Thursday, January 28, 2021

Church of God International and the Satanic Philosophy Of New Administration - Still Playing the Politics Game

There He Goes Again

If anyone was hoping for a reset or brief respite after the political trauma and drama within the Church of God International during the Trump years, you are going to be sadly disappointed with the latest offering from Pastor Adrian Davis. The Canadian pastor’s latest offering on the political situation within the United States reflects the same commentary that he and his close ally, Bill Watson, have been peddling for years now. And, apparently, the folks in Tyler are fine with all of this, because they keep posting it on the church’s website!

Davis claims that the Marxists, Socialists, and Globalists have triumphed with the ascension of Joseph R. Biden to the presidency of the United States. In his Sudden Death Overtime sermon, he reminds his listeners that time is short – that the end is drawing near (a narrative familiar to most Armstrongites), and that Biden’s inauguration will hasten that end. He then proceeds to inform his listeners that Biden (and his administration) “hate Jesus Christ.” “They hate Jesus Christ,” he repeats (just in case anyone missed him saying it the first time). “And they’re going to punish and destroy anything that opposes them,” he continues. He goes on to tell us that he feels sorry for Trump because Biden and his team “are going to go after him” (couldn’t have anything to do with what Trump has done).

From that august height, Pastor Davis proceeds to tie opposition to Biden’s Administration to the Christian’s duty to overcome and prevail until the end. His main thesis: Christians are now in “sudden death overtime.” Davis warns folks in the CGI to be ready for Christ’s return. He doesn’t want his folks to be on the losing team when the final bell rings. Davis doesn’t want his folks to be contaminated with Biden’s Satanic philosophy. He warns his listeners that Biden’s “Build Back Better” sounds intellectually appealing, but that they should be very careful to avoid becoming entangled in its socialistic and anti-patriarchal snares. The pastor goes on to imply that Biden may be part of the “mystery of iniquity” and “beast” power mentioned in the book of Revelation! After Gerald Flurry’s prophetic debacle, you would think that these Armstrongites would stay away from this stuff!

Over and over again, Davis mentions the bonds that CGI folks have forged over time and reminds his listeners of Christ’s instructions to love each other (meaning folks within the CGI). He warns church members not to become entangled in Biden’s Satanic philosophy and miss out on participating in Christ’s second coming. One has to wonder if maybe some within CGI have started to push back against this overtly political message?

Perhaps I was being too naïve, but I was hoping that recent events would have taught these folks a lesson about meddling in politics. Unfortunately, like their secular Trumpist allies, these CGI Trumpists appear to be completely unchastened by recent events and intent on doubling down on the error into which they have fallen.

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix


Anonymous said...

"..have taught these folks a lesson about in meddling in politics."

What Miller Jones fails to mention is that the political left is the dominant religion in today's society. It's this religion that is dictating it's "political" policies. This religion dominates our schools, media, entertainment, and the internet via Facebook, Tweeter etc. Trump being blackbaned being one example.
So the ACOGs have every moral right and responsibility to comment and condemn this evil de facto religion.
It appears that Miller Jones has joined the MSM in attacking any non media narrative.

American culture is coming more and more like the ACOGs where freedom of thought and speech are regarded as a crime.

DennisCDiehl said...

Remember when the Church over all simply went by "John 18:36 "Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place" and left it at that?

Most of the COGs should be called now RCG The Republican Church of God or CCG, The Conspiratorial Church of God.

The loons have indeed risen to the top

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Yes, Dennis, this stuff is crazy! And they seem completely oblivious or indifferent to the fact that this kind of message alienates a majority of the population of the United States from entertaining ANYTHING else that they have to say (which, from our perspective, is probably a good thing). It's especially disturbing that peer review within these organizations has failed to flag this kind of language as outrageously inappropriate and inconsistent with the teaching of Christ which you referenced.

Anonymous said...

"Republican Conservatives Of God"

Or Conspiratorial Conservatives Of God, only CCOG is taken by Bob, who appears to be apolitical - either party has "prophetic ramifications" and is "apocalyptic".

We've been taught for years one of the failings of what became the Catholic Church was its political entanglements. At least CGI doesn't have to deal with a failed prophecy yet.

Traveling around during the Bicentennial, I was told the scuttlebutt in Pasadena was that "the Armstrongs" seemed to favor Jimmy Carter (no reason given). But after being elected, JC ("Mr Peanut") became the bane of Spokesman's Club discussion - in fact my "Impromptu" speech was to critique his energy policy.

Painful Truth said...

Remove their tax exemption.

Anonymous said...

Many in all COG groups have this opinion.

nck said...

When the Kitchen Cabinet was looking for a front man to propel the 7th economic power in the World (the State of California) forward with ideas about free trade, they found the actor Ronald Reagan, who was able to read their cue cards.

Stu Spencer said that a preacher from texas in the back of the campaign bus (whose profession was to rip of people through convincing speech), came up with the term "citizen-politician", the rest of the story is history.

Anyway, religious people with unique talents had their value in California.
I know one who talked about the "unseen hand" all the time. And all elites with a university degree know what that means, perhaps not the power base of the man himself, but the audience matters, not the sponsors.


nck said...

One of the Kitchen Cabinet members, anxious to promote free enterprise from the 7th economic power in the world (the State of California), Holmes Tuttle invited Herbert W. Armstrongs long time friend and car dealer Verne Orr into the Republican interest group.

Later Herbert W. Armstrong visited Verne Orr in the Pentagon. That's when Pentagon members stormed out of their offices and saying to HWA: I thought I recognized that voice, I listen to you every week.

Just search on google for "Dennis Diehl and "The Worldwide news of the Church of God".


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 1/29 @ 3:11 AM,

Private citizens are entitled to think and speak freely about their political opinions. Ministers of Jesus Christ are NOT supposed to become entangled in the affairs of this world. Christian ministers are supposed to preach Christ's gospel message, and they do NOT have any right to impose their personal political opinions on Christ's sheep. And, while knowing that any minister of Jesus Christ could privately hold such extreme political opinions would be alarming and cause me to question their suitability as a minister, proselytizing those views to the flock in his care is completely unacceptable.

As for the left being in control of the narrative, I think four years of Republican control of the presidency and senate suggest otherwise. And, where in ANY universe is "They hate Jesus Christ." acceptable language for a minister describing a political administration. That kind of language is intemperate, and it is beyond the capacity of anyone here on earth (including Pastor Davis) to know what's in another person's heart. It is the equivalent of someone on the left saying that everyone on the right hates poor folks and supports terrorism (and, yes, I'm well aware that there are some idiots on the left who say such things).

Bottom line, Mr. Davis and CGI should stick to the message which they believe God and Jesus Christ gave them and stay OUT of the political arena. They are certainly entitled to point out that they believe homosexuality and abortion are immoral, but they are not entitled to impose their moral view on the whole nation. Our constitution guarantees that the state cannot impose its views on religion, and that any one religion cannot impose its views on the whole. That's the system under which we live, and we should all strive to work within it.

Tonto said...

"Pastor Adrian Davis. The Canadian pastor’s latest offering on the political situation within the United States"

MY COMMENT-- Doesn't Adrian Davis have enough to comment about with Justin Trudeau and Canada? Hey... we may have done a lil fighting amongst ourselves, but you "outside folks" just best leave us alone! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Miller Jones I agree with you. There are many in C.G.I. that hold and propagate these far-right views but there are also many that do not. We are saddened by the deception many of these Republicans are under with their conspiracy theories and demonization of anything left of their political views and we pray that one day truth will be upheld over political opinion and brainwashing.

Anonymous said...

I am a CGI member and I can attest to the politicization of the church. We are sick of the politics that Watson brings up every single Sabbath. I have gotten so sick of it all that we skip church now more than we ever have. I hear politics on the news, in the papers, magazines, and internet articles and news. I want the Sabbath to be a delight and enjoy. Everything is always so negative at church anymore and I am tired of it.

Anonymous said...

The more I listen to Bill Watson the more he sounds like Bob Thiel. it's one conspiracy after another. Both are foolish men, vain and pompous.

Anonymous said...

Too true 10:50...they need to take Is 58 seriously and not speak strife and debate and their own words but do verse 13..and keep Gods Sabbath Holy. No long winded introductions laced with quotes from whoever and so America only focused.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. The old reliable “anyone left of center or politically liberal is evil” narrative. Because after all wasn’t Christ a conservative,American,Republican, capitalist?

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 1/29 @ 8:03 AM,

You're right about some of the other ACOG's. One of Pastor Dave Havir's (COG Big Sandy) most recent "Eye on the World" Reports was a 34 page praise list of Trump's accomplishments as president: There is a brief quote from the 21st chapter of Luke and a similarly brief quote from the 55th chapter of Isaiah at the end of the article. I'm pretty sure the rest is about Trump's stellar record in the Oval Office. In his most recent "Eye," Havir offers a 32 page diatribe about everything Biden has already done wrong as president:
They just can't leave politics alone!

Earl said...

At least their political message is more accurate than their biblical message. Ba Dum Tss

Anonymous said...

9.07 AM
Christ said that even the little understanding that people have will be taken away from them unless they live by Gods laws. That is, people always morally polarize via vicious or virtuous cycles. So people end up either hating or loving God. By their fruits, it's obvious that left wingers hate God. It's also an everyday experience that hard core left wingers hate genuine Christians.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 1/29 @ 5:44 PM,

The Apostle Paul told the saints of Galatia that "the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another." (see Galatians 5:22-26)
Likewise, he wrote to the saints at Corinth that LOVE trumps all knowledge and understanding - that love would endure when knowledge failed. (see I Corinthians 13) How do Pastor Davis' comments square with what Paul wrote? How do your comments about folks' politics comport with what Paul said? I don't remember name-calling, vitriol and divisiveness being listed among those "fruits" or evidences of having God's Spirit!

Anonymous said...

The politicization of many in the COGs is indeed a problem that can be found in multiple organizations, and it seems that some folks have lost the ability to talk about much of anything else during fellowship with brethren or on social media.

The fact is, Jesus isn't a Republican or a Democrat. He isn't a communist, a fascist, or any other "ist" that might characterize the spectrum of the human political or governmental system.

From his conception and birth, He was identified as the legitimate heir to the Davidic Throne. Luke 1:30-33; Matthew 2:1-2

He came not just as a King, but a Savior, healing people,and proclaiming His own Kingdom. Matthew 4:23

And while He was largely rejected by His own kinsmen(John 1:11), others who believed, proclaimed Him to be the legitimate King of Israel. John 1:29; John 12:12-13

Even upon His death, Pilate had a sign posted proclaiming Him to be "King of the Jews." The Pharisees protested the sign and wanted Pilate to change the wording, but Pilate refused. John 19:19-22

After His resurrection and ascension, His followers continued to proclaim His Kingship, to the point that they drew both attention and persecution, being accused of turning the world upside down. Why? Because they defied Caesar's decrees, proclaiming another King, named Jesus! Acts 12:2-7

The focus of the early Christians wasn't on Caesar, but on another King, and another Kingdom. They were given the job of proclaiming this King, and His Kingdom to all the world. They weren't told to pick and choose who received their message, or to play favorites. Everyone was included. They were even told to go to the poor, the blind, and the lame. Why? Because it doesn't matter whether someone is a Jew, a Greek, male, female, slave, or free. If you belong to the Anointed One, you are Abraham's seed, and heir to the promises, and those who belong to Christ are to have hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 14:21-24; Galatians 3:28-29; Colossians 3:11-12

So, in light of these scriptures, what should our focus be? Have we as Christians become so wrapped up in the political tug of war around us that we have lost sight of who our true King is? Are we telling the world about Him, or is our communication more concerned with presidents, earthly kings, or other governmental leaders? In the end, whether the guy you like leans right, or leans left won't matter, because he isn't Jesus and He can't save you. Only God can do that, and in order to find Him, you must look up.

Concerned Sister

Anonymous said...

Miller Jones
Every political ideology tests upon some moral foundation. The political left tests upon the rejection of many of Gods laws. Which is why evil people are drawn to it, and deceived young people reject it in their later years when they eventually see through the smoke and mirrors.

nck said...

6:04 "Every political ideology tests upon some moral foundation."


Religion was invented to popularize moral concepts. (as in what works for population groupings to live, work and survive together in a hostile environment)


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Concerned Sister,

Amen. Your comments always add to the discussion and were especially helpful in this instance. It's OK to have opinions. I believe it's even OK to participate. It is NOT, however, appropriate for Christians to become so entangled in the affairs of this world that we forget or neglect our obligation to that future one - God's Kingdom. As you say, THAT should be our primary focus and motivator - NOT which leader or party to support in the present.


Anonymous said...

It's not some but all COG groups. All of them of course you'd expect PCG and RCG but Trumpgate cuts through even the more liberal UCG. It affects them all.
Writers on here target CGI yet CGI is only a tiny shadow of what it once was.

Maskgate and Vaccinegate is going to shake the COG groups to their very foundation.

Anonymous said...

Those who belong to Jesus Christ Jones don't live double lives and do not have fake Facebook accounts.

Anonymous said...

Writing to self now.

Anonymous said...

But of course it's always ok to be entangled in the political inner functioning of church politics ....

Anonymous said...

Concerned Sister,

Do you have an opinion on which party, going forward, would it be more conducive under for the preaching of the Gospel and the well-being of those so preaching and supporting?

1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Co 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Mt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

I would suggest that America has to break apart so that when it is time for the true Gospel to go out to the world, to fulfill Matthew 24:14, there is a conducive part of the continent for its promotion.

In my opinion, FWIW, HWA and the COGs have never preached “the” good news of the Kingdom of God.

Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand [chilia] years.

"The throne of David will be set up in Jerusalem with Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel, the Son of David, literally ruling upon it in His millennial kingdom (2 Sam 7:12-16; Luke 1:32-33)" (Ed Hindson & David Hocking, "Premillennialism," The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy, Tim LaHaye and Edward E. Hindson, General Editors, (Eugene: Harvest House Publishers, 2004), p.280).

Premillennialism was once known as Chiliasm, from the Greek of Rev 20:6.

“ His coming the saints with transfigured bodies shall administer the kingdom for and under Him. The nations of the earth and Israel, the foremost in the flesh, shall be the subjects of the Lord and His saints. The mistake of the Chiliasts was, they restricted the kingdom to the terrestrial part. Besides this earthly glory, there shall be the heavenly glory of the saints reigning above” (A.R. Fausset, 1 Corinthians, JFB, Vol.3, Part3, p.298) - The first edition appeared in six volumes from 1864-1870, i.e. some 20 years before HWA was born.

Anonymous said...

Err, no Nick. It's God who programmed the need to worship into the human brain. Your's is the "smart monkey" evolutionary explanation of everything. No Nck, we are not just smart monkeys.

Anonymous said...

Concerned Sister
Christ said beware the Pharisees, listing their many evil deeds. Todays left wing parallel the Pharisees, so your forget politics stance isn't biblical.

One can't help wondering about the motives of those who oppose shining the light on an evil political party which dominates the moral climate of a nation.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 1/30 @ 6:29,

The Pharisees were a leading sect of the Jewish RELIGION of Christ's day who were proponents of legalism and traditional interpretations of their faith. The Romans and their Herodian puppets constituted the political class of that time. Hence, it is not intellectually plausible to compare Pharisees with today's left wing (whom most conservatives would describe as anti-constitutional and against the rule of law - in other words, the antithesis of legalism and traditional interpretations).

And, as far as Christ was concerned, the gospels inform us that he went out of his way NOT to confront or contradict the political rulers of his day! He openly acknowledged the citizens' obligations to obey Caesar's laws and pay his taxes. In fact, when he was on trial for his life before the Roman governor, he insisted that his kingdom was not of this world (and he willingly submitted himself to Pilate's authority over his fate). In other words, Christ didn't feel compelled to shine a light on the "evil" Romans, antagonize them or confront them. Hence, you cannot appeal to the situation on the ground in Christ's day as a justification for political activism by the Christian Church in our day!

nck said...

I notice not many really know the political and religious position of Saducees, Pharisees, Essenes and who and why alligned themselves with the Roman government and what their philosopical differences were.

Immortality of the Soul, Resurrection, political allignment with the Hellenic Jews versus Roman occupation, independence of territory, independence from religious oppression.

The bible does not adress that at all. It makes the NT more interesting to know some basics.

I don't really care. I allign myself always with the globalists, the empire builders, the bringers of running water, hot showers and impeccable administration.

In short, my expertise is with the Romans.


Retired Prof said...

Jan. 30 at 6:29 PM mentions "an evil political party which dominates the moral climate of a nation."

Ah yes. The one led by a lying deadbeat narcissist con man who refused to honor his oath to uphold the Constitution. The one who neglected his administrative duty to try to stem the tide of a deadly pandemic. The one who would not abide by the results of an honest election and incited a riot in an attempt to keep it from being certified. The one who held the Bible upside down for a photo op and has no further knowledge of or interest in it. The one who to a couple of generations of young men advocated and modeled sexual molestation as admirable manly behavior. The political party that wins elections by disenfranchising voters in areas with large numbers of voters likely to vote for the other party. The party that protects fetuses and neglects hungry children. The pro-life party that promotes assassinations of prominent foreigners and executions of domestic prisoners. The party that incurs huge national debt to shovel wealth toward the rich and howls about the national budget deficit if a few nickels are allocated to the hungry, the destitute, the unemployed, and the underpaid.

That party.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and mock God's church and see what happens to you!

Anonymous said...

The day that Ian Boyne died the COGI lost its last true leader. Now we have sick men in charge.

NO2HWA said...

I miss Ian. We had some great conversations about the state of affairs in the church. We did not agree on everything but on far more things than I would have ever thought. The Jamaica CGI puts Watson's little group to shame.

Retired Prof said...

Jan. 31 at 3:14 PM says, "Go ahead and mock God's church and see what happens to you!"

What will happen is the same thing that will happen to people who eat unclean meats, or fail to eat an adequate supply of green and yellow vegetables, or who play cards on the sabbath, or who run short of coins for the parking meter: they eventually die. The punishment of the Lord is sure.

Anonymous said...

Although the whole system is obviously corrupt, it's hard to deny that the Biden Administration is anti God and Anti Christ.

Retired Prof said...

Anon Feb 2 at 6:05 AM says, "Although the whole system is obviously corrupt, it's hard to deny that the Biden Administration is anti God and Anti Christ."

Wait. Explain something. You must have prayed that your god would deny Joe Biden the presidency and bless Donald Trump with it, right? And your prayers must have included the Christian proviso, "Thy will be done."

That clause seems superfluous to me, considering that you consider your god to be omnipotent. He's going to carry out his will whether you give him permission or not. But whatever.

Anyway, when the election comes along, your god reveals it is his will to deny the office to Mr. Trump and bestow it on Mr. Biden. Yet you deny that Mr. Biden could possibly have received your god's blessing by claiming he is "anti God and Anti Christ."

You must bear a heavy burden of cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous said...

Someone sent the following sermon to me, given by Adrian Davis, I watched it and found many excellent points in it. I've been listening to his later sermons, too, including Sudden Death Overtime in two parts. Very good points in them. While I may not agree with everything said, the messages are quite good. I heard him speak in person previously on the topic of marriage to a COG church group outside COGI and some of the youth didn't care for the topic of marriage. I heard that a number of them agree with a same sex lifestyle or living together. So sad that lawlessness is taking hold of so many. I encourage all here to actually listen to Adrian's messages for yourselves and not accept what someone else is telling you what he said. The other sermon is ...