Those wild and crazy boys in Charlotte do not take too kindly to false teachers in the Church of God movement. It is interesting below how they showcase how much grace disturbs their legalistic mentality. To justify their stance they now call it "permissive grace". That fact alone tells us all we need to know about how ignorant they are about the subject of grace in Christianity. It just frosts their butts that people are not tied to the law as a requirement for salvation. The law brings death. Grace brings life.
Social justice is one of their pet peeves too. Apparently caring for the homeless and the disadvantaged is not something a truly converted Christian would do. Why worry about them when God's going to fix it all later on. Suffering is just part of life. Boo Hoo. Besides, the church needs your money more than they do because the poor have always been with us.
We must always remember that the only truly converted Christians on this earth are Living Church of God members. Even Bob Thiel's little rag-tag group of church-hopping money-embezzling Africans are not truly converted.
For many decades now, various Church of God leaders have preached "another gospel " cleverly disguising their words as truth when all they were doing was leading people astray.
Beware of False Teachers: Jesus warned repeatedly about false teachers, saying, “Many will come in My name… and will deceive many” (Matthew 24:4–5). While they may claim to be “Christian,” their teachings and actions will be contrary to the Scriptures. To avoid being deceived, it is important to study the word of God so you can recognize if a teacher’s message agrees with the Scriptures or not (see Isaiah 8:20). Today we hear many different “gospels”—the gospel of wealth, the gospel of permissive grace, of social justice, and apocryphal gospels. However, the Apostle Paul labeled false teachers who promote a different gospel than Jesus and the Apostles preached, as “ministers” of Satan (2 Corinthians 11:1–15). To avoid being deceived by clever arguments and emotionally laced messages, we must diligently study the Scriptures as the Bereans did (Acts 17:10–11) and prove from the Scriptures what is true or false (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
The Bible also warns about false prophets too.
when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.
Deuteronomy 18:22
1975 or in the next 5 to 10 years........
Why do the Armstrong splinters NOT BELIEVE THIS:??
, 10
; Deut 16:4 NASB
You shall keep it until the 14th day of the same month, then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel is to kill it.....and you shall not leave any of it over until morning.....and none of the flesh which you sacrifice on the evening of the first day remain overnight until morning. Ex 12:6
"Gospel of permissive grace?" Look who's talking. This is the church which constantly reminds its members to: ignore a slight, ignore an insult, be quick to forgive, turn the other cheek etc. Where's the "you have a right to be free from abuse," "stand up for your rights," "rebuke your brother," "you have a right to be free from deception," "avoid the unrepentant" etc. Instead the LCG and others have decided to make their churches criminal-friendly in order to boost their numbers and tithe payers.
So money comes first, and Gods word comes second. What can possibly go wrong?
RCM did not seem entirely helpful (or "profitable"). What if he was a borderline Charlotte-an charlatan @ the podium-Nickelodeon
At some point or another, ya just gotta say "Phucque 'em!" Sorry for the Vietnamese spelling, it all boils down to the same thing!
Gross lack of character that's the long and short of what's gone wrong.
From Garner Ted to the two faced blog owners on here, gross lack of character.
From Garner Ted to the two faced blog owners on here, gross lack of character."
Oh, look! Little grumpy pants is back. Poor little baby!
1:00 You wrote: "Oh, look! Little grumpy pants is back. Poor little baby!"
Don't fret about him. He has been crying about this blog for ages. Pretty much all hot air and impotent.
LCG's pride is in law keeping.
Several times I've asked my LCG associates to send me a link to any LCG material that preaches about the new commands Jesus gave.
I have received nothing on the subject.
LCG's open hostility toward social justice, caring for their neighbors, is rebellion against the God who so loves the world that he gives Jesus.
Winnail is a false teacher who is leading his people away from emulating the love of Jesus.
LCG's body of writings and media showcases a lack of interest in Jesus and the commands of Jesus; their misunderstanding of grace and rejection of justification by the righteousness of Jesus leaves them sad and impoverished in a false gospel.
Winnail publishes this same insipid little paragraph every couple of years. It's just another example of the spoiled milk LCG recycles to its members.
When Paul confronted the Circumcision Party and the Jewish Gnostics of the Colossian Heresy, my guess is that these assailants were quite glib in their message. GTA was a master of glibness, a master of the artful use of the sound bite, a master at making the shallow sound profound.
The statement, "To avoid being deceived by clever arguments and emotionally laced messages, we must diligently study the Scriptures as the Bereans did" is excellent advice. You cannot base your beliefs on sound bites from the pulpit. You cannot base your beliefs on little booklet theology. You must acknowledge the Millerite roots of the WCG. Don't let yourself be taken in by glibness and nicely coiffured. Simple things like that. Or you will end up believing something really weird like you must "qualify" for salvation.
I like hearing the latest from the Crackpot ACOG leaders, all claiming to inherit the Mantle from proven-false-prophet-high-school-dropout-HWA
Winnail and similar must secretly be terrified of saying or writing anything that can even slightly threaten their job security in old age. So it's always the same canned material. They're also citizens of a defacto North Korean society.
WELL SAID, 8:11 ! :
"This is the church which constantly reminds its members to: ignore a slight, ignore an insult, be quick to forgive, turn the other cheek etc. Where's the "you have a right to be free from abuse," "stand up for your rights," "rebuke your brother," "you have a right to be free from deception," "avoid the unrepentant" etc. Instead the LCG and others have decided to make their churches criminal-friendly in order to boost their numbers and tithe payers."
When LCG reminds members to "ignore a slight, ignore an insult", forgive & turn the other cheek, they blame the victims of bullying, for not accepting the rude bullying.
They would blame the pretty Carly Fiorina for resisting comments about her nice looks. LCG would blame Marco Rubio for resisting comments about his height. LCG would blame Ted Cruz being upset when his wife is disrespected.
Did Mr. Armstrong accept it kindly when he thought a smart aleck was questioning or pressing him?
LCG suggests being lenient to bullies, but being judgemental to the victims.
I wish there was an accurate way to know how many people are actually still “members” of these organizations.
Hey 2:11: I've been trying to get an accurate number for LCG for years, with no success.
A friend in LCG, who is hopelessly brainwashed, seriously claims there are 12,000 members.
I doubt that LCG ever had that many during their best days, which are now long ago.
It seems like all splinters keep attendance numbers private, while spinning propaganda about growth.
I'm hoping someone on the inside will shed light on subject.
Maybe they're counting Kenyans & Malawians
LCG reported 2023 FOT attendance of around 11,300. Allowing for shut-in members who didn't attend, and a few non-members who did attend, this seems consistent with other LCG reports of membership somewhere between 11,000 and 12,000.
The ACOGs have a problem if they boast about attendance. They want to seem big enough to be relevant and meaningful, but whichever ACOG is the biggest is by definition, in the eyes of many members, the Laodicean church in the Laodicean era. Everybody wants to be the "Philadelphian remnant" whether they are SquareBob SpongePants with his 100 Caucasians funding African witch doctors, or whether they are the biggest ACOG on the block.
I'm very surprised by those numbers; I guess my LCG associate is not as crazy as I thought.
I thought that more members had been dropping out, due to death, coming to their senses, or COG-hopping.
Perhaps LCG gains a good share of those exiting from RCG, since LCG is the mothership to RCG.
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