One thing we can say about Bobiniah Thiel is that he is consistent. Consistently glorifying himself every time he waves his hands or thrusts his big Bible in the air as if it gives him some kind of authority. It is always about himself and the things he does. Jesus is hardly ever spoken of and when he's it is as if he's an embarrassment.
Bobiniah is telling his 299 caucasian members today that he is still being persecuted. Eight years of intense persecution and yet here he still is, whining like a little petulant spoiled brat.
CCOG 2020 Hindsight: 8 Years of Philadelphian Restoration (you can watch his patheticly boring sermon here)
Has there been 8 years of Philadelphian restoration in the Continuing Church of God?What has happened over the past 8 years.What happened in 2020?Was there any interference from censorship by Vimeo or YouTube?What are the plans for the future?Has God poured out His Spirit in the last days consistent with the Apostle Peter’s sermon in Acts 2:17-18?
Has the CCOG taken more seriously performing the teachings of Deuteronomy 31:10-12and Matthew 28:19-20
than any other COG that Dr. Thiel had been affiliated with?
Is CCOG going through open doors?What about Africa?Does the CCOG now have Spanish language videos?How large in the CCOG?Is the CCOG the fastest growing xWCG organization in the 21st century?What has been going on with websites, videos, personal visits, literature, and youth programs?What about false statements from anti-COG types?Has CCOG been restoring more knowledge of God’s plan (cf. Matthew 17:11)?
What about preparing for the short work (Romans 9:28), the full number of Gentiles (Romans 11:25
), and leading the final phase of the work?
Do Laodiceans seem to have a race problem?Are there any future plans for radio?How many languages are available at the website?Why did CCOG acquire has CCOG put together a lengthy apostolic succession list?Does the CCOG expect that some of it members will ‘instruct many’?Should Philadelphians support CCOG?
Can you imagine what it feels like for his African followers, who believe they are following Jesus, to have to sit and listen to this kind of drivel on the Sabbath? It's no wonder so many of them jump to other COG's
I think you're missing it. Many of Bob's African followers don't even speak English. And "jumping" is routine. Most of them get 99% of their religion from the local pastor who takes them to Bob when Bob is in town, and to Wade when Wade is in town, and to whichever group needs to be shown the flock when they come to visit to see their donor dollars in action. I can assure you that if you met one of "Bob's African followers" on the street and asked, "what do you personally believe?" the answer would look nothing like the dogma of any of the groups his pastor is exploiting for American dollars.
Bob has to be thoroughly exhausted after eight frantic years of expending so much effort for so little return. Perhaps he is a manic sociopath who thrives on such activity, but if he is at all normal I wonder what he thinks when he reads Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Jesus Christ came to save and to heal people like Bob. Bob is bound up in a tight yoke, bearing a heavy burden. Jesus is waiting to free Bob from all of that. Bob, when you read this, I pray that you consider just how much Jesus loves you and wants to free you from your burden. Bob, with your history and aptitudes, your conversion could influence thousands and thousands more. Bob, there is still time for you to accept the REAL Jesus and receive the peace that has been so sadly missing from your life.
To think that even DONALD TRUMP cannot compete with the stupendous claims that Booby makes!
Booby is too stupid to understand that the African continent has been evangelized for hundreds of years, so much so that they feel a need to come to the US and Europe to evangelize to the unchurched Western world. Booby's work is ass-backward.
Bob is such a whiner. Frankly, though, so is Gerald Weston and most of the LCG ministry. What a contrast compared to Rod Meredith, who didn't get defensive and whiny like ACOG leaders today.
And Tonto gets a mention! Bob corrects Tonto's claim that he failed to predict the COVID pandemic.
In a preceding shorter video, Bob challenges the definition of Armstrongism. And in this video, his erratic hand waving frequency appears to have increased.
Only a fraud has to constantly remind people that he has what it takes. Like a inventor who is trying to scam the public with promises that never come true, Thiel is trying to scam the BRTP (blue ribbon tithe payers) and win them thru deceit.
As Malm thought he was doing Gods work, and then he died, Thiel is doing his work in the name of God also. It is all a delusion within their minds, or a con game.
"Petulant man-child" is a perfect description of Bob This is why he was so disliked in LCG when he was trying to tell the leadership what to do. He acts like a spoiled little brat when things don't go his way or when he is ignored. Nothing irritates Bob more than people ignore him. That is why he has to remind us all the time that he is double blessed and that God speaks to him. No one in LCG cared and that is why he could not draw any LCG members to him. Can anyone in the COG ever have imagined a splinter leader so pathetic that he can't get more than a few hundred members in the US, Canada, and Europe? He is such a pathetic little man.
Do not watch a BelzeBob sermon!
When he waves his arms around he is casting an evil spell on his viewers.
the African continent has been evangelized for hundreds of years
Dr Bob, I presume?
Fake Dr. Booby thinks he has been evangelizing Africa but thousands of missionaries over the last several hundred years have done a far better job than he is doing. He is just pissing into a cup with what he is doing.
In the 1930's, (1930-39) there was approximately 72 new encyclopedias that were printed.
In the 2000's, Bob has entered the encyclopedia business with his version called the Bobapedia.
I know Bob has given himself the only Philadelphia seal of approval to distinguish his version from all the rest, but I am hard pressed to gain anything from a preacher of facts doing business as a church and saving people from Covid-19 with vitamin D.
Since I am a wannabe redneck, I will stick with Jeff Foxworthy and Larry The Cable Guy for my encyclopedia of living.
Thiel gets worse every day. I can't imagine how anyone can sit in his church services, usually in someone's living room, and has to watch him streaming the pathetic trash he calls sermons.
usually in someone's living room
After watching the video, I can imagine the house-church conversation was something like - "could you follow what he was talking about?" "I was distracted by his waving hands - was he translating his sermon into ASL?" "Where's the potluck, after that sermon I'm starving".
Bob had his 15 minutes of fame, and now appears as another tragic figure in COG history.
He laments that we fail to connect Peter's Pentecost speech quoting "old men will dream dreams" with his dreams. While continuing to talk of the "little flock" he is distraught that his ministry is not seen as the last and most faithful remnant of the "Philadelphia work". Yet he awaits a final rush of intense interest in his teachings before the tribulation.
Tragic. Perhaps the best thing he did was leave LCG, but not to start a rival splinter.
"By their fruits you shall no them". Enough said.
A fifteen minute sermonette given in an hour and twenty minutes
COGWA claims 12,000+ attended its 2020 Feast sites, either in person or virtually.
That tops CCOG's member number by more than two to one - albeit with a two-year head start.
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