Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mark Armstrong: American Nation Is Now Sodom

Mark Armstrong wants you to know that American has now fallen to the bottom of the barrel and it's only hope is a small remnant of COGers left to usher in in God's miraculous kingdom.

Our captivity is complete, the nation’s descent into something akin to Sodom assured. The results will be maddening and heartbreaking. Our formers allies will suffer, we will suffer, the world will learn what it means to be without a free and strong nation standing against tyranny as we devolve in to a socialistic mire of debt, regulation, and forced compliance with mandates that offend our conscience and violate our faith.

For now, we have a remnant of the blessings God has so generously provided in keeping with His promises. But our end of the covenant has been violated, by greed, by vice, by deceptions made to appear irresistible by corrupt media.

E W King Speaks Out On "Sissy La La's"

ht:James PT

One of Armstrongism's wackiest splinter cult leaders is talking about "Sissy La La's" tonight. What's a Sissy La La?  Republicans who have whored themselves out to the Democratic left.

Republicans sissy-la-la’s

Republicans sissy-la-la’s regarding Moralism
Sadly, those in the Republican Party have tried to deny their true connection with Christian morals and values. Because they now seek popularity, money and power they are abandoning their true Christian moral stand. The Forefathers of America [Manasseh] didn’t care about what other fallen pagan nations thought. They were willing to die for true morality! Even if they were a Remnant!
What you can expect to hear from your fallen Republican party is a denial of their Christian morality. Their whole argument for existence will be about economic stability, world control and money control minus Christian morality. They will claim that they have no problem with Homosexual-marriage, Divorce, Abortion or legalizing bad Drugs. They simply want money and power.

Now even the fallen apostate world of Christendom no longer believes in moral absolutes. Thus, America will fall just as God’s word proclaimed that it would. This is sad but at the same time, for true Christians [members of the “Worldwide Church of God” & COGSR] it means that God’s coming Kingdom is right around the corner!
Watch now how the fallen Republican Party fights for Abortion, illegal Hispanics, Gays and Drugs. They are more concerned about numbers than Truth. Christians will die for Truth…not numbers or fallen pagan acceptance!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Melvin Rhodes: Did UCG Go Behind His Back To COGWA?

James Malm has a comment today about information he received concerning the Melvin Rhodes debacle.  While Malm's prophetic and legalistic rantings are foolish, he does have many sources that feed him information that has proven over time to be pretty accurate.  This was on his blog today:

I have now received a small package of information from COGWA.  They say that no person in the COGWA ministry knew anything about the Rhodes matter until a person from outside COGWA brought it to the attention of a local elder.

This strongly supports other information coming in that it was a UCG conspirator who sent a representative to COWA to stirr this up,  It seems that this UCG man wanted to dethrone Rhodes and blacken COGWA at the same time.

I am quite confident that this was a power play by an arch liberal  master conspirator WITHIN UCG, to remove Rhodes and set up a man who will begin the final phase of the UCG apostasy..

He has this about Webber:

By about 1990 in the Tkach Worldwide Church of God, Victor Kubik was in charge of ministerial services aided by Robin Webber.  They acted as a vicious  enforcement arm of Joe Tkach, to root out and remove anyone in the ministry or in the assembly who was not inclined to go along with the evangelical changes being instituted.

This is so true.  Webber and John Kennedy were referred to by many as HQ's SS Guards.  These guys made the lives of many so incredibly miserable.  Webber was at command in ministerial services and disfellowshipped many people for not following the new teachings.  He did this will sitting in SOG Apartments 360 and 380 conspiring with Kubik and others about starting UCG.  They are all snakes in the grass and UCG members should beware!