Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Why Has The LCG Been Unable Recapture True Values?


Then next time you see a "true value" 

please capture it. The LCG is still looking for it

Richard Ames has sent out a letter to the Living Church of God faithful and as usual, it is filled with fear and damnation that is swiftly approaching.

July 14, 2021
Dear Brethren and Co-workers with Christ, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weston are currently serving our Church youth in Athens, Texas, where about 240 teenage campers and staff are enjoying the Living Youth Camp. The Lone Star Camp grounds, including a lake, provide for many challenging activities designed to help the young people to “recapture true values.” Our youth are precious, and training them for potential leadership roles in the Church and community is vital for the future. We appreciate your prayers and support for the success of this intensive two-week program.

The Church of God, regardless of which entity is speaking, has made the comment for decades and yet, here we are in 2021 and NONE of them have recaptured ANYTHING! They still blunder along claiming they have the exclusive path to the "truth" and that God is on their side. Like their apostate bastard children, the Restored Church of God, Church of God Assembly, and the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, they all had the opportunity to recapture "true values" when they committed apostasy from the Worldwide Church of God. They all had a chance to start over and do things right. They did nothing of the sort. None of them decided to actually follow Jesus instead of the law. So here we are in 2021 as LCG has problems with its ministry and its membership.

Yes, youth are precious, but when COG's make their lives miserable and hellish with such absurd demands and doctrines that Christ does not even care about, LCG deserves to lose them. They have no further in the LCG and that is why so many are leaving. None of them have any business becoming ministers or leaders in the LCG! Their lives are more precious than that happening!

Meanwhile, after a year or more of lockdowns, public activities are increasingly opening across the United States, and sports stadiums are again filled with thousands of spectators. However, much of the world is facing dangerous variants of COVID-19. Just last week, because of rising COVID-19 cases, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared a state of emergency in Tokyo, banning spectator attendance at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics (Charlotte Observer, July 9, 2021, p. 1B.).

And yet, LCG in its amazing wisdom decided to go ahead with summer camps and the result is multiple infections resulting in the entire camp of campers and staff are now in quarantine. So much for considering them "precious".

As usual for any COG letter to the faithful, the next step is to cause fear in the reader. Has any of the COG's ever decided to write a letter to their followers just to tell them how much they are appreciated? How God is pleased with them? How much Jesus is working in their lives? Have they ever written a letter talking about what an amazing thing grace and mercy are? The answer we all is a glaring NO! Noting is more important than scaring the crap out of members and then asking them for money.

As we see these sobering trends, we are reminded to watch for the future end-time ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who will kill one-fourth of the earth’s population (Revelation 6:1-8). We must be prepared for prophetic events leading up to the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22) that will suddenly shock the Western world. Be sure to read Mr. Weston’s Tomorrow’s World magazine article “Then Comes Sudden Destruction” (July-August 2019). Brethren, we must never let down our alertness and watchfulness in these end-times. We must always remember Christ’s words, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:34-36).

While the U.S. economy may appear to be strengthening, in reality it is a proverbial bubble that will someday burst—and suddenly. I hope you saw Mr. Wallace Smith’s Tomorrow’s World telecast “The End of America.” One of the biblical curses he discussed was “Crushing National Debt.” The program featured the “U.S. Debt Clock” which at the time of this writing shows more than $28 trillion dollars in U.S. national debt. The current debt-to-GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ratio for the nation is 107.60, indicating a troubling risk of default. Remember God’s warning, “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail” (Deuteronomy 28:43-44)

LCG still imagines themselves as doing some mighty work that is world-encompassing and so amazing that God himself is pleased by it. They need that god to be working on their behalf so that their members can have jobs and send in their money, for only a "while longer". Time is short!

We trust that God will allow enough economic health to support, for a while longer, His Work of preaching the Gospel. But the time will come when our warning the nations of this world will cease: “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord God, ‘That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, but shall not find it’” (Amos 8:11-12). We have a weighty responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission and to work with our whole heart while there is time. Jesus understood the signs of the times: “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4). We need the attitude of Christ, who said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34).

While LCG operates in this very short time, the world around them is collapsing. Death, famine, and disease are their focus. Not Jesus, but death, famine, and disease. 

Many tragic trends remind us of the crying need for God’s Kingdom to come. More than four million around the world have died from the COVID-19 pandemic. A report by the United Nations World Food Program USA lists the hungriest nations—including Yemen, which has more than “16 million people—over half of the population—waking up hungry every day.” The report notes that conditions in Yemen are “a devastating reminder of what conflict can do to a country. More than two million children are severely malnourished, and 400,000 are at risk of dying without treatment” (“Over 65% of the World’s Hungriest People Live in Just Ten Countries. Why?,” April 23, 2021). 

The UN reports sobering news of famine and starvation:

The dramatic rise in global food prices over the past twelve months, coupled with diminishing food stocks and escalating fuel costs, has gravely jeopardized global food and nutrition security, and has re-emphasized the critical actions needed to realize the right to adequate food. Hunger and under-nutrition are the greatest threats to public health, killing more people than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Each day, 25,000 people, including more than 10,000 children, die from hunger and related causes. Some 854 million people worldwide are estimated to be undernourished, and high food prices may drive another 100 million into poverty and hunger. The risks are particularly acute among those who must spend at least 60 per cent of their income on food: the urban poor and displaced populations, the rural landless, pastoralists and the majority of smallholder farmers (“Losing 25,000 to Hunger Every Day,” UN Chronicle).

If the LCG is so concerned about the undernourished and those "walking hungry" then why in the hell don't they do something about it? Let's see the Livign Church of God set the example for all the other COG's and give $1,000,000.00 to Feed The Children,  Feeding Hungry Children, or to Compassion. They won't do this any more than they use 3rd Tithe to take care of the widows and orphans in the church. Members have to beg and plead to get even a morsel of assistance from LCG ministers.

Instead, Richard Ames praises LCG's so-called gospel message to the world and its literature as being good work.

As we preach the Gospel around the world, more and more people are being introduced to the Truth. The Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course is one of those tools through which human lives are being transformed. In the second quarter of 2021 (April through June), we sent out 35,593 copies of the first lessons, more than any previous quarter! If you have not yet subscribed, be sure to do so. Read this inspiring comment by a student from Wisconsin: 
I have finished the 24-lesson Bible Study Course and I’ve learned so much. I never before really understood the statement, “Let he who has eyes to see…” Some of the scriptures I’ve read many times but didn’t really see what they meant. I have filled twelve ring binders with notes along with every scripture referred to in the study. Great job to all who put this together.

Writing down every single scripture in a COG course does not make one a Christian or one who has proven anything. This is all Ames has been doing for decades, speaking slick words that impress whichever COG group he is in and tossing around scriptures as if he knew what they were all about.

I know an elderly woman from a Protestant church down the street who knows the Bible inside and out, understands the role of Christ in her life, and who could knock down Ames and his self-righteousness in a matter of minutes. She knows the real gospel message, unlike COG leaders who should know better.

Sadly, many professing Christians neglect the Bible, though now is not the time to “let down.” Satan is increasing his attacks on belief in the existence of God, the veracity of the Bible, and God’s way of life. We must strive to submit to our Father’s and Lord’s instruction: “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God’” (Luke 4:4). Our Lord quoted that scripture in His battle with Satan!

Sadly, many professing Church of God leaders neglect the bible and that inconvenient dude they claim to follow. Never fear though, that creature who is more powerful than the god they claim to follow is waiting on the sidelines constantly ready to devour "real" COG Christians. Satan has to be the most powerful creature the COG has ever followed. Jesus is an impotent wimp next to Satan.

Richard Ames offers hope to wayward LCG members. He directs them to trust in Jesus and to become followers of him read more LCG literature! Reading COG literature is the cure-all for everything!

If you have been neglecting your Bible, I urge you to determine to read, study, and research it daily. Set aside 15 minutes or a half-hour of your time—make it a daily habit. Always keep the big picture in mind: “Thus says the Lord: ‘Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist,’ says the Lord. ‘But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word’” (Isaiah 66:1-2). 

Next Ames highlights the mind-boggling work of the Living Church of God. Out of 7.9 billion people, LCG is sending its rag to 488,000 people AROUND the globe. Wow! I stand in awe!

You too should be in awe of this amazing work! So much in awe that you send them your money! Look at all of those open doors!

Our Tomorrow’s World magazine helps readers understand the Bible. Our August 2021 issue will be sent to 488,000 subscribers around the globe. Yes, God is blessing His Work. Your support is contributing to growth online, in print, and on the air. Please pray that God will inspire new viewers and open doors to new stations. And I encourage you to read the inspiring, motivating, and informative articles in every magazine, particularly Mr. Weston’s in the July 2021 issue, where he writes,

Ames ends with a cure-all for LCG members. Follow the law! No mention of following Jesus, but follow that law!

If God is real to us—and if we truly believe there is a reward for obeying Him—we will strive to keep His commandments. We will forsake the holidays of this world that put the name of Christ on pagan practices. We will keep His Sabbaths—the seventh-day weekly Sabbath and the annual Sabbaths. We will allow nothing and no one to deter us from obedience to our Lord and Savior. “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 10:37-39). Yes, if God is real to us, we will put Him first, above all else! Those words come straight from Jesus Himself! (“Is God Actually Real to You?,” p. 8).

Thank you for your continuing prayers for the preaching of the Gospel. As you seek God wholeheartedly, claim His promise: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). And take comfort and joy that Christ’s prophecy is being fulfilled and will be fulfilled: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). 
In Christian love,
Richard F. Ames



Anonymous said...

His letter is an exercise in virtue signalling --- the modern fad loved by social justice warriors who are now saying its time to purge literalist Christians from government and that Trump supports must be "removed from society" as Keith Olbermann puts it. Get ready for the gulags people.

Denis will love this site:

Anonymous ` said...

From this post: "We will allow nothing and no one to deter us from obedience to our Lord and Savior. “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me."

I have not spoken to Richard Ames for years. I know nothing about what he currently believes or what his denomination believes, but . . .

What about people who love their church more than they love Jesus? What about people who seem to be embarrased to talk about Jesus and flee to Moses? What about people who malign and mischaracterize grace when grace is the core of the message that Christ brought?
What about people who hang on every word of a false prophet who has a purely losing track record? What about people who claim that the Torah is the new covenant law but keep only small parts of it? What about people who strain at a gnat and swallow a bale of hay. How is that obedience?

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Anonymous said...

IMHO: The tribulation of Mat 24:29 is not the great tribulation of Mat 24:21. The 24:21 was in Judea in the first AD/CE century and God could have allowed Satan to destroy all flesh. The 24:29 is false Christs - verse 24, churches preaching another Jesus - 2Cor 11:4 - who commands tithing (but there has been no command to tithe to the Melchisedec Priesthood ever) and seven feasts (but there are only three - Ex 23:14-16; 2Chron 8:13), and false prophets who claim 24:21 tribulation is coming, and we are "God's Church", and the gospel must still be preached to the whole world (was already, see Romans 10:18; Col 1:6; and the "end" has come - 1Cor 10:11).

Anonymous ` said...

"We must be prepared for prophetic events leading up to the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22) that will suddenly shock the Western world."

The great tribulation (of Matthew) happened in 70 AD. So that is not shocking. What is shocking is what is really happening in the world. For example, this goes almost unnoticed. I don't want to sound like an Ancient Aliens fan (History Channel). I'm not. Or a believer in the Compendium. I'm not. But I do read some science. And an article was recently, published in the prestigious science journal "Nature." To explain briefly, some scientists recently were going over photos taken by the Palomar Observatory in 1950. These were periodic photos - time slices of a portion of the sky. This was before we had satellites and space junk in the sky. And they identified nine transients - lights in the sky. In one photo they were not there. Thirty minutes later they were there flying in formation. And thirty minutes after that they were not there. All nine were flying together, not in a pattern that we can recognize, and were in geosynchronous orbit. Had they not been geosynchronous they would have appeared as streaks on the photo plate. That is they held a stationary position with respect to earth orbit. Which means they were about 22,000 miles out. So all nine were flying at the same speed - that's what I mean by formation.

Draw your own conclusion. Who knows what it will mean for our future? But to me that's shocking. Not someone ranting from the pulpit about the Great Tribulation Countdown.

For article with photos see:

Note: I do believe that The Day of the Lord is yet future. That ought to be enough destruction for anybody.

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Anonymous said...

The ACOGs have never lived by every word of God. If one watches Kenneth Copeland, and his clones on TV, it becomes obvious that Herbs church extensively copied from them, with cosmetic changes to hide this from members.
The ACOGs are in fact a hybrid of the bible and tent revival evangelicals.

Anonymous said...

“Recapture true values” uh sure. Part of that must be covering for the pedophiles. I’m working on getting the FBI involved. So much for “caring” about the next generation. On the bragging about numbers of people they are sending their rag to, I’ve been getting it even though I left that hellhole 3 years ago and they still send it. In the trash it goes. It’s amateur hour with Jerry and lackeys rehashing newsmax talking points as if it’s prophecy. That magazine is terrible.

Anonymous said...

"No mention of following Jesus, but follow that law!"

umm, they are one and the same....

this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments....

otis said...

Anonymous 1.10, I hear yeh, I was made a free agent(left) over 5 years ago and still get the rag and letters for cd's and money of course. In the trash it goes.
Just maybe when the leaders show any tue values it might change.
After years I don't think so!

RSK said...

Probably because their values are limited to the love of money.

Anonymous said...

Well you certainly strung a bunch of words together. Lol

Bob Petry said...

Well, typical nice kind atheistic grumbling. Always complaining but offering inspiring, uplifting solutions? Not on your bippy. It is impossible for the atheistic mindset to present anything positive about the Bible, those who try to understand it, or the Creator described in it. 100’s of verses describe the critics today, and show how the critics are “fixed” to only act, live, and do what they are fixed to do.

So, where is the example set by today’s critics of helping the needy?
Where is the example of trying to uplift and encourage people today, instead of throwing complaints around like candy trying to make themselves look so wise and benevolent. It can’t be done by putting down everyone else and not show real acts of goodness by the critic himself.
Where is the concern shown for warning others of a real potential danger coming? Right or wrong these churches are trying to warn people of danger coming. If they misuse that for money, they will pay.

Bob Petry said...

Friend 10:31 PM, you are somewhat mistaken on who copied whom.

In the early 1960’s Oral Roberts visited Ambassador in Pasadena. He wanted a tour of the campus, and info so he could build his own campus. ergo, Oral Roberts University, which did not exist when he visited Ambassador. Plus, Kenneth Copeland was Robert’s pilot until his death. After Oral Roberts death Copeland started his own College too. No, Herbert Armstrong did not copy them. He avoided them and taught their Pentecostal doctrines. They copied HWA.

I was there at the time when Roberts visited.

Anonymous said...

“Why Has The LCG Been Unable Recapture True Values?”

Maybe it is because Roderick C. Meredith was the competitive type who wanted to compete against Herbert W. Armstrong and wanted to make himself out to be smarter and better than HWA. Remember that RCM was never able to accept that HWA was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things.”

Maybe RCM and his gang were too busy coming up with their own ideas, such as the two-fold gospel message, the wedding supper in heaven, and the falling away in the world. Perverting the gospel message might have brought the apostle Paul's double curse on the LCG, and telling LCG members to look for the falling away in the world might have caused them to forget about the great falling away in the WCG in 1995, and to ignore the current heresies in the LCG.

Maybe RCM spent too much time talking about how almost nobody had ever heard of HWA and the Worldwide Church of God, but that RCM's own little LCG splinter group with not even one-tenth of the people from the WCG was now somehow going to “shake the nations.” Reminding people about how relatively large and well known the WCG was under HWA, and talking about the Great Apostasy of January 1995 under the apostate Tkaches that blew the WCG into many little pieces, would not fit RCM's desired story.

Anonymous said...

Idiots abound.

Anonymous said...

Most American colleges that started over 300 years ago such as Harvard and Yale (originally Puritan) and Princeton (Presbyterian) were bible proclaiming schools. In England, Oxford and Cambridge university were established by religious leaders.
So Oral Roberts and Copeland hardly copied AC, other than perhaps some details.

HWA spent eleven years in COG7. It's there that learnt a multitude of abusive cult ploys that have been handed down over the centuries. One example, mentally fusing into members minds concepts such as self love and competition with certain evils. Which by the way is murder. If you watch Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer and others, it becomes obvious that he has copied much of their moral theology. They all reject freedom, treating their members as children. For instance, Copeland claimed in one program that God was whispering in Adams ear telling him what to name the animals. They all demonize self love. Joyce does her physical imitation of a robot while repeatedly saying "what about me, what about me..." This is contrary to the bibles "love your neighbor AS YOURSELF." And they all hide that relationships are two way, obvious by the bibles "one another" appearing over 50 times in the NT.
A ACOG member could join any of these other churches, and it would feel like home, sweet home.

Anonymous said...

Problem is, Copeland was an infant when HWA was on the radio.

Anonymous said...

7.19 PM
True, but Copeland is a microcosm of Pharisaic Christianity that Herb plugged into.

Bob Petry said...

None of the comments negate the fact that Roberts went to AC to find out how to get his university going. And, it was after that visit he built his university.

As a boy when we visited my grandparents my grandmother talked a lot about Oral Roberts. She was pentecostal, watched Oral Roberts on tv. And, she took me several times to her church. They were nothing at all like the worldwide meetings or teachings I experienced after attending AC. Further most of these constant gripes are about things after the atheists, masons, and others invaded AC and began tearing it down from the inside. By the time I graduated it was becoming rampant. You folks think you have big things to tell, not.

Too bad there isn’t a place for telling some of the real stories versus the 6 to 10th person who heard someone who heard someone etc etc etc said something they heard or read from another person who had a friend………….

Like why was Marion McNair defrocked from being an evangelist? My source? My friend Marion.

Other sources I just happen to have on all kinds of things from personal time, in private, are HWA, GTA, Dr. C. Paul Meredith, Rod Meredith, Herman Hoeh, Ramona Martin, Al Portune, David Jon Hill, and plenty more.

Did any of you ever see or visit the private suite the college had available for visiting dignitaries to Ambassador. Any of you see in person the expensive paintings and other items Herbert Armstrong purchased for the college and church? I did. I picked them up from customs, took them to the warehouse, opened them and then hung them in the homes and other buildings.
Any of you ever hear Vern Mattson hear and see in private complain how certain evangelists spent God’s money like their was no end to it. I didn’t think so.

How many of you ever hear Herbert Armstrong complain how the college personnel were relegating him into being an interior decorator by constantly bombarding him with approving every purchase? Nope, didn’t think any of you did.

How many of you walked across campus with him and was moved emotionally by how tired he was, yet had to keep going anyway? Thot so.

So much more, but I’m more interested to see how quickly the atheistic mind, described by 100’s of verses, jumps in to criticize what it knows nothing about except mainly thru pure hearsay. I asked one of the great leaders of the critics if he ever thought about the many people whose personal faith he was destroying? His answer? No. There are verses that describe this attitude. You should read them.

But Bob, you don’t take into account Garner Ted’s situation, etc. Wanna bet? I talked in private about it, did you? Nope, I thought so.

Now, something that will shock — that bad old Bible teaches, without question, ALL will be given eternal life.

Anonymous said...

Your comments above prove you are a newbie here. All of the things you claim to have seen have all been discussed here over the years. Besides, we have read about your craziness here too. We have heard and read your preaching before and it has left all of us bored.

Anonymous said...

"Now, something that will shock — that bad old Bible teaches, without question, ALL will be given eternal life."

don't know what bible you're reading, but mine says otherwise.....

Bob Petry said...


See, first thing the programmed do is try to minimize the person they don’t agree with. Of course you’ve discussed these things for years. And, most of it is worthless and totally distorted. Thanks for once again proving the Bible has nailed the critics perfectly. Boy, those ignorant bronze, iron, desert sand, age savages writers described atheists and others perfectly. The fixed cannot do other than what they are programmed to do. Wow, and they did it 2,000+ years ago.

Really marvelous, right?

5:52 One needs to actually study the Bible, not just skim it. Yep, it’s true, all to be saved.

I am not a newbie in reading these websites that criticize like this one, just posting to prove once again how far from the truth they are. One of the atheists here told me he didn’t know the atheists publicly published that they had directly attacked the wcg and that now it is virtually gone. See how nice they are. But, my, the atheists would never do such a thing.

Anonymous said...

That might have been the most uninteresting round of self-stroking I've ever seen. But hey, if you're so inclined, blogspot is available to anyone wanting to sign up.

True Christian said...

The true value of this life is obeying God's laws.

Anonymous said...

"All will be given eternal life."

You obviously haven't met my sister and brother-in-law.

Bob Petry said...


Well, you are admitting you weren’t there??

I haven’t so far run across the critics that were present at the events they complain about.

Plus, the majority posting seems to be Mr. Anonnymus.

After posting 60+ verses, out of 100’s we can know and understand why. We can get to 200 verses easily, which show how programmed certain ones are.

10:38 I’ll get to meet your sister and brother-in-law along with you then. Everyone will be much nicer then, and even spiritually mature.

Anonymous said...

Then why aren't church members nicer and spiritually mature right now? And why aren't demons spiritually mature?

Anonymous said...

"Well, you are admitting you weren’t there??"

I was there and saw much more than you did due to my access to areas you had no access to.

One thing COGers were good at was quoting scripture to prove their point, but 99 times out of 100 it was proof texts that totally were taken out of context, It is also well established in the COG that those that quote scriptures the most were the biggest hypocrites in the church. 50, 100, 200 quotes are meaningless when you ignore Christ.

Bob Petry said...


So, you were there?
So, you could go where I couldn’t?
That’s interesting since because of my job I could go anywhere. Including ministerial get togethers, etc.
So, you admit they could quote scriptures.
And, 99 times out of a 100, they were out of context. Oh, really, and you were there during every conversation?
And, it was well established they were the biggest hypos. And, who established that? Were you at every conversation? No, that’s impossible. So, show us the verified study proving that, other than over exaggerations.
By the way, there are more than just 200 verses, and all self explanatory. And they perfectly describe the people mentioned. The description being written 2,000+ years ago.So, feel free to prove they don’t apply here to the fixed mindset.

Now, since you have all that personal access, let us know all these evil events you personally witnessed.

Surely you must have witnessed all kind of stuff I could never get to. Oh, can you also point out a few good things you personally saw?

Thanks A.,

Anonymous said...

We have heard and read your preaching before and it has left all of us bored.

Really? Groups of you bored really? Admitting now in print to the being "we" and "all of us". Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I guess LCG kids must be rather jaded to have fallen so far from true values.
Undoubtedly, they must take after the LCG ministry.

Anonymous said...

A church that does not preach grace does not have true values.

Ephesians 2:5
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

Anyone who is interested in salvation should run from a church that has no need to preach grace, justification, redemption, and Savior Jesus. These are the true Christian values that the COGs don't care about.

Anonymous said...

Have ever pondered why the bibles mentions "weeping and gnashing of teeth" come judgment day?

Anonymous said...

Yes, every time I read about weeping and gnashing of teeth I think it will be the Saints who will be weeping for the COGlodytes that rejected grace, justification, and redemption - because we care for them and tried to guide them to the truth.

However, it could be the COGlodytes who are weeping due to their failure to accept grace.

Anonymous said...

You've dispelled any doubts I had about your sincerity.

Anonymous said...

10:04 writes "You've dispelled any doubts I had about your sincerity."

Who in the hell are you referring to in all the comments above? At least have the courtesy to put the time of the comment down.

Anonymous said...

The LCG is DOA!! Anyone who goes there should see a Psychiatrist to ascertain as to why they are a glutton for PUNISHMENT!! Perhaps they are tuning up their Social Club skills!! Makes NO sense to me!!

Anonymous said...

10.10 AM
Thank you for your feedback. On my smartphone, the reply appears slightly moved to the right of the comment it's addressed to. I remember that this didn't happen when using a computer. I assumed they had fixed this by now. I will attach a time in future to avoid possible confusion.

My "you've dispelled any doubt I had about your sincerity" is addressed to 7.16 AM since the context of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" is being completely ignored.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous of July 24 at 6:21 PM: are you insinuating that it will go well for the COGlodytes who've rejected grace?

The history of the COGs, their unabridged collection of writings, broadcasts, and sermons show that the COGs have rejected Jesus as the Savior sufficient to save.
The COGs reject the righteousness of Jesus justifying them before God.
The COGs reject the redemption, sanctification, and glorification offered by Jesus.
The COGs reject God's gift of grace.

Instead, the COGs demand that they will perform works of the law and thereby save themselves.

Again, the history of the COGs proves that they do not know Jesus.

How can Jesus overlook the COG history and say that the COGs have preached any of the Holy Scriptures about salvation by grace alone, or his righteousness becoming our righteousness so that we can stand before God?

No, Jesus will tell the truth about the sad, rebellious COGs.

Obviously, this will lead to mass COGlodyte weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The Good News is, it's not too late!

Please repent and accept God's free, unconditional, gift of grace!

Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Bob Petry said...

To 10:08 AM

I was a member of the RCG/WCG from 1959-1978. All during that time I never heard preached or remember writings saying what you wrote. Please, where did you get those ideas from? For ex. I don’t remember being taught keeping the law was for salvation. It was because we were to walk in good works. It’s curious you left out verse 11 of Eph.. 2 which clearly explains that. May I ask why you left that out? Also, could you give us the verse that says we are saved by “grace alone?”

Romans 5:10 also says “we shall be saved by His life”. The verses 1-16 are well worth reading. And, they present what I remember being taught. What’s wrong with that teaching?

I Cor. 15:22 is a verse that clearly shows how powerful being saved by “His life” really is. Can’t imagine anything more powerful than that.

Life is great, but temporary. Eternal life is better and just keeps hanging around.

Anonymous said...

10.08 AM
Believe it or not, many look at the bible as their reference point rather than the COGdolytes. My bible says people will be thrown into the lake of fire.

Anonymous said...

Bob Petry: Thanks for your reply; I'll try to respond to your questions.

Why did I leave out verse 11? You stumped me for a while, then I realized you probably meant verse 10.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

That's a great verse - I left it out because I was talking about salvation by grace and I don’t believe that verse is about salvation.

However, you mentioning that verse gives me insight into COG doctrine. I don't believe that the verse is dealing with works of the law, but rather is good works as defined by the New Covenant. These good works do not save us. God gets all the credit for the good things we may accomplish.

You also mention Romans 5:1-16, and asked what's wrong with those verses. My answer is that those verses are phenomenally wonderful! I frequently quote from this passage – because it has some of my favorite concepts in it like justification and reconciliation - which my COG relatives and friends cannot relate to.

You said that your recollection is Romans 5 is what the COG taught about salvation. I guess I have to believe you - but, that has been very far from my experience. I never heard a COG preach on this passage. Furthermore, I see nothing in COG doctrine that leads me to believe that COGs understand this passage.

Yes, we are saved by Jesus' death and resurrection - that's the same as grace - as in it's all what God has done to save us. Salvation is a free gift from God - not what humans do to earn God's favor. That is what's meant by salvation by Grace alone - it's all God’s work - not your work.

Do you agree that the COGs have always promoted the following concepts:
1. keeping the law is necessary for salvation?
2. being a member of the COG was necessary for salvation?
3. responding to Herbie’s demands for money was required for salvation?
4. leaving the COG meant you forfeited a chance at salvation and earned a dip in the Lake O’ Fire?
5. being put out of the COG meant you lost a chance at salvation and would be dunked in the Lake O’ Fire?

Contrary to the truth of Romans 5, COG doctrine - as preached by the volumes of articles, booklets, broadcasts, and sermons is all about keeping the right laws, understanding the right prophecies, and being aligned with the right COG leaders. COG theology is not about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of July 27, 2021 at 1:20 PM: my Bible also mentions the Lake of Fire.

I notice you, like every true COGlodyte, won't touch the concepts of salvation by grace and justified by Jesus.

Do you think that those who reject these significant parts of God’s Holy Word are headed for the Lake of Fire?

I hope not. I know they will be weeping and gnashing their teeth, when Jesus points out their folly. But, I hope they are given a chance to repent.

You have your chance now - don't waste it!