Another Year is upon us. We are now entering the year 2019. In the COG Sphere, 2019 is:
45 Years after the opening of Ambassador Auditorium.
44 Years after the Great Disappointment of 1975.
33 Years after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong.
25 Years after the "Changes" of December 1994.
11 Years after the Failed 2008 Prophecies of Ron Weinland.
6 Years after the Failed 2013 Prophecies of David Pack.
It's time for this year's "Predictions by SHT" of what 2019 may bring in the COG Universe.
Prediction #1: Another Big Failure for Ronald Weinland
Another Pentecost Return of Jesus Christ will fail - but only few will notice. That is, those few who still follow the man, and those of us aware of his ongoing incorrect predictions. This particular attempt at predicting the "Return" will again enter another prediction into the False Prophet Hall of Fame.
I predict he will reset the timeline again, will attempt to explain himself away, reveal some nugget of "new truth", refuse to repent, refuse to apologize, and continue to dupe the few believers in his version of Armstrongism that are left.
I also predict that his core group will shrink, but will probably remain intact - just a shattered remnant of what once was. Any attempt of future growth will be permanently stifled by the revelations of his criminal history to any new prospective members.
Prediction #2: More Shining Light Absurdities
I predict James Malm will double down in his legalistic interpretations of the Law, and, in 2019, will become even more aggressive in his "warning ministry". However, I also predict that his interpretations will become more obviously absurd than 2018. I predict he will attempt to begin a video "telecast" of some sorts, certainly with some sort of grand introduction, followed by a "Home Video" format video sermon of some sort. I predict he will continue to blast his "competition" as incorrect in many ways.
Prediction #3: Continuing Nonsense
I predict the ministry of Bob Thiel, AKA "Continuing Church of God", will attempt to "expand" more into Africa, where it's core group of "converts" are, and may approach 5,000 African members. I predict only a handful of these may even care or listen to Bob, or find any relevance in his messages. I predict his USA base will shrink slightly.
I predict he will continue without change in his ministry styles, including well-known props and mannerisms. I predict he will continue to use his "animations" to proclaim his version of a "gospel" and will seek even more alternative methods to "reach" the "lost". I predict that he will have his annual Superbowl Football Bashing Post in January.
I predict his ministry shall remain small and irrelevant to the main world scene. I predict he will not gain any following or noticing glances from any large world authority or government or broadcast, nor will any attempts be made to "silence" his ministry, because most will continue to not care. There are thousands upon thousands of other "prophets" and "ministers" out there with far more relevance for their attention than Bob.
Prediction #4: LCG Shrinkage
I predict LCG will shrink slightly in both income and members, as overall morale continues to decline and membership age increases. I predict there will be no merger with any other group such as COGWA in 2019. I predict that internal drama will also increase in 2019. There will be no substantial growth in LCG in 2019, I predict. Other than that, things will probably remain nearly the same as this year, with little power, little enthusiasm, and a general ho-hum attitude.
Prediction #5: UCG Stays The Same
I predict UCG will stay just about the same in 2019. Because of their acceptance of most mindframes, controversies will probably be minimal, with membership and income about even. No news here.
Prediction #6: The Scattered Church Continues their Feuds
I predict the Scattered Church will continue their feuds throughout 2019. No COG in the Scattered Church will break through with phenomenal growth or a charismatic leader. They will continue to merchandise the brethren, engage in materialistic disputes, and meet in small rooms or hotel conference rooms.
Prediction #7: More Scandals for PCG
I predict scandals and horror stories will continue to leak from PCG.
What do you think 2019 holds for the COG Universe? Do you agree or disagree? Comment below.
submitted by SHT
submitted by SHT
I predict that not one COG will have a Native American ordained or put on their council. All of the ORGS will continue to be dominated by old pale faced white men for the years to come.
I predict continued downward motion further into the death spiral for the orgs, and accompanying mental deterioration of the leaders across the board throughout the ACOGs. The groups that are currently embracing white nationalism and the president's agenda will quickly discover that this is not the solution to their growth and relevance problems. There will be greater disillusionment as the Armstrong prophecy mold continues to be the perennial "three to five years away". Armstrongism will remain an unrequited religious philosophy, a defective product which always fails when used in accordance to its manufacturer's instructions.
for some reason you folks think there is no success unless the numbers increase...
the bible indicates quite the opposite...those clinging to the faith will diminish in number...
you forget to include 2010, wherein PCG indicated that the Holy Roman Empire "will have been fulfilled." Their words, look it up. And of course it's another 6-10 years, when in 2016 it was just three more years.
10:54, and yet they have a target membership of at least 10,000 saints believing this is needed so they'd be included with those coming from Paran, and continue to actively recruit so "more people attend church." it's ok if they admit they don't know, but to pass off guesswork as revealed knowledge and claim it's prophecy when and if it comes true, and left in the shadows and speak none of it or edited out of new versions of literature when it does not, is being a false prophet and fooling their people.
I predict that the this anti-Armstrong website and its followers and supporters will experience weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I'm turning over a new leaf, a resolution if you like, because this year & after today I will no longer visit this site or even think of the ACOGs. I predict that my life will go a lot smoother without any religion in my life.
Anon 10:54 PM - The Bible also writes that many false prophets will arise....
BTW - SHT - where is the COGWA prediction?
Anonymous says that "those clinging to the faith will diminish in number." But this doesn't mean that all groups who diminish in number are clinging to the faith. Sometimes they diminish in number because they are simply WRONG. Mainstream denominations have been in decline since the 1960s. Does this prove that they too are clinging to the faith?
I predict that Dave pack will lose more weight and look more sickly and gaunt than he did last year. I predict that his RCG will lose another minister or two and the congregation will shrink and fewer funds will flow in. I predict that Dave become more isolated in his cult compound and he will leverage his debt to maintain the facade. Dave will contour to lie to his peeps and some will still adore him, but his delusional thinking and the fraud will wear him out another years worth and he will be closer to the grave as his mind and body fail. He will become more and more isolated from his estranged family and he will become disenfranchised with his make believe world and he will begin to resent his entire wasted life and he will become bitter. By 2022 Dave will be revealed for the psychopath and and con man that he truly is. Amen
I guess that wearing shoes causes you to be hit by a car...
How can Ronald Weinland be a failure when he's living comfortably off his members tithes? Same for Dave Packman. An leisurely, comfortable life. And getting their jollies with all that power over their members. It's heaven on earth for these leaders.
My prediction is that there will continue to be "hangers-ons" in all these small and shrinking armstrongite groups. The numbers will be slightly less by the and of 2019 but not by much. The very few young couples remaining with give birth to a few children and the meager audience and readers of their weak media efforts will unfortunately ensnare a few people into their little groups but that will be more then offset by the aging membership passing on and the small but consistent number of people leaving because they finally see armstrongism for what it is.
Also I see a small decrease in income because of the aging membership retiring to a lesser fixed income level.
There will be a few of the aging ministers passing on in 2019 some replaced by younger but not real young ministers or not replaced at all.
In a nut shell armstrongism will continue to slowly fade and become more and more a non-factor in the religious world.
10.54 PM
'Diminish in number?' Please give chapter and verse to support your claim.
There are those that will deceive while being deceived and they will come as wolves in sheep's clothing. This is nothing new, the believers that endure and are chosen to be with Christ at his return. We all know this but how many really believe it these days with all the liars and plain old thieves that make up some of the cogs. The word endure has several meanings but we also know what that means Not only does this mean a physical struggle with the world but a mental one trying to figure out who's trying to steal your crown or just has his hand in your pocket. What can be the most destructive is to follow some minister for years who seems like he's following Christ and all that time and money wasted. Follow no man only follow what's written in the bible. If they have their hand out for donations also disparaging others who are competing for your donation run for your life.
Die hards in the Armstrong movement seem to always point to the Gideon example. An example involving numbers is only relevant if that small number is accomplishing something on a large scale like Gideon. What we actually see is that the smaller the ACOGs become, the less visible they become, the less of a work they are doing. Like the glaciers and polar ice caps, they are simply melting away.
Mainstream denominations have been in decline since the 1960s
Go to the Church Militant site and find out how Stalin banned the church in the East and, since he could not ban it in the West, infiltrated it. Why do you think 50% of priests in the Catholic church are homosexuals? Massive recruitment of homosexuals by the infiltrators for the last few generations. Religion is said to be the opiate of the masses, so the Commies wanted to destroy it, leaving one less worldview (ideology) to complete with communism. Same reason they killed every last member of the Russian royal family--so it could NEVER regain power. Commies today are still working to totally destroy religion and all other ideologies.
I'll take Dilbert's choice of not making life decisions on a random date, but I'll venture that COG predictions will continue in their divergent paths. PCG, RCG, James Malm, Ron Weinland, et al will continue to make more precise, extreme and easily falsifiable predictions, while Bob Thiel, the self-proclaimed only Philadelphian prophet, will keep his short-term forecasts full of wiggle-room so that he can continue to claim "prophetic alignment" with each twist and turn of world news. You can also trust that Bob will tell us why the other COG's predictions are in error, for example, here's his assessment of a recent PCG prognostication.
Beware of what you predict. Reality is stranger than fiction.
You do know "Red Dawn" wasn't a documentary, right?
yeah, afraid ur right: once they see the ancient writings of the Word of God fulfilled, particularly Luke 13:25
Spoken by Jesus, whom, ironically, the writers of this blog like to accuse the cogers of rejecting, then they will understand that they will simply not be entering into His Rest, and will go the way of every doubter and scoffer in the bible that has preceded them...
woe unto them, there will be wailing and weeping at missed opportunity to merely stay the course of the simplicity that is in Christ and receive Praise from the Son of David, son of judah...
c f ben yochanan
Just what we need. Another hair brained conspiracy theory! How do you even live with such stupid things going through your head? I think the infiltrators recruited you!
Didn't James Malm cancel plans for a telecast? Thought I read that on his website several weeks ago - that it might be audio only.
Christians have already entered into His Rest. The opportunity is not missed. It's here. Christians do not have to wait for a future event to experience Christ. Sorry to say it, your words and predictions are empty and without authority. Jesus is alive and well within His people.
"Christians have already entered into His Rest."
you can't be serious, have you looked around you lately? have you not noticed the condition of the world???
the only rest Christians have right now is the Sabbath each week (Heb.4)
SHT writes "Christians have already entered into His Rest." SHT obviously hasn't met my sister and brother in law.
Humanity is irrational.
We are humanity!
Isaac Asimov is in an interesting interview where he discusses this.
(Newer and older writers have also made this point.)
Scott Adams writes and blogs that we each have our own reality filter which is why people can reach completely different conclusions from the same set of facts.
Robert Cialdini (from the opposite political spectrum) writes how we can be subconsciously persuaded into the decisions we make.
" Jesus is alive and well within His people."
In what way is Jesus alive, where does he live and how well is he? Where are his people? Asking for a friend.
RCG will decline because after making every member send in ALL they have, they can't afford to have any kids. Kids are expensive, I'm surprised he hasn't told them to not to have any. One, because the money that's needed for raising a family is not available to him and two, it's the end times and things are going to crash anyway real soon and so who needs small children to hinder them? It never ceases to amaze me, why do they all go on about needing money for this and that when they think Christ is returning within months?
"you can't be serious, have you looked around you lately? have you not noticed the condition of the world???"
Did I say I was talking about the world? Did I say every liar, stealer, assaulter, and abuser is a Christian? Did I say that those who are on the "will not inherit the Kingdom" list are Christians? Did I allude to anything about that? What then is your definition of a Christian?
a Christian is one who has the Holy Spirit, Christ in them, and is known by the fruits they exhibit. The fruits they exhibit are directly correlated with Christ's Rest.
The rest is not physical. The rest is spiritual. It's emotional. It's relationship. All those with the Spirit of God, Christ in You, are inheritors of the Promise. They are confident in their future because they have been sealed by the Spirit. What you are doing is confusing Christianity as a corporate, which it isn't. Christianity is personal. It is a relationship. Those who have Christ exhibit Christ and exhibit through their fruits the evidence of His Rest.
Why is this so hard for Armstrong followers to understand?
I predict more trite blathering from the tricycle.
"Why is this so hard for Armstrong followers to understand?"
Because the ACOGs have defined Christianity as 'obey (the minister), yield (to the minister), submit (to the minister). Christ has been pushed to one side, and only given lip service. Restated, what these church have is 'rule of man' which Wikipedia defines as:
"Rule of man is absence of rule of law. It is a society in which one person, regime, or a group of persons, rules arbitrarily.
The Sovereign exercises absolute authority and is not bound by any law, he as a person stands outside law."
certainly Christians have entered into His Rest as it is Written in Hebrews 4:3
, but must also strive to do so also, per Hebrews 4:11
: both verses stem from Psalms 95:10-11
, which was Spoken in the context of the nonbeliever not entering into His Rest...
c f ben yochanan
Why is "Changes" in quotes?
in all this nonsense of babel, confusion and lies that make up this site, you are fulfilling part of God's prophetic Word, a small part but a part nevertheless, so don't flatter yourself as though you are having an impact on God's Elect whom you are trying to, if possible, deceive, Matth 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.
You are only a little player, a tiny fish in an ocean of sharks. God will not allow HIS true elect to be deceived, as no one can snatch them out of HIS Hand. Go ahead, give it your best shot, if the big boys cant succeed, you just might be able to outwit God with your superior intellect. The failings of men should not be used to ridicule the true works of the Almighty God! Can you feel the temperature rising Dennis, dennis who?
sad for you
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