Saturday, November 9, 2019

LCG's Weston, Ames and Winnail: Fear was the primary motivational driver behind their "conversion"

Watching the Behind The Work video at an LCG feast site this year, one admission from Weston, Ames and Winnail was unmistakably clear: Fear was the primary motivational driver behind their "conversion" and complete immersion into the WCG cult. This makes sense when you consider HWA's delusional vision of himself and God's role in Herb's plan.

Herb settled on a niche that allowed him to get very rich whoring for money in the name of God. His approach was time sensitive that masterfully created a worldview of urgency, danger and imminent death and destruction. You literally had no time to argue with his message. There was no need to critically analyse his message. God either gave you the ability to agree with everything Herb said or you were simply not called and on a crash course with the worst time in human history in just a few short years or months.

Herb's message was fueled and justified by one key verse:

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come."  -Matthew 24:14

HWA was a "wolf in sheep's clothing" in my opinion and never converted. But Paul makes an important observation when he says,

"It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry...preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely...But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."  -Philippians 1:15-18

Over the years, I watched many brethren wake up to the dark truths about HWA and the WCG and even find that not all the teachings were sound. Unfortunately, the response is often to throw it all away, going as far as to even declare themselves agnostic or atheist.

Once one allows cognitive dissonance to begin to pop holes in the worldview HWA created for us, the initial response is, as expected, anger. How could I have been so stupid? How could that person do such a thing? If there is a God, why would He allow someone to do this in His name?

The hard part is waiting out the anger and letting reason drive the car. In doing so, we can understand WCG in the context of Christianity as a whole. Not only was it NOT "the" church or "only" church BUT it is just another church made up of people who generally mean well, want to have a relationship with God and none of which have all the answers.

While HWA's message was embodied in Matthew 24:14, it was not the driving force for some to respond and become members of his church. Some actually found other doctrines having to do with God's mercy, love, kindness and inclusive plan for all mankind as their inspiration and motivation. Unfortunately, these are not the AC graduates that made their way into leading the church. Instead, many were drummed out throughout the 70's. The intellectuals were burned at the stake and narcissist managers won the day.

But I have found (and this is largely anecdotal evidence) that after the failures of prophecy culminating in the 1970's, generation x born in those years and others coming later in the 90's do not have the prophetic fear factor as part of their personal Christianity. I believe this shift from fear to love is real and the reason why old goats pushing the HWA "work" falls on deaf ears today. Gen X and Millenials are pioneers of the Information Age. Baby-boomers gave us every reason to be skeptical.

HWA certainly trained more wolves to follow in his steed but I would argue many are more like goats than wolves. To understand my perspective on this, consider Jesus' parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46.

Creating a church around Matthew 24:14 diverted the resources that enable Christians to exercise love and care for humanity, into a message that justified leaving acts of kindness undone. As one friend pointed out to me, when you demand 30%+ of people's incomes to fulfill Matthew 24:14, there is literally nothing left to exercise those things Christ said would make you a sheep in His good standing.

HWA's gospel created a clergy and laity of goats. The good news is we don't have to remain goats. And I am inspired by more Gen X'ers waking up and Millenials that are challenging the old guard. I no longer tithe and divert most of those resources to helping people in my community. And I don't require those people to be members of my church or even professing Christians. The only criteria to receive love should be in being a "biological" made in God's image.

When Christ said to love one another in John 13:34-35 as evidence that we are His disciples, He obviously didn't mean that Christians or members of a Christian sect showing love for one another was the evidence. He already made that clear in the Sermon on the Mount.

"For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others?" -Matthew 5:46-47

When He said we have love for one another, He meant all of humanity. That is what would cause observers to notice such action because nobody does this.

HWA created a church that naturally (but not necessarily) locks its members into being goats. We must overcome this by no longer supporting a Matthew 24:14 message with unbiblical tithes. We can abandon the wrong teachings and the unbalanced approach without giving up altogether. We can continue to call the errors out publicly on blogs like this without the fear of being silenced, marked and defamed by the old goats keeping the gates. The AC alumni can't live forever and the spiritual generation gap in the church is real. Christ said if we really want to make a difference, it will not be in supporting one man in "his" mission to usher in the Great Tribulation. It will be in acts of kindness toward those that would never expect it.


SHT said...

And it is this fear that keeps the remaining fragments of Armstrongism on life support. The fear that:

1. Something will happen to them if they leave.
2. There is nowhere else "to go".
3. That God will be angry if they do not "keep" the Sabbath and the Holy Days.
4. That disobeying the minister is akin to disobeying Christ - no matter how stupid the minister is.
5. Satan and the demons will "Get them" if they leave the "church". (Where's Jesus?)

If fear was the primary motivational driver behind their "conversion", then what about the scripture, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind". If one was brought into a church by fear, and that church uses fear, and that church was built on fear, then why is it not clear that it was not God who brought and bought them into a spirit of fear?

The reality is, that Armstrongism uses and used fear to keep its members in check to giving checks. It wasn't just these three. I am sure if one was to canvas the entire populous of Armstrongism they would find that fear was predominant in a great majority of the membership, and still is today. I wonder how many still lie in fear of the Tribulation, being "left behind", of Satan, of demons, of the ministry, of disfellowshipment, of breaking the law somehow, of breaking the Sabbath, and a whole buffet of other things? The acknowledgement that fear has been and still is one of the predominant cores and foundations of Armstrongism should be a gigantic wake up call to so many people - but is often ignored or passed by. Perhaps many are just too used to living in fear that they don't know how and never have known how to live without it.

Applauding the article, SSS. You said "Christ said if we really want to make a difference, it will not be in supporting one man in "his" mission to usher in the Great Tribulation. It will be in acts of kindness toward those that would never expect it.". I would only add that true Christianity is often found in ways and means that aren't expected, not in a voice crying out in the wilderness, but in gentle whispers and honest, heartfelt acts.

Mason said...

Can I get sss pin to wear in church

Anonymous said...

SHT, you're saying that my choice is to stay in the church and suffer the fate of Dick Armstrong, Philip Apartian, Terry Ratzmann, Karl Beyersdorfer, and others like them, or to leave the church and suffer the fate of George Geis, James Tabor, Robert Kuhn, Glynn Washington, and others like them?

Easy choice! Why don't more make that choice?

Anonymous said...

Watching American news bulletins on TV and YouTube of late I've noticed a common theme throughout. The journalist on location will usually end their report with something like "It's deeply unpleasant news and even worse is to come!" In response the newsreader says something like, "Thanks Tom. Please stay safe! Now onto some horrific news about..." It seems as an outside observer that a lot of the news in the US is reported with the goal of inducing fear and stress in its viewers. Even the reading and reporting is done so at such high speed jumping from one disturbing report to another that gets the adrenaline pumping from a mere couple of minutes of viewing. It's as if the news media seek to induce a state of emergency in people's minds and impel them to action with protests and riots and the like. It doesn't surprise me then that some who might be affected by what they see day in, day out on the TV to go on a shooting spree and actually become the news! Nor would it surprise me if there's a spike in heart attacks at the same time news bulletins are broadcast each day considering these personal observations and experience of mine over the last few weeks.

Fear is, of course, primal and when people are in a state of panic they usually are paralyzed by their fear and fail to respond calmly, reasonably and logically to conflict. So with regard to HWA and his preaching a gospel of fear--fear of Assyrians, fear of Great Tribulation, fear of lake of fire--why should it be surprising for us to learn that these men admit that they were converted to Armstrongism due to the fear instilled from listening or watching him or reading his literature? They weren't alone and I'm sure the bulk of his converts were! Even his rag The Plain Truth had a similar appearance to other American news magazines of the day and focused on select news items that supported his fear-inducing future. He often asserted that Christ was a newscaster as well. I think HWA would've been perfect for a career in American TV news!

Byker Bob said...

Wanna know the truth? Your life is permanently f@cked if you are now, or ever were part of Armstrongism, and in numerous ways. It is the gift that just keeps on taking. The good news is that there are ways of gradually making that less bad, methods which can be learned in order to survive and salvage some of the good and wholesome enjoyment of life that they took away.

SHT's excellent points 1-5 (4:04 PM) are all just Armstrong programming, and have no basis whatsoever in fact. If you believe those points, they will cripple and prevent you from identifying and diffusing all of the evil, fear, and control which Armstrongism has instilled into your life. You can't allow them to prevent that process, or you will never be made even partially whole.

Don't allow their threatened fears to prevent you from seeking solace, healing, and salubriousness in your life. Live a good life not because of fear, but because you have spit in fear's face and conquered it!


Anonymous said...

My parents signed up for the church and kept their butts securely in their seats for the weekly God Show since the 60s. The reason why is because they read the book of revelation and it scared the frickin' BEEJEEZUS out of them, and then HWA came along over the radio and said that he was the only one who could keep them safe. The bible is a fearmongering book, and it lends itself to fearmongerers like HWA.

Anonymous said...

The article states: "Over the years, I watched many brethren wake up to the dark truths about HWA and the WCG and even find that not all the teachings were sound. Unfortunately, the response is often to throw it all away, going as far as to even declare themselves agnostic or atheist."

The ones that become atheists or agnostic are the ones that did their homework. They question the source of their faith. Where did the bible come from? How was it put together and by who? Those who do not take that path ignore the bigger picture and go through life making the same mistakes because they assume the bible is the word of God. It is not.

What About The Truth said...

Stephen I don't think the Church of God is waiting for Xers and millennials to reform them.

The truth should be generation proof. HWA was able to move his truth from one generation unto another as circumstances didn't pan out when he thought they would. Loss of the on average 80% of the disconnected youth could be overcome by addition from the outside.

Stephen, some day you need ask yourself the same question I had to ask myself. When you put out your right hand out unto another in the church, is this the right hand of fellowship or the right hand of hypocrisy?

HWA left the exact model for what to do when the "truth" is no longer being taught anymore in the church. He said if that were ever to happen, he would just walk across the street and start over.

Fear is real when it happens. I was on the rooftop of a commercial building adjacent to a courthouse in a city on September 11 2001. I was noticing armed men with radios acting in a panic while circling the courthouse - very odd! When I came down from the rooftop there were panicked shop owners out on the street talking on their phones. One lady shouted out to me and asked if I knew what was happening. I said no. She said hijackers are ramming planes into buildings and they don't know how many more are out there. 750 miles from New York City and law enforcement and people were panicked with fear.

Once it is understood why Jesus Christ had to die for you and you repent and lead a repentant life there is no fear incurred in ones life. HWA's public message was exactly to this point. What happened after that for some in the church is unfortunately a tragic record indeed.

The success of the church will not be dependent upon fearmongers or hypocrites or those that want to throw out the law of love. The call is for repentance, not for the fat old guard to die. Not too complicated until it does become complicated by those that perpetrate an ideology of fear, hypocrisy and law breaking.

Tonto said...

1 John 4:18 New King James Version (NKJV)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

Byker Bob said...

I was in one of those courthouse buildings, making a call at the US Attorney's office, on the day Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Building. We were a couple thousand miles away from Oklahoma, but there was definitely a police presence around our own courthouse. Within hours they had big concrete highway construction barriers blocking the parking spaces in front of the building, and within hours there were armed guards and scanners in the lobby.

Actually, back during those times, there was a guy who had left the WCG decades ago, who had then embarked on a military career. On 9-11, he assumed that the Armstrong apocalypse was going down, and began frantically looking for the church. Fortunately, he checked in with the Painful Truth, and the webmaster at that time was able to be of profound assistance. The man soon became a regular participant on the Painful Truth Forum. Imagine if he had reached Pack or Flurry instead!


TLA said...

I am one of the ones who became agnostic.
I starting seeing where LCG was not really following the Bible.
I thought of trying one of the other groups, but that turned my stomach.
I transitioned instead to Messianic Judaism which does a much better job of following Apostolic era Christianity.
I kept on studying. The book by Julian Jaynes that Dennis recommended was quite enlightening.
I have been studying David Stern's commentary on the new testament from the Jewish perspective, plus intelligent design and evolution. Finally bought an evolution college textbook - expensive, but worth it.
I am agnostic, because I don't see any good explanation on how the universe came to exist out of nothing - why is anything here>
If God created the universe - how did God come to exist?
If it came from a big bang - what caused it?

The mechanisms in the cell seem like an extremely complicated and sophisticated program - but why would someone create life 4 billion years ago? Long time to play solitaire inbetween rounds of creation.

Anonymous said...

Both Christ and his parents feared at times.
Back to the drawing board for you.

Anonymous said...

The Painful Truth said...

The article states: "Over the years, I watched many brethren wake up to the dark truths about HWA and the WCG and even find that not all the teachings were sound. Unfortunately, the response is often to throw it all away, going as far as to even declare themselves agnostic or atheist."

The ones that become atheists or agnostic are the ones that did their homework. They question the source of their faith. Where did the bible come from? How was it put together and by who? Those who do not take that path ignore the bigger picture and go through life making the same mistakes because they assume the bible is the word of God. It is not.
November 10, 2019 at 2:23 AM

"Like, that's just your opinion dude."

I see PT has slithered out of his hole once again.

Reminds me of a joke about Nietzsche:

"God is dead"- PT
"PT is dead" - God

your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

Pain hurts, and will create a kind of fear but there was no running away by the Lord. He accepted the pain due to perfect love.

DennisCDiehl said...

PT Noted: "The ones that become atheists or agnostic are the ones that did their homework. They question the source of their faith. Where did the bible come from? How was it put together and by who? Those who do not take that path ignore the bigger picture and go through life making the same mistakes because they assume the bible is the word of God. It is not.
November 10, 2019 at 2:23 AM "

And this is exactly correct. And yes, 233 would do well to pull up his big boy pants.

Anonymous said...

And this is exactly correct. And yes, 233 would do well to pull up his big boy pants.
November 10, 2019 at 6:24 PM

Pull up my pants? I'm taking that as a mild form of an insult.

I believe that "pulling up one's pants" does NOT include giving up and quitting Creation just because of HWA.

The irony.

tick tick tick

Anonymous said...

PT is mistaken when he claims that the atheists and agnostics are the ones who did their homework. Had they done their spiritual homework, God would have often answered their prayers, and put certain scriptures into their minds when needed.
If readers did their spiritual homework, Dennis's ongoing sillyness on this blog would be self evident.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Spiritual homework is the most important.

Anonymous said...

November 10, 2019 at 9:30 PM

When you find out that the god of the bible doesn't even exist its time to put the ghost story to bed. There is nothing wrong with studying as to the origins of the bible and come to a logical solution. This was my spiritual homework. Being spiritual does NOT mean to be religious.

Anonymous said...

November 10, 2019 at 2:33 PM

"your time is coming."

As is yours. From your point of view, what is the penalty for following a false prophet?

Byker Bob said...

The post-Armstrong homework would not have been necessary had HWA been a true teacher, true prophet, and authentic spiritual guide sent by God. Once he was known to have been bogus, everyone had to start from square one, and to do additional homework. The lessons which hopefully all have learned is not to be naive and susceptible to every charlatan walking the planet, no matter how eloquent and logical he appears to be. Caveat emptor. Always err on the side of cautiousness when doing your due diligence.


DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous said...
PT is mistaken when he claims that the atheists and agnostics are the ones who did their homework. Had they done their spiritual homework, God would have often answered their prayers, and put certain scriptures into their minds when needed.
If readers did their spiritual homework, Dennis's ongoing sillyness on this blog would be self evident.'

You don't get out much do you?

Anonymous said...

good read . but our minister at church said o my mom if we left satan would get us