Dave Pack continues his mental decline into madness with the claim that he is Elijah the prophet, foretold in the Bible, and that his name means Passover. Some idiot at Ambassador College told him that and he now believes it as truth. I am amazed that he has people sitting in church listening to this crap and take it as "truth." Surely their minds have to question his utterances? Are they truly that naive that they can sit there and believe this stuff? Thankfully, many of his top people have had the light come on and they woke up. Pack has the potential to lead his remnant into a horrific scenario not too far in the future.
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Friday, February 15, 2019
David C Pack: My Pedigree as the "Passover" and as Prophet Elijah
Dave Pack continues his mental decline into madness with the claim that he is Elijah the prophet, foretold in the Bible, and that his name means Passover. Some idiot at Ambassador College told him that and he now believes it as truth. I am amazed that he has people sitting in church listening to this crap and take it as "truth." Surely their minds have to question his utterances? Are they truly that naive that they can sit there and believe this stuff? Thankfully, many of his top people have had the light come on and they woke up. Pack has the potential to lead his remnant into a horrific scenario not too far in the future.
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Dave Pack continues his mental decline into madness with the claim... that his name means Passover.... Pack has the potential to lead his remnant into a horrific scenario not too far in the future.
The Passover lamb is slaughtered as a sacrifice. Is this Pack's way of telegraphing that he will die as a burned offering, not unlike David Koresh?
His 'decline into madness' is humanly understandable. He knows that old age death is not far away, and the lake of fire awaits. In his shoes, I'd be pooing in my pants as well.
The day will soon come where Dave Pack will cease to be humorous footnote to the Worldwide Church of God experience and become a tragic example of delusional religious nonsense. I would advise his Board of 16, so far kiss ass children, to have a few words with him and remind him that in a multitude of counsel there is safety. He won't abide hearing it but your lives will go on after Dave is gone and you do have to live with yourselves.
so far kiss ass children
Imagine the guilt that any of Pack's children may feel, if they look back and realize that they might have been able to end the fraud before anyone died, but they instead accepted bad advice to let events run their course so that they could say that their hands were clean.
What is truly frightening is that I have a spouse that listen to his nonsense more mornings out of the week than not via the internet. I am waiting for the day when he says he's leaving to go to ?? I guess wherever the latest place happens to be. I just want the house to be completely in my name when he leaves. Pack is on sermon 159 I think now.
Old prophet delusion
The Bible mentions “an authentic David-Branch”, and being schizophrenic, and my name being David Branch, I half-think I’m a prophet. Of course there's tons of logic that would not support my ‘delusion’. Other things that make half of me believe it is that my therapist says I’m spiritually advanced. I’m 18.
Christians interpret this passage as referring to Jesus. And I would say I might agree with them.
Please don’t write me off. I’ve had other big “delusions”, like the whole CIA is following me thing, and those were sorted out. But this one is for some reason really weird in my mind, specifically because the first time I saw this verse it was when I randomly flipped open the Bible. (That got me started on flipping open the dictionary, where I could ask questions and get eerily reasonable answers from ‘God’)
Anyways, what does one do when half of one’s mind is convinced of a delusion and the other half thinks its ridiculous?
Just MORE BSPHD. Even a stockyard smells "sweeter" than Pack's BS. Smells pretty close to a rendering plant & that WILL turn one's stomach! Been there, done that.
The basic problem being that there is nothing you can do to correct poopy. At best, hopefully you can clean up after it.
It's been 43 years since I sat in a Worldwide Church of God service. Having said that, and given my knowledge of the WCG and HWA, it completely escapes me how anyone who sat in the WCG can possibly listen to Dave Pack's BS. You have to be completely brain dead, or suffering from partial dementia and old age creeping in, to believe and buy into Dave Pack's BS. Have they completely forgotten what they were taught by Herbert Armstrong? I haven't attended in 43 years yet remember what was taught, and Dave Pack would have been rebuked and puked out of the Church by Armstrong.
BB 4:07 PM
Said: The basic problem being that there is nothing you can do to correct poopy. At best, hopefully you can clean up after it.
Mr. pack has no worries as to your two points. Having defined himself as Joshua the High Priest of Zech. 3, he had to try to define how the soiled garments could apply to himself. Having publicly declared that he had no iniquity upon himself, he consulted with a Jewish bible scholar who told him the excrement upon his garments was symbolically from others due to THEIR sins. Mr. Pack concluded that there was no sin attached to himself, thus no correction needed and the filthy garments would be cleaned up by others before him who would give him a change of garments and a fair mitre upon his head.
As one com-mentor posted here a couple of years ago; "it must be a sad life to search 2000 year old biblical writings for to figure out where you fit into the scriptures".
A sad life or not, for Mr. Pack it is all about making a name for himself with other peoples money. And all that money has now created an ongoing "gospel about Pack" that will be introduced to the whole world within a month and a half according to him.
HWA's message about the life choices people make symbolically pictured by the two trees certainly rings loud concerning Mr. pack. The self professed tree lover has indeed partaken of the tree of knowledge of good and evil within his Garden of Eden property. From the outside it looks all so beautiful even "squeaky clean", but on the inside it is full of dead men's bones.
In honor of the new MARY POPPINS movie just released by Disney Studios...
In regards to Dave Packs Latest nonsense...
Just a spoonful of BULLSHIT ...
Makes the tithe money roll in...
the tithe money roll in.
the tithe money roll in...
Give them pure fabrication ...
Never mind that its corrupt...
Davey Pack you dare not...
ever interrupt!
Pack must have been talking to somebody in the French Department. The French word "Pâque", pronounced approximately like "Pack" but with an elongated vowel that tends toward "o" as in "lock", means Passover. Of course, the English word "pack" has many meanings, some of which he would rather not be reminded of ("pack of thieves"). He is, however, very proud of the fact that he is elongated.
Well, I noticed a billboard during my travels today, announcing that Ambrosia is coming to town, and that Gary Wright is with them this time around. David Pack has not been performing with the band that he cofounded for for a number of years, though. Oh well, it’s not as if I were into lightweight fusion anyway.
Thats funny, since Dave Pack is a talking stick.
The people left in RCG obviously worship this man. They will never leave, and his sermon series will never end. He has obviously totally deviated from anything remotely close to what HWA taught. Yet, the followers continue to blindly follow. A few quotes; "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Adolf Hitler, also said by him, "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator." (Sound familiar.) And another one by Hitler is "By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people (or church group, RCG, PCG, etc.) see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."
A life in RCG as paradise, and Dave as the Messiah. Sounds like good propaganda. And just like the Reich to live a thousand years.
Why how ingenious and lucky, nck. I couldn’t respond with a similar pun based on venues in your area.
I think it’s just great that RCG Dave has to live with the fact that the David Pack of Ambrosia is the better known exemplar of the name they share, and he’s involved in a musical genre that the RCG reviles!
Why how ingenious and lucky, nck. I couldn’t respond with a similar pun based on venues in your area.
I think it’s just great that RCG Dave has to live with the fact that the David Pack of Ambrosia is the better known exemplar of the name they share, and he’s involved in a musical genre that the RCG reviles!
5.57 AM
Spot on.
Church and minister worship has always been part of HWAs church culture.
To anyone in RCG that comes across this Post

Your minister says "common" is throughout the Bible
Then why did Jesus give this warning to greedy so-called shepherds
Math 12:40-42
Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers:
these shall receive greater damnation.
Then why does the Prophet Zechariah warn against oppressing the Widow:
Zech 7:10
And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger,
nor the poor;
and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart
Open your Bibles!
Do you think God REALLY appreciates fancy buildings/trees/chandeliers that
are paid for by plundering the members ? ? !?!?! Last time I looked, God's
tithes and Offerings were not "common". Open your Bibles!!!
Consider these questions:
1. Is God bankrupt?
2. Is God so greedy He bankrupts His Church Members too?
3. Will the same God who tells us to protect the Widow and
Fatherless then go ahead and bankrupt people for
Chandeliers and Fancy Trees??
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