The King of the Philadelphia Church of God and the true KING to the Church of God has a long track record of making things up and telling us that God told him to say it (like what Bob Thiel and Dave Pack do). For the last year Flurry has been adamant that President Donald Trump would be elected as proof of Bible prophecy being fulfilled. According to Flurry, soon after Trump would be reelected he would issue a decree to kick the Philadelphia Church of God out of the United States.
Even his rebellious son, Stephen Flurry, was backing up King Daddy on these points. Low and behold, Trump was not reelected and the PCG is still parked in Edmond Oklahoma.
Like all self-appointed Church of God prophets, even when caught in lies, they make excuses to divert attention away from the lie and toward some other direction.
King Flurry and Lord of Irish dance (the true dance of God) has this to say:
Two months ago I wrote an article titled “Why Donald Trump Will Remain America’s President.” Yet last Wednesday, Mr. Trump flew to Florida, and Joe Biden was inaugurated president.
I have received some criticism for what I wrote. Perhaps some of it is justified. I made a mistake, and I don’t want to act like there was no mistake. I understand why some people were confused or upset.
It is always "us" that are confused and never the lying prophets of the COG. We should all know by now that COG prophets NEVER lie! Never have and never will!
What happened in America this past week is not the end of the story.
God prophesies in the Bible, and His prophecies are sure! With the apostles and the prophets, He usually does not show the whole picture in detail or all at once. He often speaks in a coded way, and then only later reveals that code.
God knows what He is doing, and He can certainly correct me if He needs to. [Of ourse we all know that Proeptsh in teh church are never wrong andso God ha sno need to "correct" them] He is perfect—but His servants make mistakes. Hebrews 5:2says, in fact, that His ministers are “compassed with infirmity.” I do make mistakes, and I will make mistakes in the future. I am not trying to defend myself—but I am trying to defend God and faith in God.
The King continues:
The word “remain” is an important part of that article and its title. I apologize for creating confusion there. But as I want to show you, even with Mr. Biden now in the White House, “Why Donald Trump Will Remain America’s President” might not actually be a mistake.
I based my forecast about President Trump on two prophetic passages I have repeatedly emphasized over the past four years. I know these prophecies will be fulfilled, I am 99.9 percent sure my understanding of them is correct, and anyone can prove them!
COG prophets have a 99.99% failure rate, but I digress:
One is in Amos 7. It speaks of a time when God is preparing to measure the destruction of end-time Israel—the United States and Britain—and He says, “I will not again pass by them any more” (verse 8). This is just before severe correction on these nations if they don’t repent. They are receiving their final warning.
The COG message has ALWAYS been claiming to deliver a "final message or warning" They have cried wolf for so long that no one listens to them anymore, not even many of their own church members!
The last part of verse 9 says this is about “the house of Jeroboam.” Verse 10 says, “Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel ….” Verse 11 says, “For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die ….” Verse 12 describes a message from Jeroboam that Amaziah delivers to God’s people. Then verse 13 talks about the king’s chapel—speaking of King Jeroboam. From verse 14 on is about the Great Tribulation, the time of suffering that closes the age of man.
So the entire context of God saying I will not again pass by them any more is the time of “Jeroboam”—an end-time antitype of King Jeroboam ii of Israel, whom I have said is Donald Trump. You can read this passage and see how it looks like one flowing event. There is no hint of a gap or pause in Jeroboam’s reign. So you can see why I wrote the article as I did. It all looks like it’s Jeroboam’s timeline.
This is clearly a prophecy of the very end for this nation, and Jeroboam is in power. It has not yet been fulfilled. So based on this prophecy alone, we can be sure that God is going to give Donald Trump that office of presidency of the U.S. sooner or later. As much as the radical left wants it to be otherwise, Jeroboam is not gone from the scene.
King FLurry claims that Satan was thwarted by the election of Trump and that infuriated Satan so much that he infiltrated the minds of the Democrats and made them the people who are destroying the chosen nation.
The devil has successfully used the radical left to destroy America, the superpower of end-time Israel. But God intervened and stopped him—temporarily—by the hand of President Trump. That has enraged them all the more. They have committed multiple treasonous acts trying to ruin President Trump—ceaseless condemnation, spying, a baseless three-year criminal investigation, impeachment. These attacks were all based on grotesque lies, and they knew it! That is diabolical evil!
God sent President Trump specifically to deal with that evil and to save Israel temporarily. That work is not complete. So this too shows that he is coming back.
All of this idiotic thinking comes from the British Israelism myths that the U.S. is some long-lost tribe and deserves God's special blessing over all other peoples on the earth. No true prophet of God ever lives OUTSIDE the United States, just like there are no real Christians outside of a few "elect" in the rest of the nations.
There is a lot of evidence of election fraud. God certainly saw it all. Is God showing us that the election was stolen by maintaining the flow about Jeroboam in this prophecy? Perhaps He looks on Mr. Trump as still being president of the United States!
I have thought the election was stolen. It adds a lot of weight to that idea if that is how God Himself views it! I believe that is what God is saying here; other people will have to study this and decide for themselves what they think about it.
One thing is for sure: God is going to bring Mr. Trump back. It will happen at most in four years—yet I can’t conceive of it being anywhere near that length of time. Because with radicals in power, how would we get the work done? When the devil is inspiring people, God’s work is their number one target! And look how they are using their power over the media, technology companies and social media to silence anyone who disagrees with them! They are clamping down on free speech in a shocking way!
Damn those Democrats! Thwarting the work of God at every corner!
When Satan is no longer the boogeyman, COG leaders need another alternative to place the blame on. Since so many COG leaders are conservative in their beliefs and stances, it is logical that they see the "other" as their oppressors. They always need some other thing to divert attention away from them when caught in their lies.
When they get caught it is always an attack from Satan and his minions. Satan is pissed at COG leaders and the do-nothing works they have.
When Thiel, Flurry, Weinland, Weston, Kubik, and other start whining they are being censored about the complete stupidity that they say, you can be assured that it will be an attack from Satan to stop someone's amazing work.
The Dancing King ends with this:
We have to recognize that the radical left is interfering with God’s plan! You can be sure God will not let that stand. I still believe what I wrote in that article—that God is about to do some massive exposing of how the election was stolen and other crimes the left is committing. I don’t know exactly what God will do, but He could expose all this very shortly—and then what happens? If Mr. Trump had the election stolen from him, then it should flow right on with him being president. I don’t know that he will. Time will tell if I’m right or wrong.
All any Church of God member needs to remember is that if ANY Church of God self-appointed prophet utters even one wrong thing, then they are false prophets and liars.
15 "Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don't be impressed with charisma; look for character.
16 Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned. Matthew 7:15 - 20
BUT it “might not actually be a mistake”
I made a mistake but maybe not 🙄. This was hands down the most crazy article that has ever been published by the PCG.
I would also like to add that IN HIS SERMONS he said. “My prophecy” (he said this on sell more than once occasion. Now it is simply a forecast.
This is total craziness.
Here are couple quotes from his sermons recently:
“God has not shown me where there is any error in that prophecy that I have made”
-really? How about the fact that it didn’t happen
“Nobody in the church has said ‘Amos 7 doesn’t sound quite right to me’ Nobody in the church has said that to me”
“Nobody in the church has said anything to me about being wrong”
-these are the dumbest comments ever! No one is ALLOWED to tell him such things. In fact when they had a group of people leave before the feast, he made it very clear that if you disagree with him you are out, if you don’t align your thinking with his!
Im actually amazed that Flurry has not somehow tried to "prophetically" connect the founding of his Edmond Oakie church (in 1989) to the 100 year anniversary of the 1889 Oklahoma land rush , affectionately known as the "sooners".
He can quack whatever he wants to quack but he's still a quack. Nothing will change that now. And nothing can change the stupid members who stays in PCG after this. Quack, quack, quack!
The so called prophesies in the OT that he quotes are history. There are no expressions such as 'the last days,' or military battles that have never happened, so could be prophetic. This is simply trying to put a square peg in a round hole and expecting God to perform miracles to make things work out. Christs "don't tempt God" when Satan asked Him to throw Himself off a tall building, is in reference to such stupidity.
God sits on a magnificent thrown. ACOGs leaders think He sits on a toilet seat that they can control.
"I made a mistake"? You forecasted? What are you, a fucking weather reporter? What a demotion from prophecy to forecasting. You just won't admit it. Won't you? YOU ARE A FALSE PROPHET!!! and you have a false church. You and your son, Stevie, are liars and so are the ministers that continue to support you.

Which brings to mind that if you can lie about this prophecy, then it only means YOU DID LIE about Malachi's Message being yours. It's true then that Jules Dervaes is the source of this book you called given to you by God. You and your son are both shameless and have no fear of God that you even subtly allude it's God's fault this prophecy did not come to pass. You are just a dreamer of dreams, God did not send you, you are a wolf, a tares. YOU ARE A FALSE PROPHET!!!
There's one verse you can fulfill though, Deut 18:20
"But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even THAT PROPHET shall die."
May God bring that to pass soon.
Flurry has said a lot of stupid stuff over the years, but this has to be his stupidest yet. How anyone can sit there and listen to his lies is beyond me. PCG members deserve the trouble they are bringing upon themselves. If they are deported then they deserve it.
The old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG never really seemed to pay much attention to what Gerald Flurry was rambling on about in the background. They were in the PCG for their own selfish and perverse reasons, just like Gerald Flurry was in the PCG for his own selfish and perverse reasons.
"Brethren, some of you have invested the last 32 years of your life in PCG membership. You've given thousands and thousands of dollars. Most of your friendships are within PCG. It's much easier for you to forgive me a mistake or two than for you to decide that you've been making a mistake for decades by staying in PCG. I know you aren't going anywhere. So buckle up and keep on riding with me as I figure out this Amos/Trump prophecy thing!"
That’s because it wasn’t written by him. Joel Hilliker’s also uses the word “forecast” instead of prophecy.
Rule of thumb: if it’s coherent, it ain’t Gerald. That’s not his style.
Satan's False Prophet Gerald R. Flurry Always Buggers Up Everything.
Gerald Flurry immediately suppressed the great commission to preach the true gospel of the kingdom of God that Herbert W. Armstrong had always called the true purpose of the church. Gerald also perverted the true gospel commission by replacing it with his new commission to “warn the Laodiceans” by not talking to them. Gerald Flurry completely, totally changed the entire commission of the whole church while claiming to be holding on faithfully to everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught!!!
Gerald Flurry soon said that his satanic PCG imposter cult had been flooded with much new revelation. This new revelation that Gerald made up to flood this PCG cult with was always all about how great little Gerald supposedly was.
Gerald Flurry tried to pull off the identity theft of the ages by claiming that he, rather than Jesus, was what he called That Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19
Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry tried to appear to be serious about following the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong by buying the copyrights to some of HWA's old writings from the Devil's apostate Tkaches in the Worldwide Church of God, but then went on to edit them. A little bit of editing can make some major differences, such as allowing Gerald to pass himself off as a prophet leading the church.
As Satan's representative on planet Earth, Gerald Flurry just had to try to undo everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Gerald said that God commands us to avoid certain ones and came up with his “no contact” policy to break up marriages and families. This was a diabolical way to get around one of God's ten commandments that says to honour one's parents and replace it with Gerald's own tradition of family wrecking.
Being satanically warped in every way, PCG cult members are supposed to cut off all contact with grandparents, parents, spouses, children, grandchildren, etc. who have Worldwide Church of God knowledge and do not follow Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry. At the same time, people can also get kicked out of the PCG cult if they do not go along with the old sex pervert strangers in the PCG cult.
For someone who always used Herbert W. Armstrong's name and photograph to attract former Worldwide Church of God members, Gerald Flurry has a really satanic way of editing, changing, warping, mangling, and totally perverting everything that HWA had taught.
"Gerald Flurry most definitely is NOT defending God. God made no mistake here–the mistake was Gerald Flurry’s imagination and misunderstanding of scripture. Gerald Flurry claims he is 99.9 percent sure in his understanding–I remain 100% sure that at least part of his understanding of Amos 7 is wrong.
I have long expected that the mistakes of PCG’s Gerald Flurry and also RCG’s David Pack would become more obvious (David Pack did not make a wrong election prediction to the best of my knowledge, but made several last year that Jesus would return which never happened–and years ago he seemed to me to have blamed God for being wrong on one or more of his predictions). We have seen this over the past several months. As I have publicly written before, I do not believe that PCG’s Gerald Flurry and RCG’s David Pack are truly Christian–they claim to be in the Church of God, but I do not believe that they are."
-Quote from Bob Thiel AKA COGwriter
Bob Thiel is as big of an apostate COG leader as Flurry is. Thiel lies just like Flurry. Thiel is a false prophet, just like Flurry. Bob Thiel is no more a Christian than Gerald Flurry is.
Armstrongism is a colossal disaster. A Train wreck!
Dear Bob,
In 2016, neither Gerald Flurry nor Dave Pack released a book titled Hillary Clinton, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States. More importantly, you didn't publish a similar book featuring Donald Trump; Trump played "second fiddle" in your one 2016 book about the Presidential election. Bob, you're just as big a fraud as Gerry and Dave.
Bob Thiel is no more a Christian than Gerald Flurry is.
Thiel is an apostate Catholic and a Prospective Member of the Mayan religion.
"With the apostles and the prophets, He usually does not show the whole picture in detail or all at once. He often speaks in a coded way, and then only later reveals that code."
Once again revealing that Gerald and Dave's God , indeed, is the author of confusion after all. Besides, read Art Mokarrow's book, "God's Puzle Solved" if you have any questions about cracking the code or putting the puzzle together properly and for sure.
This article doesn’t explain much, firstly he made a mistake but not really. That god reveals in a coded way, which he doesn’t- the bible is coded not revelation. Secondly He says he is 99.9% sure of the prophecy so what about the 0.01%? Is he leaving room for error again. Thirdly- if he’s wrong about this, then what else is he wrong about? Lastly this article convinces no one of his certainty in himself or the PCG. All the minister who stay and support this only do so for the money. And members I hope wake up to the truth.
If it looks like a prophet but doesn't give results like a prophet, it's not a prophet. It's a duck. It's a quack. Quack, quack, quack, quack!!!
you're definitely right. that is Joel "lockstep-in-philosophy" Hilliker. and would you believe he teaches hermeneutics in their so-called college? what fakes these people are.
2:25 -there was absolutely NOTHING coherent about that article! Have you actually read it???? Total double talk nonsense.
Are you serious? That article made NO sense....unless you speak double talk
"We have to recognize that the radical left is interfering with God’s plan! You can be sure God will not let that stand."
I don't know, Gerald. Your god let stand the rise of Hitler and murdering of millions of Jews, why not let stand a Democractic president being elected.
"If Mr. Trump had the election stolen from him, then it should flow right on with him being president. I don’t know that he will. Time will tell if I’m right or wrong."
I predict the latter (wrong), and IF you are wrong, just like you're admitting you were wrong about the election ("I made a mistake"), will you face the fact that you are just blathering on about your own stupid crackpot ideas, that you have no connection to any god, and that you should disband your church, redistribute the tithes people paid you and apologize for being so very, very demonstrably wrong and leading so many people on with absolute utter nonsense? Can we get a committal on that from you now, before you later have to say "I made a mistake", when nothing you say comes to pass?
Lol “I have received some criticism for what I wrote.” It was less of a criticism and more of a reality check: Gerald Flurry, YOU ARE A FALSE PROPHET. You know it - everyone knows it now.
God is not exposing the liberal left, He is not exposing the Democrats, He is not even exposing the fraud in the election! He allows this world to run its course. Gerald Flurry, He is exposing YOU. He is exposing the FRAUD IN THE PCG.
It’s time that people get up and get out of that satanic cult!
GF needs to learn from Bob Thiel and add wiggle-room and wiggle-words. But unlike Bob, he claims he receives direct revelation.
HWA found the hard way about claims made about (misunderstood) prophecies - remember his plagiarized booklet, The Proof of the Bible? [see "HWA disproves the Bible" (Ambassador Report)]
"God sent President Trump specifically to deal with that evil and to save Israel temporarily. That work is not complete. So this too shows that he is coming back."
Now PCG members are expected to anxiously await the second coming of Trump!
A plain reading of the scriptures used by GF does not say that Trump will be elected to a second term. He uses the common ploy of stretching scriptures to conform to some desired interpretation.
God has typically used natural forces to fulfil His will rather than the type of miracles GF is hoping for in Trumps case.
Has anyone else noticed how America is becoming more and more like ACOG culture? Careful what you post cause the thought police are watching you on Facebook, Twitter etc. So be sure to self censorship OR ELSE.
Yep, the logic is confusing but the article itself is easier to follow. You can see what he’s saying, even though the arguments are faulty.
Another prophecy here:
"Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children and women; but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at My sanctuary.”
On the trumpet daily, Stephen Flurry asks how God views the election fraud, fake leaders and fake kings. It’s a good point! What does God think about the fraud in the PCG? What does God think about those fake ministers? How about their FAKE KING?
Gerald Flurry wrote: "...I do make mistakes, and I will make mistakes in the future. I am not trying to defend myself—but I am trying to defend God and faith in God..."

, 6
Are any of those thoughts a mistake? Time will tell!
Of course, Gerald will make mistakes, b/c there will continue to be sin in his life. The Apostle Paul admitted there was sin in his life:
"Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." Romans 7:17
And he admitted he couldn't do anything to stop, or eliminate, that sin in himself. In case we didn't "get it," he repeated it:
:20 "Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me."
Why sin?
"He that committeth sin is of the devil;..." I John 3:8
Has Gerald ever predicted how to resolve that sin in his life? Now, that might help us out.
Gerald wrote: "...I am trying to defend God and faith in God..."
What a waste of Gerald's time! How much longer will Gerry live? That is a mistaken idea, b/c God doesn't need Gerald to defend God, or to defend God's fruit of faith.
My sister down in Tennessee has a sign in her home, which says: "Today, I will handle all of your problems. Please remember I do not need your help!" and it is signed GOD.
It's just a sign, but it is foolish for Gerald to think that God needs any of his help.
Time will tell.
Someday in the future, probably after Gerald's death he will admit that Isaiah may have had a better perspective on who does what for whom:
"But now, O LORD, thou [art] our father; we [are] the clay, and thou our potter; and we all [are] the work of thy hand." Isaiah 64:8
Might Gerry and his fellow-hirelings (including some from the former WCG) ever admit that? And admit that God needs nothing from anybody, especially Gerry, to defend Him or the faith He gives out by measure/proportion (Rom 12:3
Time will tell...
12.35 PM
Yes, everyone is born with a Terminator sub personality. God has one as well. The ACOGs ministers, fearing their abused victims, instead talk endlessly of "a soft answer turns away wrath." This partiality towards evil is common in all religions.
And their Fake phrophets
Flurry makes mistakes,
so was King Saul,
and so was King Jeroboam
. . .
and so was Preacher Simon Magus!
Shouldn't he be on his honeymoon.
@ 3:08 "Gerald Flurry .. buying the copyrights to some of HWA's old writings from the Devil's apostate Tkaches"
I'd forgotten, what a Dupe, paying millions? for Herbie's Junk Theology!
NEWS FLASH--- PCGs magazine now to be renamed!
Henceforth to now be known simply as "THE TRUMP", rather than the Trumpet.
There is no such thing as the holy spirit. If there were people who pray for more of it all the time would have more sense than to follow these characters, and never would have been led into any church.
Honeymoon! I had no clue Flurry remarried and to someone he was counseling.. how horribly unethical that is!
GRF must be paying his hired hands like Stephen F,, Joel H., & Wayne T, way too much. At least most of the top "men" at RCG HQ finally wake up and leave.
DCP is a cheapskate, so we know his staff won't get paid near enough to live in Ohio. Oklahoma has a much lower cost of living, so the top Edmond staff can live like princes and princesses.
The mouthpieces at Edmond are nothing but spin doctors who spin doctrines. They just make it all up as they go along. Perhaps, GRF could've said that he was secretly pardoned, and all was forgiven now, and he and PCG could stay in this country.
NEWS FLASH--- PCGs magazine now to be renamed!
Henceforth to now be known simply as "THE TRUMP", rather than the Trumpet.
Or they could add just one more "P" and have The Trump Pet
The is no such thing as the Holy spirit.
Maybe not for you anon 11:38.
How about " The Philadelphia Strumpet". They could a picture of Stormy Daniels on the cover.
When the ministers sin it's called a mistake, but when the lay members make a mistake it's called a sin.
Amos 7 is a prophecy of the northern kingdom's fall in the 8th century BC. Flurry is really stretching it to make it apply to Trump.
His statements are confusing here. What is he saying? That Trump is the bad guy like Jeroboam who didn't deserve to be thrown out of office illegally because he espoused Republican values more than the Democrats, thus making him more beneficial to the church?????? What?????? So Flurry is waiting for Jeroboam (i.e. Trump) to come back and expose the fraud?????
As someone wrote above, the exposing of fraud may be coming to Flurry, which is why a pseudo-president was put in place. Fraudulence in the church begets fraudulence in the world, i.e., you get what's coming to you.
Stupid men. That's why the world is nuts. Stupid men running it and ruining it. Thanks stupid men!
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