Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Armstrongism in Contention with Christianity: Concerning Jesus' Fulfilling of the Law of Moses

The Apostle Paul 

A Reasonable Likeness from the Fayum Mummy Portraits (Fair Use)

See note at end.


Armstrongism in Contention with Christianity

Concerning Jesus Fulfilling of the Law of Moses


By Scout


“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; 

I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. (Matt. 5:17, NRSV)


When I think of Armstrongism the word that often comes to mind is “contrarian”.  I formed an impression years ago that HWA felt a kind of boost to his self-esteem by adopting the dissenting viewpoint – as if he were saying, “I seem like I came from the backwoods of theology but I am so right and you all are so wrong.”  And I believe this is a life-theme of many of his followers as well.  It is common to be a contrarian in politics but, alas, religion is not politics although there are some surface similarities.  One can be totally wrong in politics and it will have only secular, durational consequences.  Not so with religion.  Here is a midrash on a topic where Armstrongism takes the heterodox road.  This is an ancient doctrine that Christians sorted out long ago.  But it has been newly challenged by Armstrongism. (When I write Law with a capital that refers to the Law of Moses; law without the capital refers to the philosophical concept of law.)

The Initial Point of Reference

I will put my cards on the table.  The next paragraph is what I think Armstrongism says about Jesus fulfilling the Law of Moses.  I may be wrong.  Let me know.  I haven’t been an Armstrongist for a long time. 

Armstrongism maintains that Jesus came to fulfill the Law of Moses by making it stricter by requiring obedience not only to the letter of the Law but also the spirit of the Law.  And in this way Jesus magnified the law and made it honorable (Isaiah 42:21).  The Israelites had been unable to successfully keep the Law.  But God fixed this by granting the Holy Spirit that makes it possible for converted humans to keep the Law of Moses even in its new more demanding form.  And the Law of Moses is written on the hearts of everyone who is a converted follower of Jesus.  The exegesis for this is found in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus, for instance, tightened up the commandment concerning adultery by taking the requirement beyond the letter to include also lusting after a women.  Therefore, all Armstrongists are responsible for keeping all of the Law of Moses in the letter and spirit. Rod Meredith declared that this included not just the Decalogue but all of the statutes and judgements because the statutes and judgements are derived from the Decalogue.  Herman Hoeh stated that the statutes and judgements pre-dated the Old Covenant and could not be abolished when the Old Covenant was terminated.  But even though the statues and judgements are considered binding, to my knowledge Armstrongism has never defined a comprehensive catalog of spiritual intents for this body of legislation. The statutes and judgements seem to continue only in the letter.  Further, Armstrongists believe that they must follow the example of Jesus and Jesus kept the Law of Moses.  Excluded are the sacrifices and what Armstrongists refer to as the Ministry of Death.   The wild card is that Armstrongist leaders believe they can loosen and bind Biblical mandate including the Law of Moses although the doctrine is not well defined. 

Jesus Kept the Law of Moses Perfectly for a Reason

Jesus kept the Law of Moses perfectly but is that the example that we are intended to follow? Jesus was born under the Law of Moses. He was an Israelite living in the polity of Israel. And Israel was party to a covenant with God.  That covenant required the observance of the Law that had been conveyed through Moses.  So, Jesus was obligated to keep the Law of Moses by circumstances of human birth.   This is so even though he was Yahweh and had created the Law of Moses. 

Beyond this Old Covenant context in which Jesus lived, there is a profound, new, spiritual meaning. The perfect Law keeping of Jesus is important to all of us because it is part of the way that God implemented salvation for us.  We are blessed with the Vicarious Humanity of Christ.  Jesus met conditions for us, in our stead, securing salvation for us.   One of the conditions he met for us was the keeping of the Law of Moses. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NRSV) it states:

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

We cannot be made righteous in him unless he were perfectly righteous.  God expects perfect righteousness and that is what we cannot deliver.  The righteousness of Jesus is our righteousness by ascription.  And this ascription is not contingent on works.  While there is debate among different denominations how precisely the ascription happens, there is no debate about the fact that the righteousness originates with Jesus and is credited to us.  In the simplest terms, “by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous (KJV, Romans 5:19).   In Romans 4: 6 (NRSV), Paul states:

“So also David speaks of the blessedness of those to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works:”

In the larger context of Romans 4 we understand that this righteousness comes to us through our justification by God through the faith of Jesus that resides in us through the Holy Spirit.  There seems to be no exegesis that supports the idea that Jesus’ conforming perfectly to the Law of Moses created a requirement that Christians must follow the Law of Moses and in an even more exacting way.  Such an assertion would contradict the Biblical statements concerning justification by imputation.  

Nor is there any implication that since Jesus kept the Law of Moses that we then should follow his example, in his footsteps, and also keep the Law of Moses.  What we have seen this far is that Jesus kept the Law of Moses vicariously in our stead.  1 Peter 2:21 says that we should follow in the steps of Jesus in regard to suffering.  It does not mention observing the Law of Moses.  This aligns with James 5:10. Our relationship with Jesus keeping the Law of Moses is not one of imitation but imputation.    

The disposition of the Law of Moses after the Crucifixion is explained in Pauline theology.  It has been replaced by the Law of Christ.  Jesus as Yahweh can promulgate a new modified Law and did so.  The disposition of the Law of Moses is seen in this scripture from Romans 7:6 (NRSV):

“But now we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we are enslaved in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the written code.”

The message is clear.  We are discharged from the Law – dead to it.  Its past impact on our lives is characterized as captivity and enslavement.  It is not the foundation on which the future will be built. Paul’s metaphor could not be clearer.  I remember hearing a sermon in the WCG in which the minister stated that “dead to the law” really means “dead to the penalty of the law” and that we do not experience the penalty of the Law any longer because we keep the Law and the penalty is not exacted – apparently we had to be keeping it perfectly for this model to work.   But there was no basis for inserting “the penalty of” into Paul’s language.  This was an artful dodge to justify the heterodoxy of continuing to observe of the Law of Moses after it was no longer in force. 

The Messiah will Magnify the Law and Make if Honorable

Jesus fulfilled the Law by transcending the Old Covenant and the Law of Moses with a new covenant and new law leading to a new purpose and by his personal example as the living Word of God.  It is a fulfilling of (not the abrogation of) the Law of Moses because it retains the moral imperative of the Law of Moses while rescinding or modifying the letter (think of circumcision). This fulfilling is not simply the idea that Jesus kept the Law of Moses perfectly as an example for us to imitate.   The reason for that is addressed in the previous section of this essay.  But the Greek word for fulfill is plēroō.   This word means to make abundant or to complete or to make something abound.  

The New Testament explains to us the way in which Jesus accomplished this flourishing.  Jesus achieved the fulness of the purpose of the Law by vacating the letter of the Law of Moses (Romans 7: 1-6), establishing in the place of the Law of Moses a new law, called the Law of Christ in scripture (Galatians 6:2; Romans 8:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21), and in his words and deed, as the living Word of God, setting a new example under this new covenant that we should follow (1 John 2:6) with the ultimate goal of accomplishing better purposes than the Law of Moses could provide (Hebrews 8:6).  This is what the Bible documents – an abounding of purpose intended and of purpose achieved. 

One might think that Jesus fulfilled the Law like someone fulfills the condition of a contract.  When the fulfilling action is complete, then the condition is satisfied and has no further bearing.  But in this contract model, not only the letter of the Law would be terminated but its moral intent also.  We know the moral intent reflects God’s nature and will not go away.   Jesus kept the Law perfectly not because he was simply discharging a contractual obligation but because his righteousness would be ascribed to believers, justifying them, as an essential element in the plan of salvation. 

Jesus fulfilled the Law by showing us a new, better way to the outcomes that the Law intended but Israel was never able to achieve.  And he showed us a better way by his words and actions as the living, embodied Word of God.  Jesus had the authority to change the Law.  Several times is the Sermon on the Mount he says, “You have heard that it was said, … But I say to you…”  Jesus was not inferior to Moses (Hebrews 3:3).  It was Jesus as Yahweh that gave the Law to Israel through Moses.  This establishment of a new way by Jesus was done not by preserving the letter of the Law and making it more rigorous but by superseding it with a better way of life – known to Christians as The Way.  

Jesus magnified the Law and made it Honorable by showing that it was not just a grounds for measuring performance but a grounds principally for love.  Jesus said:

“He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (NRSV, Matthew 22:37-40)

This is the purpose of the Law and the Prophets, these two commandments about love. This is not a new statement.  Deuteronomy 6:4 and Leviticus 19:18 together say the same thing.  But the Judaic tradition at the time of Christ was not following this.  The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman taken in adultery to see if he would participate in her stoning.  And Yahweh who gave the Law and knew how he wanted it applied said let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.  This is radically different way of applying the Law – a way based on love and grace.  Jesus did not magnify the Law by making it harsher and more punitive.  He did it by bringing it to its original purpose – love of God and love of neighbor.


Jesus fulfilled the law, magnified it and made it honorable, principally by making love its focus, by giving us the New Testament, the Law of Christ and Vicarious Humanity of Jesus.  Dissenters from this view would assert that Jesus made the Law greater by making it more rigorous.  And keeping the Law of Moses is a requirement for salvation.  As for the Armstrongist idea that the giving of the Holy Spirit made it possible for people to keep the new demanding Law, this did not seem to work for the Apostle Paul (Romans 7:21-25). Nor did it ever result in Armstrongists keeping the full Law of Moses – they keep only select parts of the Law of Moses.   We should follow the example of Jesus not in the observation of the letter of the Law of Moses but in following the Law of Christ (The Sermon on the Mount and New Testament principles broadly).  And the Law of Christ carries forward whatever is essential in the Law of Moses.

Note:  For the image of Paul at the top of the article, I chose a portrait from the gallery of Fayum Mummy Portraits.  I believe Paul looked much more like this portrait than the common depictions of him as a Western European. While we cannot know Paul’s facial features, we can at least get the physical anthropology right.  The Fayum people were Egyptian or a mixture of Greek and Egyptian. Their genetic profiles are mostly Egyptian.  The portraits date from around the time of Jesus. Some may be early Christians.   We know from Acts 21:38 that a Roman Tribune mistook Paul for an Egyptian.  Later in the same account, Paul addressed a group of Jews at the Temple, and they were not comfortable with him by appearance.  He had to identify himself as a Jew and speak to them in Hebrew before they would settle down and listen.  Clearly, Paul was dark-skinned, perhaps darker than some of the Jews he was addressing. My guess is that he looked “Gentile” to these Jews. Followers of British Israelism will see in this an issue.  Paul is of the tribe of Benjamin and should have looked like a Norwegian.  The Norwegians are thought by Armstrongists to be the modern-day descendants of Benjamin.  This is a Biblical refutation of this point in the Armstrongist version of British Israelism. 



Anonymous said...

The sermon on the mount is public relations on Christ's part. What He taught is is only applicable in specific contexts and is an application of God's established laws rather than some new Mr Nice Guy laws. If Christ had some "funny beliefs" regarding God's laws, Satan would have ferreted it out during his forty days of temptation by Satan in the wilderness.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


This is a biblically sound outline of the way(s) that Christ fulfilled the Law of Moses, and you are absolutely spot on in your characterization of the Law of Christ. The Armstrongist notions about God's Law are full of contradictions, hypocrisy, incongruencies, and are theologically incoherent. In my own latest post, I demonstrate that they don't even comprehend the parts of the Law which they profess to observe (in this instance the Sabbath and Holy Days). After over eighty years of claiming to observe the festivals, they still do NOT comprehend their meaning - so much for keeping them so that they'll be reminded about what God is doing every year! As you succinctly point out in this essay, they simply do NOT understand what God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit has done for them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent write up of the New Covenant and the Law of Christ.
I give thanks for this teaching in the scriptures and it totally debunks the ways of men such as Armstrong. (And, in any event ,these self appointed leaders did not live in compliance 'with these laws they demanded, making them hypocrites).
Paul may have looked much like the one you selected. As I looked at it I was wondering about Paul's weakness, whereby he was afflicted with a bodily malediction which was offensive to others and a burden to those around him, Paul found in his weakness the power of Christ (Gal 4.13-14; 2 Cor 12.7-10). And Galatians 4 seems to suggest it affected his eyes? Who knows the details however.
Best to you

Anonymous said...

It is indeed interesting what Jesus had to say in Matthew 5, where we learn in the verses about the place of the New covenant compared to the old. When Jesus said ;But I say unto you ..' he is establishing His authority over the law and the prophets. His principles condemn us all as sinners. It is impossible to be ''keepers'' at the level Jesus spoke of.

Anonymous said...

Paul wrote some laws were added because of transgressions:  transgressions of law that were in Abraham's time-Gen 26:5 before Moses.  Which laws were in Abraham's time and which were added by Moses 430 years later - Gal 3?  The added laws were removed after Jesus and faith and the Holy Spirit came.  But the laws not added are still here.  The weekly sabbath was not added;  it has existed from creation. 

Physical observance of the weekly 7th day sabbath and of the three festivals of DUB-7days/Pentecost-1 day/FOI-7 days are still today commandments of God?  I think so.

Anonymous said...

Read Jewish texts I recommend. They have for millennia invested huge effort in determining what laws applied to human kind.
The Jewish texts make clear only God rested in Genesis and this he did alone.
There was no command placed on Adam - or Noah - or Abraham.
The sabbath command became instituted with the covenant with Israel.
You have merely recounted an incorrect notion propounded ever since E G White sought to argue all mankind had to observe sabbath in arguments just as you have stated.

Anonymous said...

Read Jewish texts I recommend. They have for millennia invested huge effort in determining what laws applied to human kind.
The Jewish texts make clear only God rested in Genesis and this he did alone.
There was no command placed on Adam - or Noah - or Abraham.
The sabbath command became instituted with the covenant with Israel.
You have merely recounted an incorrect notion propounded ever since E G White sought to argue all mankind had to observe sabbath in arguments just as you have stated.

Anonymous said...

So He came to keep the law so that we won't have to, yet when He returns He will enforce that very law? Yep, makes perfect sense! /s

earl said...

It's funny to me that at one time I blindly thought that somehow being "released from 'the penalty of' the Law" was so different from "released from the Law".
But, a law without penalty is really no law at all. The reason one makes sure to follow a law is due to the penalty that follows breaking the law. If one is not penalized (same as not receiving a reward) for not observing a law then there is no point to adhere to the law.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:30

If you read the context of Galatians 3:19 it is obvious that Paul is talking about The Law or The Law of Moses. Hoeh/Meredith claimed that the sacrifices and the ministry of death were added later and therefore as addenda did not have the same stature as the rest of the Law of Moses and could be easily cancelled. In their articles on the law that I have, I could find no exegesis for this idea or analysis of chronology that explains the 430 years. Their assertion just does not fly.

Paul states in Gal 3:19 that this Law he is referring to was “ordained by angels.” The Jewish interpretation of Galatians 3:19 is that it is a reference to the Torah and that angels were involved (Septuagint, Deuteronomy 33:2 and others ). Whereas, the Abrahamic Covenant came from God. This makes the Torah of lesser stature than the Abrahamic Covenant. (See notes on Galatians 3:19 in the The Jewish Annotated New Testament).

The sacrifices were not added to the Torah 430 years after Sinai. This is a mistake made by Herman Hoeh. All interpreters I know, other than Hoeh, interpret this passage in Galatians 3:19 to refer to the Law of Moses (Torah) being added 430 years after the Abrahamic Covenant. There are some problems with Hoeh’s view:

First, in the article titled “Which Old Testament LAWS Should We Keep Today?” Hoeh states that the only sacrifice mentioned in the Book of the Law is the Passover. It may be true that this was the only specific sacrifice written down but there were references to sacrifices. In fact, right after the giving of the Ten Commandments, God speaks of how sacrifices are to be made (Ex. 20:24) and he refers to both peace offerings and burnt offerings.

Hoeh further cites Jeremiah 7:22-23 as evidence that God did not “speak” or “command” them concerning sacrifices. This is a figure of speech in which God was saying that the sacrifices were less important by comparison than obedience. Hoeh’s interpretation that this language indicates that there were no sacrifices spoken of at the time of the Exodus has to be incorrect (Ex. 20:24 again) or God is a liar because God did speak of sacrifices at Sinai.

Further, sacrifices are scattered throughout the text of the Law. There Is no one single block of text that suggests that sacrificial law was appended as a unit to an existing text 430 years later.

Hoeh also asserted that the sacrificial law was added because of transgression of the Law of Moses. While this minimally fits the model of the Law of Moses given at Sinai and the sacrificial law added 430 years later, it is not an unassailable proof. This is because it also fits the broadly accepted, traditional model that the Abrahamic covenant came first and the Law of Moses came 430 years later at Sinai because there were laws in force (such as the Ten Commandments) before Moses at Sinai. It was these pre-Sinai laws that were transgressed not the Law of Moses. Hoeh himself wrote the article about this pre-Sinai law. What Paul is telling us is that the addition of the law of Moses does not impede the Promise made to Abraham and that the Law of Moses would be revoked at the coming of Jesus (Gal. 3:19). Hoeh and Meredith's arguments are facile.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:13

OK. Where's your scriptures? Let's have a look.


RSK said...

I saw a lot of the Faiyum mummy portraits in an exhibit in Chicago. Fascinating concept that we dont use today. We just go with faceless monuments.

Anonymous said...

5.13” and when He returns He will enforce that very law”

It is unclear what laws you refer to are ‘enforced’ in the future Millenium. Assuming these verses do refer to this future time such as in Zechariah 14.

This chapter seems to infer that sacrifices may be occurring at that time in Jerusalem. Indeed there are verses in other prophets which refer to sacrifices/temple in Jerusalem in the Millenium.

There is a A time of great deception from Satan causing mankind to fight the Lord A time we read of massive deception at the hand of satanically possessed persons known as the beast and false prophets.

In this hellish world that exists at the end of man’s domination, God sees fit it appears to have such people attend Jerusalem for this annual feast. If they do not they are punished yet again and repeatedly so until they learn lessons. As if they are like children.

Such people are so distant from God these customs in the Milennium, at Jerusalem (there seems no mention of them being conducted at all national capitals) seem to serve as object lessons for the sinner, as memorials of the lessons God wishes to impart. Who knows what the real reasons are.

Your Appealing to these verses as if they embrace guideposts for believers today is futile and uninformed.

To repeat- It has no connection to believers today who accept the Lord’s kingdom and seek to be lead by the Holy Spirit. Those who seek to make these conditions as if they are a command applicable to believers right now would do well to revisit instructions in the Word.

One of the most prolific abusers of this chapter was Herbert W Armstrong and his Worldwide Church of God, plus the many fawning offshoots. This self claimed apostle enforced upon believers the observation of all of the Jewish annual holydays and weekly sabbath.
All the while professing to be the only one true church linked all the way back 2000 years by reason of an alleged commandment keeping. As noted these demands are continued today by a wide number of offshoot churches. Nothing could be further from the truth as one sees in their bad fruits, lived examples, and outcomes.

Anonymous said...

Question for you…. What meaning did DUB, Pentecost or Tabernacles have for Adam and Eve?

They are remembrances for Israel about the things God did for Israel when He freed them from the captivity in Egypt.

He also asks them to remember being slaves in Egypt and be grateful for the rest He gave them. Also a remembrance of God’s deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt. Interesting they never entered that rest. Even though it would appear from your understanding as a cyclical calendar of entering willingly or unwillingly into that rest. If this was just a physical day, how does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

At last! No long hair!

Steve D said...

Was the Law of Moses a universal Law for all mankind or just one group of people (See Exodus and Deut.)? Was it a singular law with 613 points where you can pick and choose which ones you want to obey or was it a package deal where if you broke one, you broke them all (see Book of James)? Was it an eternal law or a temporary, until the Messiah came (see Gal. 3)? If the ten commandments are for the church, also, why can I find only nine of the ten repeated in the Book of Acts and epistles? Are all references to "the law" in the epistles referring to the Law of Moses (see 1 Thess. 4:2, 1 Cor. 14:37)? Was the Law given to Moses for the Israelites changed for the church (see. Heb. 7:12). Did you notice that when Amos condemned the wickedness of the nations surrounding Israel he never condemns them for breaking the sabbath, eating unclean meats, etc. How do you explain that?
I recall HWA ranting on Friday evening in the gymnasium of AC/Pasadena. Why would a man want to have long hair and look like a woman? Doesn't nature tell us that it's a shame for man to have long hair? I might ask, "Mr. Armstrong, why do you shave your face smooth to look like a woman's? Do you want to look like a woman? Do you also wear woman's clothing at home?" Imagine, RCM and HWA cross dressing in private.

Anonymous said...

Steve D wrote, “If the ten commandments are for the church, also, why can I find only nine of the ten repeated in the Book of Acts and epistles?”

I am going to assume that question is not rhetorical. The one that is missing is a direct command to keep the seventh-day Sabbath. That commandment still exists but has been transformed. Jesus pointed out that he is the Lord of the Sabbath and as such became our Rest from sin. This is a part of his magnification of the Law. In this case the expanded spiritual meaning is implemented but the letter is dropped. Some have made the argument that the spiritual expansion is predicated on the letter and the letter must also be kept. But this did not happen with circumcision – the letter was totally dropped.


Anonymous said...

The magnification of the law is not that the creator became the creation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:50 wrote, “The magnification of the law is not that the creator became the creation.”

I disagree with this statement. Jesus, the creator, did become one of us, the created. He became a human without losing his status as God. The reason why he did this was to magnify the law as I stated in my essay. He secured salvation for us. What he did was to bless humanity. And he stepped down so he could step up. As Paul wrote in this hymn:

“Christ Jesus,
who, though he existed in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be grasped,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
assuming human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a human,
he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death—
even death on a cross.
Therefore God exalted him even more highly…”


BP8 said...

Scout has presented a solid post of which I only have a minor disagreement.
I call into question Scout's statement that "dead to the (penalty of the) law" is a faulty interpretation.

Since sin is the transgression of the law, and Christ died for our sins, and we are dead with Christ, I think it is reasonable to deduce that dead to the penalty of the law is a valid assumption.

Romans 7:4
We are dead to the law by the body of Christ. Bullinger's comment on this verse is, "the law is not dead, but we have died to it's claims". If the law is not broken, it does not condemn and has no claim.

Romans 7:9
When the commandment came, sin revived and I died (because of the penalty).

Romans 7:6
Delivered from the law? No deliverance is needed if the law is not broken, BUT. " cursed is everyone that continues NOT in all things written in the book of the law", Galatians 3:10.

Galatians 3:13
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, redeemed them that were under the law, under sin (Galatians 4:5, 3:22, Romans 7:14.)

Romans 4:15
The law works wrath and brings the judgement of God. When? When it has been broken.

Romans 6:7
He that is dead is free from sinning? (See 1 John 1:8, 2:1). He that is dead is free from the penalty and condemnation of sin.

Galatians 3:19
For I through the law died unto the law that I may live unto God. Live how? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?

Scout is right. The answer is not perfect law keeping, for that ship has sailed. The solution is a new nature, a new man who walks in the spirit, serving the law of God in newness of spirit after the inward man, where the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, those in whom God is writing his law on our hearts and minds (Romans 7:6, 25, 8:4).

Dead to the law= delivered from the law= not under the law= not under sin and condemnation= redeemed from the curse. These are all one and the same thing.

Dead from the penalty of the law is a valid interpretation!

Anonymous ` said...

BP8 6:51

We are, in fact, dead to the Law. We died with Christ (Romans 6:8) and we now stand justified by his righteousness imputed to us. This does not cancel any and all morality. (Armstrongists like to play that deceptive card.) Those of us who are justified in Christ are also under the Law of Christ which bears some close similarity to the Law of Moses.

What Armstrongist taught is a little different from what you are asserting with your string of scriptures. I will make two statements for comparison:

Christianity states: We are dead to the Law of Moses because it is no longer relevant to us. It has gone away and has been replaced in our lives by the Law of Christ. We are already saved in Christ and observing the Law of Christ is an output behavior which is a product of that salvation.

Armstrongism states: We are dead to the penalties of the Law of Moses because we keep it perfectly and therefore will never experience any of its penalties. Our salvation depends on our keeping the Law of Moses. We are not yet saved and will not be until we accomplish a life or overcoming where we progressively keep the Law of Moses better and better as a matter of qualifying for the Kingdom. Keeping the Law of Moses is an input requirement to out receiving salvation (in addition to Christ’s sacrifice). We will not know if we have qualified for the Kingdom until the Judgement at the end of the age.

The theological difference between these two statements is enormous. The Armstrongist view does not even remotely qualify as Christian.


Anonymous ` said...

BP8 6:51

We are, in fact, dead to the Law. We died with Christ (Romans 6:8) and we now stand justified by his righteousness imputed to us. This does not cancel any and all morality. (Armstrongists like to play that deceptive card.) Those of us who are justified in Christ are also under the Law of Christ which bears some close similarity to the Law of Moses.

What Armstrongist taught is a little different from what you are asserting with your string of scriptures. I will make two statements for comparison:

Christianity states: We are dead to the Law of Moses because it is no longer relevant to us. It has gone away and has been replaced in our lives by the Law of Christ. We are already saved in Christ and observing the Law of Christ is an output behavior which is a product of that salvation.

Armstrongism states: We are dead to the penalties of the Law of Moses because we keep it perfectly and therefore will never experience any of its penalties. Our salvation depends on our keeping the Law of Moses. We are not yet saved and will not be until we accomplish a life or overcoming where we progressively keep the Law of Moses better and better as a matter of qualifying for the Kingdom. Keeping the Law of Moses is an input requirement to out receiving salvation (in addition to Christ’s sacrifice). We will not know if we have qualified for the Kingdom until the Judgement at the end of the age.

The theological difference between these two statements is enormous. The Armstrongist view does not even remotely qualify as Christian.


BP8 said...

Scout 319
I was not defending the ARMSTRONG view, only that particular statement, dead to the penalty of the law, being a plausible explanation.

As far as "Christianity" stating anything, there exists such a dissention between Catholics and Protestants on the subject of salvation that illustrates there is no real unanimity of thought.

Like Armstrongism, Catholics reject "solar fide". Catholic apologist Trent Horn, on a podcast on " Just Believing in Jesus?", points out that that term is "very broad and leaves a lot of unanswered questions". He asks, " do we just believe in certain facts about Jesus (as the demons do) or must we also believe and act on what He taught, to faithfully obey what He has told us to do"?
Trent quotes John 6:53 and a couple of Armstrong favorites, John 3:36 and Matthew 7:21, to prove his point.

Catholics, like Armstrongism, share the belief that a Christian can lose their salvation (fall away) if they continue not in certain things. Once saved, always saved? No.

In the Christian realm, there are many interpretations on justification, sanctification, and glorification, and how they interact. Some phases are emphasized more than others depending on one's theological narrative.

41,000 denominations? Catholics verses Protestants. Protestants verses protestants? Which view qualifies to be the "Christian" one? Armstrongism in contention with Christianity?

Christianity is not the well oiled machine it's cracked up to be!!

Anonymous said...

If the guy in the picture had applied for Ambassador College, and this was his picture on his application, he would have been rejected.

Anonymous said...

BP8 6:46 wrote, “Christianity is not the well oiled machine it's cracked up to be!!”

There is a diversity of viewpoint in the Christian community on soteriology. I have a view on this but it is only one view among many. Most Christian denominations recognize salvation as an act of grace. The Council of Trent seems to have said that grace, faith and works all operate synergistically to produce salvation. The modern Catholic statement regarding this sounds, I think, a little better. I like the Trinitarian belief that it is Jesus working in us by grace that grants both faith and works – with faith as the causation but correlated with works.

Armstrongism does something very different from both the Catholics and the Protestants. They have two soteriologies of convenience. One sounds like traditional Protestant soteriology with salvation by grace through faith. When someone questions them on “works righteousness”, they haul out this soteriology. But from the pulpit, in private services, they assert a different soteriology. It is the soteriology of Qualifying for the Kingdom and this is essentially salvation by works plus the grace of Jesus. This is what is called a Jesus Plus Cult.

This essay at the following link discusses the Armstrongist position on soteriology:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:19

I do not think Jesus couild have gotten into Ambassador College based on his appearance. But, then, why would he want to attend a Gentile institution?
