From an LCG source:
Of note is Winnail's statement, "Jesus’ message did not focus on Himself or His birth but on the coming Kingdom of God"
He maybe forgot:
- John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.
- Acts 16:31
They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
- Acts 4:10-12
be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, in him does this man stand here before you whole. 11 He is ‘the stone which was regarded as worthless by you, the builders, which has become the head of the corner.’ 12 There is salvation in none other, for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, by which we must be saved!”
- John 10:7-9
Jesus therefore said to them again, “Most certainly, I tell you, I am the sheep’s door. 8 All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them. 9 I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out, and will find pasture.
What to Remember: As the world celebrates the December holidays—that find their roots in the ancient Roman Saturnalia with its feasting, drinking, gift-giving, and partying that culminate on the winter solstice to commemorate the rebirth of the sun around December 25—it is good to remember that Jesus Christ was not born on that day, but probably in the fall of the year 4BC around the time of the Feast of Trumpets. Jesus’ message did not focus on Himself or His birth but on the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14–15; Matthew 6:33
) and a way of life based on His laws (John 14:15
). It will be His government that will bring peace and justice to this troubled world (Isaiah 9:6–7
) as He rules from Jerusalem with His saints (Revelation 5:10
; 11:15–18
; Isaiah 2:2– 4
). The biblical Holy Days are designed to keep us mindful of God’s Great Plan of Salvation for all mankind (Leviticus 23). The mission of God’s Church is to proclaim the knowledge of that plan to all the world before He returns (Matthew 24:14
). The time is coming when the pagan-based revelries of December will give way to the true Holy Days of God and what they picture for all mankind and for all time.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
Doug knows that a kingdom has four elements: subjects, territory, laws, and...
How could Jesus preach the Kingdom of God without calling attention to its King? He couldn't, and He didn't! Looks like Doug may need to put his PhD aside and spend a year of "Living Education" to rediscover what his church teaches.
Winnail is known to be a hack theologian.
His theology changes Jesus’ proclamation of being the Way, the Truth, and the Life to “tithing to non-Levite ministers is the way, the holy days are the truth, and LCG is the life.”
Winnail deliberately perverts the words of the Savior!
LCG members need to know the Bible better than Winnail - that’s not hard to do!
Jesus’ message did not focus on Himself or His birth but on the coming Kingdom of God
"Anonymous" at the top has it right. COGWA President Jim Franks said the same sort of thing in his Feast video this year - the "message is the message" and "the messenger is NOT the message."
Yet without the Messenger (Jesus), who will lead the "message" (Kingdom of God) he's describing? Should COGs call him "Mr. X?"
Dr. Doug wrote: “It will be His government that will bring peace and justice to this troubled world.”
, and then twisted it to fit his swindle of the COG ideal of government predominance over the work of Jesus to establish that government.
is, Doug doesn’t care to focus on how Jesus became Prince of Peace - in part, because the explanation contains the COG-forbidden and ridiculed word “cross” as a necessity for peace-bringing:

Dr. Doug is not skilled with the Word.
Seems like he did a quick search for the words peace and government and came up with Isaiah 9:6-7
As wonderful as Isaiah 9:6-7
Colossians 1:20
And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Jim Franks said the same sort of thing in his Feast video this year - the "message is the message" and "the messenger is NOT the message."
Jim Franks doesn't want us to pay special attention to the messenger, but instead to focus on the message. But when COGWA's messengers proclaim the message, they expect you to understand that the messengers are a big part of the message, and that you must tithe to them and provide them with a standard of living higher than most of the members. Hypocrites!
Winnail, the Bible Butcher, wrote: “The time is coming when the pagan-based revelries of December will give way to the true Holy Days of God”

What Winnail purposefully lies about as being pagan-based is actually based on the Holy Scriptures description of the first Christmas found in Luke 2.
Yes, the Bible doesn’t confirm the first Christmas celebration was indeed in December but, since Winnail butchers the Bible, history, and tradition, he’s probably wrong about December too.
There’s no biblical doubt, despite Doug’s deception, that the first Christmas was a huge heavenly and earthly celebration:
Luke 2:13-14
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Doug Winnail, LCG, and COGs hate the Christian revelries of December because the focus is on Jesus, that inconvenient dude who was not good enough of a savior to do the job without the undefined amount of work you are required to pay for your salvation. Satan also hates those Christian revelries. However the COGs do love the secular side of the Christmas season - with lots of mocking of drinking, over spending, indulgences of ever kind, and travel to a festive resort. While denying Jesus, the Condescending COGs think the world could learn how to party from the way they keep the FoT.
I do not care. Keep christmas or do not.
Either way not my problem. I do not keep it but that is cuz I choose not to, although I take advantage of the sales when I can lol
I'm going by Lev. 23 and the what I think of what the Bible says & when I'm given more details I'll see what I think.
I have to move b4 I can explore most things.
Our Christmas was a pathetic shamble!
First, we totally missed the Solstice and the Saturnalia by at least four days, despite Doug Winnail assuring us we'd be celebrating those choice days.
To make matters worse, my wife bought a very small tree and decorated it with mini round ornaments. No one could celebrate such diminutive testicles; poor Nimrod was dishonored indeed!
Then, my wife went with a tropical theme and used fruits and palm fronds instead of pine to decorate the walls and tabletops. It looked more like the decorations for the Feast of Tabernacles, commanded in Leviticus 23:40
Those FoT decorations gave me the idea that the way the family could bond, since we're a mixture of COG members and backsliders, was to get FoT drunk together. Unfortunately, the egg nog had so little rum in it, not even the little kids were getting a buzz from it. The only one who was drunk was an LCG uncle who arrived that way; he was more hip to party trends then most of us since his best Feast ever was just a few months ago.
Surely COG scholars would deduce that the lack of booze was the reason why our sorry Saturnalia did not break out into an obligatory orgy scene. The night's only sexual exploits were of the marital kind, well after the guests left.
Because we were COVID-cautious we skipped the service at the local pagan temple adorned with the giant lower-case "t" venerating Tammuz, god of fertility. Perhaps lack of homage to Tammuz also contributed to the lack of kink at our very sad Saturnalia?
Instead of a traditional Christmas Eve service, we decided a televised version was more pandemic-appropriate. We searched for the service at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church because we thought Joel would be less offensive to our COG guests, since many Christians call him out for being scant on Jesus in his preaching and the COGs always opt for very little Jesus in their sermons. However, instead of Joel, the televised Lakewood message was from Max Lucado - who was all about Jesus. Our fears of offending the COG family members with Jesus-worship was for naught. The entire message went over their heads; it was like Max was speaking a foreign language to the GOGers.
The COG guests did spring to zealous indignation when the kids were invited to light some candles. They would not let their kids participate, since the lighting of candles is known to be a hideous pagan practice. A lame argument ensued over why it was alright to light candles in Solomon's temple but not at Christmas, and whether Jesus lit candles during his childhood celebrations of Chanukah.
The argument fizzled because I had to bring Jesus into it by saying we're lighting candles because we are commemorating the entry of Jesus, as Light of the World. That triggered a COGer to reiterate the trite COG mantra about the Gospel not being about the messenger but rather is all about government. We had all been through the same tiresome scene many times before.
You just can't argue with people who possess the training to see Nimrod's balls in every Christmas ornament, no matter the size, but lack the insight to see a single reason for celebrating the Savior as the Light of the World.
So the gospel isn't that Christ's sacrifice grants people eternal life, but rather that todays lording ministers can boss people around for all eternity.
And that's supposed to be good news?
It seems odd that Doug Winnail refers to himself as a minister of Jesus Christ and a representative of a Christian church, when he is not be able to see that the Gospel Jesus preached was about him being a Savior, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
Without Jesus, there is no entry into any Kingdom - Winnail or those who follow his preaching could never do enough good works to earn eternal life. Jesus is the good news - his saving work is what put us in the Kingdom - that's what a Savior does.
When it comes to understanding the Gospel and salvation, Doug Winnail and the LCG are useless.
Thank God that the Gospel of Jesus reveals Jesus to be our Savior so we can go to Jesus for salvation instead of seeking it from the likes of Doug Winnail!
8:06, hilarious and then touching at the end. You might break the cultish cog beliefs of your extended family with your genuineness.
Winnail wrote: "The biblical Holy Days are designed to keep us mindful of God’s Great Plan of Salvation for all mankind (Leviticus 23)."

Winnail forgot, or denies Colossians 2:16-17
"So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a SHADOW of things to come, but the ]substance is of Christ."
Winnail would rather have his people focus on the shadows rather than the Light of the World.
Winnail's plan of salvation is a counterfeit plan, without the Savior as the central point.
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