A Hearty Stake
During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 558)” on February 15, 2025, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God utilized Abib overkill, proving that Jesus Christ will bring the Kingdom of God on March 29, 2025.
When nothing prophetic occurs on Abib 1, the Pastor General’s boastful words will once again expose his nakedness as a liar, blasphemer, and biblical fraud. Part 558 demonstrates that his own tongue is his worst enemy.
David C. Pack savored his victory lap before the race started.
Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 58:14 What an amazing privilege when God eventually gives you the day.
@ 2:02:47 We were seeking the truth, and we found it. Abib is a great discovery.
The doctrine that the Kingdom of God will arrive on Jesus Christ's birthday next month did not come from God, nor is it a truth that has been found. It will simply be “David C. Pack’s Prophetic Failure #95 Since March 2022” and nothing more.
Dave was on fire during Part 558, and you could tell the little guy really believed he had it all finally figured out.
@ 07:53 And when you walk outta here today, you'll be overwhelmed, which is wonderful. That's exactly what I want. …I want you to walk out and say, "It's impossible. It's impossible that we're not waiting for Abib."
Reality will prove to be the biggest Party Pooper. Apparently, learning from our mistakes and letting history be our guide is for suckers. David C. Pack will rinse and repeat his prophetic lunacy, and nobody can stop him.
For someone claiming to be a servant of Jesus Christ, David C. Pack’s colorful descriptions inexplicably drift into the dark. He uses phrases like "faster than bullets from a machine gun," "the smoking gun verse," "this is the hill I die on," "dismal swamp," or "dead man walking."
Dave summoned the spirit of Bela Lugosi to illustrate his Abib overkill.
@ 07:24 So we're going to very patiently drive a big stake through the heart of all other dates using this Sabbath and next.
@ 55:22 So, I'm just trying. I told you I'm at at at a point. I hope this is never boring. But, I hope it’s almost that way because it just driving a stake through the heart and and anybody can, at the end of today, might argue that it wouldn’t be this year, but they cannot argue that there is a kingdom of seven years and it begins in Abib in the year of God’s choosing.
@ 1:28:34 The question is: When did that 7 years begin to count? 1955. So, it proves Abib. And it appears to prove this one [2025]. I could just zoom through these, brethren. And, you know, get ‘em all out in a sermonette or even one sermon, but they’re so powerful, I wanna drive a stake through your heart. Through through the heart the heart of your thinking. Our our thinking. But a strake stake through through the heart of this subject.
David C. Pack has been driving a stake through the hearts of RCG brethren since 2013 with his unending sermon series, false dates for the return of Jesus Christ numbered well past one hundred, and brainwashing his worshippers into believing he speaks with God’s authority.
Passive hirelings like Bradford Schleifer, Edward Winkfield, and Ryan Denee allow the biblical fraud to continue because it lines their pockets and keeps the heat on in their cushy campus homes. A stake has been driven through the heart of truth in The Restored Church of God, and it will never live there again.
David C. Pack has no comprehension of the implications of what he says. During Part 558, a point of logic he used to prove the legitimacy of Abib 1 actually disproves it.
The pervasive cognitive dissonance between Dave’s mouth and his brain often results in inconvenient contradictions solidifying the perception of his prophetic madness.
@ 2:03:10 A date that will surely come must be given us. It’s gotta be given toe us with proof of the year.
David C. Pack gives God credit for the Abib 1, 2025, teaching and states God needed to provide the evidence. One of his points does him more harm than good.
@ 2:03:41 It means that the people who are reading those verses hafta know the date. …Think: just start with this. “Cannot tarry” is its own proof it has to be the first year of application after learning Abib. Once you learn Abib, it can’t go another year. Or two or five. It hasta be after you first learned it.
@ 2:04:11 But, once you learn it’s Abib 1, so God could not let us know until it was app–the applicable year.
@ 2:04:22 Once we learned Abib 1, that has to be to be year by definition. “It will surely come.”
While Dave intended to drive a stake through the heart of doubt, he actually drove a stake through the heart of his own theory.
The reason David C. Pack counts me as an enemy is not because I fabricate lies about him. It is not because I unfairly misquote him. It is not because I spread false rumors to besmirch his “good name.” Nor is it because my old buddy Satan and I occasionally enjoy Buehler’s fantastic pancakes together.
No. Dave accuses me of being a murderous, hateful adversary because I accurately record what he said and quote him later. One of his self-induced curses is that nothing he says ages well.
Learning Abib 1 now proves 2025.
Just like in 2023.
Man…this is going to piss him off.
Flashback Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:07:49 So then, what did the Bible just directly tell you is the Day of the Lord? Abib 1. It’s impossible to argue with that.
@ 1:08:46 I could stop the sermon now and go on to other things, but I’ve decided I’m just gonna drive it home and crush all idea that the Day of the Lord is not Abib 1.
@ 1:25:10 Why would God show us Abib 1 in a definitive way? Absolutely inarguable.
@ 1:25:23 But why would God show us Abib 1 with 67 days to go?
Dave’s logic about “the first year of application” for Abib 1 is null and void. Un-stake that point.
He gave God credit in 2023.
He gives God credit in 2025.
Which is it?
Brethren hear these statements, and they feel awkwardly familiar. Unless members take careful notes of exactly what Dave said when, it is easy for the context to fade and let him bulldoze past it.
Compiling accurate transcripts of what David C. Pack taught was a driving catalyst for me to find the courage to resign from RCG in March 2021. When someone ponders leaving The Restored Church of God, I highly recommend this practice. You will be shocked at what you forgot.
The Headquarters enablers remember, and they say not a word or lift a finger. They do not have your best interest at heart, brethren. Drive a stake through that idea.
David C. Pack despises being reminded of what he previously said, especially when he over-promised and under-delivered. Brad knows better than to do that.
There is an impossible "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" mentality at Headquarters, and former ministers can attest to this. No matter which path you choose, you will get spanked.
Flashback Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:25:14 I don’t care what any enemy knows. I hope the whole world hears it.
No, he does not.
Adhering to this exact principle is the very foundation of exrcg.org and the primary reason why David C. Pack sees articles like this as a vicious attack. For him, there is no difference between an accuser and a scribe. Facts are irrelevant.
Fortunately, Dave is a religious environmentalist who frequently recycles his own malarkey. Because he utilizes a narrow vocabulary, finding similar statements from the past is easier than he would prefer.
A Stake Through the Heart of “First Year” Logic
Flashback Part 398 – October 10, 2022
@ 24:24 So, once you know the 1335, you could never know in any future year once you hit it if it were true. If it doesn't happen this year. It has to apply this year, or it's not a metric. There's no point in telling us that. If it doesn’t apply this year, then next year, you cannot know the divine pledge of something that’s coming in “yet a little while.” You you could hope it was, but you could have no faith that it is in any future year. It only works in the first year of application. After that, hope: yes. Faith: no.
Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 01:57 How could you believe next year? How could you believe it’s certain if this year failed? Or any future year? How could you believe it if you'd been through it once? You're waiting almost a month, “I wonder if it’s true this year?” The 1335, truly, can only apply in the first year you learned its powerful meaning.
@ 02:25 Imagine yourself waiting another year and another year and another year and another and another.
This is precisely what the members of The Restored Church of God have been doing since 2013.
The feigned lip service of the Headquarters hirelings buttress grotesque support for their fraudulent Pastor General.
Spineless cowards like Ryan Denee have known for years that David C. Pack is a religious charlatan. Bradford Schleifer seared his conscience a long time ago. Edward Winkfield allowed his passion for critical thinking to evaporate. Passive capitulation is not an admirable trait, fellas.
It is inexplicable when you realize that field mollusks like Brian Jackson, Larry Cockshutt, Louis Grey, and Robert Knightley do that for free. Ask them a straight prophetic question and watch them stammer.
Flashback Part 429 – March 15, 2023
@ 1:25:39 The 1335 can only come once. I’m the man who’d be asked to believe it in future years. I never could again.
Flashback Part 468 – September 9, 2023
@ 1:20:22 We just learned Av 10. So, how many years we gonna wait? "I'm gonna hasten My word as long as you don't, as long as you understand it could be one or three or five years.” It would only be true in the first yearafter we learned it because that’s the only way we could receive it.
Being shunned as an enemy because you present facts is no picnic. But Dave makes it easy to expose his deceit and drive a stake through the heart of his theological interpretations.
A thick book could be compiled with quotes from David C. Pack contradicting or embarrassing himself. One unintentionally laughable moment during Part 558 further revealed that his brain and mouth sleep in separate beds.
God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. When you dismiss the theological gibberish and Bible Code malarkey, David C. Pack can be entertaining when his rogue mouth utters analogies that are more accurate than he comprehends.
Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 56:47 You hope they didn’t lose out on everything because they weren’t patient through a process where we were ever-learning about this marvelous plan where, you know, we should have a giant, we should have a a a a a a beautiful, big garbage can right here to show the rest of the kingdom. Something that big.
You have said it.
Anyone believing David C. Pack is an apostle of Jesus Christ needs to drive a stake through that idea and toss it in the garbage.
you people are so stupid you can't even spell right
This comment proves you are not the fastest train into the station!
........ 11:45............. I sure hope you are joking.....
What sort of Dracula dream did he have recently? Or what Dracula movie did he watch?
Because a "stake in the heart" is not how Jesus died.
It is a conundrum that the illustration is a steak but the subject is a stake. Maybe it was intentional - a play on words that did not translate into the intended humor. Nontheless, David Pack continues to to be a very, very false prophet who is totally obsessed with a subject that I believe is "hands off" so far as our heavenly Father is concerned -- that of the timing of the return of Jesus. David Pack and his people should spend all that energy on focusing on knowing Jesus and living humble lives that honor Him.
One of the serious problems with the FALSE PROPHETS such as Gerald Flurry and David Pack is that when you support them you not only harm yourself but also help them to harm other people too.
Is he a "meat of the word" preacher? :-)
"Einstein disguised as Robin Hood, with his memories in a trunk,
Passed this way an hour ago with his friend a jealous monk.
Now he looked so immaculately frightful, as he bummed a cigarette.
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes and reciting the alphabet.
You would not think to look at him, but he was famous long ago,
For playing the electric violin on Desolation Row!"
The main problem here is human stupidity. People today do not know the difference between democracy and a government controlled by lobby groups, between a real Christian and Dave, or between a man and a woman.
Yeah, let alone a "representative republic", 6:46. Welcome to America, where we actually create a huge watchdog agency to oversee the government, and put a billionaire lobbyist in charge of it. I am just as sick as you are over that.
Fortunately, I believe that it will not be allowed to continue. Of course it's also possible that it could go the other way, and the powers that be will declare martial law to control the outrage of the American people. If that happens, we're pretty much finished.
What's that book in the garbage can? A bible?
If that happens, the planet might be pretty much finished. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, if we lose freedom in America we lose it everywhere, there is no place to escape to.
When COG leaders start adding their own interpretations or, more accurately, LIES, then they toss the Bible into the garbage can.
Social media is all about getting validation from people who really do not know squat. That seems to be what is driving Dave too.
What is going on with DOGE is what was promised in trump’s campaign. Further, it is transparent; we know who is doing it and we see what they are doing. What i will never forget is the awful shadow government we had under the biden administration. There was no executive that had been elected. We knew we were being lied to and manipulated but there was as no one to be held accountable as Biden was not competent enough to be held accountable and the puppet masters were in the shadows continuing their lies.Nothing like that must ever happen again. That was the closest thing to a constitutional crisis I ever want to see; a shadow executive! Never again!
Well, I guess we'll see, won't we?
Tis true, BB. Time does have a way of telling...but, not always completely. Still, I have just never experienced the level of lies that were unabashedly presented the last 4 years (and yes there are lies from the gop too but not to the same level). All these retractions being made now that people are not afraid of the Biden Shadow Administration is telling. As ol' Al Solzhenitsyn said, "live not by lies."
9:20, You are not going to get any truth or sense from either party when all their talking heads do is to take the accusations the other party has leveled, turn them around now using the opposing party's name and throw them back. Both sides have their stupid conspiracy theories, and set of debunked bogus "facts". There is no white kettle in the disaster we see unfolding around us. Not a helluva lot of intelligence inherent in it, either.
What I see right now is that distrust has been deliberately created in all the mainstream institutions and paradigms that once made the USA the safest, most stable, most prosperous nation in the history of the world. We've become fragmented. Following that, we've also become polarized. Sides have chosen the fragments which seem most significant to them, have rallied around them, politicized them, wrapped the flag and Constitution around them, and refuse to compromise. That leaves only one alternative: Victory via force and authoritarianism. In fact authoritarianism is on the rise around the world. Bye bye, freedom!
I don't see this being resolved or going away, no matter which party gains the upper hand, do you??? By definition, any peaceful resolution must be bipartisan. Otherwise there is no trust
Right now, I could ghost write the most effective sermon on the signs of the end times that anyone in the entire history of Armstrongism has ever heard, and I don't even believe in their version of prophecy! Some say Revelation was written about Jerusalem leadimg to '69 AD. Well, Jerusalem was philosophically divvied up into three competing inflexible groups prior to the fall in '69 AD. Fellow citizens did more to hurt and destroy each other than the Romans ever did. Jerusalem was one of the crown jewel cities of the Roman Empire and its own citizens made it impossible to compromise for the greater good, and clean up the mess without the Roman chariots reluctantly rolling in and overwhelming it. Read your Josephus! Looks alarmingly like our own contemporary times to me.
Oh, and this so-called shadow government? What do you think happens in a major company when the boss isn't operating at max capacity? The team, the management, the talented people one level removed will pitch in and keep things going. They will cover, and it's considered to be a good thing. That's insurance at it's basic level. It's called shared risk! People who have been programmed to believe in government from the top down would have an especially difficult time perceiving value in checks, balances, and limited power. Unilateral is to them a very good word, and not so fast there on those second opinions, Honeychile!
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