Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dave Pack Ends Sermon Series - Kingdom Begins In Three Days


The David C. Pack Experience


The long, arduous journey has come to an end. During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 458)” on July 8, 2023, Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God officially ended the Series by declaring the Kingdom of God had to begin before Av 1. Av 1 starts at sunset on July 18, 2023.


The countdown timer has been running confidently on the landing page all week. You have about three days to get your house in order before the universe cracks open and David C. Pack is proven right. Finally. That is a day to be dreaded by all thoughtful, sane individuals on our little blue dot.



Since The Restored Church of God no longer edits David C. Pack’s messages, they let goofy things slip out the door. In their blind foolishness to “rush out” “important” messages to the members, they forgo the professionalism and polish that used to be a staple years ago.


This small but significant moment gives outsiders a taste of “The David C. Pack Experience.” This reveals to members across the globe what it is like to be at Headquarters in Wadsworth with an unedited Pastor General. The emperor behind the curtain is entirely naked.

Part 458 – July 8, 2023

@ 02:55 We got a problem back here. So, just a minute. Let me see. What’s wrong? Is everything okay? Okay. Maybe sit down there.


Dave was so distracted by "a problem" in the room he had to stop the message and address it in front of everyone. Notice how he came to the rescue by giving critical input to end the crisis.


He made a mountain out of a molehill, as he is oft to do. A problem in the Main Hall could be as severe as one minister kneeling at the seat of another, whispering to him, or handing him a note.


David C. Pack is incapable of minding his own business. Someone quietly standing at the back of the room could bring everything in The Restored Church of God to a screeching halt.


Brethren at the Feast of Tabernacles learn this the hard way. During Dave’s bloviating, some people with back problems need to stand for a minute. DO NOT DO THAT if Dave is at the lectern. The sight of a minister bolting from his chair to "handle" the catastrophe in the making would be humorous if it was not so bizarre.


When I moved to Headquarters, we had Sabbath Services at One Park Centre. During a David C. Pack sermon, a woman sitting in front of me began coughing. Surely, much like the sneezers among the brethren, she had complete control and was intentionally drawing attention away from Dave and onto herself. As she exited her chair to excuse herself, Dave stopped his sermon to comment, “Yeah, you should leave.” She looked at me and whispered, “That’s what I was trying to do.”


A member being disruptive while Dave speaks irks him to the nth degree. Dave could not let such an unforgivable offense go unremarked. It was a brief moment I will never forget. It speaks to what kind of man David C. Pack is.


The modern-day unseen, unheard “problem” in the Main Hall brought back memories. This has happened dozens of times. In years past, it would have been removed from the recording, and only the Headquarters congregation would be aware it ever happened.


But now you know, too. If history is our guide, someone got spanked over this.



Another “David C. Pack Experience” occurred a few minutes later as he asked for audience participation to try to guess his latest discovery.


His strange fidgeting and annoying mannerisms must be seen to be fully appreciated. Turn off the volume if you must, but at least watch him and endure his needlessly long pauses.

@ 12:16 The math didn’t work. What are we missing? Read it and see if you can figure out what we’re missing. It’s right there.


Some in the audience were not bothering to follow along. Dave did not like that.


@ 12:47 Don’t stare at me. Look at your Bible. We have people staring at me like they think I’m joking.


The chair-slouchers are so numb to the sound of his voice that they probably did not notice he was giving them real-time homework. That really does happen.


The people were staring at him because they were not engaged. They had no interest in reading their Bible and putting any mental effort into his pointless exercise. The staring people did not care what Dave was trying to sell. Those could be the same people who follow the website.


Headquarters members are not afforded the same luxury as the brethren in the field. They cannot skip Dave's messages but are forced to sit quietly and witness his nonsense in person. Nobody there wants to hear about a Bible Study after the meal blowing up another Saturday night’s plans.


The brethren at Headquarters have to sit upright. They have to occasionally make eye contact. They have to be mindful of the look on their faces. They have to pretend to take notes. “The David C. Pack Experience” is not all fun and games. The novelty of listening to Elijah That Prophet endlessly muse aloud, wears off quickly. Everyone in that room must be praying the Series really is over.


@ 13:01 I wanted to show you sometimes how the Bible can just be screaming at you, and you can't see it.Not one minister saw this. Not one member ever wrote in and said this.


David C. Pack and The Restored Church of Another god hirelings ignore what the Bible says. The enablers turn a blind eye to what they witness. Members writing to tell Headquarters what they see are often met with, “You think you know better than the apostle?” attitude and a stern talking-to by their local sheriff. After I was corrected by Brad Schleifer and Jeff Ambrose on the Third Floor, I stopped sending my questions to Church Administration.


If Dave likes a write-in, he might read it with a positive spin. But, the wrong write-in could become “a teaching moment” for the entire church. It is safer to keep your mouth shut, folks.



The slow decay of what The Restored Church of God used to be continues.


The sermon audio has distortion artifacts in the higher frequencies. The video is out of sync. The wide shot camera in the back is tilted, off-center, and soft-focused. The primary cameras are also blurry. The people who run the technical duties at Headquarters either lack the care or the experience to fix obvious, simple problems.


You could see this as further evidence of God removing His blessings from that corrupted organization. Once they ejected the True God and the True Jesus Christ to become The Restored Church of Another god, the downhill slide manifests in various ways.


Financial struggles and declining attendance has been matched by local disinterest. The RCG Open House had a whopping 90 people attend. The event was more beneficial for internal damage control to pacify brethren rather than effective public outreach. “See, brethren! We ARE working with the public.”


The RCG woes continue to mount as they receive more bitter resistance on social media.


Faux Evangelist Bradford G. Schleifer announced in the Wadsworth Neighbors #2 No Rules private Facebook group that he had been banned from the primary Facebook group. That means the RCG mouthpiece has been cut off from a local audience of 19,600 members.


God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. Brad received the very same unfair treatment he and RCG mete out to former members.


Brad’s cry of lament fell on harsh ears in the smaller, 2,900-member group. The word “cult” appears multiple times in the comments.


For the record, I do not agree with the decision of the moderators of the Wadsworth Neighbors group. I am all for free speech. In fact, the more RCG tries to engage the public, the tougher the pushback gets. So, let them use all the tools in their box to “finally” engage the resident of Wadsworth after sitting comfortably on the Campus for ten years. The more Brad talks, the deeper he buries himself.


We moved into the Hall of Administration across from Giant Eagle in May 2013. Only after Dawn Blue of How It’s Done TV on WCTV and I began shining a light on The Restored Church of God did RCG have a twinkle in their eye to engage the local residents.


If this was Dave, he would ask, “Do you think that is just a coincidence, brethren?”



There is no more time left. The very best information was saved for the very end. And if any of this is wrong, just point your fingers straight up. But do not take my word for it.

@ 26:37 Now, for what I believe is the greatest single discovery I've made in the almost eight years of this Series. At least per timing. I wanna tell you some things that are very, very powerful.


Derp. Not very powerful, after all. Tammuz 24 (July 12 at sunset) already came and went to blow up Dave’s new “God counts a year as 360 days despite what the calendar says.” Sorry, I forgot to mention: SPOILERS.


@ 26:50 I know there are some among us who probably don’t believe the Kingdom is near. They just don’t. And that’s just where they are. And, they’re not gonna be ready. But there are most of us, I think, will be.


Another color of the Brainwashing Rainbow is the “Us v. Them” approach. There are “some” among the brethren who disbelieve Dave, but “you” are not like them, brethren.


@ 27:02 So, those of us who are eager to see God intervene and eager for eternal life in the Kingdom, I think I can tell you the most extraordinary discovery I’ve made in the almost eight years of the Series.


Dave equates people who do not buy his malarkey to people who are not eager for God to bring eternal life. This is similar to the lie that people quit RCG because “This is taking too long.” This is David C. Pack’s reality presumption squeezed through the mold of narcissistic denial.



@ 31:01 Now, what follows that I’m gonna explain to you, you just couldn’t make up. Nor could I have ever seen it without God revealing it at the very end.


@ 31:25 That oughta have everybody fairly intrigued. There is a last message in the Series sometime. So, we got about three and three-quarter days if God wants to go 360 days. We don’t have long. We don’t have long.


The date Dave was referring to was Tammuz 24, which began at sunset on July 12. Even though he focused on the significance of this date, he gave himself generous portions of wiggle room by stretching the possible arrival of Jesus Christ to before Av 1 on July 19.


@ 36:32 …and we would not think that six days to go in some month would start the Kingdom until we eventually came to a year. And what do you know? There are 354 days, and Mr. Pack finally realized (God just put it in my mind), “Oh, 354 plus 6.” You’re still in the midst of the years. Still in the midst of the years. You’re in Tammuz, but you get exactly 360.


Three times, Dave credits God with the information he teaches. Information that proves to be more false as each day closes in on July 19. At first, he shows the significance of Tammuz 24 but then stretches the window further.


@ 40:07 I want you to turn over to perhaps one of the most stunning things, a very recent discovery. Turn over to Zechariah 7, and let's just read something. And this confused me a little bit but no more. So, let’s I wanna give you what I think is an absolute gold standard that the Kingdom has to come in the next nine-and-a-half days. And it can’t come next year…


David C. Pack is a prophetic weatherman. He tells you his opinions of current conditions and extrapolates what he thinks will happen in the coming days based on his private interpretation of the Bible. If a weatherman is wrong, you shrug and say, “Of course, he was wrong. He is just a weatherman.”


When a prophet speaks, claiming God's authority and he is wrong, he is to be disregarded.



Dave expects the best but prepares for the worst.


@ 1:08:55 I would tell you (I wouldn’t be able to explain this), but I would tell you, If this month comes and goes, don’t ask me if it’s gonna happen in Av…we’re gonna wait a year. I'll easily see us going to the end of the month, and God has one day.


Boy, oh, boy. If only there was more time. The things Dave would do.

@ 1:11:20 If we had a long wait and somehow God’s gonna do this differently… I have a robust plan. Since my job’s over. I’m gonna get back to what I did when I was 66 years old. Now, I’m pushing 75. I'm gonna get back, and I’ve got a robust plan to advance the work. Just buckle up. But you don't want that. You wanna see the Kingdom advance.


After Tammuz 24 passed, this is EXACTLY how I envision David C. Pack spending his days:


@ 1:11:49 But, I’m not gonna sit around crying in a fetal position in the corner, bawling and shaking because “It didn’t come.” That’s not the way I’m cut. Nor you. We’re the people of God. We endure.


He infers that some of the brethren react the way he was exaggerating. People leaving because another date failed is their way of bawling and shaking. Maybe they are tired of enduring his lies and biblical fraud. That reality does not enter his mind.


@ 1:12:39 Now, lemme just say again, My work in the Series is over. Like John the Baptist…this is the way I live my life ever since I saw the office God gave me. It was always “to prepare a people for the Lord.” Not to warn this world about what’s gonna happen in another announcement year. [chuckles]


Dave likes comparing himself to John the Baptist occasionally. John did not experience the most-ideal retirement package of his day.


@ 1:13:22 But, my job, like John the Baptist, you did no miracles. Who went about a year…


"The Greatest Untold Story!" alone has lasted for over seven years. The Elul 24 teaching began in 2012. What "about a year" he refers to will have to remain a mystery.


@ 1:13:44 And I’m not doing miracles, so John seemed to be, you know, an Elijah. And I’m just telling you, my his job was to prepare a people for the Lord…So, that is over.


God spoke directly to John the Baptist. John saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus Christ as he baptized Him. What John said came to pass. David C. Pack is NOTHING like John the Baptist.



Rest assured, "The Greatest Untold Story!" is now over because David C. Pack said it. And that man is no liar. Ahem.


@ 1:14:13 My job is done.


@ 1:14:30 I can’t come back with 359 [459], and I'm telling you, I won't. There’re no other Kingdom, there’s no little, you know, some little Thimble Kingdom or something that we built in here…it’s just silly. It’s not there.


The Some Little Thimble Kingdom that used to be there is now silly. Some of us realized it was silly before Dave did. He has a funny way of legitimizing his skeptics.


Then, a glimmer of light through the darkness.


@ 1:19:11 We’ve had people quit.

@ 1:28:18 We had a guy leave us the other day and went back to the Millennium. When you do that…He just stood up, blew a trumpet, and said, "I wanna get everybody's attention. We serve a lying, murderous god who's gonna slaughter billions before the Millennium." 'Cause he knows better. So, I know that there are people who will cling to this [1000]. This [1-7-1000] is right. But, I wanna just say if this exact timing is somehow wrong, I simply can’t tell you more. I can’t.


That description of what the man said and did is NOT literal. Dave is waxing poetic by creating a word picture to warn potential defectors. He reminds brethren that he might speak about THEM in the same way if they choose to flee when nothing happens by Thursday morning.


@ 1:30:32 So, Godspeed either Christ coming or a last-minute message to Laodicea that they have to decide before He does. This Series is over. That duddn’t mean I wouldn’t send a quick email about something if there were something helpful that arose. Godspeed either one that the Bible describes. Good night.



The Series is over. The greatest discovery yet. New dates for the return of Jesus Christ are presented with asterisks. Publically addressing a problem when there is none. Putting the congregation on the spot. If only he had more time. His past teaching is now silly. He is like John the Baptist. Exaggerating a member’s departure. He has nothing more he could possibly say. RCG will have to wait another year.


Part 458 was a well-rounded “David C. Pack Experience.”

Marc Cebrian

See: The David C. Pack Experience


Anonymous said...

The Herbert W Armstrong experience was bad enough. Sorry, no big little used words.

R.L. said...

The staring people did not care what Dave was trying to sell.

Maybe they were looking at him because they were stumped. And he's supposed to be full of knowledge to explain it all, anyway. Isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Dave's followers need more psychological help than the typical voter.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Dave most certainly has his personality disorders! How does anyone conduct even a basic relationship with that man???

Every time I read more about him, I have to remember that there is a certain small percentage of the general public that's into BDSM! And that percentage thrives on it! Knowledge of that extreme is the only thing which helps me to understand how Dave manages to have any followers at all.

Anonymous said...

That's an apostle you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

You need a calling to help you understand God's truth.

Anonymous said...

458 does not go evenly into either 7, 12 or 40. A bad omen.

Anonymous said...

Really at this point, how does he have any followers left at all? Are they just hanging around to see if it finally implodes in on itself? It seems he has reached the point he has achieved the status of a psychiatric patient who has been off his meds spouting off grandiose delusions. Looking back at my Worldwide days even in the final part of his life HWA kept saying "time was reaching its conclusion" & making a plea for more tithes and offerings in order to achieve "one great last push" of the work. Funny, I don't really remember him doing that unless you consider his $100K gift to the Royal opera house or flying to London to go Harrods.

Anonymous said...

"This series is over?" No way! Dave is too much in love with the sound of his own voice. He'll shortly start another series, then another and another.

Anonymous said...


Cult: Restored Cash Grab (RCG)

Full name of head honcho: Klepto-Dave Con-artist Pack-of-lies

Major scam: Bait & Switch scam. Dave originally promised everyone HWA's old writings and teachings from 1986. Then he later switched and gave them Dave's own endless new baloney instead.

Titles collected: Minister. Apostle. Joshua the High Priest. Elijah the Prophet (stolen from HWA). That Prophet (stolen from That Runt Gerald Flurry).

Major teaching: Claimed to have restored a “common” theft scam. Said that everyone must obediently send Dave virtually everything they have (savings, retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc.), “or no salvation if you don't.” It all goes to Dave. It does not get distributed to the poor RCG cult members as they now have need.

Latest breaking news: Dave developed a severe case of Prediction Addiction that he suffers from and now spends the days, weeks, months, and years coming up with new, wrong, prophetic date guesses each week that all quickly fail quite reliably. RCG cult members suffer as a result of it too.

Credentials: Dave was personally called, chosen, sent, and directed against the WCG people by Satan himself/herself/itself/whatever (hope I hit the correct pronoun(s) there somewhere, considering how finicky Satan is getting about pronouns these days).

Recommendation: Definitely NOT recommended. A cult for unlucky people. Ask yourself, Do I want to be a total loser?

Tonto said...

Pack declares : " the Kingdom of God has to begin before Av 1. Av 1 starts at sunset on July 18, 2023."

Should I cancel my gym membership and Netflix subscription??

Anonymous said...

Tonto at 7:18 AM said...“Should I cancel my gym membership and Netflix subscription??”

Yes, of course you should cancel your Netflix subscription! Why do so many COG and COG(7D) types always love to watch smut?

Anonymous said...

Is there any COG that can be reccomended? Can a bad tree bear good fruit?

It was a cult. It is a cult. It will continue to be a cult.

Anonymous said...

"I can't make that work in His Word" .... You aren't supposed to make things work Dave. God doesn't need you to make things work ....

ps. I love all the glassware on the table. Love all the new additions, but I really miss the Shot Glass. Could you possibly weave the Shot Glass in next time? Much appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 8:27 AM said...“Is there any COG that can be reccomended?” sure wish I could help you.

Anonymous said...

Why of course Netflix is smut. How dare people watch movies showing hero types fighting the forces of evil. Why this might give members the ridiculous idea of standing up to abusive ministers and their boot lickers. After all, the ideal Christian is one who passively accepts being a doormat and punching bag for all the church crazies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:03 PM said...“Why of course Netflix is smut. How dare people watch movies showing hero types fighting the forces of evil.”

The “hero types” from Hollywood are a bunch of fakes who are aligned with all the forces of evil. Like most other perverts, they are big brave men and women to support all evils and abominations, but worthless, gutless cowards when it comes to standing up for the truth and supporting goodness.

Anonymous said...

8:27 AM,

It looks like pretty slim pickings out there, but maybe you could try Jim Frank's COGWA.

It is not the result of fucking around like Garner Ted's CGI and ICG rebel groups.

It is not Sunday-keeping like Joe Tkach's apostate WCG/GCI.

It is not led by irrational, cruel, brutal, satanic, false prophets like Flurry's PCG and Pack's RCG.

It is not mentally challenged like Weinland's COG-PKG and Thiel's CCG.

It does not try to impress people with presumptuous, and wrong, prophetic guesses like Billingsley's COG-FF or Link's COTEG.

It is not totally invisible and vision-less like Hulme's International Community of spiritually blind people.

It does not come up with ridiculous new doctrinal nonsense just to be different, miserable, and stupid like Meredith's LCG.

It is much bigger than the tiny little sliver groups of the miscellaneous nobodies and division lovers.

It is, hopefully, not as totally godless and malicious as UCG.

However, this is supposedly the Laodicea era of the church, so try not to let its faults discourage and/or destroy you. This is easier said than done. Many of its members and leaders might just want to go to X-mass weekend parties, or sit around watching movies.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Dave's downloadable book called America and Britain in prophesy. On page 95 he claims that the Spartans were from the tribe of Dan. Which is why they kept to themselves and didn't really integrate into Greek society. They wrote letters to the Jewish high priest claiming that they were related. So the Spartans were Irish.

Anonymous said...

The most compliments I've heard about any of the COGs have been directed towards COG7. Who knew that they would end up being anything but Sardis? It's my understanding that unlike the ACOGs, COG7 does not have an authoritarian style of church government, and they actually have probably 4 times the members as all the ACOGs combined. Actually, there were no such things as church eras, just a description of typical attitudes, so you really don't need to worry about the Sardis label.

NoMoreWackyPack said...

Tonto...Of course you MUST cancel your gym membership and Netflix subscription!! How worldly of you!!! And when the money is refunded to your account, you must pinkie promise to send it directly to dave. I'm sure he will know just how to use it...

Anonymous said...

2.37 try re-reading the original comment. It's referring to heroes such as Batman, Spiderman, Superman etc.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 6:47 PM said...“2.37 try re-reading the original comment. It's referring to heroes such as Batman, Spiderman, Superman etc.”

NONE of these ABOMINATIONS ever can be my heroes!!!

Comic book creators always made up all sorts of nonsense that they wanted people to read and think was so great. They were bad enough in the past, and nowadays many comic books are going heavily LGBTQ+ for their so-called “heroes” and other characters.

Hollywood has totally messed up some people's minds from their youth on up. These people look to their actor “heroes” much more than to real Bible heroes.

I recall a WCG minister at a Bible Study saying something about why characters like Superman and others are an abomination to God. And that was years ago, long before Superman got openly into homosexuality like today.

Batman and Cat woman identified as different animals who were tempted to interbreed and were a precursor to such things as kids in school now self-identifying as cats and wanting a litter box in the school bathroom. The people who acted the parts of these television characters were sexually immoral in real life.

Some nuts look to spiders and spider powers to save them. When people do not really believe in the God of the Holy Bible, they end up looking to immoral actors pretending to be bats and spiders to fight crime and save them. But what these actors do in private as well as on the screen is the real crime, sin, and abomination.

Some people who pretended to be WCG members were actually just comic book collectors and teleholics.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:39 PM said...“It's my understanding that unlike the ACOGs, COG7 does not have an authoritarian style of church government, and they actually have probably 4 times the members as all the ACOGs combined.

The COG(7D) had about 5,000 people in the USA about 25 years ago, but has now supposedly increased with the addition of about 3,000 mostly Spanish-speaking people. Open borders can do that.

Some COG(7D) congregations are so small and unable to get along with each other that some of the COG(7D) members go and hang out at SDA meetings, where they cause interpersonal problems with their own selfish and deceitful behavior.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:39 PM said...“It's my understanding that unlike the ACOGs, COG7 does not have an authoritarian style of church government, and they actually have probably 4 times the members as all the ACOGs combined.

The COG(7D) had about 5,000 people in the USA about 25 years ago, but has now supposedly increased with the addition of about 3,000 mostly Spanish-speaking people. Open borders can do that.

Some COG(7D) congregations are so small and unable to get along with each other that some of the COG(7D) members go and hang out at SDA meetings, where they cause interpersonal problems with their own selfish and deceitful behavior.

Anonymous said...

You sound like an old time stern WWCG minister or harsh school principal. I've found such people to be Pharisaic.
Philippians 2:12 instructs "to work out your salvation with fear and trembling." My experience and many others when growing up was that Superman, Batman, the Flash, Transformers etc was a strong positive personal influence.
By contrast, contemporary Christian culture teaches its members to be passive and be partial to and tolerate evil. They hate comic books since it pricks their group think bubble. I think it boils down to whether you think people should be free or be a member of the Borg collective.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:42 AM,

You seem to be trying “to work out your salvation with bats, cats, spiders, and actors (that is, hypocrites).” The Bible warns in II Timothy 4:1-5 about a time when people will not endure sound doctrine but will instead turn aside to fables to satisfy their own desires and itching ears. Have you actually rejected the Bible and turned to comic books instead? Do you look to Batman, Spiderman, Superman, etc. instead of to God? What about the false god Thor, who is making a comeback in comic books and movies?

It sounds like you are a slave to fiction, comic books, Hollywood, false “heroes,” and SIN.

True Christian culture teaches people to shun sin in their personal lives. That would include the sins in comic books and Hollywood, no matter how popular they are with the deceived masses who ignorantly worship shameful and sinful false “heroes.”

How about giving this whole matter a big rethink?

Anonymous said...

Superman, Spiderman, Thor etc are morality far superior to the contemporary church culture in the ACOGs and Copeland-Joyce Meyer Christianity. Any person is better off reading these older comics and watching recent Captain America type movies than listening to these televangelists. They make you pay through the nose for any crumbs of truth they give out by swamping you with all manner of lies in order to create a paradise for crooks culture.
Try reading what Christ had to say about the "Christians" of his day. They were called Pharisees. History repeats.

Anonymous said...

Righty-O, 4:31! The Jews have used the media to give us awesome heroes and morality plays over the decades. The stuff is all based on the Torah, and the logic and reasoning in the Talmud. We need to get back to that!