The Philadelphia Church of God recently finished celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, a period of time that they claim portrays the millennium and eternal peace and happiness. Then, just like a typical COG immediately after the Feast, they start harping about Satan, politics, and other useless topics that constantly occupy their minds.
Satan, particularly in the COG, is the entity that is mentioned the most in sermons, articles, and broadcasts. Satan is the powerful god of this world and apparently in the eyes of many COG leaders and ministers, He is far more powerful than that seldom-mentioned dude, Jesus Christ. Mention Satan and church leaders and ministers' eyes light up because they have a lot to say about the guy. Mention Jesus and they immediately shut down not knowing what really to say.
Biblical Archaeology Society has this interesting history of Satan in Judaism and Christianity.
In the Hebrew Bible, YHWH’s greatest enemies are not fallen angels commanding armies of demons, nor even the gods of other nations, but, rather, human beings. It isn’t the devil that spreads evil across the face of creation—it is mankind. Other than human beings, YHWH has no nemesis, nor are there malevolent spiritual forces not under his authority. YHWH is ultimately a god of justice. He is behind the good and the bad, behind the blessings and the curses. It is within this divine court of justice and retribution that Satan has his origins.
The Hebrew word śāṭān, meaning “accuser” or “adversary,” occurs several times throughout the Hebrew Bible and refers to enemies both human and celestial alike. When referring to the celestial adversary, the word is typically accompanied by the definite article. He is ha-satan—the Accuser—and it is a job description rather than a proper name. From the Accuser’s appearances in the Books of Job and Zechariah, it seems that the job entails calling attention to the unworthiness of mankind. The Accuser is essentially the prosecuting attorney of the divine court of YHWH, and part of his job includes collecting evidence to prove his cases. With this bit of knowledge in mind, it isn’t difficult to envision the various “outcries against sin,” such as that against Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20–21), as the voice of the Accuser.
It is difficult to determine at which point in Israel’s history the Accuser began to take on a much more sinister role in the Israelite/Jewish belief structure, or how heaven’s great prosecutor became the prince of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). It is certainly easy to make the connection between Israel’s time in exile and the likely influence of the cosmic dualism of Persian religion.1 However, even within books written well after the return from foreign lands, the Accuser is still a self-righteous lawyer. Though if 1 Chronicles 21:1
is any indication,2 they began to believe the Accuser wasn’t above getting his hands dirty.
It is perfectly clear, however, that by the first century C.E., Judaism developed a belief in the divine forces of darkness doing battle against the forces of light. This can be seen within the New Testament and other extra-Biblical writings such as those found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are likely several factors that inspired these developments, including the influence of Persian, as well as Hellenistic, religions.
If there was an army of evil spiritual forces making war on the righteous, they had to have a commander. It is at this time that the impersonal and lofty Accuser began to acquire the various names and titles that have filled the writings of western civilization for 2,000 years. The Greek word diabolos (from which “devil” is derived), meaning “slanderer,” comes from a verb that means “to hurl” (i.e., accusations).
Diabolos was typically used as the Greek equivalent for the Hebrew śāṭān (in the Septuagint version of Job, for example), though it was not uncommon to simply transliterate the word into the Greek satanas (1 Kings 11:14). Other names used for the leader of the forces of evil at this time include Maśṭēmāh, which means “hatred” (1QM 13:4, 11; Jubilees 10:8), and Belial, a popular name among the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which means “worthless” or “corrupt.” “Children of Belial” (Hebrew: bene-belial) was a typical phrase used to describe evil people in the Hebrew Bible (e.g., Deuteronomy 13:13
; 1 Samuel 1:16
; 2 Chronicles 13:7
, etc.). If someone were searching for a name that personified evil in the Hebrew Bible, it would be Belial, not Satan. Interesting enough, the name only occurs once in the New Testament (2 Corinthians 6:15
), as Paul’s stark contrast to Christ.
It is also in this period that we begin to see the development of the tradition of equating the talking serpent in the Garden of Eden with Satan (Life of Adam and Eve xi–xvii).
Etruscan fresco of Typhon from the Tomba del Tifone in Tarquinia, Italy, c. third century B.C.E. According to Greek mythology, the montrous Titan Typhon battled the mighty Zeus, who bound his foe in the dark depths of Tartarus to bring about a new era of peace.
Satan’s role in the New Testament, though highly expanded, has much more in common with the Accuser of the Hebrew Bible than the commander of the armies of darkness that is typically portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Even though he is given such lofty titles as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), “father of lies” (John 8:44
), “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4
), “ruler of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2
), and Beelzebul, “ruler of the demons” (Matthew 10:25
; Mark 3:22
; Luke 11:15
), Satan is essentially treated as nothing more than a glorified prison warden who has been corrupted by his own power. Throughout the Gospels, Satan’s “kingdom” is never considered to be a burning underworld full of the tormented dead, but, rather, is equated with the bondage of sin and the curses brought upon humanity for acts of unrighteousness. According to Jesus (Matthew 12:29
; Mark 3:27
; Luke 11:21–22
), a “strong man” (Satan) must be bound in order to plunder his house for treasures (humans), and it is clear he viewed his ministry and that of his disciples within this context. All other references to Satan in the New Testament, including those in Revelation, reflect this struggle for spiritual freedom.
Over the course of several centuries of influence from many different cultures, the defeated Accuser of the Christians would go on to appropriate aspects of various divine enemies (Typhon, Hades, Ahriman, Hela, to name but a few) to become the complex mythological monster that was thrown out of heaven at the beginning of time to rule the fiery underworld and torment the souls of the damned. Such a character makes for great movies and Halloween costumes, but would have been virtually unknown to anyone in Biblical times.
The Church of God movement has created its own unique understanding of Satan and the power he has over people. Far too many believe that power is unparalleled. In their eyes, Satan is equal in power to God.
Yet Christians who understand what Jesus accomplished do not live in a constant state of fear.
“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers [satanic power included], nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38–89
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4)
Satan is not all that powerful as some might believe. Just one angel is going to put him away - Rev 20:1-3
The ACOGs get distracted by Satan about like Peter got distracted by the wind.
The Dirty Deeds of Satan
Satan is extremely deceitful and does cause a lot of trouble.
Satan raised up his apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. and used him to destroy the Worldwide Church of God, Incorporated.
Satan raised up his favorite false prophet Gerald R. Flurry and sent him against the WCG people.
Satan raised up his backup false prophet David C. Pack and sent him against the WCG people.
Out in the world, Satan raised up the LGBTQ+ agenda and is right now sending it against young children in school to mentally confuse them and get them physically mutilated so they cannot reproduce.
The Holy Bible says that Satan has deceived the whole world.
Do not underestimate Satan.
If you have ever been to deliverance / healing meetings, Satan's kingdom is exposed & Jesus knocks Satan's kingdom down with strikes like in bowling.
demons scream leaving.
People contort like snakes as demons come out. They are on the ground rolling around. People are set free. If your church isn't setting people free from bondages - addiction, porn, orphan spirit, sickness, disease, & infirmities, you are not motivated by love, Holy Spirit is absent.
It is your job to correct the things you complain about.
Wherever you see Satan trying to get a platform or stronghold or already has,
go after it with the spiritual weapons Jesus Christ told you to use. Stop complaining..You are supposed to be doers!
Stop the excuses. It is sickening.
More Dirty Deeds of Satan
The Roman Catholic Church observes the first day of the week (called Sunday by pagans). About a billion people fall for this.
The RCC's Protestant daughter churches also observe the first day of the week (called Sunday by pagans). Almost another billion people fall for this. Like mother, like daughter.
Muslims observe the sixth day of the week (called Friday by pagans). About a billion people fall for this.
Neither the Catholics, nor Protestants, nor Muslims realize that all their own ideas about righteousness are as “filthy rags.”
Evilutionists think that people should work seven days a week. No rest for the wicked.
The occasional former WCG goofball now tries to argue that every day of the week is a Sabbath.
According to the Holy Bible, which teaches the observance of the weekly, seventh-day Sabbath (called Saturday by pagans), Satan deceives the whole world. Seems correct.
More Dirty Deeds of Satan
The Roman Catholic Church observes the first day of the week (called Sunday by pagans). About a billion people fall for this.
The RCC's Protestant daughter churches also observe the first day of the week (called Sunday by pagans). Almost another billion people fall for this. Like mother, like daughter.
Muslims observe the sixth day of the week (called Friday by pagans). About a billion people fall for this.
Neither the Catholics, nor Protestants, nor Muslims realize that all their own ideas about righteousness are as “filthy rags.”
Evilutionists think that people should work seven days a week. No rest for the wicked.
The occasional former WCG person now tries to argue that every day of the week is a Sabbath.
According to the Holy Bible, which teaches the observance of the weekly, seventh-day Sabbath (called Saturday by pagans), Satan deceives the whole world. Seems correct.
And how does one prove "Saturday" is the sabbath? By coming to know the moon was made for fixed times (watered down translation is "seasons" but the moon has nothing to do with the seasons of winter, summer, etc) - Psalms 104:19
, which means a calendar has been fixed from creation, something Herbert never taught to my knowledge but Herman Hoeh instead thought a change in the sequence of leap years put Nisan 14 on Wednesday in 31 AD but by the fixed calendar Nisan 14 was Monday, which means the crucifixion was not in 31 AD as the splinters teach. The fixed times including God's festivals and sabbaths are based on the lunar calculations of the fixed calendar, which is God's calendar, which now today the Jews have preserved, but over the millennia others had knowledge and understanding of the calculations since the Jews didn't exist from creation. Proof the Jews today have the calculations (only the calculations to determine a calendar): Romans 3.
I don't agree with Fred Coulter on everything he teaches but he does have on his website what appears to be the correct Jewish/Hebrew calendar of all the years dating back to about 3700 BC when the Jews thought creation occurred but it can be shown from Bible chronology and secular history that they are some hundred years off.
Good thing we cloth ourselves in Jesus' righteousness since not one person outside of Him is righteous in God's eyes.
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