One of the most abusive ministers in the Philadelphia Church of God has been Wayne Turgeon. From kicking teenagers out of homes to breaking up marriages, he has left a path of destruction in his wake through the years.
Turgeon has decided to write an article about "trust". Given the track record of Gerald and Stephen Flurry and many other PCG ministers, trust is NOT a quality that any of these men exemplify.
The only thing members in PCG are allowed to "trust" is the ministry. None of them are ever able to make proper decisions to do what's right. They aren't even allowed to study the Bible and form their own opinions without PCG ministers telling them what to believe and how to act. It is all about control from birth to the grave. Trust them, they know what is good for you!
“[W]hen Jesus Christ gives a command or instructions to you through His Word or through this very Work of God—as you prove it in the Bible—do you realize that God’s laws and instructions always work out right? That you can and should have total faith in living by them? That God stands behind them and backs them up? That whenever you have realized or proved that any command or instruction comes from God you should learn to automatically say: ‘Yes, sir!’ and do what your Creator instructs?” (Plain Truth, February 1966).The PCG endlessly reinforces the command to PCG members that whatever ministers say has to be obeyed. They are never wrong. If a minister says it, Christ approves it!
We need to focus our minds on important things, including truth and honesty (Philippians 4:8Please tell me WHEN has the PCG EVER "practiced truth and honesty?"). Our righteous thoughts need to become our inspiring, encouraging and uplifting words. Those words need to translate into our beneficial and fruitful actions. We must live and breathe truth and honesty, even as both virtues expire in Satan’s society. Imagine the World Tomorrow when such conduct won’t be the exception, but the rule!
What truly matters is how much we are becoming like God. When we are Christ’s Bride for eternity, we will think and act as He does. That means we must make ourselves ready today!There is no way in hell that the PCG ever acted like or thought like Jesus. It simply has never happened. Telling people to leave their rebellious daughter at the mall so someone else can take care of her is not acting like Jesus or the god they claim to follow.
In the end, God will give this magnificent reward to those to whom He can say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithfulover a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things” (Matthew 25:21, 23
). That should highly motivate us to be faithful to God, trustworthy in even the smallest matters!
Think about the many great responsibilities God has given us and is expecting from us even today. That shows that He already trusts us, that we’ll finish His Work—and He is giving us opportunities to grow in this trait even more.The only "responsibility" PCG members and COG members have ever been entrusted with is tithe paying. It is always about the money and nothing else. They "need" that money in order to finish their precious "works."
What big projects is He preparing us for after our warning commission is complete? We should be motivated to live up to His expectations of us and be unified as a trustworthy people—the very elect, firstfruits of God, privileged to be at headquarters in Jerusalem! Our profession is striving to overcome, qualifying for the high offices God is preparing for us. We don’t want to let God down!If these bastardizers of the word ever paid attention to the words of Jesus and that inconvenient new covenant, they would see that the "qualification" work has already been done. No PCG member, or any other COG member, needs to be constantly beating themselves up wondering if they are doing things right.
We are being prepared to rule with Jesus Christ. Now is the time to prove our trustworthiness. God has done His part. We must do ours—and invest in our God Family trust!
Trusting Gerald Flurry and his PCG was one of the biggest mistakes that former WCG people could make.
“Wayne Turgeon: Trust the ministry and learn to say Yes, sir! and do what your 'minister' instructs”
When no real ministers from the WCG went with Gerald Flurry and his PCG, he set up all sorts of unqualified bums as PCG “ministers.” PCG “ministers” typically have neither proper education, nor proper qualifications, nor proper experience, nor right morals. All they do is support evil behavior and kick people out for not going along with the old perverts and predators in the PCG. PCG “ministers” get a sick thrill thinking that they can send people to the Lake of Fire by kicking them out of the PCG.
"..., to be without questions is not a sign of faith, but a lack of depth." - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Flurry. Cal Culpepper, Turdgeon are ALL FALSE MINISTERS! They lay grievous burdens on the backs of their subjects and they themselves won't lift their little finger. They themselves know they are phonies and use intimidation & the false doctrine of church government & church eras to enforce their illegitimate authority. They will be judged one day just as Belshazzar was.
And don't forget, signing on with this crowd will mean shelling out a large portion of your income to pay for that fucking money-burning airplane that the boss thinks he needs to propagandize such egregious heresies as bankrupt racist Anglo-Israelism around the world!
maybe he's a bit upset that some aren't buying into the "pentecost was on monday because I said it was" sham recently put out by GF.
I've known, and presently know, quite a few people that live by the rule "just do what the minister says and you'll be fine in the end"....
that is the base form of idolatry...trusting in a man.
one has to wonder how any person with "eyes to see and ears to hear" could be associated with that organization and it's leadership.
Wayne Turgeon didn't trust and obey Joe Tkach, so Turgeon is exposed by this article as a liar and a hypocrite.
Turgeon isn't thinking clearly. Someone taking his approach would have trusted and obeyed Simon Magus and/or Diotrephes.
If the ministry never makes mistakes, the Roman Catholic Church and her daughters are just as God-inspired as PCG.
If members always trusted their ministers, Turgeon would be in GCI today.
Sad, but typical of ACOG mind-control teachings.
Should perhaps change the spelling of his name to TURDgeon!
But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Matt 23:11
Maybe GF altered the text. Apparently Ben Franklin would do this to win a bet.
A local Protestant pastor's arguing is strongest over his doctrines that are tradition and have least Biblical support. When someone disagrees, he uses a catch phrase from one of his congregation: On what do you base that? I think that phrase should be used inwardly more than outwardly. All the COGleaders should use the pandemic time for looking inwardly at themselves rather than more scrutiny on their remaining congregation. Either way, one day they will all be gone...
Same things could be said of RCG and Pack.
A bully trait is that they don't trust freedom. Hence they lord it over others, falsely claiming that it's God's way. The parable of the talents does NOT say that the nobleman went to a far country and left his chief steward to lord it over his other servants, as is the minister wet dream interpretation. In fact the whole point of his going to a far country is so that his servants would have freedom and true self responsibility. Which is why Christ stayed around for only 40 days after His resurrection, and not 40 years, 400 years or 2000 years.
That whenever you have realized or proved that any command or instruction comes from God you should learn to automatically say: ‘Yes, sir!’ and do what your Creator instructs?
Unless HWA or some other COG leader can spin an argument telling you why you don't need to keep that command. There are commands that WCG taught must be kept, because they are commanded "forever", and "God doesn't change", and so on. There are other commands that have equally strong qualification, yet they are not even mentioned. As DD and others have said, it's a pick and choose and cafeteria style choice of what COGs teach.
"Either way, one day they will all be gone..."
Unfortunately, there will always be more to take their place.
"Either way, one day they will all be gone..." Unfortunately, there will always be more to take their place.
Imagine the COG movement fizzles out. How many years before "truths" are "revealed" to a future Miller, White, Armstrong, Flurry...?
"What big projects is He preparing us for after our warning commission is complete? We should be motivated to live up to His expectations of us and be unified as a trustworthy people"
Does anyone know just how trustworthy and honest the PCG warning commission has been since its inception?
That answer would certainly be either incriminating or validation to just how pure PCG actually is and whether trust and honesty is inherent in the leadership of this organization.
With a business model that informs of 2nd or 3rd party hostility without and the instigation of hostility within, good news is hard to find unless someone is a rock or dancing aficionado.
What's happening over there?
They ALL think that way. ALL of them. Every single one. ALL of them.
Only the Turgeon type are more outspoken about it.
The ones who say they don't are lying to you or themselves or in denial.
Remember ALL of them. ALL.
Imagine the COG movement fizzles out. How many years before "truths" are "revealed" to a future Miller, White, Armstrong, Flurry...?
It is entirely plausible that Stephen Flurry or one of Pack's few remaining loyalists may, upon the death of their leader, proclaim that their leader was the Messiah and/or the returned Christ, who has for a thousand years returned to Heaven while His followers prepare to rule the world in the imminent Millennium.
Even the Lubavitchers fell for a version of this when their leader died; many still believe that Menachem Schneerson is/was the Messiah.
I read something interesting today that was written by a Messianic Jew. He wrote that all the major covenants God made were stated as permanent except for the Mosaic covenant.
The Mosaic covenant was replaced by the new covenant as stated in Jeremiah 31.
I had not heard this one before.
BTW - the views and opinions of Messianic Jews vary widely, but unlike the COGs, they all get along with one another and invite people with different options as guest speakers.
No my way or the highway.
So, the Bereans, who were commended for searching the scriptures to see if what the apostles said was true, would not be commended by the PCG today. Hmm.
WCG ministers weren’t qualified for anything either, it would make no difference if he had WCG trained ministers working for him
If you did that then you would have a “government problem”
If you did that then you would have a “government problem”
All the COG's are such jokes, but if joke has a telecast at an hour when only the infirm are watching will anyone get it?
The COG has the diversity of Fox News. All white (diversity is an old wooden ship) alt right (wingers), and believe they are led by the all might.
Pay and pray lest the rapture, I mean "great flight on an eagles wings fails" to take you away.
TLA, this is for the Messianic Jew you mentioned ...
) and yet this does not contradict, “And the earth abides forever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4
); God is speaking metaphorically of His reordering of that which already exists. There is no literal new heaven and earth. So too Jeremiah’s “new covenant” is not to be viewed as a replacement of the existing covenant, but merely as a figure of speech for the reinvigoration and revitalization of the old covenant. Jeremiah records God’s words to His chosen people: And you shall say to them: Thus says YHVH, the God of Israel: Cursed be the man that does not hear the words of this covenant, which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, saying: Listen to My voice, and do them, according to all which I commanded you; so shall you be My people, and I will be your God. (Jeremiah 11:3-4
) The people of Israel possess a God given timeless covenantal relationship — an old covenant yet a new covenant — everlasting in its nature.
Is new covenant really new? How about new moon? What happens to the old moon when there's a new moon?
Here's a portion of an article written by a real Jew, not a Christian pretending to be a Jew:
It is obvious that “new covenant” does not mean that there is a “replacement covenant.” The use of the word “new” accords with biblical poetic style to express a reinvigorating or renewal of that which is already in existence. Thus Isaiah could record God’s words, “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17
3.04 PM
The Bereans would not be commended by any splinter. That is the HWA way. I still have an old tape from the WWCOG sermon library where the minister states that once a person joins the church, the 'proving all things' is to cease, and what ever the minister says is to be blindly believed. The church didn't fall apart for no reason. Not that the splinter leaders take this to heart, because it worked for a while, right?
I agree wholeheartedly with those comments Anon 9.50 PM.
Exactly how it is.
Anon 8:20,
as a future event or currently begun process. None translate it as a past event. Not sure where the contradiction would be. Further, this is a passage that is about the future and it is open to metaphor and interpretation. But, a covenant is not, certainly not as much. A covenant needs to have much clearer terms than the description of a future event.
Do you buy that? That seems to be a terrible argument. Most translations state Is. 65:17
Also, the new covenant is pivotal/singularly important. Whatever new heavens and new earth proves to be pales into insignificance to that.
There are plenty of scholarly Jews that became Messianic Jews so I'm not moved by what a "real Jew" thinks about this; frankly, a "real Jew" does not understand/accept the new covenant internally.
Even Jeremiah 31 says the new covenant is not like the former covenant...not written on tablets of stone.
Paul calls the law a tutor and that there is no need for the tutor now that the Promise has come.
Christ says "not one jot or tittle will be removed from the law until all is fulfilled." I believe the "all is fulfilled" occurred at His resurrection and being received by the Father. I would say the express change away from the Levitical priesthood, circumcision, etc. is way more than a jot or a tittle.
For what it's worth...
and Eccl 1:4
. Pls read again.
But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says YHVH: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know YHVH,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says YHVH.
, … with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Some non-Jews/non-Israelites believe they are 'spiritual' Israelites and the ones the new covenant would be made with. According to Jer 31:32
, the new covenant will be made with those whose fathers (ancestors) God took out of Egypt. Isn't ancestry physical?
, the Sinai covenant was made obsolete. In stark contrast to this, Tanakh states in Ps 111:7-8
, The works of His hands are verity and justice; all His precepts are sure. They stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. Also in Isa 40:8
, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”
with Jer 31:31-34
. In Heb 8:9b
it says 'because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them'. Contrast this with Jer 31:32b
, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them. Which one is the word of God? God gave impossible conditions for Him to disregard the children of Israel - Jer 31:35-37
. Have those ordinances departed from God? Can the heaven above be measured? Can the foundations of the earth be searched out beneath?
If they disobey God, … . Lev 26:18-20
, If they continue sinning, God will punish them 7 times more. Lev 26:21-22
, If still … 7 times more plagues. Lev 26:23-26
, If still … 7 times. Lev 26:27-39
, If still … 7 times more. Lev 26:40-43
, But if they confess … God will remember His covenant with Jacob …
, Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am YHVH their God. But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am YHVH.’ ”
). What if the child later on in his life decided to be circumcised? Is he forever in a state of having broken God's covenant? Does this mean God will break His covenant? Gen 17:13
, … My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. In the messianic age, only those circumcised in heart AND flesh shall enter God's sanctuary (Third Temple, Eze 44:9
, 1
Jeremiah uses a parable or metaphor to liken Israel’s sins to an adulterous woman who was put away by her husband. (Was Judah also given a certificate of divorce? Jer 3:8b
.) Since Deut 24:1-4
forbids the husband from taking back his ex-wife who had married another, it seems impossible for Israel to be restored as God’s spiritual wife. What is impossible for man is possible for God. Repeatedly in this chapter and elsewhere, God pleads with Israel to return to him - Jer 3:1
, 7
, 12
, 14
, 22
. Five times in chapter 3 alone!
The author is reconciling Isa 65:17
What a real Jew does not accept is the new testament, not the new covenant.
What will happen in the new covenant?
Jer 31:33-34a
Various religious organizations are still preaching … The new covenant is still in the future.
Aside from God, who are the other parties to the new covenant? Read Jer 31:31
According to Heb 8:13
Is the book of Hebrews inspired by God? Compare Heb 8:8-12
Did God break His covenant with the children of Israel?
What if Israel continues in its sins? Lev 26:14-17
Lev 26:44-45
As a side note, an uncircumcised male child is considered to have broken God's covenant (Gen 17:14
Did God divorce Israel?
Jer 3:8
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