The dual-minded self-appointed Great Bwana to Africa released another dream today that he believes PROVES he is the one true legitimate leader of the COG movement.
Have you ever noticed that none of Bob's dreams or the dreams of a few of his crazy followers are ever focused upon Jesus? Instead, they are all focused on Bob, the greatest narcissist the Church of God has ever had. The focus is always entirely upon himself, never Jesus, but himself.
Christians since the first century understood their focus is to be upon Christ, not hundreds and hundreds of useless topics that are used by Bob to distract members away from their true focus. This constant barrage of doom and gloom and conspiracy theories quickly takes its toll on his followers and any who listens to him.01/14/23 a.m. Received the following in two emails from James Martenet related to dreams:
About month after FoT 2020 ... would be the first ... I was in a field of wheat that stretched to all horizons. It was a sunny day during harvest, and the wheat was golden, beautifully golden. There was a master of the harvest on a wagon, and there were reapers, the man on the wagon had a very black beard, was fit and had perfect teeth, and smiled broadly.
The reapers were also similar to him, and they all sang a song in the dream I understood, it was so beautiful. The reapers and the master of the harvest seemed superhuman, they were perfect of form. There were other normal folks, many whom I recognize from CCOG, and all of us had bags to carry the wheat the reapers were cutting, to the wagon. Some had large bags, others small, and some had holes in their bags. Some had bags that were empty, and they were not helping, just being busybodies, getting in the way of the ones who were working, but they could not stop the workers who were working from accomplishing the work of carrying the bags, even if they tried to…those working just kept right on being productive.
Bob Thiel had a tremendous load, it was ridiculous in size, so large that I wondered, how could he really get anything done with that tremendous load. But he was. Meanwhile some others also had large burdens, Shirley Gestro was one of them. The Master of the harvest asked why are not all the workers working? Why do some have empty bags? And he kept reminding us of the time.
He was asking me. I said I do not know what they are doing. He asked why are not more helping ... Bob Thiel..., then directly, why am I not helping more? I had a bag with a hole in it, I asked what can I do, and he told me to use my talents, and to get to work, while there is still daylight. Then my bag was fixed and full, and it kept getting fuller as those of us who had full bags placed them on the wagon, where the master of the harvest smiled at us and said “good job”. The Sun was in the afternoon, it was before sunset, but it was definably setting. The Man said, “work while you still can”, and I woke up. ...
The last time {I had the harvest dream} was in the spring of this year {2022}. Each of the dreams was slightly different: the sun was moving closer to sunset. In the last one the sun had moved closer to sunset, and in ... them {both} there was a sense of urgency.
Basically, James Martenet took that repeated dream to mean that he should support what God is doing in the CCOG. He has been assisting in video and radio spots since 2022. And yes, we are getting closer to the end.
Jesus said:
2 The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2
Do your part to support the work and also pray for more laborers for the harvest.
"I have seen that you have had great difficulty in learning the lessons of deep humility that God wants all of us to learn. With very few exceptions, nearly everyone who knows you has clearly seen that—although you have a quick mind and great energy—you have nearly always thought very highly of yourself and of your own opinions. You have offended or at least “bugged” dozens of Church members with this very self-important, pushy and “know-it-all” attitude and approach."
"Bob, your own remarkable vanity and “dreams of greatness” have greatly affected your ability to think clearly many times. Over the last few years, many of us have noted that you have begun to think of yourself in terms that are not realistic."
"...others express concern about your egotistical ideas that you believe you are a prophet or one of the two witnesses."
"Then you go to January 2009 where you say I told you that if I was raised to the office of apostle, I was “considering ordaining Bob Thiel as a prophet.” That, Bob, is simply not true! For I have never, at any time—considered ordaining you as a prophet. This is not because I don’t “like” you, but rather because I have understood for years your tendency to bring in “odd” or “Catholic prophesies” or put unusual twists on scripture in such a way that no true prophet of God would ever do."
"Mr. Apartian did not think of you as a prophet. You can easily ascertain that by talking to Mrs. Apartian, Mr. Ames, Dr. Winnail and all of us. Bob, since you have this powerful feeling of “greatness” you often “read into” what anyone says. This kind of idea of you being a prophet that is pounding away in the back of your mind is once again causing you to twist your own memory of what is said by others."
"Mr. Bonjour has confirmed he in no way was intending to ask God to make you a prophet! Yet, because of your vivid imagination and fervent desire to exalt yourself to that role, you “took it” that way—as you do so with many other things.""By “reading into” things that others tell you the idea that you might be a prophet, you have deceived yourself—willingly of course—so that your mind is now virtually “fixated” on the idea that you, are a “prophet” of God." Exceprts from "Rod Meredith's Letter To The Ministry Denouncing Bob Thiel" December 28th, 2012
Just copy and paste my comments from 1 hour ago your other prophlet article posted today.
This man is revolting. Sick.
"Bob Thiel had a tremendous load". In his pants. I could not have said it better, weight of the world fake prophet! You truly sicken me. I pity you.
And another thing Bob, he of the great load. It's a good thing you were "doubly blessed"; it may cancel out the double curse you are under for preaching a false gospel.
Funny, my Bible doesn't contain the Gospel according to Bob. You are leading your people to an eternal damnation! Seek professional help before it's too late. It does not get more serious, so please get help. Eternity goes both ways and it is a very long time.
Jeremiah 23:25
I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
I had a dream where I was hanging out with Superman on the roof of my house. Was it really Bob Thiel with me the whole time? XD
Dr Meredith, for all his own rather strict ways, nailed Bob to a tee.
Martin Luther King rolls over in his grave every time Thiel declares:
Dr King's dream was for a just society. Bob Thiel's dreams have no purpose and are downright demonic.
Can we all imagine what a church person from Armstrongism who died in the early '70s might think if he/she were suddenly resurrected and immediately began looking for the church??? After going through all of these clowns, I think they'd assume that HWA and the church were in Petra, and these little remnants were small Laodicean groups. They'd probably want to die and wait in Abraham's bosom rather than hold their noses and pick a splinter!
Thank you for sharing the link to Meredith's letter to Bob, I forgot just how awesome it was.
Good ol' Spanky nailed it right on the head!
Please get some help Dr Bob, before it's too late!!!
Meredith is da man! Throwin'down!
I also had a dream. I dreamt that I ate a large marshmallow. In the morning, my pillow was gone.
Bob Thiel is just daydreaming again and thinking of himself “in terms that are not realistic.”
This song is dedicated to the Splintered Armstrong Churches of God Prophet and dreamer of dreams (also known affectionately to few as "Cartoon Bob"):
I've just closed my eyes again.
Climbed aboard the Church dream weaver train
Driver take away my Church of God worries of today
And leave The World of tomorrow behind
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Fly me high through the delusional skies
Maybe to a Prophetic plane
Cross the highways of fantasy
Help me to forget today's Church rejection pain
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Though Jesus Christ may be coming soon
There still may be some time
Fly me away to the bright side of the moon
Meet Rod Meredith on the other side
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh, ooh, dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Dream weaver
Dream weaver
Songwriters: Gary Wright. For non-commercial use only.
A few days ago I had a dream (really) and in it a man I know, who is a deacon in his church, started talking to me and I couldn't follow what he was saying. Then I forgot everything he said.
Yesterday, I listened to Bob's sermon, The King of the North. Bob was back and forth, flipping books, changing topics, quoting different Bible translations, quoting Catholic prophecies, and he was just too hard to fathom. Now I forget most of what he said.
My dream was fulfilled?
It seems pretty obvious that Bob Theil is the incarnation of the Great One.
He has a piece up on Habakkuk now, which amuses me because I don't think he's reading it carefully. If you insist that Habakkuk's "will not your creditors rise up" warning is dual... well, Habakkuk was addressing the Babylonians who would ultimately lay the smack down on the kingdom of Judah, so if you try to claim duality... it's not addressing the "descendants" of Israel or Judah. Strictly speaking, it would have to address a modern Babylon. I guess the only save from their viewpoint is to claim it applies to the Vatican. How lapsed-Catholic Bob messed that up, I don't know. You'd think he'd be all over that one.
Plus, this insistence on warping Habakkuk to an Armstrongist model completely excises the interesting historical context of the book. Here was Habakkuk, announcing to Judah that the Babylonians were being prepared to destroy much of the known world. We don't know exactly when Habakkuk lived, but the Babylonians were just vassals to the mighty Assyrians up until around 615 BC, when Babylonian King Nabopolassar and his Median allies smashed Assyria and destroyed its cities. If Habakkuk was speaking prior to those events, it really would have been a novelty as only the most informed and astute of his countrymen would have known what was going on far to the northeast. Ultimately the Assyrians fell to the new Neo-Babylonian Empire led by Nabopolassar and his son Nebuchadnezzar. Egypt's attempt to beat them back would result in the death of righteous King Josiah of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar campaigned in and around the Levant for years afterwards, "plundering many nations" as Habakkuk had warned. Yet he seems to have suffered a number of revolts at home, and guess who ultimately brought an end to the empire? Their former vassals, the Persians.
And thanks, Bob, for reminding us of the demise of HWA.
Now in an Armstrongist vein, if Germany was "the modern day Assyria" and the Catholic Church was "modern day Babylon", you have an interesting twist inherent in that Babylon destroyed the Assyrian Empire and became the preeminent power in the area. I do not think Armstrongist eschatology accounts for that. Rather they have the two as partners against the perceived descendants of Israel and Judah.
Bear in mind, though, that when HWA and his influences and influencees put this whole scheme in place, they didn't necessarily have access to all the historical data.
What special January 16 event will PCG and/or CCOG call our attention to this year?
8:20: Football: Tom Brady's win or loss.
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