Dennis Leap wants everyone to know that because they have broken the 10 commandments THAT is the reason people are depressed. And, lest we are too dumb to forget, Satan and his demons are also the cause.
If this is true, then why are some of the vilest COG leaders, who claim to be staunch commandment keeps, men who have ripped apart marriages, destroyed teenagers lives, led people to suicide and even to murder.Unseen Spiritual Forces
The majority of people are completely blind to the fact that even the unconscious violation of God’s spiritual laws—the Ten Commandments, God’s means to guarantee human happiness—sets one up to experience mental, emotional and personal problems and negative attitudes. The Ten Commandments are in force just like the law of gravity. When we obey them, the result is peace of mind, inner joy and happiness. Yet if we break them, we become broken. We must face the reality that consciously doing things we know are wrong results in negative or depressed feelings.
Anger, bitterness and sense of loss, all things that are a result of the vile "no contact" policies and other vile teachings of the PCG. PCG leaders could care less about the lives of members as long as they can keep them under control.Here is a point that few recognize. Unresolved anger, bitterness, envy or jealousy leads to feelings of loss. We must learn to conquer these self-destructive, sinful emotions. All of these are the bricks of the path that leads to depression. “Envy makes the bones rot,” warns the Bible (Proverbs 14:30; English Standard Version).
Various COG leaders have been broadcasting their evilness across the airwaves for decades. How many more need to die because of them, while they blame Satan and demons for the evil they cause.Although it is not socially acceptable to believe in evil spiritual forces—Satan the devil and his army of demons—they do exist, and they have made it their express goal to influence and disrupt the minds and attitudes of unsuspecting humans. Satan is the author of angelic and human sin. He is the most depressed being in the universe, and he desires for all humans to feel the same way he does. In Ephesians 2:2-3, the Apostle Paul calls Satan the “prince of the power of the air,” because this evil being broadcasts his negative attitudes of mind worldwide.
No wonder so many people don’t understand the negative attitudes and moods plaguing them. The Bible warns that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12; English Standard Version). Satan and the demons place damaging and negative moods in unwary minds. The sudden impulse to end your life comes directly from them. A Fresh Look at Depression
This is not a new topic in ACOGs. I have heard multiple eermons from local ministers oon the topic in LCG & UCG. The general concept in these sermons is that those that battle with anxiety and depression have selfish mentality and that they need to buck up and do more for "the work". As someone who grew up with an extremely selfless and depressed mother, I remember these sermons vividly. I remember leaving without saying a word to anyone on multiple occasions. Looking back now I wish I never would've went back. The following weeks and after all of the other misinformed and abusive sermons that I sat through.
Bizarre. PCG causes depression, and then they go and place the blame elsewhere.
Unfortunatly the only people i've encountered in my life who are broken, with unresolved anger, envy, jealously and a good deal of bitterness have been a part of the ministry or the WCG aristocracy.
Bingo Byker! You beat me in making the same comment. Want the cause of depression in the ACOGs? Just look at an old photo of Herbert Armstrong or perhaps an old photo of the once beautiful Ambassador College campuses that everyone sacrificed to support which we were lead to believe was short term before Christ's return in 1975, and that would depress anyone. Spending a lifetime in Armstrongism as a tithe slave with each subsequently passing of failed prophecies on Christ's return would depress anyone. I am glad I got out when I did in 1976.
I suffered from depression for the short time I spent in an ACOG group, but after leaving a few years ago my depression seem to melt away & now I'm happy as a lark.😄
I cured my depression by leaving the RCG. Everything has been going great since then, even though Pack always said that anyone who left would suffer immense unhappiness due to leaving the "truth". It's amazing that every single person that I know who has left, including ministers from RCG, are doing better than ever. They are all happier and well adjusted to normal life. Work and family lives are much better without the constant harassment and stress of being "lorded" over and continually told what to do.
One thing that has always baffled me, even as a child growing up in the WCG, is the fact that somehow people who are not even allowed to manage their own lives, (and most could not, even if they were allowed to) are supposed to be ruling the world in the next "3 to 5 years"!
It is a great Ponzi scheme for those in power. (ie Pack and the like.) It is amazing that almost anyone with a twisted personality and a little charm can gain a following, just by claiming to hold fast to all things HWA taught. The ACOG's are dying off, but I am sure that there will probably always be a small sliver of people hanging on every word of some HWA prophet somewhere, claiming to be doing the greatest work on earth that no one has ever heard of!
No wonder so many people don’t understand the negative attitudes and moods plaguing them. The Bible warns that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12
Aside from doubts that Ephesians is one of Paul's genuine Epistles, this is pure superstition in explaining the attitudes and moods humans experience. Humans don't need to come up with wicked spirits in high places or cosmic powers of darkness to explain the many moods we experience in life. Circumstances are more than enough to cause us to have to face, retreat from or go around them all and the fears, anger, depression and anxiety that might go with the experience.
No seems to say, but should, that when we are happy and content, "...for we are not happy and content merely because of our flesh and blood selves. We are happy because of the clowns, the comedians, our close friends and family and the fruits of our hard work. By a pleasant environment in our present happiness here on Earths. Influenced by hormones and chemistry of happiness and contentment in cranial spaces ."
That doesn't have a very controlling ring to it and you can't use it scare people into compliance or to completely miss the actual help they may need to get through a tough time.
I'd recommend "The Origins of Satan" by Elaine Pagels if you really want to be free of any idea "The Devil made me do it". The Biblical concept of Satan evolves even in the scriptures and it is a fascinating study in how Bronze and Iron Age folk explained their world.
The Pedophilia Church of God is perhaps the most practiced at inducing depression in its members, but I have seen firsthand that many members of the Restored Church of God and Living Church of God are also very severely depressed. Anon 8:23 PM is right. Ministers tell the members, "You wouldn't be depressed if your heart was in the Work." Sadly, many members are depressed for exactly that reason, as they see the "Work" hijacked by pedophiles, liars, thieves, empire-builders and nepotists. Relief from such depression will not come unless members of PCG, RCG, LCG and other ACOGs realize that the ministers' shenanigans are not "the Work" and that they should stop supporting the corrupt ministry and its hierarchy.
depression can be a physical ailment like any other, usually caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain...sometimes it's easily treated, sometimes not, it depends on which chemicals are out of whack.
then there are times when a person "gets in a mood" and spirals downward, not having the willpower to pull out, thus getting caught in "depression", but I think that's a rare case.
HWA was not a highly educated man, and that's quite obvious from some of his old sermons where he gets into technical matters....and of course, medical knowledge in the 30's into the 80's was nowhere near what it is today...
Yeah, it’s always the fault of the abused! “I can do what I want to you and you must obey, OR ELSE!!” Or else it’s your fault if you are unhappy, depressed, broken. The COG leaders are power drunk. And all I can say is RUN, RUN,RUN!!!
How can one NOT be depressed after sitting for 2+ hours being lambasted with how evil, vile,
UNworthy one is for NOT measuring up to that standard of Perfection required attain to be
granted salvation, especially if it's ONLY by the skin of one's teeth, so to speak in the 1st
place. Impossible to reach but required anyway, according to these 2 faced hypocritical,liars.
I lost track of how many times I left services in a FOUL, not uplifted, inspired frame of mind. And I'm not alone in this. see it almost each week with someone still in D. Pack's evil
clutches. And the heartbreak it causes.
ASB Thoughts on Faith
When I read some of the comments here, I find a lack of understanding in the biblical reason of focusing on faith in God and His word. It appears that some think a person’s faith must have something positive to support it. Over the years I spent a lot of time reading the bible and the writings of many people regarding theology and the history of those who are defined as people of God and people of the world around them. In my own life time I have been with people who are committed to the Christian faith that had different ideas regarding the ideas associated with biblical faith. There is one thing I believe stands out is that no matter what it takes to maintain their faith and they are diligent in living by those standards their lives have more contentment and peace of mind than those who are devoid of that faith. My personal faith is such that allows me to accept those who have faith and those who have no faith in God and His word as long as they are contented and not trying convince other people to agree with their ideas even if those ideas have some validity. When we say we are doings God’s work trying to save these people or helping them to not be deceived I will point out that God’s work is what He does and when me or anyone else gets involved they will cause a lot of confusion and many times even destroy what God has already done. I know this approach works because that is the way I run my life. I do not want someone doing the things that are my responsibility unless I have given them the right and responsibility. I am finding that the problems in the churches and the world today are due to losing the simplicity of living harmony with God as He does His work while we do the things we could or should be doings.
It seems like the work replaces the Father and the son as what's important to these cogs. All you here is how they need more money for this that and the other thing. It would be nice if they lived with in their means like we all have to do. How many years did we hear more money building fund new jet fund more ministers fund etc, etc. Their greed never ends Isaiah 56:9-12
they all talk about being the watchmen but few have ever come close. if someone has been in one of these cogs you can understand how they could get depressed.
Some thoughts:
Mr. Flurry is in danger of being depressed. He is running out of funds for his jet. He might have to fly Spirit airlines.
What is really depressing is to find out that you have spent your life in organizations that have robbed your money and wasted your time teaching a bunch of b.s. that can't be proved from The Bible.
Thank you Miller Jones for the blog and the article on depression. I recall a chap whose father used to beat him (old WCG days) for 'misdemeanours'. He later suffered from depression but was told to "get over it" (ie past traumas in childhood etc). My daughter, who has Aspergers, also suffers from anxiety and twice this year has also suffered from suicidal thoughts. Of course, as a mother, my first thoughts were "Did I cause this? What did we do wrong to her as parents?" The psychiatrist we talked to told us that it might be the way she is 'wired'. She is seeing specialists to try to work out why. Looking back at her childhood, there were signs about her anxiety. I, too, tend to suffer from anxiety and social phobia, although it has improved a great deal with effect. So it appears it runs in the family! Anyway, thanks so much for pointing out this article.
Cults cause depression.
Gerald Flurry's PCG promotes family wrecking, immorality, depression, and so much more.
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