Showing posts with label effeminate men in the Church of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label effeminate men in the Church of God. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

REAL Men Only Wear White Shirts To Church

Some of the legalistic stupidity that occupy the conservative Armstrongites is simply mind boggling.  This was sent to me by a person on a Yahoo forum.

Can you imagine having to live on this person's world in the World Tomorrow?  Oy! His world is going to be filed with so many signs, rules and regulations that life will be a living hell!  People will probably throw themselves into the lake of fire just to end the misery!

There are some who had brought out about that in regards to skirt length, hair length, ect.. Common sense should prevail. I wonder how many of you remember how that Mr. Armstrong had instructed his ministers that they must wear white shirts with full length sleeves instead of colored shirts. It is my opinion that all men should come before God in white shirts for proper dress, though that is my personal opinion. You see salesmen all week long in colored dress shirts, but on the Sabbath, should be white, (just my personal opinion)!!  Of course today it`s the women who are the salesmen with their pants suits, which is even now being permitted for women`s Sabbath wear!!!!

The COG fashion police are letting their standards down. Herb also wanted to see men in french cuff shirts with red ties.  Red power ties let everyone, women and weaker men know who is in charge.  Weak sissy men wear colored shirts - probably pink or yellow and probably never graduated from Spokesmen Club.

He also seems to forget that Spanky Meredith said that real men wear white socks with their dark suits.  Black socks for dark suits were created by homosexuals to feminize men.

Spanky Meredith thinks he is  the worlds greatest authority on effeminate men and fashion. 

So when you REAL men attempt to wear a pink shirt to church this is the reason why you have been feminized:

May God help you to realize that this problem of effeminate men is not concerned just with weak, "queer" characters in some other part of your town or city. It is a thing affecting MILLIONS of American men of all ages and backgrounds! Our very SURVIVAL as a nation is directly affected by this vital problem! As the above report so vividly points out, the American man is just plain WEAK!

And the sickening TRUTH is that these soft, MARSHMALLOW-like men very easily turn to HOMOSEXUALITY and become "queers" in every sense of the word. They are neither MEN nor WOMEN— they are a wretched, PERVERTED "it"!

That's why they are "softies." They are completely UNLIKE the pioneer men of yesteryear who were constantly walking, chopping down trees, plowing behind a team of horses, working and DRIVING their way through the wilderness and over obstacles! Unless, alas, they are already too old or have heart trouble or some similar condition, American men need to exercise vigorously and really SWEAT. They need to feel their blood stirred up and get the male hormones stirring in their system! They need to feel a firmness and hardness in their muscles, an agility and coordination in their body as a whole and a sense of ENDURANCE when the going gets rough. Even physically, they need to feel what it is like to be a MAN!

Satan is a "QUEER!" Your Bible speaks of him in this manner: "And the great dragon was cast out, chat old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Rev. 12:9).

Why do we find the "leaders" in men's clothing styles trying to palm off on British and American males little "pink" shirts and socks and ties to wear, nylon under pants like females wear, and cute little bows and buttons and other childlike contrivances on their suits and sports outfits? Why? 

Sometimes reading his writing is like reading a porn novel!  "Blood stirred up, firmness, hardness, DRIVING, plowing, sweat and more  sweat."

What a stupid, stupid little man!