Monday, April 2, 2012

Apostle Malm Gives Us World NEWDS Today in Prophecy!

This was too fun to pass up.

Apostate Apostle Malm has up his daily report on news he sees significant to his march down prophecy lane.  Usually it is all about Israel and the Muslim hordes.  Malm's premise is that the Muslims will soon be humiliated is a stinging series of defeats as Europe rises up against them. He conveniently ignores the fact that Egypt is now controlled by the hardline Muslim Brotherhood, that most of Mali was fallen to extreme Islam, and that many more Muslim nations are turning hardline.  But that's really insignificant to the real news of the day.

The real news is NUDE NEWD News!  Woo Hoo!  There for a moment I thought the Shining Light blog was turning into a Russian News program. . Alas, it's not, though it still provides copious amounts of fodder.

ht: Norm and Douglas

COGWA: Can It Really Deliver Life, Hope, Truth?

The 7th Day Sabbath Churches of God are reporting that COGWA has come up with a new internet domain that will be their "gospel" proclamation tool.  The name of it is really, really wrong!  All three of their chosen words depict everything they are not!

Clyde Kilough has announced “a website that will be devoted exclusively to delivering the gospel to the world …. we have settled on this as the domain name for our public proclamation website:

Life?  Hope??  Truth???

Are they serious?  Some of the most conniving men in the ministry of the COG today are part of this group where some of them have helped bring into being three different COG's while in previous church organization employ.  That shows an incredible amount of life, hope and truth!  NOT!

Life?  There is a sickening trail of destruction in the Churches of God in the lives of the membership. We have all seen Church of God "love" put into action over the decades we were all a part of it.  Forced divorces, rapes, stalkings, murders, suicides, child abuse, mental and spiritual abuse, and the list could go on and on.  In Armstrongism "love" tends to be a profanity.  A four letter word.

Hope?  How can there be hope in an organization that gives minimal lip services to the one person that offers them that hope? Where is the"hope" in a message that we were never good enough.  We were at fault for everything.  That were were vile filthy sinners. That God delays Jesus coming because COG members were/are too stupid to get it.

Truth??? Truth?  Really? That god of Armstrongism apparently was so incredibly impotent that he lost His own message for 1,900 years only to have it found in an outdated library in America? That He needs apostles and evangelists today? That talking about "a strong hand from someplace" is a hidden truth?

And they all wonder why there is no Church of God today making an impact.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

UCG Loses Portugal Church and Feast Site Because of New Moon Controversy

United Church of God has lost another church from it's ranks.  This group is from Portugal and have left UCG over the UCG's refusal to observe New Moons and for keeping "holy days" on the wrong dates.  They are offended that UCG uses the Jewish calendar instead of the one the new moon crowd uses.

Apostate Apostle Malm has this to say about them:

A reader of Malm's site says:

Interesting developments in UCG. The loss of a congregation and feast site because they refuse to abide by God’s Biblical Calendar based on the New Moons. Will this cause them to look at themselves, analyze their beliefs and turn to God…don’t hold your breath. (Even though they should.)
Malm later responds:

The church in Portugal chose to dissassociate after UCG rejected their acceptance of God’s Calendar. I am NOT personally in contact with the Portugal Church and do not have any further details. I do NOT know where they got their new position from.