Saturday, March 22, 2025

Why does God always seem to talk to the crazy people?



Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, of course it's the Sabbath day to follow the growing trend that the Banned blog people enjoy indulging in a bit too much.. distributing insults to people who have no opportunity of answering back or defending themselves.

In the psychology of insults the underlying motivation is anger to destroy the recipient and raise the status of the insulter.

Many insults feature a sexual component, or try to inflict shame by mentioning unappealing traits- baldness, ugliness, shortness, spottiness, fatness, tallness, or diseases.
Another way of taking a person down is by questioning their intelligence or general mental competence; for insult purposes, recipients are invariably 'stupid" or "crazy".
The pecking order logic of insults means if the recipient is shamed, then the insulter rises in status relative to the victim.

For those who enjoy distributing insults the internet is a perfect environment.

How true that is.

Phinnpoy said...

Funny, isn't that what all the guys in these pictures did to others inside and outside the ACOG'S for the last 90+ years? And as far as them not being able to defend themselves, their statements, deeds, and defenders such as you, are available to show us whether they should be praised or damned.

Anonymous said...

Cuz they all wound up loving money rather than the truth......tithes are not designated "first, 2nd, 3rd". In Israel's history there was no "1st"; the "2nd" was kept by the tither for feasts; the "3rd" was given once every 3rd, 6th yr out of 7 years; firstfruits given were not tithes.

Anonymous said...

I know, right. Good luck with the young adults that they have trying to tithe like that in this inflated economic society. ACOG, doesn't get the context. They feel since they are physical Israel, they still need to tithe like that, trying to be in the OC. The minister love this greed.

Anonymous said...

And here you are? See the internet is somewhat of the great equalizer to allow others to have a voice. You can confront these ministers in person or in letters, but they do not respond (because they think they know everything). Again, all the places within the internet, and here you are. But those minister's deeds are now known all over the internet. Before the mid 1990's that wasn't possible.


Anonymous said...

Do please list the abuse inside and outside the ACOG's James Malm an Internet blogger is accused of?

Byker Bob said...

You have to look at the damage fanatics do in the lives of impressionable people. Some of the fanatics are sincere, while others are clearly grifters who have learned the art of effectively faking sincerity. Sincere, or grifters, they both do the same damage. So, it is the duty of those of us who have been victimized to expose them. This is especially important today when we are being asked to legitimize all manner of ideas which had been debunked and repudiated scientifically and evidentially decades ago.

We speak of i-o thinking, which is just another type of polarity. Nature uses opposing forces to keep objects in static balance. The safest place to be is the point at which both opposing forces are equal, balanced, and countering one another. That's the narrow path, yet the possibility of mild modulation exists within that narrow band. But adjustment is probably on a logarIthmic scale as opposed to simple mathematic. It is a comfortable and livable space, relatively free of bad symptoms. Yet it is easy to make too large of an adjustment, throwing things radically out of kilter. Extremists attempt to leverage and disrupt the delicate balance, introducing their own radical control, and it does not end well.

Early Fender Stratocasters had a three position pickup switch, selecting neck, center, or bridge pickup to produce a variety of tones. Jimi Hendrix and others would position the switch artificially in between the official positions where there were stops to get pickups working in tandem, producing additional tones. Leo Fender caught on to this and began to produce five position switches, which made it much more convenient for the players of his instruments to find the tones in between. The minute I learned of this, I thought "What a metaphor for life!" Of course, legalists and other black and white thinkers would see this as a perversion of a perversion, since they already considered the act of electrifying a guitar to be the perversion of an ancient musical instrument, and would therefore not appreciate any evolutionary changes. Their loss.


Anonymous said...

Everything Malm said was a lie. Not one of his prophecies came to pass. He was well-documented on this blog for his lies. Seach his name here.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Malm article here was this one: Chairman Malm's Little Feast Book.

Anonymous said...

And SRV would use his Fender a little bit different than Jimi. But my evolutionary is none other than Allan Holdsworth. Have a great weekend BB

Anonymous said...

Adam Green at Know More News has the Bible pretty much figured out. Very thorough research from the OT and NT. Why are people still following fools like those pictured in the article?

Anonymous said...

Those individuals pictured showed or show no respect for the church members so in like manner they deserve no respect - mere empty vessels