One thing we can say about Bobiniah Thiel is that he is consistent. Consistently glorifying himself every time he waves his hands or thrusts his big Bible in the air as if it gives him some kind of authority. It is always about himself and the things he does. Jesus is hardly ever spoken of and when he's it is as if he's an embarrassment.
Bobiniah is telling his 299 caucasian members today that he is still being persecuted. Eight years of intense persecution and yet here he still is, whining like a little petulant spoiled brat.
CCOG 2020 Hindsight: 8 Years of Philadelphian Restoration (you can watch his patheticly boring sermon here)
Has there been 8 years of Philadelphian restoration in the Continuing Church of God?What has happened over the past 8 years.What happened in 2020?Was there any interference from censorship by Vimeo or YouTube?What are the plans for the future?Has God poured out His Spirit in the last days consistent with the Apostle Peter’s sermon in Acts 2:17-18?
Has the CCOG taken more seriously performing the teachings of Deuteronomy 31:10-12and Matthew 28:19-20
than any other COG that Dr. Thiel had been affiliated with?
Is CCOG going through open doors?What about Africa?Does the CCOG now have Spanish language videos?How large in the CCOG?Is the CCOG the fastest growing xWCG organization in the 21st century?What has been going on with websites, videos, personal visits, literature, and youth programs?What about false statements from anti-COG types?Has CCOG been restoring more knowledge of God’s plan (cf. Matthew 17:11)?
What about preparing for the short work (Romans 9:28), the full number of Gentiles (Romans 11:25
), and leading the final phase of the work?
Do Laodiceans seem to have a race problem?Are there any future plans for radio?How many languages are available at the website?Why did CCOG acquire has CCOG put together a lengthy apostolic succession list?Does the CCOG expect that some of it members will ‘instruct many’?Should Philadelphians support CCOG?