Wednesday, September 4, 2024

LCG Going Forth In Power To All The World On Rumble


Rumbling with the Living Church of God on Rumble.
The biggest witness ever into the four corners of the globe!
Nations tremble at their feet.
Thousands converted to the truth!

Oh, wait! 49 people are followers.
Rumble has 78 million people on it.
But, there are 49 followers. Woo Hoo!

In a fun twist, the Great Bwana Bob has more followers for his snake oil supplements than the LCG does for the truth restored.

Where would the world be without the Churches of God in its midst?


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

The Church of God International beat them to the punch on Rumble. Their efforts are limited there to an ideologically conservative and conspiracy prone portion of the English-speaking populace of the world (but they have always thought that that was their true audience anyway - haven't they?). After all, God would never call any of those radical, humanistic, socialist, globalist liberals - right?

Anonymous said...

The Internet has stripped these groups of their Pharisaic veneer. I still remember being told in spokesman's club that reading any outside literature is the equivalent of viewing pornography and that it will poison members minds. It comes out that much of what they taught and their abusive church culture is poison. It smells of projection on their part.

Anonymous said...

Rumble young men rumble!!! Perhaps Rumble will be the popular outlet in the end. I wonder if the rest of the world, Asia, Africa, South America will go that route in the future. Radio Church of God, Rumble Church of God.

Anonymous said...

Gerald Weston once said when talking about why he wanted to advertise on newsmax: “those are the kind of people we want to get.” I was wondering if it was a one off or more of a desire to fill his corporation with right wingers of a certain flavor. Him spending time on rumble, leads me to believe it’s a whole thought process. I did find it fitting that out of the top 10 users of rumble, 3 of them are sex pests that I know of. Sex pests seemed welcome in LCG from my observations. LCG under Weston appears to me to have the attitude “let’s be fishers of men, but only the ones that have our approved political(mistaken? as moral) beliefs.” Kinda funny that Weston supposes himself to be important enough to gatekeep who God would call into his “church”

R.L. said...

The line about "Bob Thiel" in one graphic says, "No 14th Child Protection."

What is this about? Is Dr. Thiel putting a limit on family sizes?

Anonymous said...

"those are the kind of people we want to get"............for their money.

Anonymous said...

Looking back, HWA and all his bluster, the claims of being an apostle and all the hype of meeting world leaders, it all ended up being a complete failure. Of course, many will deny it but Worldwide and the Ambassador saga will go down as folly. World wide members were a servant to church leadership and the ministry rather than the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Kings of the COg cults.......
And he will take the tenth of your------money......... and give to his officers, and to his servants - cf1Sam 8:15.