More asshatery from the Philadelphia Church of God cult and Lil'Joel Hilliker:
Get a load of this absolute nonsense:
Mr. Flurry says, “We in God’s Church should radiate something entirely different! I believe that, in a general way, we may be able to determine how much star quality and brightness we will have in the future by how much our face shines today in happiness and joy. God wants to make you happy. He has commanded that you be happy! And He has instructed us in exactly how to achieve that: ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.’” You are truly happy when you live God’s law of love—the give way. That is what makes us happy!
This is just more of the continuing nonsense that PCG is reenforcing in members in that they are all Royally here on earth and depending on how well they keep the law and other non essential things will determine how big their royal status will be in the kingdom.
Ron Fraser wrote in a 2011 Philadelphia News article: “To aspire to the highest standard of elegance in personal presentation, general bearing, manners, speech and the appreciation of the finer things in life is a requirement of royalty.” Royalty in this world receives specific training in how to present themselves. They represent the royal crown and must be aware of this standard as they interact with other people. You must think on this as a representative of the new throne of David. We are a part of a royal culture—we are royals!
Some will be greater royals like Lil'Stevie and King Daddy will be. Church members faces will never shine as bright as the faces of these two blithering idiots or those in leadership positions on the cult compound.
1 Corinthians 15:41reads, “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.” In John’s Gospel: The Love of God, Gerald Flurry explains, “Some stars are greater and more luminous than others. God really wants us to have a lot of glory! He wants you to have the most ‘star glory’ possible when you are born into the God Family.
“But even today, we should shine with a certain glory. Our faces should shine with happiness!” If “happiness on your face” appeared on your report card, what grade would you be getting? This is important to having a royal personality.
Mr. Flurry continues: “Isaiah 3:9describes how, because of Israel’s sins, ‘The shew of their countenance doth witness against them ….’ Look around, and you see many unhappy people in this world—people in the bonds of sin.” Can you see that? There are a lot of “stars” in this world—actors, models, influencers—who are physically beautiful, but do they radiate joy? They majority of people look unhappy, and this is caused by sin.
How can anyone who is a member of controlling Armstrongite cults truly be happy, especially those in the Philadelphia Church of God, Restored Church of God and even the improperly need "continuing" Church of "god"?
The truly happy people are those that have LEFT Armstrongism!
The beatings will continue until morale improves!
Faking happiness is still faking! Unless your brain is totally defective, you cannot be happy as a member of PCG!
The satanic abuse in Gerald Flurry's little PCG cult leaves people NOT smiling at all. In fact, a satanic imposter cult like the PCG could leave a person's countenance permanently disfigured. The look of shock and horror frozen on the faces of the people that Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry SCAMMED is not pretty.
In the harshest worldly dictatorships, the little people had better show up at all events to smile and clap wildly for their “dear leader” if they know what is good for them.
In the harshest cult dictatorship, the PCG members had better show up at all events to smile and clap wildly for their “dear runt” if they know what is good for them.
A UCG Pastor gave a sermon along these lines several years ago - implying if you're not smiling, you're sinning.
I concluded from that sermon that Jesus had a big grin on His face as He was nailed to the cross. He smiled while stumbling on the Via Dolorosa (why not the "Villa Alegre"?). And He must have laughed a bit when He asked why His Father had forsaken Him.
Because if He didn't, He sinned.
There is a certain amount of truth to the idea that how we see everything which surrounds us is like a gigantic mirror, reflecting ourselves back at us. But, an ACOG is an artificial construct. There are those capable of farting on command, but you really cannot command people to be happy. We as humans are different from animals in that we have the capacity to seek and find a better environment. Spiritual theory is somewhat akin to music theory. Theoretically, if an entity were really "God's True Church", happiness of the members would be a natural thing which automatically flowed. A minister would not need to demand or require it, it would automatically surround him.
This is like members of the Jehovah's Witnesses complaining of having to wear a fake sweet demeanor at their services. People aren't allowed to be authentic. Instead it's the bully morality of faking reality.
The flipside of this is that when one experiences real personal troubles, PCG drops one mercissly in an instant. In my opinion this is always for the best in the case of PCG.
How does Joel H. & Ron F. expect us to glow with joy after the 3 K.C. fans keel over just like that? Or to see Tylee & J.J.'s bodies found out in Chad Daybell's back yard? Or all the partial birth abortions being done today (& yesterday)? Or of the grannies having their bank accounts scammed & drained by foul, vile (but oh, future members of the kingdom be nice to criminals) scumbag hackers? Or the crimes of Israel Keyes?
), and weep, mourn & wail (James 4:9
)? PCG spins one thing one day, & another the next.
We get it Joel & Ron, we know the story of God's plan, but the grief of today does not always permit our face to shine & glow with joy full-time.
One minute, PCG wants us to grieve over the elections & politics & policies. Next minute, they push us guilty if we don't put on the Stepford-smile.
What about sigh & cry (Eze. 9:4
We already know about a brighter future. But today is not entirely cheerful & gleeful, chaps.
G. Flurry was very grumpy last election.
Listen, PCG, we are not "at fault" if we are sick at O.J., John Wayne Gacy, Lori Vallow-so-shallow, etc. Quit making us feel worse than we already do, just because we're feeling a bit glum sometimes. We laugh on our own time, not on PCG's time.
PCG wants you to be happy and glorious?
Sure, but not at their expense.
Don't worry, be happy, it doesn't matter if your brethren are being abused and bullied, be happy so that the corporate name may be exalted!
So what if everything is falling apart around us?
At least I have my own little world intact!
As long as I have some peace and truth in my days, the bad things don't matter! (2 Kings 20:19
Let Christ judge it all but don't you judge us because we are afraid of you more because you might hurt my reputation.
Uh oh...did G. Flurry design the pillars strong enough for Edmond auditorium to withstand the quaky-wakie
t'was an earthquake in a diverse place :
Edmond has had: (M1.5 or greater)
30 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
32 earthquakes in the past 7 days
68 earthquakes in the past 30 days
483 earthquakes in the past 365 days
The largest earthquake in Edmond:
today: 5.1 in Prague, Oklahoma, United States
Maybe it's yet easy to remain chipper : ("THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2024
PCG: How Bright And Happy You Are Today Will Determine Your Star Quality And How Much Your Face Will Shine In The Kingdom")...after a morning stroll becomes a shake/rattle/& roll
Considering what miserable people the Flurrys seem to be from their writings, this is some funny business.
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