Saturday, January 16, 2021

Unbridled Joy


That feeling you get when you finally step away from Armstrongism


Anonymous said...

Queens song 'I want to break free' comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

But many don't step away though do they.

The peasants can walk away relatively unscathed but the higher up you go the more entangled you get.
The more difficult it becomes when the church is also the main income stream.
How many of the Ministry linger on and on because of income.

Anonymous said...

The first step is to free your mind. Start by reading a book about cults, Steven Hassan’s ‘Combating Cult Mind Control’ for instance. Just try it. If anything you might learn something, even if you decide to stay in your true church after reading it.

Anonymous said...

After anger and frustration and disbelief building over many months a book called Field Guide to The Wild World of Religion by Pamela S Dewey set me free. Once it was confirmed to me that Pack is only one of many, many self called Apostles, I dug deeper. And the deeper I dug the clearer the truth became of his clever building of a very profitable business abusing man's desire for God.
We now understand that Pack can only deceive and manipulate people in his search for riches and power, because he himself is godless. The proof he has no belief in our God? He has no fear that one day he will be held to account for his abuse of our Maker.

Anonymous said...

Just do it! There is such joy in the freedom of control one experiences. Freedom from a Godless manipulator and a Liar of the first degree and what we now treasure most, freedom to worship, thank and draw close to our Lord and Master who died for us that we might be saved according to the will of our Father.