Monday, October 9, 2023

"The Israeli blood spilled upon the altar of David C. Pack’s megalomania is a perfectly timed sacrifice necessary to perpetuate his lies."


Israeli Preoccupation


The filthiness of all David C. Pack’s prophetic sins was washed clean by the blood of Israelis this weekend. During "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 474)" on October 7, 2023, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God exploited the horrific atrocities against Israel on the Last Great Day to prop up his self-perceived biblical legitimacy.


When the Kingdom of God neglected to appear on the Feast of Trumpets and the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles, David C. Pack became increasingly desperate to whitewash his recent string of failures. After swearing off date-setting during the Feast, he continued to give “maybe” dates supported by lists that “suggested” the Kingdom’s arrival was only days away.


The shocking event early Saturday morning provided David C. Pack with “the lucky break” he had been praying for. The vile attacks committed by Hamas handed him a means to perpetuate the illusion of his authority as a man chosen by God to end the Mystery of God, unseal Daniel, and proclaim the arrival of Jesus Christ.


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

― Rahm Emanuel



David C. Pack interweaves the war in Israel with his realizing that he had the Kingdom timing wrong. The two are linked to fulfill a transcendent purpose.


Part 474 – October 7, 2023

@ 01:25 …on Thursday, I began to develop a sense (I’ll explain this) that we could go beyond the Last Great Day. And, of course, the Feast of Tabernacles. It matured yesterday. Last night. I was still a little hopeful yesterday…that our wait might be over. But, no more.


@ 02:06 A great Bible prophecy is underway. I long saw (partially understood), but not fully.


@ 03:52 Now, you know I’ve long-wrestled whether I’m to announce a date. Many verses suggest Yes. Others No.


@ 05:53 But, my job has been to try to see and examine all these other possibilities…Going another year is not one of them, and there was never any doubt of that, but war in Israel today ended all possibility that that could happen. 


The world cannot go on another year without Jesus Christ returning because of what began in Israel this weekend. So says David C. Pack.


@ 11:29 But, I walked in this morning to powerful confirmation of timing. And I wanna cite…what began in Israel this morning.


@ 21:54 Let’s remember, I’m gonna show you God did this. I’ll show you His own words where He says what happened today was by His hand, and it becomes the greatest metric. I just wondered [chuckles] when we would see it.


David C. Pack chuckled. He read verses about God’s vengeance upon Israel, he read news stories describing the death and kidnappings of Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists, and then, he still finds a reason to chuckle.


Thankfully, for the members of The Restored Church of God, their Pastor General has a complete understanding of world events, so he can confidently lead them into the promised land on schedule.


@ 30:43 So, what are we actually seeing? What are we seeing? What is this? What are we seeing on the Last Great Day of the Feast?


The attack came just in the nick of time for David C. Pack to draw a parallel between his revised suspected timing for the arrival of the Kingdom of God and elderly people being murdered in Israel.


@ 35:17 “..and I [God] did it.” Hamas didn’t do this. Now, you have two choices in a way. To say, “Well, Mr. Pack, you sure you got this placed right?” Maybe this massive attack on the Last Great Day of the Feast, when we believe the Kingdom of God is near, is a coincidence. Those are your choices.


The crossing of two lines does not equal providence. Let us reason together.


Line #1: The enemies of God’s people in the Old Testament tried to use obedience to God as an advantage to thwart them. Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Ezra recorded this. The modern nation of Israel is historically attacked on a Sabbath or a Holy Day. This weekend was the fiftieth anniversary of the 1973 attack by Egypt and Syria. The enemies of modern Israel know when they are most vulnerable: on solemn observance days.


Line #2: Every single Holy Day in The Restored Church of God since 2019 is a “Feast when we believe the Kingdom of God is near.” Every year, every Holy Day is a “keep watching” occasion. Whether it is Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, or the Last Great Day, David C. Pack fills his followers with hopeful ideas that “this” is the time because we “cannot go another year.”


Line #1 intersected with Line #2 on Saturday. It was not divine. It was inevitable. The collision of two non-miraculous circumstances crossing paths does not mean Bible prophecy manifested before our eyes. 


It also does not prove David C. Pack’s validity as an apostle, prophet, or even a man of God. He fraudulently invented the circumstances by which RCG brethren “believe the Kingdom of God is near” and then shamelessly capitalized on the brutalities committed against Israel to further the fantasy that he has some great insight into what God is doing and when He will do it.


It is all a lie. Do not believe David C. Pack. Do not fear David C. Pack. He heeds to the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Antichrist, enabled by cowardly hirelings like Ryan Denee, Jaco Viljoen, and Frank Lydick, who care not for the sheep.



@ 35:41 I find fascinating that before this attack, I’d come to realize we have a little more time. “We’re not quite there measuring this right.” 


The mirage of confirmation is amplified by the power of presumption.


@ 35:56 When this happened…I knew immediately what my assignment was. I finally understood my last assignment. I was to rush to carry out. Now, I’ve given thousands and thousands of sermons. I’ve given almost five hundred just in this Series. You imagine how many thousands of sermons I’ve prepared? I prepared today's sermon faster than any time I ever have in my life, and I'd been giving full sermons over fifty years. I never prepared one this fast.


Thousands of sermons over fifty years prepared, and this one was the fastest. This "fact" carries significance only because he says so. Also, notice that he knew immediately what his assignment was rather than God giving him the assignment. His assignment came from inside his own carnal mind by the power of presumption. Not from God.


@ 38:24 “But make it plain.” I can now make it plain by simply talking about what you’re gonna hear on every television station almost anywhere in the world. Or every website. My job is not to tell you what news commenters or world leaders would say but to make plain what it means.


@ 39:11 So, my assignment became clear and immediate. Rush without notice to call out and make plain the vision that Habakkuk saw. And why it’s gonna last a little while.


For those in RCG who happen upon this article near the Feast in 2024, please remember the words of your Pastor General. Remember how the October 7, 2023 events meant the Kingdom was only a tiny, tiny micron away. And remember that the vision Habakkuk shrieked over was Hamas terrorists slaughtering Israeli civilians.


Today and in 2024, the words of David C. Pack will prove that David C. Pack had no idea what it meant or what God was "gonna do" before Cheshvan 1. If you remember, why are you still there?


@ 1:00:25 Now, it’s easy to understand. It’s easy. There should be no one alive in this church who cannot now see “the day” approaching. See what Habakkuk saw.


For those who have not been reading these articles since June 2022, you would be astounded at the “easy to understand” teachings David C. Pack had to later recant and admit, "I thought I understood. But now I do." He will absolutely do that again when he is forced to “clarify” the vision Habakkuk saw. It will surely come. Wait for it.



Matthew 12:34

…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


Matthew 7:20

Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.


Proverbs 18:7

A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

@ 1:00:55 So, I want you to think of this terrible event where babies are being slaughtered like dogs and old people, too, and you know, Palestinians dying, I mean, it’s terrible. You don’t want to see anybody die.


His choice of using “you” here instead of “I” or “we” is fascinating. This fully supports my growing understanding of the man.


@ 1:01:11 But think of this terrible event (and I’m gonna use a term with quotes around it) as a “final, great prophesied gift—gift” to those watching that we have the right year.


In David C. Pack’s perverted theology, Israeli citizens being kidnapped and murdered by terrorist monsters proves he is right about timing.


If you think that is a flawed analysis of his viewpoint, think again.


@ 1:15:24 I’ve explained this great prophecy that nobody ever understood about God’s warfare by His hand and affliction by His hand in Judah and Jerusalem that tells us we’re close. And I just don’t think He wants to divulge it.


@ 1:15:46 But, maybe He wouldn’t want everybody else to know who hear because we have people who leak the news outta the church. Or the word gets out ‘cause we have enemies.


If you listen carefully to what David C. Pack said, report on what David C. Pack said, and remember what David C. Pack said, you are considered his enemy.


I, Marc Cebrian, am perfectly comfortable with that. He can call me an enemy. The one thing he cannot call me is a liar.



This weekend, the "final, great gift" for David C. Pack was receiving an opportune circumstance that fuels his self-deception while also shocking doubting brethren back into line. If not for evil-minded Hamas terrorists, most RCG brethren would have gone home from the Feast disappointed because nothing happened the way their Pastor General said it would. The Kingdom of God did not arrive. Jesus Christ did not come.


But now, horrific world news gets the prophetic adrenaline pumping, and people crawling over the fence are startled back into the yard they planned to escape. This buys Dave more time of perceived legitimacy with impending world doom, drawing doubters back to the teat of cultish familiarity.


A war in Israel works out so much better for David C. Pack than just setting a date three months away. The gory headlines will provide self-sustaining fears and fervent Bible study that will glue members to their chairs, ensuring they get to Sabbath Services every week and not hold back on the tithe checks. 


During a crisis, nobody leaves the safety of an organization promising protection and good things just ahead. Only a few more weeks, everyone. Just a few more weeks…


The Israeli blood spilled upon the altar of David C. Pack’s megalomania is a perfectly timed sacrifice necessary to perpetuate his lies. He will feed off the reported corpses of babies to reinvigorate the crumbling façade that he is God’s Messenger.


Make no mistake. David C. Pack is a documented false apostle, false teacher, blaspheming liar, hypocrite, and proponent of antichrist theology who will clutch on to the crisis in Israel and ride it for as long as he can. He is a proven false prophet who will not "eventually" become a true prophet. Not by divine fiat. Not by accident.


Do not let fear from your news feed deceive you that David C. Pack knows anything about what God is doing today or that "someday" he will finally figure it out. If you believe your Bible, then you know he is forever forbidden from speaking on God’s behalf in prophetic matters.


Brethren, please remember that no matter how bad things get in the world, none of it makes David C. Pack right. No matter how much fire and blood paint the headlines, they do not mean David C. Pack has God's authority. There are not enough earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, terrorist attacks, or nuclear explosions that will ever make David C. Pack true.


David C. Pack will intentionally use the war in Israel to preoccupy your mind and keep you from accepting what you already know.

Marc Cebrian

See: Israeli Preoccupation


Anonymous said...

Be aware if you ever happen to drive through Wadsworth, Ohio, on the east side of that town. There are special, unique, and not yet fully explained mysterious forces at play there.

If you linger on the east side of that town a certain verse in the Bible in your car will mysteriously become invisible, impossible to understand, or be completely misunderstood. But, drive a few miles away, in any direction, and the verse reappears and can be understood easily and properly.

The verse? Deuteronomy 18:22:

"If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared."

Without fear, one can safely travel through Wadsworth, even live in it, without fearing or paying any attention to a certain prophet; the mysterious east-side forces notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

Historically, any event that involves Israel has been of major significance to Armstrongism. This event, described as being Israel's 9/11, was not foreseen by any of those who fancy themselves as latter day prophets, in spite of the fact that apparently growing numbers of Churchofgoddians have been observing the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem. If people like Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, or Bob Thiel had been in their own versions of a high level think tank, or war room, and had been strategizing this from the standpoint of prior revealed knowledge, it could have been validating. As it is, hey, it's just one more missed opportunity. LCG, UCG, and the COGaWA don't even keep up the facade of advanced knowledge any more.

No logically thinking person would expect anyone who is wrong on a daily basis about the return of Jesus Christ to have any inkling that something of this magnitude would happen to Israel during their annual Feast. Thinking people gave up on the so-called prescience of Heriberto Doublavee Armstrong following the fiasco of 1972-75, although numerous ones have reprogrammed themselves to believe that he was right, but just perennially delayed for over the past nearly fifty years. All a friend as he's truckin' along could say is "Ain't it a shame?"

Anonymous said...

Western governments have warnings not to visit the Middle East!

Anonymous said...

Time for Bible study....."In the last day, that great day of the feast...."John 7:37:
it's the last day of the feast. Right? What feast? Feast of Tabernacles. How many days is the feast? Seven. So the last day is the seventh day. Right?

So what is this yahoo about the 8th day being the last great day? Because of the teachings of Herbert W Armstrong. But Herbert was wrong. The last day is the 7th day because the 7th day is OF THE FEAST. The feast doesn't include the 8th day.

The last great day this year of 2023 was Friday, October 6. The 8th day was October 7. (I know, I know. Someone is going to retort "feast" by Christ's time meant 8 days.)

Anonymous said...

Dave mentions the dead in Jerusalem as if he cares about them. How can anyone who has swindled windows out of their homes with his Common, give a hoot about anyone?

RSK said...

Dave does windows? :)

(Yes, I know you meant widows, just had this brief picture of all these houses with windows missing)

RSK said...

I was a little amused how slowly the various "splinterdom" websites reacted to the conflict beginning.

Marc Cebrian said...

Anonymous October 10 @ 3:15 PM - If someone swindled windows out of their homes, I think it was just a carpenter. Perhaps they had them removed so they could put in something more energy efficient because winter is on the way. :)

Anonymous said...

What size T-shirts do RCG members mostly wear? I'm contemplating UPSing some of my "If You Prophesy , I'll Fart!" T-shirts to Wadsworth

Anonymous said...

I find myself wondering if Dave's inaccurate prophecies are due to his wearing his C-Pap apparatus improperly, causing sleep apnea and deprivation of oxygen to his brain. Can't help but notice the similarity between C. Pack and C-Pap. Is it actually David C-Pap? Oh no! I can't seem to remember! Maybe I'm wearing my mask the wrong way?