Sunday, June 18, 2023

I Was Never In This For The Money!


Turn on sound, if needed

Satan continues to persecute the Great Bwana to Africa. The Great Bwana has been living in abject fear of "deep fakes" making fun of him in order to discredit him.

Though, with this latest ramp-up in persecution the real truth comes out!


Submitted by a reader...


Ronco said...

Where's the flailing arms?

Tonto said...

HILARIOUS! A "Deep Fake" is worried about "Deep Fakes" !

DW said...

First of all, nobody needs to "deep fake" Bob. He IS A DEEP FAKE.

Secondly, Satan doesn't need to mess with Bob either. He has had him for decades. Bob has been doing his bidding for many years. Granted, unknowingly, but effectively.

Believe it or not, I really do wish Bob would see the light. He needs to go back to square one and revisit every single doctrine he believes to be true and study it again. Because I assure you, he is grievously wrong about almost everything he believes and teaches. He has got to learn how to properly study Scripture, in context, without the Armstrongism worldview. The words mean what the words say, just like any other book you read, but the context is what matters even more. Who wrote it, when was it written, was it addressing believers or unbelievers, what did it mean to the original audience (that one alone will clear up many misunderstandings and misapplication), etc. He needs to understand what effect(s) his teachings have on his members, both now and eternally. If he gets that wrong, he is responsible for their lives and will be held accountable by God. That alone should terrify him, but it doesn't! Another clue he is completely unaware of the higher responsibility God places on teachers (both genuine and false) and cares only about being seen as someone important.

But I know I write this in vain. Bob will never do this, because A) it would "disqualify" him in the eyes of his 100 members, B) be an admission he is wrong, C) invalidate the last 40+ years of his life, D) validate his worst fears about HWA and RCM, E) cause him to HAVE TO admit that both he and the COGs have caused many people to go astray, some even eternally because they believed what ignorant men told them the Bible says when, in fact, it does not and F) he would have to admit to God what he has done, how he mistakenly believed he was a prophet and that he has taught his members things that are spectacularly wrong and will be held accountable to Him for all of it.

Bob is NEVER wrong in his own mind and would not admit it even if the truth is before his eyes. We have all just witnessed how much Bob cares about the truth and feeding his flock. Evidence was shown to him as plainly as can be, but what does he do? Deny the truth, castigate the victims, protect the offender(s) and pull out the most absurd excuse in the history of excuses. But you're the "pillar and ground of all truth" aren't you Bob? God must be so proud of your stupendous work and upstanding character.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've got a question. What if he's actually a Martian? Now, don't laugh! That makes just as much sense as his being a prophet!

Anonymous said...

What if he's actually a Martian? Now, don't laugh! That makes just as much sense as his being a prophet!

There is MORE evidence that Bob is a Martian than that he is a prophet. Nothing he has done has disqualified him from potentially being a Martian, while MULTIPLE things Bob has said or done have proven that he cannot be a true prophet.

Anonymous said...

I played the video. What a creepy man with his eyes and voice. Yuck- What darkness has he been playing with.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question,
I think it is the python demon. Look at his eyes.

Anonymous said...

This isn't Bob...his voice almost sounds like the actor who played Michael Scott (Steve Carell) on The Office.