of any wrongdoing in God's eyes!
@10:59 PM, don't you know that Vic Kubik's LifeNets project has done much more than Bob Thiel? If the fruits of one man harnessing others' help (e.g. the translators that work for Bob and Vic) are the measure, then why not consider Vic Kubik a prophet?
And it is not just LifeNets that surpasses Bwana Bob's fruits; there are at least a dozen well-funded one-man-show projects loosely affiliated with the SDAs. Some of Bob's African members are in fact members both of CCOG and an SDA-affiliated group, because that gets them twice as much stuff from rich, foolish Americans.
Bwana Bob follows in HWA's footsteps by telling his audience that mainstream Christianity has fallen into error by replacing Christ's message with a message about Christ. Bob seems oblivious to the fact that his own message is first and foremost a message about Bob Thiel. "It kind of seems that it might be true that before Angela Merkel falls out of power she will..." he says, but he is clear on one point: "I'm a prophet because Rod Meredith's church taught a bunch of lies, but when they said I was a prophet they weren't lying." I will happily answer to God for recognizing this.
Unknown --
Yes, as a one man band, Bob has always appeared very productive, and his CCOG has produced a lot of material. While I don't speak for "You people", some of us only provide feedback - and it isn't nearly as brutal as some I experienced in Spokesman's Club!
Bob would benefit by taking criticism for what it's worth, and using it for personal improvement, not just crying persecution and ignoring it.
I'm just shocked that Prophet Bob isn't claiming that the hurricane in the Carolinas was God punishing the LCG for not recognizing him as its prophet!
" look at his Fruits; with not much funds compared to the big splinter groups; he has managed to put out a magazine, numerous booklets in scores of languages; support people's physical needs in poor countries; over 100 radio interviews; many other things;"
Putting out a magazine and numerous booklets, radio interviews - these are business fruits - the measure HWA often used to measure his success.
The fruits that are of consequence are spiritual. You should know the list. Gentleness, mercy, faithfulness, love, joy, mercy, self control, kindness, patience. The inner-most true attributes of a godly person. These good fruits should never be in conflict with rotten fruits such as ego, pride, self-centered behavior, falsehoods, and delusions of grandeur.
The work of God through the Spirit of God in Christians today is simple, and does not need, nor does it require, a mass-publication magazine, or booklets. It needs someone who can put away themselves, see the big picture of a hungry and needing world around them outside of a tightly sealed bubble, and show Jesus Christ by visiting the imprisoned, feeding the hungry, clothing the unclothed, lifting up the broken hearted, all with the virtues of the Spirit that were mentioned above. Those who "want to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on this Earth today". It is called being an example of loving kindness.
Self-proclaiming and repetitious attempts to convince a small group of selected people of one's role as a "prophet" accomplishes nothing to advance the cause of Jesus Christ, and only makes one an example of everything a prophet is not, in the true and biblical sense.
Personally, I have been shocked about all the prophecies made in the 1930s.
Deuteronomy 18 verses 20 to 22 discuss false prophets.
Does this apply to bad interpretations of Biblical prophecies as well as those who are claiming direct inspiration?
9:54 -
This is just my opinion, but I believe that the spirit of the law is simple:
God did not intend for writings in the Old Testament to be taken out of context for the purpose of inducing fear to extort money for the furthering of a business, spiritual, religious, or otherwise. The prophecies of the 1930s were horrible interpretations of the news and world events using a horrible interpretation of scripture.
The biggest problem Herbert made at the onset was his own interpretation of the validity of the Old Testament (Covenant) based on his own poorly constructed, physically-based, spiritually-dead interpretations of the Bible, and of Jesus Christ. His prophecies at the time seemed convincing because of the way he was able to "validate" them based on his interpretations. History and hindsight has proved his interpretations were absolutely wrong.
You asked if this applies to bad interpretations of Biblical prophecies. Those here will likely have several opinions on this based on their exegesis of scripture: Whether Deuteronomy is in force, if only parts of it are in force, or if the Old Covenant is totally obsolete, or, an interpretation all of their own. The question I would consider more is, if there is a bad interpretation of a prophecy, how can one believe any interpretation of the person who interpreted it falsely?
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