Is Wade Cox canoodling with Dave Pack? Both of these blithering idiots claim that in Abib, the millennium will be established. It's like the movie Dumb and Dumber, but we get to experience it in real life. Why are today's COG leaders such imbecilic fools?
In the not too distant future NATO will mishandle the situation with the Islamists and they will be forced into the wars of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpet. They will be forced to occupy the Middle East from the military conflict and Russia and China through their intransigence and manipulation of the Security Council. They will occupy Jerusalem with their administration from the Mediterranean Coast to Jerusalem. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will take up residence and as soon as they do God will send Elijah and Enoch to Jerusalem.
In that period of 1260 days Judah will be brought to repentance and then the Witnesses will be killed by this demonic beast system. Then the Messiah will come 3.5 days after they are killed and their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem.
In this period from the wars in the Middle East from 2013 to the return of the Messiah and afterwards to 2024, the entire world will be brought to repentance. Islam is still unrepentant following a false calendar and destroying the teachings of the Koran and ignoring the Laws of God as given to the patriarchs and to Moses and the elders of Israel. They distort the faith with the lies of the Hadith and the traditions of pagans. They mutilate their women and treat them like dogs. They revel in ignorance and brutality. They kill innocent men, women and children. Their violence is unabated and they are unrepentant and false sworn at the end of this 40 years allocated to them to repent.
God is about to bring the final wars of the end upon them and He will bring them to the Messiah and to repentance with fire and sword and with diseases and pestilence. The Middle East will not rest now until Shiloh comes and then only after their repentance and inclusion in the plan of God. Firstly, Elijah and Enoch will come to them and restore the Laws of God among them and the calendar and the proper system of worship, or they will die. Everyone that bothers themselves with Jerusalem will die. Gaza and Lebanon and Syria will face war and occupation and the NATO powers will come against Russia and China. Then they will return to Jerusalem and occupy Gaza and Jerusalem and Lebanon and Syria for 42 months. Only Jordan will escape out of their hands. They will control all of Egypt and also from Libya to the Atlantic and from Suez to the mountains of Ethiopia and to Somalia. They will have destroyed all of the powers of the Middle East to Russia prior to that period. Then they will face the Messiah. Their religious systems will be thrown down and their governments and administrations will also be destroyed and they will be brought to repentance. Then the whole world will send their representatives to Jerusalem each year at Atonement and they will celebrate Tabernacles and be instructed in their obligations of the coming year from year to year (Zech. 14:16-19
). If they do not keep the Laws of God and His sacred calendar they will die (cf. also Isa. 66:23
The wars will now escalate over the period 2013-2024. In 2025 God has promised the treble harvest of the sixth year of the Seventh Cycle prior to the Jubilee of the Seventh Sabbath at Atonement on to the Atonement of the Jubilee year in 2027. In 2027 from the Last Great Day in the Seventh Month all lands will be allocated according to the plan of God for the 1000 years of the Millennium which will begin its first sacred year from the New Moon of Abib 2028. That is Scripture and Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-36
Well thank you for clearing things up Mr Cox.
This should be front page news for CNN MSNBC FOX, The Jerusalem Post, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and Sesame Street, to name a few. Can't wait for the future, sounds so bright. Moving to Jordan tomorrow, see you there. My Arabic is non existence sadly. I do understand Pres Trump is building a Hotel in Petra, when he is finished rebuilding Gaza. Hope the rooms are cheap.
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