Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Jon Brisby Claims What You Eat And Wear Is Salvational

When Raymond Cole appointed Jon Brisby as his successor he had no idea the depth of spiritual depravity that Bisby would sink to and force upon the brethren. A lot has been posted on this blog over the years about Brisby's theological heresies. One of the most commented articles on this blog remains active today with over 2,000 comments.

The following was sent to me by someone with connections to the Church of God, the Eternal where they describe the latest nonsense from Bisby that he is forcing upon his shrinking flock.

Jon W. Brisby the pastor of Church of God, the Eternal in a 4 part sermon series entitled Dietary Apostasy, claims that what you eat is salvational. This group left teaching spiritual principles long ago, and now instead chooses to focus on the physical. Making their appearance look perfect. Wearing the correct suit and ties, having proper beard lengths, and making sure what your eating in front of others is a good example for a healthy body to name a few. I'm pretty sure none of this is the criteria that Jesus is going to judge us by, but it is the criteria by which Jon Brisby claims to be the faith once delivered by Herbert W. Armstrong. Not Jesus mind you, that which Jude spoke of, but HWA.

We talk about Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, and Dave Pack here a lot with their dangerous theology and teachings, but there are smaller groups out there that are just as bad or worse. 

When you open Church of God, the Eternal's main website the very first thing you are bombarded with is Jon Brisby's book, A Peculiar Treasure. This is Bisby's version of Mystery of the Ages where he attempts to price he is holding fast to HWA's teachings and doctrines, which he is not. It is amazing how so many of these small COG leaders have to use HWA to prop up their ministries. Without HWA none of them would even exist.


Anonymous said...

How many of these COG “leaders” have to rely on self-publishing?


X-COGE said...

Funny thing is in the WCG the food they would preach against was the unkosher meats (which was never considered salvational). But Brisby is preaching against kosher foods that are too spicy and saucy. He's a Stupid Malefactor.

Anonymous said...

I do not know what this Millerite preacher espouses and will never open this book. But I can guess.

He needs to address the issue of physical sin. This is the basis for making diet salvific. It is physical sin to mistreat the body by eating the wrong foods. The problem is that when you heat carbohydrates at a high temperature, such as baking bread or roasting potatoes, acrylamides are created. And acrylamides are carcinogenic. And Jesus ate baked bread. Even the unleavened bread he ate at the Passover came from the oven. This means in the fictitious realm of physical sin, Jesus sinned and disqualified himself from being our sacrifice. And salvation is lost. So, teaching the doctrine of the right foods as a factor in salvation does not preserve salvation but cancels it.

If that is not what this preacher is actually writing about, never mind.


Anonymous said...

The book is nothing more than a slander document against all of the other ministers of WWCG. These guys put material out there like this because they think it establishes their favor with God, uniqueness, superiority, claims of holding fast to something that no one else is etc...

You know it would be a breath of fresh air if just one, just one of these guys would stand apart from the others by simply adhering to the Bible, and teaching spiritual things. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.

Tonto said...

It is self evident that if you are drinking ANY of the following...

Old Milwaukee

Colt 45

Keystone Light

Bud Light Chelada Clamato

That you WILL NOT INHERIT the Kingdom of God!

Anonymous said...

In the sermons he states that the food we eat is part of the mark of the beast. Now where does he get that in the bible?

Unknown said...

I just had an A&W root beer, guess I will miss out.

DW said...

Anon @12:32. He gets that eating certain foods, is the mark of the beast the exact same place SDAs get that it is Sunday worship...from the minds of deceived men and women (in Ellen White's case). Jesus Himself said that ALL food is clean, if received with prayer and thanksgiving and that it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out of him that defiles. The Apostle Paul wrote in several p!aces that neither food, drink, nor Sabbath days, nor yearly or monthly festivals have anything to do with our worship or salvation. In fact he chastised the Judaizers and even the Apostle Peter for making such outrageous demands on believers and reiterated what Jesus Himself said.

SDAs and cog legalists must not have read these verses, or they have chosen to believe the word of Jon or Ellen over the Word of God. To think, one could lose their salvation and receive the mark of the beast over food, or the day of the week we worship, is wicked and wrong.

Truth said...

Obviously the mark of the beast is tied up with buying and selling, which I think we can stretch that to "buying food". This would be scriptural, but JB likes to be provocative. The problem with being provocative with teaching as he has been for a number of years now, is that it is tantamount to heresy. Why? Because a lot of those people I know over there live and breath on the words that come out of his mouth. They fail to check his words against the true yardstick, thus they are setup for failure. The power that influences JB to speak such things, knows this, so it continues. What does Jon get out of it? Speaking great swelling words and having them accepted, massages his ego.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to recommend something for Jon Brisby's eating pleasure.

Anonymous said...

This Church need's to eat and feed on the Bible

Zippo said...

Ken Blanchard ("One Minute Manager" fame) said "What you can't measure, you can't manage".

If COGleaders want to manage the congregations more closely, they'll come up with ways to measure what they do.