Gerald Flurry has said a lot of incredibly stupid things over the years, as have Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland and Jimmy Malm, but none of their prophecy prediction idiocy can compare to the proposition Gerald Flurry is throwing out into the wind about Joe Tkach Jr. and the Catholic church.
erald Flurry Throwing All Caution to the Wind / Date Setting:
Gerald Flurry is nearing the end of his life, and reading his articles in the January 2019 issue of
The Philadelphia Trumpet, one would think that he has thrown all caution to the winds. On page 8, he writes, "The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the greatest event ever, will happen in six to 10 years, as I calculate it. That means the Great Tribulation, the worst suffering this Earth has ever experienced, will start within a few short years."
Joel Hilliker on the very next page, warns that, "In recent decades, it seems that every few years someone comes along with a new prediction of the world as we know it. And then those predictions prove false. This problem of failed prophecy has plagued many religions for thousands of years. People predicting Jesus Christ's return have set dates."
On page 10, Hilliker again: "Be wary when you hear someone predicting a specific date of Christ's return." But what if the "someone" doing the predicting is the leader of your own church? What if Gerald Flurry himself is date-setting, "as he calculates it."
Flurry has another even more bizarre article in the latest PT, called "Is America's Supreme Court In Bible Prophecy?" To put it briefly, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh does two things. First, Flurry says, "I believe... [it] indicates God will likely see that President Trump has a second term." Secondly, the end-time Amaziah (= Joe Tkach Jr., who turned WCG around after Herbert Armstrong's death) is going to persuade the Supreme Court (full of Catholics, Flurry says) to throw the PCG out of the United States! But not to worry, Flurry says: 'The Supreme Court's rejection of our message is God's way of getting His people out of this country to a safe place.' Armstrongite-watchers will know that this used to mean
Petra! --D. K.
Comment: The following words are taken from the January 24, 2017 PCG letter:
Gerald Flurry has prophesied that Trump is the "End Time Jeroboam" that will ally with Joe Jr. Tkach and the WCG and finally kick the PCG members out of the USA, exiling them to Jordan/Petra. Flurry has also made a prophesy that Trump will be the last President of the USA because the Tribulation is very, very close and could happen at any time. Exit and Support
RUMOR MILL-- Yes Joe Tkach Jr. has a red "HOT LINE" phone direct to the Vatican and to the Pope!
In fact, Tkach carries around with him a briefcase, like the nuclear code one that the US Govt. uses, so that at any time "Joey and Fran" (yes they use those familiar greetings with each other, they are that close to one another!), the signal can be given to get rid of Flurry and his 2500 member church!
Who’s going to pay for my iPhone???
When I saw the title of this latest blog entry, I blew a mouthful of Dreyer’s Caramel Delight Ice cream all over it!
More ASB thought’s on Faith
Biblical Faith may be challenged when the focus is on all the writing regarding God’s failure to correct and / or punish the evil and sinful behavior of His people and their leadership. The Old Testament writings are often seen from that perspective, but if a person focuses on the most of the final words in many of the writings, they will find that God is patient and long suffering. When the time comes to fulfill the final judgement in preparation for the Lord Jesus to take over the Kingdom of God the evil and sinful behavior will be totally eradicated. How and when this happens is determined is totally God’s responsibility and we should have the faith that doesn’t question God’s Judgement.
The Great Tribulation is only months away:(
-it commences after missed payment on Jet:(
If only this were true!
Cast out these illegitimate vermin who are destroying the lives of COG members. Throw Thiel and Malm in the firey heap they need to be thrown upon. Let them suffer like Flurry and Pack will for the damage they have caused.
What’s interesting is that if you do a Duckduckgo search on Gerald R Flurry, Joseph Tkach Jr., David C Pack, or Dr. Robert Thiel and check their My Life files, they all come up respectable, with ratings in the high 3s and mid 4s. My Life is a composite of all the available public information out there on given individuals.
Anyone know what area James Malm lives in so we can have a look at his My Life file?
Oops. Almost forgot! We should probably look up Aron Ra, too. Heh
Tainted mushroons must be growing in Oklahoma again.
Petra was badly flooded recently, Flurry better get a yatch.
Based on the success rate of COG prophecies, we can only say to Gerry, for your sake, we hope you're right! But we all know the Catholic Church will be after Bob Thiel, because Rod Meredith said so...
Here is where dave pack plagiarized his "kingdom Of Israel" Doctrine from.
Please share and expose this fraud please. Thanks
Oh yes PLEASE!!!!!!! That would be the greatest gift from God ever!
From 1844 to the present, the most credible Millerite prophet I know of has been David Koresh. He predicted that the Waco Compound ("The Place of Safety") would be attacked by the Feds and it was. While Koresh did not claim this was the great tribulation, he termed it "a tribulation." One could argue that Koresh did much himself to bring that tribulation about - for instance, by buying hand grenades. But the fact remains that Koresh stands in sharp relief and in isolation when compared to the other Millerite prophets who are discussed on this blog. Something Vernon predicted actually happened. Wow!
What is remarkable is that Millerite congregants everywhere seem to be impervious to the significance of the failed prophecies of their leaders. I have concluded that for them it is somehow exciting to hear prophecy proclaimed in a stentorian sermon but then the declaration rapidly fades in the fog of other concerns such a legalistic minutiae. It is a puzzle.
Show me a direct quote from Flurry where he said what people are saying he said.
Also, what kind of shape are these guys in? Will either of them be around much longer?
donald drumpf is categorically described in Daniel 11:21-45
, and clearly was prophesied to be a deceiver and seducer of they what claim to believe in the Covenant (so called evangelicals are staunch believers in the right of the state of israels existence by virtue of the Promises of God to Abraham, regardless of they sins)...
those whom have been deceived are also described as "doing wickedly" against said Covenant, and also being conned by donald drumpf...
curiously it is also prophesied that donald drumpf will abruptly turn against they what believe...
c f ben yochanan
What are these "My Life files" of which Byker writes? I've gone to and don't see them. Maybe they just show up for him because of his previous searches?
I love how the COGs always manage to overestimate their own notoriety.
The current Supreme Court is indeed majority-Catholic. In fact, it has been for years.
You use Duckduckgo as a search engine, as you would Google. Input, as an example, “Dr. Robert Thiel, Arroyo Grande, Ca” This will bring up a list of websites with Dr. Thiel’s name, one of which is the “My Life” site. Click on it, and learn.
You can do this for any of your “favorite” ministers, ex-wives, people who use their real names here, or anyone else. It’s a hoot.
I apologize for only giving partial information earlier. I assumed that anyone using the internet to participate in Banned knew how to use a search engine and click on a website. The reason I recommended using the Duckduckgo search engine is that there is no tracking. No record of your search so Bob Thiel can’t discover that you were looking. It’s a cool tool with a novel name.
I apologize for only giving partial information earlier. I assumed that anyone using the internet to participate in Banned knew how to use a search engine and click on a website.
Bob, you don't need to be so condescending. You wrote:
Input, as an example, “Dr. Robert Thiel, Arroyo Grande, Ca” This will bring up a list of websites with Dr. Thiel’s name, one of which is the “My Life” site. Click on it, and learn.
At, I input exactly the text you suggested (without the quotation marks), and on the first page was given links to the following URLs:
I saw nothing resembling "My Life." Maybe you could try again, this time without being so condescending. Thanks in advance!
Don’t know what to tell you. I just retraced my steps, and the mylife file on the good doctor came up 12th on my iPhone, and 13th on my iPad.
He’s 60 years old, has a reputation score of 4.38, reported annual income of $175,000-$199,999, and current net worth of $250,000-$499,999. Married, Caucasian, Christian, and it looks like his wife’s name is Joyce.
I just attempted the same search the same way on my Android device, and a My Life file didn’t come up. However, I then used Chrome, went directly to My Life, typed in his name, and an abbreviated one page report came up. I keep my PC-based laptop air-gapped for security, so could not check accessibility on it. Could also try a PC in my office tomorrow.
Good. That’s reassuring, R.L.
“PCG: Joe Tkach Jr Will Persuade Catholic Church To Throw The Philadelphia Church of God Out Of The U.S.”
I doubt it, but it would be nice if someone would cast out those demoniacs.
Whenever Gerald Flurry comes up with some really satanic heresy (such as the idea that he is That Prophet) he likes to pretend that it is such wonderful new truth that has been revealed to him that he is going to be attacked terribly just for teaching it. Then, everyone is supposed to feel all sad and sorry for the deranged little pervert because people are supposedly going to persecute him just for telling his demon-inspired lies that had been revealed to him.
He is more likely to be thrown into jail in the UK and then out of the UK for his treasonous claims against the English throne.
The Catholic Church can't even throw out its own rotten bishops and priests. Throwing anyone else out will be impossible.
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