Saturday, June 15, 2024

Dave Pack: "It has become clear that there will be a delay beyond the day we expect."


Delays Ahead

The prophetic date-setting industry is a tricky business. One day, you are at the top of the hill waving the biblical flag of certainty in one hand and a long, powerful list of proofs in the other while leading devout lemmings towards the ledge of eternal salvation. Then, that leader evaporates, leaving an unnamed proxy apologist to break the bad news: go home because we have more time.

Jesus Christ will NOT return on Pentecost 2024!

The brethren of The Restored Church of God did not have to wait until sunrise Sunday morning to be disappointed by their not-Elijahn human idol, David C. Pack. After business hours last night, this surrender from Headquarters' Church Administration ensured another Sabbath was delight-free.

This delay was not unexpected, but just a tad earlier than usual.


June 14, 2024
Subject: Prophecy Update

Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

It has become clear that there will be a delay beyond the day we expect.

You can look forward to a message next week regarding this. The case for a slight delay is more than can be contained in a brief announcement!

In the meantime, enjoy the Sabbath and a “normal” Pentecost. Remember that Pentecost marks not just the birth of the New Testament Church, but also a pivotal moment dating back to the Old Testament. 

It serves as a powerful reminder of when God gave people His law and generously poured out His Spirit. Having back-to-back days of services gives us a chance for more fellowship and to reflect on the profound impact of Pentecost and the additional time God has given us before the arrival of His Kingdom.

Warm regards,
Church Administration

According to Church Administration, the final 4 hours and 18 minutes of preaching that ended "The Greatest Untold Story!" and brought the Mystery of God to a close was just not enough time to get the picture straight.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God failed for the 82nd time since March 2022. He and the hireling enablers could not get within 24 hours of Pentecost sunrise on June 16, 2024, before caving.

Poor Dave wasted all that desperate effort perverting the Scriptures and warping the Hebrew calendar by conjuring an imaginary New Moon on the tenth of each month just to make Pentecost fit. Sounds like more lists will be transferred to the fireplace.

A stroll down memory lane can be a joyous occasion for most people. But for David C. Pack, being reminded of his own words is an attack by the devil. So much for the truth setting him free. Enjoy this recap of recent events.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 07:25 But, I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely. I know it… I’ve got 50 proofs of when this happens. I absolutely know and know that I know and know that I know that I know.

Flashback Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 58:37 I had prepared an unbelievably powerful list of things, page after page, single-spaced, and eventually, I distilled them that pointed to Pentecost for the start.

Flashback Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 19:55 You maybe want me to declare the day, and I cannot do that. I can’t do that.

Flashback Part 516 – June 8, 2024
@ 01:01 …after you hear all that I have to say, the sermon and the Bible study, and Monday, and you will say, “This really is the day.” That’s what you will say. You will not doubt it.

Flashback Part 517 – June 8, 2024
@ 00:49 Has to be Pentecostit has to be this year.

@ 40:12 The evidence becomes overwhelming. It would almost be an act of deception by God to lay out all of this and say, “Sorry. Fooled you. Joke’s on you.”

The joke is on the RCG members who thought David C. Pack had any idea what he was talking about.

Flashback Part 518 – June 11, 2024
@ 1:33:53 What a revelation. What a revelation. The Series is over…This is my last message.

Then, in the final 63 seconds, after 4 hours and 17 wasted minutes.

@ 1:37:37 …but if we went past Pentecost…God has done something inexplicable beyond what we can know or comprehend.

According to the CAD email on Friday night, God has done something inexplicable that was also characterized as an act of deception. Dave’s god is a real jerk. No wonder Dave is his mouthpiece.


On the bright side, David C. Pack has the unintentional tendency to further legitimize the chronicling on

David C. Pack’s List Fetish – Published June 1, 2024

David C. Pack’s fetish list pattern:

6) Begin waffling and walking it back as the date approaches by dropping hints of uncertainty.

12) Just before the date fails, make CAD send a surrender announcement with promises of a more exciting and better future because God has provided Mr. Pack with a new understanding.

Pentecost 2024! Or…  – Published June 13, 2024

None of this is coincidental. It is the perverted expression of a warped mind that cannot come to terms with the reality that God is not using him to preach any of this. David C. Pack is not being moved by the Holy Spirit to declare Pentecost this Sunday or the 81 previous dates since March 2022.

Anyone who has faith in the words of David C. Pack is a fool. Anyone who has faith that David C. Pack has any chance on this green earth of interpreting the Scriptures correctly is a fool. Anyone who has faith that God is guiding David C. Pack to teach them this and declare Pentecost 2024 as the day Jesus Christ returns is beyond foolish and is, of all men, most miserable.

David C. Pack is going to fail, and he knows it. He cannot resist undercutting every point he made across four hours and eroding any perceived strength in his case. The brethren probably hoped he would end the Series without painting an asterisk on the page. But that is what Dave does. Wiggle, wiggle.

Which one of us is the real unordained non-prophet/non-psychic? The brethren at Headquarters will know for sure when this happens today and tomorrow:

There will be some serious disappointment in the Pack household on Sunday by the time Dave skips Services so that his wife can slip their offering into the basket. Imagine the content of the emergency ministerial Bible study when Dave corrals the other hirelings to share what God zapped into his head at 2 AM, confirming all his suspicions.

If the Pastor General lacks the courage to show his face at the front of the Main Hall, he may throw Coffee Kid or Pepper Boy to the wolves as a meat shield to conduct some much-needed stammering damage control. Please do not let it be Andy. He is awful at making feeble excuses and feigned enthusiasm. That is much more Jim’s forte. But nobody can top Edward “Stepford Prime” Winkfield, who gleefully skips to the front of the room to smile wide-eyed and sweat his way through the false narrative that everything is fine.

I used to think Ed was a man of principle. Life is full of disappointments.

Flashback Part 518 – June 11, 2024
@ 00:33 You decide if you think we can, shall we say, wiggle out of Pentecost.

David C. Pack decided he could wiggle out of Pentecost. The brethren of The Restored Church of God need to seriously consider how much of a bonus they want to pay to be lied to.

The capitulation email last night stated, “It has become clear that there will be a delay beyond the day we expect.”

There is no delay. God was not behind the “proofs” of Pentecost 2024 being the day Jesus Christ returned or the existence of a stealth New Moon on the tenth of each month.

The delay ahead is no delay at all. It was never going to happen this weekend. The only place David C. Pack will lead anyone is off a spiritual cliff. That will continue without delay.


Marc Cebrian

Friday, June 14, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Is Suffering More Rejection: As The Modern Day Amos No One Listens to Him


The world's greatest prophet to ever exist in human history is back regaling us with more tall tales from scripture that apparently were written down centuries ago to specially describe him and the improperly named '"continuing" Church of "god"' that was to rise up in the perilous end times. Never one to place his confidence and faith in the One he is supposed to, he has to constantly look backward to find some Old Covenant personality that best suits his end-time malarky.

It took him a while but he finally settled on the book of Amos to support his crackpot prophecy theories,

The Holy One preordained by God for these perilous end times says:

One of the messages that Amos proclaimed is that the time would come when people would not be able to find the words of God:

11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water,
But of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea,
And from north to east;
They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord,
But shall not find it. (Amos 8:11-12) 
I believe that the above warning is a reference to a coming government and internet censorship. And in the Continuing Church of God, we have already experienced some of that from internet companies. (hyperlinks removed because they link back to his propaganda site)

At no point in the history of humanity has the "famine of the word" ever happened, and it most certainly will NOT be happening when the last con artists currently leading various COG's disappear. The day they cease blabbing their mouths will be the greatest day for humanity up until that moment. No more people will be lied to or deceived.

Not content to leave the subject alone, the Great Bwana Mzungu says:

But the major fulfillment is likely to start just before the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), also called the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). 
Perhaps under the guise of “neutrality,” perhaps under the guise of “The Patriot Act,” perhaps under the guise of “public welfare,” perhaps because of alleged “intolerance,” calling parts of the COG message “hate speech” and/or national security threats/issues, something will be done to stop perhaps all of the organized media efforts to proclaim biblical truths. A short work will be done (Romans 9:27-28; see also Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word), which will trigger the end (Matthew 24:14), and likely then the famine of the word (Amos 8:11-12).(hyperlinks removed)

He then has to drag in the totally debunked British Israel myths as more proofs that point to him as the modern-day Amos:

Amos is giving a warning to those called by Jacob’s name (which was also Israel), whom according to Jacob himself, would seem to be a reference to the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:16). In modern times, this would be the Anglo-Saxon nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and also the United States of America. The reference to trusting Mt. Samaria in Amos 6:1 could be a reference to trusting the USA to defend in the end (for more scriptures on the USA and Samaria. That will not end well for the USA or its allies of the Anglo-Saxon nations. 
Of course, few in those nations believe that they will be taken over and have such calamity. But that will come to pass. Most would not listen to Amos then, and most, sadly, will not listen to Amos now.

I can state with absolute confidence and assurance that The Great Bwana Bob is no more a modern-day Amos than Dave Pack is a prophet of God. Both are certified liars and deceivers of the brethren. Angels will rejoice in heaven the day these two are silenced!


The Holy Trinity of Armstrongism


Samuel Kitchen writes:

There are several witnesses which bear the truth concerning the Worldwide Church of God candlestick a/k/a Philadelphia Era of the Church of God.
1)The Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, gives faithful and true witness.
2)The Holy apostle, Mr.Herbert W. Armstrong, chosen by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, was used by Jesus Christ to raise up the Worldwide Church of God and gives a faithful and true witness.
3) The Holy Spirit gives witness. For if Herbert W Armstrong was a man of unbelief, he would not have received the Holy Spirit. SO God the Father gives witness of this man, that the Holy Spirit came and dwelled in Him doing the Work of God.
Are we to disbelieve God? To trample underfoot Jesus Christ, the True and Faithful Witness? To believe a lie?
Only the believers know God, and obey Him, and have witness of God that they are His, by receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Unbelievers, are defiled, and cannot know God, and if they claim to know God, they are liars and give a false report.
And if I believe, does not the Holy Spirit in me give witness, that I speak the truth? For if I disbelieve the Holy Spirit would not dwell within me.
And if I believe those sent of God and what they say, is that not evidence of the witness of God, that I am His, and not of this world?(1 John 4:6)
What is holding me here, except I have been called by God, and have received the Holy Spirit?
I am alone in my area. I assemble with those of like mind for the Feasts and Holy Days. I am constantly encouraging brethren to assemble as the spiritual body of Christ, a/k/a Worldwide Church of God! Not as a separated group or church, which is established through disbelief, but as the very same Church that was raised up by Jesus Christ our Head! It was done through an apostle of Jesus Christ named Herbert W. Armstrong.
Those who have "broken away" have done so through DISBELIEF! They don't believe God, and so the Holy Spirit is WITNESS AGAINST THEM because through unbelief, they are defiled.
Titus 1:15-16
“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”
By having another church group, THEY ARE DENYING GOD while professing they know God!