Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sneaky Dave

Kingdom Pickpocket


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has entered a new level of mastery for manipulation and sophistry. He has been described as a magician before, but he fully claimed that mantle during "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 436)," given on April 20, 2023.


I have to admit that he got me. I fell for it. He tricked me. Looking back, I can see how I got scammed, but I was not aware while it was happening. That is a trademark of skilled con artists. I feel pretty foolish as I write this. I am also a tad embarrassed. But I only have myself to blame.


I took David C. Pack at his word only, which burned me. If anyone in The Restored Church of God only listens to their Pastor General, they will get burned, too.


After hearing Part 436, I came to some conclusions. Up front, know these conclusions were wrong.


The First 1-Year Kingdom of God does NOT come on May 5.

The Second 7-Year Kingdom of God now comes on May 5.

The First Kingdom cannot be one year if it ends before May 5.

There was a grievously confusing misspeak in the middle of Part 436.


Hearing Part 436 does not tell the whole story. And David C. Pack knows that.


Once again, the table made a familiar appearance, with the glass kitchenware representing the imminent plan of the Kingdoms in God.


Glass 1 – First Kingdom of God: One Year

Glass 7 – Second Kingdom of God: Seven Years

Glass 1,000 – Third Kingdom of God: One Thousand Years

What is very hard to see is the new element beside Glass 1. The thimble. You would not know it existed if you did not watch Part 436 as a video. That thimble changes everything.



If anyone else is trying to follow David C. Pack’s logic, good luck to you. You will have the struggle of your life. At times, it feels like observing someone exhibiting the onset of early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s. That is not a joke. His delivery is the very antithesis of making things plain.


Part 436 started out like a typical message, and it lulled me into a familiar sense of normalcy that would pave the road to my undoing.


Part 436 – April 20, 2023

@ 00:02 This will be the single most important sermon I’ve ever given. You won’t doubt it. Or, if I lived twenty more years and we had to wait twenty more years that I ever could give.


The brethren would settle for the single most accurate sermon that would prove to be important after it came to pass. Otherwise, this is more of David C. Pack self-congratulating himself.


Oh, how naïve I was. Writing my little comments while I listened rather than commenting after I heard it all twice. Things need to change at going forward.



Dave describes the Kingdom of God everyone is waiting and praying for. I watched the video in this area so I could follow along.


@ 03:15 Most of my life, I thought it was this one [1000 years]. Then, we came to believe it was this one [7 years]. The question is, is it this one [1 year]? Because the Kingdom of God (full-on in every sense) in every way would bring everything that the Kingdom of God was ever foretold to bring. Now, Christ said that He came to proclaim to preach the acceptable year.


This rehashed what the audience already knew. Or, so I thought. Already the manipulation was in play, but I did not yet know it.


I had to listen to this message twice. Once as audio. A second pass as video. There is a world of difference. To help the skimmers get the highlights so they can move on to other things, here is the punchline:


David C. Pack subtly added a fourth kingdom to God’s plan in front.

David C. Pack renumbered the kingdoms of the 1-7-1000 glasses.

David C. Pack moved the return of Jesus Christ to before the Kingdom of God.

May 5 is still the arrival of the Kingdom of God, but it is now called “the Second Kingdom.”


Those are gigantic shifts that were all unnoticed until after watching Part 436. How can you get such a different impression from the Bible study when listening versus watching?




David C. Pack points so he can change the language used up until now. The facts you thought were facts were changed without him saying so. All he had to do was point, and the change was made. Blink, and you missed it. Look down to write a note and you missed it.


This technique is the most devious I have witnessed. This repeated quote has a new context.


@ 03:15 Most of my life, I thought it was this one. Then, we came to believe it was this one. The question is, is it this one? Because the Kingdom of God (full-on in every sense) in every way would bring everything that the Kingdom of God was ever foretold to bring.


He did not call the 1-7-1000 Kingdoms of God the First, Second, and Third. He had through Part 435, but not here. Why? Because he changed them. But you would not know that until you watched the entire message.


Pointing hid the changes while you watched him. He pulls a relabeling switcheroo right under your nose. 


As he describes the kingdoms and what-happens-when, he avoids calling Glass 1 “the First Kingdom.” Until he is ready to reveal the foundational change late in the message.


@ 58:44 But for now, I want you to walk outta here and know that if it is this year, May 5th is a lock for the Second Kingdom. ‘Cause there’s no way you’re gonna add anything to this. You can't get to eleven kingdoms, and Mr. Pack (maybe) missing eight kingdoms here. 


You would think he is talking about the Second 7-Year Kingdom of God.


But now, watch:

Glass 1 has always been the First Kingdom of God when Jesus Christ returns. But, fifty-eight minutes into Part 436, it is the Second Kingdom. He changes the language by pointing. This is more nefarious than resetting the 1335 without telling you he did it.


His manipulation is more calculated and bold than in times past. All this was done to avoid the embarrassment of stating, "The plan is back to four kingdoms, brethren." Members would have uncomfortable flashbacks of the not-the-Kingdom-of-God kingdoms before the Kingdom of God.


Flashback Part 415 - January 17, 2023

1:06:24 Now, we never saw or understood this. It’s not remotely what anybody has ever understood. And I been looking at this, as you know, for like 20,000 hours. For years trying to put it together. Three Kingdoms. Four. Three. Four. Three. Four. Three. Four.


Is RCG back to a partial month, or 10-days, or 5-days, or 3 ½ days before the Kingdom of God kingdom? The answer is Yes, we are. And he did. But he dared not give a duration yet.


Throughout the message, the thimble was referred to by pointing or holding as “the Day of Christ,” “the Man of Sin,” “a kingdom,” “the kingdom of Israel,” “a tiny little kingdom,” “tiny witness kingdom,” “some other little kingdom” and “an antichrist period.” So, the Thimble Kingdom is a big deal, if not still a bit opaque.


The start and duration of this new First Thimble Kingdom are TBD. Part 437 today should have all the answers you could ever want and more.



The Thimble Kingdom is prominent when you learn what to watch and listen for.


Part 436 – April 20, 2023

@ 19:58 Now, this is startling understanding. No one has had it for many centuries. Took us a long time to find the seven years. But, to pin down what goes first, God just reserved and reserved all the way to the end of the Series till we learned all the other things He wanted us to know because this isn’t the whole story.


This next portion is where I should have noticed the fourth kingdom element.


@ 20:40 But, there were many, many other things we had to know before God laid this on us in what the Bible says is the days right before {I} he sounds for what would have to be some other little kingdom in front of it. Fifteen days and counting.


And here is where Dave grants me my new favorite quote.

@ 41:03 Now, why is this the most important sermon? Let’s just say I don’t care how many times I’ve preached, this Series would be an unequivocal abject failure if it did not end where we had the Kingdom of God in the right place. We just didn't know what kingdom we were seeking.


This is a gentle reminder that even IF I fully followed Dave’s understanding from the first listen and nailed down his logic perfectly, the man will still fail no matter what date he sets for the Thimble Kingdom.


At this point, May 5 does not matter. May 5 is what happens after the Thimble Kingdom.


What happens after NOTHING happens? Well, more nothing. By May 5, nothing will be the headlines in RCG, and nothing will usher in clarification of more nothing.


Even if I got fooled into misunderstanding on the first pass, I could listen a thousand times and memorize every word from Dave's mouth, and it would not make the man any closer to being accurate or led by God. David C. Pack is a false apostle and a false prophet, no matter which underhanded, sneaky tactics he uses to slide changes past the brethren crossing his fingers that they do not connect the dots.


I fear most are too asleep and too willfully blind to notice. Or care. How much do you want to bet that the non-listener, non-note taker percentages are still on the upswing? Part 436 would break your brain if it was not broken already.



The Thimble Kingdom may be short-ish, but the picture is far from rosy.


@ 1:13:02 How would you characterize Christ arriving for a year? Here’s what Christ says, “I come to cast violent fire into the earth. Or, I’m coming with the Kingdom of God.” Do they sound like the same thing? No. When Christ comes initially, He is not bringing the throne of His glory and paradise and a Great Supper for seven days, the second Passover. He characterizes His initial coming to a little flock saying, “I come to send violent fire.” To cast it. To, literally, wind up like a fastball and throw it at the earth. So, that’s a totally different coming to a little flock who knows the score. Who has the full picture. There’s a fire enkindled because there’s some people too stupid…to not leave. They leave. They blew off protection and eternal life first. 


Some RCG brethren are too stupid to stay. What a wonderful pep-talk that warms the heart with a clear expression of outgoing love and concern from the Pastor General.


Jesus Christ comes before the Kingdom of God now. That is a significant update.



From now on, David C. Pack should be scrutinized as you would a pickpocket. You must always observe his hands, or you may not realize your wallet is missing. Or your kingdom understanding was blown up.


Identifying this technique sheds new light when he carefully worded the conclusion.


@ 1:22:32 But when does Christ come to Joseph? It would have to be the little kingdom before May 5th. We’ll know well before May 5th if it’s not this year. You won’t have to wait till May 5th because now you know the First Kingdom is not May 5th. The First Kingdom is over that day, and a horrific period is over that day. And I'm gonna tell you about it (more about it). I'll see ya Sabbath. Good night.

He appears to change the date without changing the date. David C. Pack is more cryptic than ever before. Look out, folks.


During Part 435 on April 15, 2023, the First Kingdom was the 1-Year Kingdom of God, and the second Passover on Iyar 15 was the focus.


During Part 436 on April 20, 2023, the First Kingdom is not the Kingdom of God and happens before May 5. The Second Kingdom is the 1-Year Kingdom of God that occurs on May 5. The second Passover was only mentioned once. Maybe news of it actually being on Iyar 14 reached Dave’s desk. That is hard to know because Dr. Timothy Ranney never called me back. So much for being the Public Relations guy.


The author of confusion compiled the notes for Part 436. Deceit and cunning aided in the delivery.


He has adopted pointing as an effective way of communicating prophetic doctrines. He uses literal sleight of hand so he can dramatically change the framework without tipping you off he is dramatically changing the framework. Language is massaged and carefully chosen.


Keep an eye on David C. Pack. Do not get duped by him as I did.

Marc Cebrian

See: Kingdom Pickpocket


DW said...

I have an idea! Let's put tiny Bob in the little thimble and Dave in the taller vase and blow the pepper into Flurry's face!!

There. That takes care of the main culprits, nice and tidy.

Anonymous said...

How does Dave keep from laughing while he dupes his audience?