Sunday, December 26, 2021

Update: Restored Cult of Dave -"In fact, the Picture Appears Even More Solid Than We Previously Thought"

Context: The Wadsworth Christ was scheduled to return, and the math was correct, Christmas Eve. 


"Correct math, clear paths, solid pictures, more time that can't be and right tracks are wearing me out!  I swear, I'm gotta ask "Where is the promise of His coming?" and I know you're gonna call me a scoffer and stupid me never understood that God doesn't do time like we do time. You should have mentioned that at Sermon 001!"

 "Greetings brethren!

We trust all of you had a profitable Sabbath.  A brief update is in order, coming off of the close of Part 340.

There was always the possibility that we would wait and watch day-to-day, as Mr. Pack concluded in the last sermon. This has not changed! There is no reason to believe our wait is very long at all.

Mr. Pack met with the Headquarters ministry, and everyone is in agreement there is still a clear path forward. In fact, the picture appears even more solid than we previously thought. Much has been learned since the last message. If there were time for a 341—and there is not!—you would understand why things got significantly better and that we are still on the right track.

If we do have more time, we will continue to keep you updated. God speed the arrival of His Kingdom!"

Your Delusional Friend
Mr. Pack for Mr Pack
(Ok...I added this part:)


Anonymous said...

So everyone in the headquarters ministry is in agreement with Dave. I wonder why? Err, I just remembered. These ministers worship their jobs which Dave would take from them unless they rubber stamp all his stupidity. The truth and God take a back seat to their jobs.

Anonymous said...

A public service announcement for RCG members: Every time you lend your financial support to this clueless daydreamer, it is a vote of support. Are you tired of getting all keyed up, honestly believing and looking forward to getting to meet Jesus tomorrow, or at the end of the week, only to be let down once again because Mr. Pack is either a very poor messenger, simply does not understand, or does not speak for God? Even the followers of William Miller had the good sense to give up after two disappointments!

Call or write Mr. Pack and let him know that he needs to prove himself by getting it right this time. If he does not get it right, you will begin your search for God's real messenger, one who behaves as did God's messengers throughout the Bible!

NoMoreWackyDave said...

Does Dave give the headquarters ministers a raise every time they agree with him? It's good to know that there is not enough time for part 341... Oh, wait! "If we do have more time..." A built-in way to backtrack on the wacky track that Pack built!

Davie boy, you make a mockery of God!

Anonymous said...

Klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies is the “COMMON” THIEF and VOMITING MESS that Satan sent and directed against former Worldwide Church of God people to try to destroy them financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The Restored Cash Grab (RCG) cult is the satanic imposter cult and organizational structure behind the BAIT & SWITCH scam that takes people's cash, savings, retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc. and leaves them destitute.

Anonymous said...

“Update: Restored Cult of Dave -- 'In fact, the Picture Appears Even More Solid Than We Previously Thought'”

Clear as mud.

Anonymous said...

God save us from your followers

Unknown said...

Insane drivel from a mind manipulated by Satan.

NO2HWA said...

The fact that "all" of his men sat there and still agree with him proves they are just as sick as he is. It's more important for them to agree and stay in their on-campus housing on the cult compound than it is to be men of integrity and tell people enough is enough!

DennisCDiehl said...

NomorewhackyDave noted: "It's good to know that there is not enough time for part 341... Oh, wait! "If we do have more time..."
There is always time. Dave is kidding the gullible. He can't stand not to speak and will never not have one more sermon on this ridiculous topic of which he can't possibly really know anything about. The man is theo-illogically and mentally ill, as this foolishness unfolds week after week. At best he has a deeply disfunctional personality disorder. Whoever his "ministers" are, who always agree, are equally culpable and I bet could not explain all that Dave's delusions deliver week after week. It's a good gig for them while it lasts. It won't last much longer.

341 will start. "Well Good morning Brethren...well, we're still here... We did not fully understand but have now over arching evidence that the metrics still are correct. Let me waste two more hours of your life making up more theoshit to keep you gyrating in your seats over absolutely nothing.... Well, maybe not like all of that. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't help myself! Just gotta make one fairly obvious observation. Bob Thiel's all African ministerial council is doing a far more effective job of imparting wisdom to their prophet than Dave Pack's bought and paid for lackeys could ever hope to do. Unlike Bob, Dave never leaves himself an out. Effectiveness is all in how a prophet masks or cloaks his words so that after the fact, you can see that he was right, or at least not 100% wrong. How do you think that Nostradamus has been able to maintain credibility for centuries?

Tonto said...

Pack is worse than a rerun of Gillian's Island that you have watched 50 times since childhood.

Anonymous said...

Already can hear it...."we knew this date was not an absolute. There was always the chance of a little longer wait.".... "I knew where I was wrong in less than two minutes after services ended....." "One brief addition that I intended to explain but simply neglected to include..." Actual quotes letters from Davie. Rinse and repeat.

Grassland said...

That does seem to be unique to Dave, eh? He's always 100% sure of everything! And yet, as you pointed out, he's always 100% wrong. It's total madness! There's no logic to anything he does because his mind is so unsound.

Anonymous said...

There is a parable which perfectly explains why Dave Pack's followers stick with him: What do you give an elephant with diarrhea? Lots of room!

Series of 340 sermons? 125 proofs that the end will come this Elul? Those numbers are symptomatic of diarrhea of the mouth, and apparently the Packites give Dave lots of room.

Anonymous said...

7.13 zpM
"..his mind is so unsound."

Rather, he is an accomplished flim flam man. The definition is "a criminal who steals money from people by tricking them."

Dave is a brilliant crook, a master deceiver, so all this talk of him being nuts is unwarranted.

Anonymous said...

Pack is worse than a rerun of Gilligan's Island that you have watched 50 times since childhood.

Gilligan and his friends eventually got off the island. Unless Dave's little buddies on his Council of Elders grow a pair and tell him he's wrong, RCG members will never get off their island.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous Grassland said...
That does seem to be unique to Dave, eh? He's always 100% sure of everything! And yet, as you pointed out, he's always 100% wrong.

Anon noted: Dave never leaves himself an out.

Basic and bottom line observation Grassland. It is so obvious and blatant that his flock must simply be so used to it they ignore the obvious in hope of it all being right and soon. A teaching psychologist's dream human for class!

Dave's "out" seems to be that he abides only in the moment of his thoughts about it all. Today it one thing and tomorrow it will be something else "never before understood". I always enjoy the fact that when something new is understood, it is Dave who understood it. When he has to acknowledge it was not as accurate as he would have liked, it rolls over to "WE didn't see it but now I do".

I can imagine if someone other than him did see it when he misspoke it, and brought it to his attention, that might not go over so well with Dave. It would be hilarious if he said "We didn't see it" and someone responded from the audience, "I did!" lol

Anonymous said...

The lack of discernment in the RCG cult is appalling.

RCG cult people cannot tell the difference between a true man of God and a raging demoniac.

Is this what their religion amounted to?

Anonymous said...

Wish the internet & this website had existed back in the 1980s, because my life would have been so much better without Armstrong mucking up my life.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Pack is preparing his group to hitch a ride on the spaceship behind Comet Leonard.

Anonymous ` said...

For those of us who have exited Armstrongism, we view the flaws in apocalyptic Millerism as painfully obvious. But we need to recognize how robust this model actually is. Cyclical predictions of the Parousia have persisted in apocalyptic Millerism since the great Disappointment of 1844. In this particular Splinter Group, the leadership has discovered that short-cycling has more benefits than costs. If pressing on the accelerator did not work, they would not be doing it. They follow the principle of supply and demand like everybody else. So they keep the machine cranking even though it may seem to us like it is going to fly apart. It's not.

Note that there are suggestions that their conclusions about the Parousia are not full commitments. For instance, "If we do have more time, we will continue to keep you updated." And "There was always the possibility..." This "dog whistles" the idea that there is an escape clause in this otherwise tight contract. It also projects the feel of reasonableness.

This is business. And this is the way it works. And it is successful in its micro-economy. The unanswered question is, "What kind of presentation of truth would awaken these Splinterists from this surreal dream?" Like the words to Jonah, "What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God."

******** Click on my icon for Disclaimer

Zippo said...

Anon noted: Dave never leaves himself an out.

Overhearing a Protestant Pastor during the holiday weekend resulted in my coming up with amusing annoyance:

Z: "Excuse me, Pastor, before you entered the clergy, were you in the Navy?"

Pastor: "No, why do you ask?"

Z: "Well, I notice that you say I a lot."

Zippo said...

Wish the internet & this website had existed back in the 1980s

There was the Ambassador Report, but the circulation was relatively limited. Still, there were books from former members, ministers, and outsiders, which I and others rejected - until leaving.

About 2000/01, there was a bulletin board where someone asked about Dave. He wanted some background, as he thought Dave's assessment of the world situation was "spot on". I responded with a caveat emptor...

Phinnpoy said...

Pack may have been "an accomplished flim-flam man" when he first started out, but I think he now believes in his own lies. Look at the many times he has made false predictions with in very short periods of time, especially lately. His statements reek of a manic disorder. Not even HWA make so many false prophecies in such a short time! He would make one prophecy, and play that to death over a long period of time. So, the evidence points to Packy being wacky.


NEO wrote:
"For those of us who have exited Armstrongism, we view the flaws in apocalyptic Millerism as painfully obvious. But we need to recognize how robust this model actually is. Cyclical predictions of the Parousia have persisted in apocalyptic Millerism since the great Disappointment of 1844. In this particular Splinter Group, the leadership has discovered that short-cycling has more benefits than costs. If pressing on the accelerator did not work, they would not be doing it. They follow the principle of supply and demand like everybody else. So they keep the machine cranking even though it may seem to us like it is going to fly apart. It's not."

Great analysis NEO!

I have asked myself why some of my very intelligent friends are still engrossed in this manic methodology. If you take a look at what has transpired in their lives since their joining to this organization you see lives changed from a static hum-drum everyday life to engrossment of togetherness in a constant state of excited anticipation. It is prevalent in many congregants that this is an addiction that has to be satisfied at all costs.

I remember a conversation I had with one of the RCG ministers. The conversation was concerning the build up to the "great" conclusions that Dave Pack was establishing on a weekly basis. The minister asked what I thought. I told him, if the church continues with the motto "The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth", there would then have to be conclusions that would have the verity of truth in their fulfillment. If that doesn't happen, then well, I have better things to do in life I told him.

For one reason or another, 1500 people don't have anything better to do In life and that lifestyle has cost them a steep price. They just don't know the full extent of just how steep that price is!

Grassland said...

3:01 AM

When you understand how much work he puts into these failed scenarios, you'd understand that he's truly mad.

Anonymous said...

PREDICTION ADDICTION strikes again in the RCG cult...and again and again and again....

You might not be able to stop Dave Pack from making up more and more and more wrong prophetic date guesses, but you should at least be able to stop yourself from listening to him and believing him.

Anonymous said...

When I stopped attending services and reading their literature, I was amazed at how my attitudes changed. And that's for the better. I became mentally healthier. It's the ACOGs business model to mis-program their members minds for their own self serving ends. The victim-members, with their twisted sense of normalcy, aren't even aware of it.
So I'm not surprised by Dave's hold on his followers.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack has always reminded me of the South Park character "Professor Chaos".

Brian Drawbaugh said...

FWIW, many people appear (to me, at least) to be obsessed these days about this or that. Not all of these obsessions are religious by any means. Without being a psychologist, it also appears to me that, in times of uncertainty and/or change, one of the natural human reactions is to become intensely focused on this or that topic in an attempt better understand, and in the process think we in some way come to terms with the disruption. It is natural to believe that if we know more about something that is disconcerting, it becomes more manageable to us. So, RCG is, sadly, just another obsession that people think help them understand the world's disruption. This process is in no way limited to RCG, or even the COG's, but some venues are more destructive than others :(

Anonymous said...

1.36 PM
Obsessions do exist, but to summerize this blog as nothing more than an attempt to understand the the world, is unfair. The Jehovah's Witnesses and other nominations have similar blogs, and if you read their posts, former members have been profoundly harmed.