Thursday, October 12, 2023

Dave Pack: Bettor Late Than Never...Dave Blew Off LGD AM Services


Bettor Late…

The openly practiced hypocrisy of David C. Pack cannot be overstated. Last week, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God handed out stern warnings to the Headquarters Feast of Tabernacles attendees that if they intended to leave the Feast early or skipped the Last Great Day, God might kill them.


Part 473 – October 5, 2023

@ 09:43 Here’s another powerful point. And it’s very powerful. And I’m gonna warn the church right now. I’m gonna give a very strong warning and a rebuke to people thinking of leaving.


@ 13:37 You may not even get home.


After planting the mental seed that execution was a post-Feast activity option, Dave appealed to the more snitch-minded members to clean off their spy goggles and entirely ignore the instructions of Matthew 18:15-17.


@ 14:37 If you know of anybody who’s gonna leave the Feast, tell us now so we can maybe save their life. Maybe warn them and save their life. If not, expel them.


@ 14:59 I’m glad I have the opportunity to stand up and speak like this.


I am glad I have the opportunity, too. After his “powerful warnings” about not skipping commanded assemblies as the time draws near, it was a curious “gift” what David C. Pack admitted two days later.

Part 474 – The Last Great Day – October 7, 2023

@ 36:40 I di–literally did not know about this attack till I walked in the door at about a quarter of 11 [AM] because I was going over a few little things, so I got here late for Services. I wuddn’t even here at 10.


Dave realized what words fell from his lips and abruptly started moonwalking his statements.


@ 36:53 Maybe maybe the maybe it was about twenty-five till 11. Something like that. Hafta remember what it was.


His body language shifted right at the moment of sobriety. He scratched his head, looked down, and dropped his voice. That is what liars do.


The same man handing out “powerful” threats to members neglecting Holy Day services admitted to the entire Restored Church of God membership that he neglected a Holy Day.


Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God was late to the Last Great Day. The hypocrisy runs more profound than that.



Was Elijah That Prophet tardy because he was planning on giving a sermon? No.


@ 01:18 Only a few closing comments had been planned.


Was the Fraudulent Branch late because of critical instructions from God? No.


@ 36:47 …because I was going over a few little things…


After arriving at the Hall of Administration, did the Blaspheming Messenger of the Covenant attend the AM Service? No.


@ 36:19 I prepared today’s sermon faster than any time I ever have in my life…


David C. Pack was upstairs in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium learning about the war in Israel while the rest of The Restored Church of God assembled together on the Holy Day.


But even before that, he was perfectly comfortable coming late on the Last Great Day for no pressing reason. Just because he could.


If any of the visiting brethren had done that for ANY reason, they would have received a personalized sermonette across the hall about “disrespecting God,” “not fearing God,” “being self-willed,” “having an Israelite attitude,” and “thinking the rules don't apply to you,” how it was “a commanded assembly” and all the brethren “must walk together in unity and everyone else showed up on time” and on and on and on.


Nobody on the face of the earth is ranked high enough to chastise David C. Pack. He is above all correction. He is above reproach. He is most high, after all. His flexible attitude about the start time of services (or attending at all) has been documented repeatedly on


David C. Pack verbally confirmed what I have been reporting for over a year. Once again, he validated what you read on



David C. Pack's arriving in the building 45 minutes late has unspoken implications.


Mrs. Pack must be pretty accustomed to the empty chair next to her during services. Yet again, she was the one to place the green envelope into the offering basket because her husband was attending to more important matters like “a few little things.” She wisely took it with her when she left the house as if she already knew he would be a no-show.


You better attend the Holy Day, brethren, or you might not make it home.


But Dave will be fine.


You better give your offering with a pure heart and cheerful attitude before God.


But Dave will be fine.


Do not forsake the assembling together as you see the day approaching, people.


But Dave will be fine.



the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform


The one thing David C. Pack does not skip is the meal. Whether it is a Holy Day, Spokesman's Club Ladies Night, or a Sabbath potluck, the man is always present to stuff his mouth. All the other junk on either side of that event is subject to the coin toss of his presence.


There is no amount of rushing to call out anything under the sun that would keep him from grasping his fork to enjoy a meal he did not prepare and sometimes did not even pay for.


@ 58:18 The Last Great Day is called a solemn assembly. A holy convocation…which means a commanded assembly.


A commanded assembly David C. Pack was comfortable being late for. This means he does not believe the commands of God apply to him. If the command to assemble on a Holy Day does not apply to The Apostle, what other commands is he comfortable ignoring? What other command-breaking goes on at the Headquarters of The Restored Church of God that “lesser” enabling hirelings are too cowardly to hold him accountable for?


Kaiju Dave is god over there. He can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. He can preach anything, and nobody makes a peep. That is why the Spirit of Antichrist thrives at Headquarters. When good men do nothing, evil prevails. There may just be no more good men left.



Dave's “powerful” warning two days earlier proved later to be a double-bladed sword he cut himself on. The first cut involved him disregarding what he told everyone else to regard. The second cut was conjuring a reverie that his threats made an actual impact on anyone in RCG.


Right after teaching the church the importance of a commanded assembly, Dave trailed off into the realm of make-believe.

@ 58:28 And I bet you…




David C. Pack is telling everyone that what he is about to say is fiction. He has no evidence to support his claims. His “bet” is an illusion using the power of presumption to verbally invent imaginary members and manufacture reality by talking until it becomes true.


@ 58:28 And I bet you some who were gonna leave the Feast decided to stay…


He knows this based on what? Nothing. If he knew if it were real, he would cite an example. But he cannot because there is not. “I bet you” is a preface meaning, “I don’t know this to be true, but I think it could be.”


Things are real in The Restored Church of God because Dave says so, just like his doctrines and titles.


@ 58:33…and I’d just about bet you (I don't bet, but) that some who were warned went home anyway.


Oh yeah? Who did that? Nobody.


Hey Brad, please tell me—oh wait. I forgot. Brad Schleifer no longer reads these articles. My bad.


Well, IF Brad WERE still reading, I would have asked him to fact-check this for me because I do not believe for one second that even a single human being across the entire globe left the Feast of Tabernacles or Last Great Day early. The caveat to that would be the Pastor General, but he does not count in this context.


If any zealous field hirelings want to check CRM and let me know, I will type a correction and admit my error publicly.


In the meantime, the scenario inside RCG where anyone was going to leave but stayed or was going to leave and did anyway is pure fantasy.


This is Dave making himself the hero of his own story. He tried to warn them. Some listened. Some rebelled. He finds odd ways to pat himself on the back and wants it so painfully, he invents a magical “win” when there is none else to be found.


This entire concept is baloney-stuffed malarkey topped with fairy dust and happy thoughts.


But for those in RCG, it is true because “Mr. Pack said so.”



With the money angle never far from his thoughts, Dave applied more financial pressure just after the brethren gave their fourth offering in two weeks. Well, except for him. His wife did that.


@ 58:38 Just like some are told, “Sell all that you have,” and they look God in the mirror and say, “I'm gonna disobey you. I will not do it. I don’t care how many times Christ says sell all, I don’t care how many times I’d read in the New Testament from day one everybody gave what they had as Common, I don’t care what happened to Ananias and Sapphira. That’s them, not me. I’m not gonna obey God, but I think this is His church.” But, they oughta just look and say, “God, I'm gonna disobey you and end the charade. I'm outta here. I'm not gonna keep the Feast, which is a great test or money is a great test.” We have people like both of those. They don’t care what God says. My thought is, “Well, then, why aren’t you just Lutherans who don’t do anything God says? Go have a ham sandwich and believe in the Trinity.” But they don't.


Dave pontificated on a vague timetable for the Kingdom’s arrival. He threw out Cheshvan 1 (October 16) as a possible deadline but would not commit to anything. The failure on the Opening Night of The Feast of Tabernacles really singed his nose hairs.


@ 1:16:17 Or maybe they’ll send their Common to the church. We won't need it. But if you want eternal life and not sudden death, you better do it.


Throwing in another death threat for good measure certainly is not due to his overwhelming outgoing love and concern for the brethren. They are his merchandise, his cattle. But the milk from the teats no longer fills the bucket.


Dave would not be begging for Common if he thought the time was too short to spend it. He desperately needs it. The biggest question on my mind is, “Which house will be the first put on the market this winter?” The members living on Hartman Road may want to consider collecting as many cardboard boxes as possible. Starting now.


You cannot get blood from a turnip. Many still in RCG already gave their Common, so they offer little help keeping the ship afloat. The Headquarters Campus cannot survive on tithes and offerings alone.


That is why continues to report on the happenings inside The Restored Church of God. Some current members know about these efforts, but they are now mainly to warn people before they contact RCG. Keeping the Common money from walking in the door is where the “invisible impact” lives. Due to that audience, the Headquarters leadership has no way to quantify's actual footprint. Quite frankly, I do not either. But enough pre-PMs reach out on occasion to keep me motivated.


I hold very little hope for anyone who stays in The Restored Church of Another god at this point. David C. Pack teaches antichrist theology, driving the organization deeper into blasphemous apostasy. If people have not left yet, they may never.


The exceptions to that are “the leakers.” They stay as living sacrifices to ensure information gets out. Their efforts are greatly appreciated. The individuals who continue to shine the light in the darkness are the real heroes.


And I bet that pisses Dave off.

Marc Cebrian

See: Bettor Late…


Anonymous said...

Placing an emphasis on prophecy is the primary practice which makes Armstrongism different from most other gospel-preaching churches. The mainstream gospel is that Jesus saves, and John 3:16 is the pivotal scripture of that message.

HWA's "hook" was prophecy, the message of the soon-coming Kingdom of God. This was dated for 1975, and three math equations were taught in AC Pasadena's Second Year Bible Class, "proving" that that was the year. Except it didn't happen! I have believed for some time that God cursed HWA's ministry because of what he did to his daughter Dorothy, by allowing HWA and all those who learned from him to become confused and to be filled with error on the very topic of which he was most proud, his "hook", prophecy! We see it over and over again in any of the ACOGs which emphasize prophecy! They are all failures in prophecy, and Dave Pack is the most glaring example!

The COG Catholic said...

A minute into the last video rant, I like how Dave characterizes people who "don't do anything God says" as those who would "eat a ham sandwich" and "believe in the Trinity."

Eating Oreos or drinking Mountain Dew? That's fine. But eating a ham sandwich is bad for one's health. It's among the clearest indicators that a person rejects God -- offending both God Beings, who are in the process of reproducing themselves, resulting in millions or billions of other God Beings.

I don't know how to help people who still follow this manifest false prophet. It's a tragedy that there are still people under his spell.

Dave is spiritually abusing many people, but sadly, it's because he himself was abused for decades as a follower of HWA. Dave is really messed up: genuine, serious, compounding mental health issues.

I can be disgusted and angry with him, but I have to remind myself that he really needs our prayers. He needs conversion. He is a damaged soul, and it's only getting worse.

Lord, have mercy.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen any evidence that Dave has a heart.

Anonymous said...

According to science, ham is good for you. Oreos are not.

Anonymous said...

“@ 13:37 You may not even get home.”

Of course not. You have no home any more. You are homeless. You gave your home to Dave for “common” to try to buy your salvation from that con-artist.

Mark Wolfe said...

It must take a toll on your mind to believe all of humanity rests on you. Rests on your decisions and your ability to rush to call it out.

Which is probably why he is such a basket case and his church no longer exists in the realm of christianity.

Anonymous said...

why does God put up with Dave Pack? same reason He allows mosquitos or covid or asteroid impacts or tornados I guess.

Anonymous said...

What Dave needs is the lake of fire. God made the lake of fire for people like him. That is God's answer.

Anonymous said...

Curiously, I really don't remember him sitting through anyone else's sermons much less sermonettes. He was brought into my church area as a last ditch attempt to rein him in, and very rarely did I see him sit as a family with his wife and kids. He was always bustling around somewhere else, in my opinion, because he didn't think what other people were preaching was important to him. So why should he attend LGD services on time, just to hear someone else speak, when he can just materialize to give a few last comments? Of course it's been many years, thankfully, that I had to endure being in the same room with him. Does he sit in the audience and listen to anyone else other than himself?