Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Lies Jehovah's Witnesses and Church of God Leaders Say...Notice the Similarities

Submitted by a reader here


Tonto said...

John 18:38-- "What is truth?"

Anonymous said...

Substitute Dave Pack and RCG for the JW's and you have a match as well.

jim said...

Thanks for the video. Will share it.

What About The Truth said...

Dave Pack for one believes he is at minimum equal to the twelve Apostles and has said Paul changed his belief of the timing of the end time from one letter to the next in 1st - 2nd Thessalonians. Therefore his belief is it is "okay" to come to a understanding over time of biblical scripture and still call it the truth. One difference between him and the JWs is he calls those in his membership that don't believe a doctrine a heretic. The JWs claim a person commits apostasy - two similar words but with different meanings.

The hubris of men representing a church and defining and legislating what is truth while they have been wrong and are presently wrong and will be wrong is one big reason Christianity has the rap as being one big hypocritical movement.

Anonymous said...

Prophecy and the COG is like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. Just when the date approaches, the football is yanked away, and assurances are given that those mistakes won't happen again, before the next 5-10 year gauntlet arrives. I remember being a teen in Global Church of God and hearing that the end would come in the next 5-10 years. I heard that again 10 years later. New goalpost.. Also in LCG there's the new truth of the wedding supper (who cares?) and special sermons related to that doctrine.

The COG is so insular and insulated from reality they don't realize their message is slipping into oblivion. They don't adapt and they don't change and as such the organization will someday die out.

Fear based religion is like a DVD player. You can find them in most households but millennials and Gen Z have little use for outdated methods of faith which rely on post WWII thinking.

Al Dexter said...

Not new news to me. Herb plagiarized much of his doctrine from the JWs, plus much from the Mormons and COG7 fanatics like Rupert (British Israelism). I don't think he had a single original thought. His only genius was his ability to amalgamate it all into an appealing package for the unwary, like I was at age eighteen. Think becoming gods was new? That's Mormon nonsense. But, you can't adopt any religion without shutting off your brain and denying facts, especially in this time of easily accessible knowledge and facts. I remember when I was a letter answerer and someone sent in a Watchtower magazine. Their article denouncing birthdays was almost word for word the same idiotic nonsense as the article we circulated that Ken Herrmann obviously plagiarized from them. Plagiarists make fortunes stealing other people's stuff and claiming it as their own. Herb and company were masters of the scam and the are still profiting from the suckers who fall for it. But then, that the history of "Christianity" from its founder, Constantine, to this day. Just occasional new wrinkles in the old con game.

Hoss said...

New Truth, brethren!

Anonymous said...

Tonto said...
John 18:38-- "What is truth?"

May 1, 2019 at 12:08 PM

The answer to that question posed by Pilate is found in Christ’s prayer in the previous chapter (John 17:17) “Thy word is truth.”

Byker Bob said...

I had an adventure with some Jehovah’s Witnesses this past week. They like to set up little racks and chairs at public buildings these days, whereas in the past they’d wake you up on Saturday mornings ringing your doorbell. As I walked towards the library, one of them called out, “What year car is that?” I smiled and replied “1957!” One said to the other, “I told you so!” I said “OK, looks like you get the prize!”

Feeling they had established a rapport with me, as I later exited the library, they called out “Excuse me! You, sir, with the 1957 automobile!” At this point, realizing that they wanted to switch the topic from cars to Jehovah, I ignored them. And that’s alright! They wouldn’t want to have heard about my being raised in another one of the Millerite cults anyway.


Anonymous said...

What do you call "truth" that is no longer "truth" that in actual fact was never "truth" to begin with but false?!

And why is an open mind required and questioning encouraged while you're part of "mainstream" or "traditional" Xianity (Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist, etc) and studying HWA/xCOG publications to push you to leave your church. But when you join a COG such qualities are suppressed and even cause for punishment or excommunication?!

The things I once thought was "truth" makes me shudder at times since I know now it was not! And that there are people still in the xCOGs or being recruited by the xCOGs believing HWA's lies. I pray God will be merciful to them as He has been to me and open their eyes as He has mine for His TRUTH will set you free while HWA's "truth" only keeps you in bondage to Armstrongist myths, lies and man-made traditions of no real spiritual value whatsoever.