Chag Sameach!!
What an inspiring pre-recorded open message from Gerald Weston to set the tone for the next 8 days of our love feast.
1. This is NOT a vacation! God, (not a corporation) put His name here and commands you to assemble before Him for instruction. How dare you choose fishing or roller coasters over an additional morning nap.
2. Be here EVERY day for services. Ezra read from the Law every day so this is a clear example for all time.
3. Be very ashamed if you did not come with a fully saved 2nd tithe.
4. Stop being selfish and making the corporation look bad to the local businesses. Spend ALL your 2nd tithe even if it means over-tipping filthy illegal aliens. The church doesn't need your excess. 😳🤣
5. Don't be gluttons and drunkards. Get enough sleep. The last thing we want is for your snot-nosed children getting us sick when we take up your children in our arms to bless them. Do as we ministers say and not what we do.
6. Come to services early and stay late so you build relationships with your future co-rulers. Just don't talk Bible. Enough can never be said about work, weather and football, brethren.
7. Rejoice! (OK, he didn't really say that.)
From an LCG source
From an LCG source
If this was from member of LCG I would say that they are an unhappy camper attending the FOT.
Line them up, paint them yellow, label them #2's and neatly put them in a box!
Why do xCOG ministers misrepresent God? Why do they keep on saying that their feast site is where God put his name. Jeroboam did that (1 Kings 12:27-30
) and look what happened to the northern house of Israel (1 Kings 14:16
Insofar as I know, the last place God put his name was in Jerusalem. How do Jews today keep sukkot? Do they go up to Jerusalem? Very few of them do. Most of them observe sukkot in their local community, building and 'dwelling' in their own sukkahs (not hotels). Do they even save 2nd tithe? Tithing is no longer required. Probably they save some, not a tenth, for their local feast expenses. They even no longer give tithe to the Levites. By the way, Levites are not necessarily kohanim. Only the sons of Aaron are kohanim. What the Jews today do is tzedakah, not tithing.
Probably the xCOG ministries would say that the Jews are spiritually blind. Then why are they following the Jewish calendar, and not the biblical calendar? Aren't they aware there were two courts during the 2nd Temple time validating the new moon sighting? One was the Temple court, composed of Sadducees, and the other was the Sanhedrin/Pharisees. Are the xCOG upholding the authority of the rabbis (modern Pharisees)? They might as well uphold the authority of the catholic church in changing the Sabbath to Sunday.
In my view, people are better off enjoying themselves with fishing or what ever. This gives a helpful taste of the coming millennium. To most members, sermons are stale repetitions of what they already know. The web is saturated with articles on human relationships. That the ACOG churches ignore these meaty articles, feeding their members spiritual milk instead, must be by design.
At my LCG Feast site this year, I can already see the fruits of carnal human nature out on full display. Our "Festival Coordinator" is so shameless in his desperate attempt to impress Mr. Weston that he has taken credit for his crew's initiative, has blamed one of his big screw-ups on an innocent crew member, and has made service to the ministry a higher priority than service to the widows attending the Feast. it's sickening enough that this may be my last Feast of Tabernacles with LCG.
Maybe he will join me in leaving. My feast last year was the worst one ever and the sermons were mainly boring at their best.
I finally came to realize they had carefully curated scriptures to prove the infallibility of their doctrines and the Bible.
It is never too late to get smart.
Our last year in LCG sit was last year. We took the kids and skipped services a lot to take in the history and the activities of the area. We had the best feast ever not having to listen to boring sermons.
My feast last year was my last ever with LCG. One new minister trying to act tough as if having met a navy seal means he was tough by osmosis (because being an effective killing machine is sooo ministerial) and Gerald Weston fawning over Dennis Prager in his sermon was a major grind.
Which site are you at? That sounds really shameful.
At an LCG site. Haven’t been to a service yet, my spouse is already saying it’s “the best feast ever”. We had a really good talk with our kids today about the things we take away from the festival - primarily that life is temporary and short, and we should be choosing to enjoy it and doing good to others. Also that someday there will be a time when all people can rejoice and have plenty ( which I realize is controversial around here, but is what I choose to believe). But until that time we should try to actively help as well as pray for those who are hurting. We also tell our kids that this is what we believe, but encourage them to think about things and fo me to their own opinions.
"( which I realize is controversial around here, but is what I choose to believe)."
If the blog owner and main participants expect civility toward Dennis and his beliefs, you'd think they'd expect civility toward those who still hold to what they call Armstrongism. But sometimes they are blind to their own arrogance!
Sometimes it is worthwhile to set aside what we have been taught within Armstrongism and give matters an unbiased review. I can find the following traditional meanings associated with the FOT:
1. Living in booths as a memorial to the wandering for 40 years in the wilderness.
2. Celebrating the abundance granted by god of the harvest.
I cannot find:
1. The FOT is a picture of the Millenium.
2. The Last Great Day is a general resurrection.
3. Living in temporary housing is intended to emphasize to us our mortality (more on this below.)
The second grouping seems to have been concocted by Armstrongists. These ideas do not seem to exist outside the pale of Armstrongism.
I just read an excellent article on the Psychology Today website written by a neuroscientist about why Donald Trump's followers are so unwavering in their devotion. In short:
1. Such followers are too naïve to realize that they might be wrong. Realizing that you might be wrong is the initial step in growth of understanding.
2. Fear is a property of the conservative mind. By doing brain scans and looking for the energized parts of the brain associated with fear, neuroscientists can accurately predict whether you are a conservative or a liberal.
3. A particular fear that builds unwavering, dogged dedication is the fear of mortality.
Compare point 3 in the second grouping of points and point 3 in the third grouping of points. Then get a clue.
Remembering Connie --
"the best feast ever" = "set the beast fever"
Oh, yes - the article from Psychology Today I referred to in my previous post is by Dr. Bobby Azarian, a neuroscientist in Washington, D.C. and can be found at:
While it deals with politics, the application to some marginal forms of religion is obvious.
The election of Trump is a rebellion against career politicians who lie to no end. It is a symptom of a larger problem which is government itself. Taxes there is no end of and this will get worse as the politicians develop new schemes to raise money instead of doing the obvious, quit spending. But money is power and that is why psychopaths rise to the top. They can obtain a huge source to feed off. The solution is term limits to one term and take all the money out of politics, but that will never happen. You and I are but chattel and they don't mind sending your kids to die in a war so that they can grasp for world hegemony and dominate the world.
Herbert Armstrong was no different. Always grasping for money because he couldn't stop spending. He needed you and I to feed his narcissism and his ego. And to this day, there are men who wish the same for themselves, men who are grasping for money and power by starting up their own armstrong based family franchise. Remember, scum always rises to the top.
As a 52-year member of the Church of God, I can state that every single comment listed here is either a gross distortion or a complete mis-statement of what was actually said. It pays to go to the original source.
I was part of the cult for over 60 years. We have lived the original source and everything posted here is accurate. Armstrongism is a debased belief system that ignores Jesus, worships Moses, and makes unnecessary demands of its followers by telling them how to act, dress, and what to believe.
We are at one of LCG's bigger Feast sites this year. We are skipping services several times so our children can have a memorable time where we are. After a boring sermon on opening night, that we have heard numerous times before, we figured it was more beneficial to our children to spend quality time with them than forcing them to sit and listen to uninspired claptrap sermons.
NEO wrote:
“I can find the following traditional meanings associated with the FOT:
1. Living in booths as a memorial to the wandering for 40 years in the wilderness.
2. Celebrating the abundance granted by god of the harvest.
I cannot find:
1. The FOT is a picture of the Millenium.
2. The Last Great Day is a general resurrection.
3. Living in temporary housing is intended to emphasize to us our mortality (more on this below.)
The second grouping seems to have been concocted by Armstrongists. These ideas do not seem to exist outside the pale of Armstrongism.”
That’s a neat summery NEO!
I’ve been wondering about this myself for some time now too. For me I believe the FOT represents:
1. A memorial of the 40 years in the desert.
2. The possible time of Christ’s birth.
3. The temporary nature of our lives.
4. The fall harvest.
5. The Messianic age.
6. The GWTJ period.
While the 8th Day I believe represents:
1. The new heavens, new earth, new Jerusalem and everlasting age.
Amen! I am finding it very interesting that people I know that have only been attending for 4-12 years are already saying openly, without provocation from rebels like me, how they think the sermons are repetitive, boring and sometimes even bizarre and questionable.I just love it when newer people point out when the emperor is naked. It validates what many know but are silenced by cult tactics not even practiced like they used to be. So many of us are/were like the horse tied to a plastic chair. Keep it up. We surround them.
What is Weston's full salary & compensation? Has anyone found out yet?
Weston makes 101% more than he's worth.
I too would like to know his salary and perks, as well as the salary and perks of an lcg "minister".
While we're at it does anyone know the salary and perks of any of the "leaders" of acogdom?
I'm sure that shareholders, aka "unbiblical tithe" payers to the business, would like to know.
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