As usual, the emphasis is on the law. apparently, members are "arguing with scriptures" to deliberately not do what God church leadership expects of them. It's always something they need to be doing. They are constantly being tested and examined by an angry god. Imagine just resting and truly having a Sabbath rest. Christ says that is what he brings to the table.
A Matter of Heart: The Bible states that God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7) and that David was chosen to be king because God saw that David was “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22
). But what exactly did God see in David’s heart? God saw that David was a person “who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22
). God saw that David was teachable and that he “loved” God’s law and meditated on it daily so he could learn God’s mind and gain God’s perspective (Psalm 119:97
). David did not argue with the Scriptures or look for ways to get around instructions that God clearly revealed in His word (Psalm 119:16
, 18
, 27
). David praised God with his whole heart (Psalm 119:1–2
) and he repented wholeheartedly when he realized that he was wrong (Psalm 51). This is why David will reign as king over the children of Israel in the Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 34:23
). We need to remember that God is examining and testing our hearts (Psalm 7:9
). If our thoughts, words, and actions reflect what God is looking for, we will be given the opportunity to reign with Jesus Christ and with David in the coming Kingdom (Matthew 19:28–29
; Revelation 5:10
). The Bible reveals that our reward will be based on what is in our heart!
Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail